
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-cid-1)


Derr Zi-jap-cid Pinw: Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg Qiwsu

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra jingwlangg qongw, “Qoxjaw qoxjaw qingquer buliong buvenx vutkyw-sugi asamkhya qiab ee quewkir u jit xee vut, qiyr jyr Hunn Luii Imx Siokser Ongg Huex Diwhui, Zulaii, Ingqaix Qiong’iongw, Jniar Venww Qakdix. Ix ee qog ee miaa qiyr jyr Vairocanarasmipratimandita (Qongbingg Jonggiamm), qiap ee miaa qiyr jyr Priyadarsana (Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir). Hitt xui vut decc qauwhuar ee soxjai u ongg, qiyr jyr Subhavyuha(Bibiau Jonggiamm). Ongg ee huzinn qiyr jyr Vimaladatta(Cingjing Dikhing). Inx u nng xee qniaw, jit xee qiyr jyr Vimalagarbha (Cingjing Vyxkor), jit xee qiyr jyr Vimalanetra(Cingjing Ganw). Jitt nng xee qniaw u dua sintongx-lat, hokdig qapp diwhui liongxqiamx, quxdngg siulen posad soxx sidjenr ee dy, dyrr si dana(vowsix) paramita, sila(cisiuw qaiwlut) paramitaksanti(zimxziok) paramitavirya(jingjinr) paramita, dhyana(sendnia) paramita, prajna(diwhui) paramita, hongven paramita, jusimx, visimx, hixsimx, siawsimx, simrjiww snax-jap-cid jiongw jo dy ee honghuad, inx longxx bingliauw qycc tongdat. Inx qycc did diyc vimala(posad cingjing) samadhinaksatrarajaditya(zit cnisiur) samadhivimalanirbhasa(cingjing qngx) samadhivimalarupa(cingjing sig) samadhivimalabhasa(cingjing jiyr qngx) samadhialamkarasubha(dngquw jonggiamm) samadhi, qapp mahatejogarbha (dua uidig vyxkor) samadhi. Jiaxee samadhi, inx iarr longxx tongdat.

Hitt sijun, hitt xui vut beh inxdy Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg, qycc marr in'ui linbinw jiongwsingx, dyrr enxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Hitt sii, Cingjing Vyxkor qapp Cingjing Ganw nng xee ongjuw qaur inx laurbuw ee soxjai, habjiongw duiww ix qongw, ‘Hibang buxcinx jen’ongw Hunn Luii Imx Siokser Ongg Huex Diwhui Vut ee soxjai. Guanw iarr beh suisi, cinqin, qiong’iongw, qapp qingwvair ix. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jitt xui vut dirr itcer tenzinn qapp langg ee dairjiongr lairdew enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Lanw ingqaix kir tniax qapp siurqaur.’

Laurbuw qra qniaw qongw, ‘Linw laurve siongsinr qycc jiapsiu guardy, cimx cimx jipdiok brahman ee qauwhuad. Linw ingdongx kir qra linw laurvew qongw, qiyr ix dauwdin kir.’

Cingjing Vyxkor qapp Cingjing Ganw habjiongw qra laurbuw qongw, ‘Guanw si huat'ongg ee derjuw, suacc cutsir dirr jitt xee u siaa qenwsig ee qadingg.’

Laurbuw qra qniaw qongw, ‘Linw diyhh quanhuaii linw laurve, uirr ix henr sintongx venwhuar. Ix narr knuar .diyc, simx vitdnia e cingjing, byy dniardiyc e tniax lanw ee ue jen’ongw vut ee soxjai.’

Jitt nng xee qniaw in'ui quanhuaii inx laurve, dyrr tiaur kir cid jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann ee kongdiongx henr jiongxjiongw sintongx ee venwhuar. Inx dirr kongdiongx qnialo, kia lehh, jre lehh, dyw lehh, liammix dingw srinx cud juiw, liammix xe srinx cud huew; liammix xe srinx cud juiw, liammix dingw srinx cud huew; iacc henr dua srinx ciongmuaw dirr hukongx; qycc henr ser srinx, ser srinx qycc venr dua; dirr kongdiongx byy .kir, hutzenn diamr dirr derbinrjniu; zip kir tokax cincniu zip kir juiw nirr, dirr juixbin qniaa cincniu dirr derbin decc qniaa. Inx henr jiaxee jiongwjiongw sintongx venwhar, hro inx laurve simx cingjing, siongsinr qapp lixqaiw.

Hitt sii, laurve knuar diyc qniaw u jitt hy kuanw sintongx-lat, simlai dua hnuahiw, did diyc ixjaw m bad u :ee, habjiongw duiww qniaw qongw, ‘Linw ee suhu si si’angw? Linw si si’angw ee derjuw?”

