
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-7)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Narr beh enxsuad jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Diyhh kiwsag jigdor, hunwlo, qapp gnorban 

Ixqip potnaw, kipenr, qapp higui ee simx 

Qingsiongg siulen jingwdit ee hing'uii 

Byy kingsi langg’ 

Iarr byy cinwcaiw damlun Hxuad 

Byy hro langg’ u huaigii iacc hiyrhuew 

Qongw: Liw berdangr jniaa vut 

Jitt xee vut ee derjuw decc suathuad 

Qingsiongg unziuu qycc e zimxnai 

Duiww itcer juvix 

Be sniax lanxdnua ee simx 

Sibhongx dua posad 

Kyxlenn jiongwsingx soxiw sidjenr vuddy 

Ingqaix duiww inx u qiongqingr ee simx 

Qra inx knuar jyr si suhu 

Qra soxu Vut Sewjunx 

Knuar jyr si busiong ee laurve 

Puar gnorban ee simx 

Suathuad byy jiongwgai 

Derr snax jiongw qauwhuad si zucuw 

Diwjiaw ingqaix siuxho 

Itsimx anlok sidjenr 

E siurr buliong jiongwsingx soxx junqingr

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 7)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

If anyone wants to teach this sutra, 

He should get rid of jealousy, anger, 

Pride, flattery, deceitfulness, and falsity. 

He should always practice honest conduct. 

He should not slander others 

Or make up fallacies about the Dharma. 

Nor should he cause others to be doubtful by saying: 

You will not become a buddha. 

This heir of the Buddha who teaches the Dharma 

Should always be gentle, patient, 

And compassionate to all. 

He should never have lazy thoughts. 

He should respect the great bodhisattvas 

In the ten directions who practice the path 

Out of their compassion for sentient beings, 

And think that they are his great teachers. 

He should think that all the Buddha 

Bhagavats are the most excellent fathers. 

Destroying arrogance, he should teach 

The Dharma without obstructions. 

The third sphere of the teaching 

Of ease in practice is like this. 

The wise should preserve it. 

Those who practice wholeheartedly and at ease 

Will be honored by innumerable sentient beings.

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之7)


 若欲說是經  當捨嫉恚慢

 謟誑邪偽心  常修質直行

 不輕蔑於人  亦不戲論法

 不令他疑悔  云汝不得佛

 是佛子說法  常柔和能忍

 慈悲於一切  不生懈怠心

 十方大菩薩  愍眾故行道

 應生恭敬心  是則我大師

 於諸佛世尊  生無上父想

 破於憍慢心  說法無障礙

 第三法如是  智者應守護

 一心安樂行  無量眾所敬

