"Qycc u, Manjusri! Zulaii beddo liauxau, dirr buadhuad-sidai beh enxsuad jitt vxo qingx :ee, ingqaix diamr dirr anlok siuhing. Narr cuir suanqangw iacc tak qingx ee sii, m tangx air qongw vadd langg iacc qingdenw ee quewsid, iarr m tangx kingban qitax ee huatsux, m tangx qongw tazinn hyw-pnaiw qapp dngdew. Duiww sniabunn ee langg, m tangx diah miaa diah sner qongw inx ee quewsid, iarr m tangx diah miaa diah sner ylyw inx ee hyw, iarr m tangx duiww inx kiw uanwhun iacc kiwhiamm ee simx. In'ui u hyw hyw siuhing jitt hy anlok ee simx, tniax :ee jiacc be vaitig. Virr mng diyc kunwlann ee bunrdee, byy iong siyxsingg ee huatmngg laii huedab, dna’ ixx Dairsing laii qaixsueh, hro inx did diyc soxu jiongxjiongw ee diwhui.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 4)
“Furthermore, O Mañjuśrī, after the Tathāgata’s parinirvāṇa, anyone who wants to teach this sutra in the Age of the Decadent Dharma should abide in ease of practice. When he expounds or recites this sutra he should not take pleasure in talking about the faults of people or of the sutra. Nor should he slander other expounders of the Dharma or talk of the good and bad, strong and weak points of others. As for the śrāvakas, a bodhisattva should not name them and point out their faults, nor name them and praise their virtues. Moreover, he should not feel any hatred; because if he skillfully practices ease of mind in this way, those who listen to him will not oppose his intentions. If he is asked difficult questions, he should not answer using the teaching of the inferior vehicle. He should take his explanation only from the Mahayana, which will enable them to attain omniscience.”
(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之4)