Nng xee qniaw qongw, ‘Dairongg! Guanw ee suhu si Hunn Luii Imx Siokser Ongg Huex Diwhui Vut, jitmaw dirr cid vyw poteciu-kax ee huatjy dingxquann jre lehh, dirr itcer sewqanx ee tenzinn qapp langg ee dairjiongr lairdew siwqer enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Ix si guanw ee suhu, guanw si ix ee derjuw.’

Laurve qra qniaw qongw, ‘Guaw jitmaw iarr beh qnir linw ee suhu. Lanw tangx dauwdin kir.’

Nng xee qniaw dyrr an’ kongdiongx lyc .laii, qaur inx laurbuw ee soxjai, habjiongw qra laurbuw qongw, ‘Hurcinx henrjai ixx siongsinr qapp lixqaiw, e kamx did huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Guanw ixqingx uirr laurve jyr vudsu. Hibang laurbuw jrunw guanw dirr hitt xui vut ee soxjai cutqex siudy.’

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVII Ancient Accounts of King Śubhavyūha 1)

Thereupon, the Buddha addressed the great assembly, saying: “Once upon a time, immeasurable, limitless, inconceivable, and incalculable kalpas ago, there was a buddha named Jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened. His land was called Vairocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitā and the kalpa was named Priyadarśana. There was a king practicing the teaching of the Buddha. He was called Śubhavyūha, and his consort was named Vimaladatta. They had two sons. One was named Vimalagarbha, and the other Vimalanetra. These two sons were endowed with great transcendent power, merit, and wisdom, and practiced the bodhisattva path for a long time. They were versed in the perfections of giving (dāna), good conduct (śīla), perseverance (kṣānti), effort (vīrya), meditation (dhyāna), wisdom (prajñā), and skillful means and compassion, benevolence, joy, and generosity; as well as the thirty-seven helpful ways to attain the Dharma. Furthermore, they were also versed in the bodhisattva samādhis of vimala, nakṣatrarājāditya, vimalanirbhāsa, vimalarūpa, vimalabhāsa, alaṃkāraśubha, and mahātejogarbha. 

“Then the Buddha, wanting to guide King Śubhavyūha, and out of compassion for sentient beings, taught this Lotus Sutra. At that time Prince Vimalagarbha and Prince Vimalanetra approached their mother and addressed her with their palms and ten fingers pressed together, saying: We entreat you, O mother, to go before the Buddha Jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña. We shall also go before him together with you, attend him, make offerings to him, and pay him homage. Why is this? Because this buddha teaches the Lotus Sutra amid the assembly of all the devas and humans. Thus we should all listen to him. 

“Their mother answered the sons, saying: Your father follows heresies and is deeply attached to the teachings of the brahmans. You should go to your father to ask him to come with us. 

“Vimalagarbha and Vimalanetra said to their mother with their palms and ten fingers pressed together: We are the children of the King of the Dharma, although we were born in this house of wrong views. 

“The mother replied to her sons, saying: You should have compassion for your father and show him great miracles. If he sees them, his mind will certainly be purified. He will then allow us to go before the Buddha. 

“Thereafter the two sons jumped up into the air as high as seven tāla trees and, out of their love for their father, showed him various miracles. They walked, stood, sat, and slept in the air, causing water to flow from their upper bodies and blowing fire out of their lower bodies, causing water to flow from their lower bodies, and blowing fire out of their upper bodies; enlarging their bodies so that they filled the air, making them small and then enlarging them again; disappearing in midair and instantly reappearing on the earth; entering the earth as if it were water and walking on the water as though on the earth. By showing various marvels like these, they purified their father’s mind and caused him to believe them. When their father saw the transcendent powers of his sons, he rejoiced a great deal at his unprecedented experience and addressed his sons with his palms pressed together, saying: Who is your teacher? Whose pupils are you? 

“The two sons said: O great king! The Buddha Jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña is now sitting on the seat of the Dharma under the seven-jeweled bodhi tree and teaching the Lotus Sutra extensively to the assembly of all the devas and humansin this world. He is our teacher. We are his pupils. 

“The father said to his sons: I now also wish to see your teacher. Let me go with you! 

“Thereupon, the two sons descended from the air, approached their mother, and addressed her with their palms pressed together, saying: Our father believed us and the thought of highest, complete enlightenment can now awaken in him. We have done the Buddha’s work for the sake of our father. We entreat you, O mother, to allow us to renounce household life and practice the bodhisattva path under the guidance of that buddha.

(妙法蓮華經第二十七品 陀妙莊嚴王本事之1)


