Hitt sijun, Sewjunx dirr posad dairjiongr lairdew anxnex qongw, “Byy cyr, byy cyr. Jiongww senrlamjuw! Zulaii u anlok, hranw did puawvni iarr hranw did huanlyw. Jiongwsingx jin’ kuair dorhuar, guaw be qamxqag pilyy. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jiaxee jiongwsingx, singsingx-sewser dniardnia siurr guaw qauwhuar, iarr duiww quewkir jiongww vut u qiong’iongw, jundiong, qapp jingr jerje senrqinx. Jiaxee jiongwsingx jid'err knuar diyc guaw, tniax diyc guaw soxx enxsuad :ee, dyrr longxx siongsinr qapp jiapsiu, jinwzip Zulaii ee diwhui. Druu kir hiaxee guandew siuhak siyxsingg :ee. Jiaxee langg, guaw henrjai iarr hro inx tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, hro inx jinwzip vut ee diwhui."
Hitt sii, jerje dua posad qongw jimgensix:
Jin’ hyw jin’ hyw
Uixdai ee inghiongg Sewjunx
Hro jerje jiongwsingx
Venr kuair dorhuar
Inx erdangr mng jiongww vut
Jiokk cim'yr ee diwhui
Tniax liauw u siongsinr qycc e kir sidjenr
Guanw iarr duer lecc hnuahiw
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 2)
At that time the Bhagavat spoke to the great assembly of bodhisattvas, saying: “It is exactly like this, O sons of a virtuous family! It is exactly so! The Tathāgata is at ease and without illness or pain. It is easy to save sentient beings, and I am not fatigued. Why is this? Because sentient beings have continually received my guidance throughout many lives, and they have also planted roots of good merit by revering and honoring the buddhas of the past. “When these sentient beings first saw me and heard my teaching, all, except for those who had previously practiced and studied the inferior vehicle, immediately believed and accepted it and entered the Tathāgata’s wisdom. Now I enable even such people as these to listen to this sutra and enter the Buddha’s wisdom.”
Then the great bodhisattvas spoke these verses:
Splendid, splendid!
O Bhagavat,
Great Hero!
All the sentient beings
Can easily be brought to the path.
They can ask about
The profound wisdom of the buddhas.
Hearing about it, they trust and accept it.
We rejoice about this.
(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之2)
爾時世尊於菩薩大眾中。而作是言。如是如是。諸善男子。如來安樂少病少惱。諸眾生等易可化度。無有疲勞。所以者何。是諸眾生。世世已來常受我化。亦於過去諸佛。供養尊重種諸善根。此諸眾生。始見我身聞我所說。即 皆信受入如來慧。除先修習學小乘者。如是之人。我今亦令得聞是經入於佛慧。爾時諸大菩薩。而說偈言。
善哉善哉 大雄世尊 諸眾生等
易可化度 能問諸佛 甚深智慧
聞已信行 我等隨喜