Hitt sijun, Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad qongw uann jimgensix liauxau duiww Vuddyy qongw: Sewjunx! Sewjunx iauxx jairser!
Hitt sii, Zidgaut Cingjing Qongbingg Dikhing Vut qra Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad qongw: Senrlamjuw! Guaw liappuann ee sii qaur :ar, bedjin ee sii qaur :ar. Liw tangx anx cngg. Guaw e dirr qim’ia zip liappaunn.
Ix qycc jixsi Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad qongxx, “Senrlamjuw! Guaw qra vudhuad qapp jiongww posad dua derjuw jiokhur hro liw, qycc qra anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee hxuad iarr jiokhur hro liw, iarr qra samcenx daircenx ee cid vyw sewqair soxu vyxciu qapp vyxdaii, ixqip suisi ee jiongww tenzinn longxx qauhur hro liw. Guaw beddo liauxsu, soxu ee sarina iarr huwtog hro liw. Diyhh hro tuanvyr, siwqer sed qiong’iongw, diyhh kiw sxor cingx jxy tah.
Zucuw, Zidguat Cingjing Qongbingg Dikhing Vut bingrling Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad liauxau, dirr mii-buew zip liappuann.
Hitt sijun, Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad knuar diyc Vuddyy beddo, visiongx qycc auwnauw. In'ui luanbo Vuddyy, ix dyrr iong haixhnua cutsanw ee dnuahniux jyr caa qiong’iongw vudsinx, liauxau qra siyx driau. Huew bet liauxau, kiyh sarina jyr veh-bxan sir-cingx xee vyw-quanr, laii kiw veh-bxan sir-cingx jxy tah, quann snax sewqair. Vudtah jonggiamm, qruar jerje donghuanx qapp iamxsnuar, hitt dingxbin qycc qruar jiongxjiongw hamlingg.
Hitt sijun, Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad qycc qaqi anxnex sniu qongxx, 'Guaw suizenn jyr jitt hy qiong’iongw, simlai iauxx bue buanxjiog. Guaw henrjai qaidongx qycc qiong'iongw sarina.' Ix dyrr qra jiongww posad dua derjuw qapp tenzinn, lringg, iarcex dringw itcer dairjiongr qongw, 'Linw diyhh itsimx-it'ir. Guaw jitmaw beh qiong’iongw Zidtuat Cingjing Qongbingg Dikhing Vut ee sarina.'
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, ix dyrr dirr veh-bxan sir-cingx jxy tah taujingg siyx qaqi vah hog jonggiamm ee ciuxqud, siyx cid-bxan nng-cingx nii laii qiong’iongw, hro busor qriuu sniabunn ee dairjiongr qapp buliong asamkhya ee langg huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, hro inx longxx diamr dirr henr jiongxjiongw siksinx ee samadhi.
Hitt sijun, jiongww posad, tenzinn, langg, qapp asura dringw knuar diyc ix byy ciuxqud, iusimx, huanlyw, vi’aix, dyrr anxnex qongw, 'Jitt xee Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad si lanw ee suhu, qauwhuar lanw :ee. Mrqycc ix jitmaw ciuxqud siyx .kir, sinkux byy uanjuann.'
Hitt sii, Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad dirr dairjiongr lairdew lip jitt xee sewguan, 'Guaw kiwsag nng qix ciuxqud, vitdnia e did diyc vut qimsig ee srinx. Narr si jinsit m si hiqew, hro guaw nng qix ciuxqud qycc kuehok cincniu ixjaw.'
Jitt xee sewguan qongw liauw, ciuxqud jurzenn kuehok, in’ui jitt xee posad hokdig qapp diwhui hordiong soxx drir. Hitt dangsii, samcenx daircenx sewqair cud lak jiongw dinxdang. Tnix lyc vyxhuex-ho. Itcer langg qapp tenzinn did diyc ixjaw m bad u :ee.”
Vuddyy qra Siokser Ongg Huex Posad qongw, “Liw sniu sniaw kuanw? Itcer Jiongwsingx Hnuahiw Knuar .Qnir Posad qamxx si vadd langg? Dyrr si Iyc Ongg posad lar. Ix siawsag sintew laii vowsix, jitt hy kuanw vowsix u buliong vaccingbanrig nayuta sowliong hiacc je vaiw. Siokser Ongg Huex! Narr u huatsimx beh did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi :ee, tangx siyx jingxtauu, simrjiww jit qix kajingxtauu laii qiong’iongw vudtah, kacc sringr quer iong qoktow, sniadii, bow, qniaw, qapp samcenx daircenx qoktow ee sancuanx, ciurnaa, vix, qapp jiongxjiongw dinvyw laii qiong’iongw.
Narr qycc u langg iong cid vyw ciongmuaw samcenx daircenx sewqair laii qiong’iongw vut, dua posad, pratyekabuddha, qapp arhat, jitt xee langg soxx did .diyc ee qongdig, kacc sux siurcii jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, simrjiww kacc sux siurcii sir qxur ee jimgensix qidiongx ee jit qxur. Siurcii jitt vxo qingx :ee hokvyr siongrr je.
Siokser Ongg Huex! Kyxviw itcer hycuanx qapp kelauu jiongxjiongw laujuiw lairdew, haiw si derr id, jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx iarr si zucuw, dirr soxu Zulaii soxx enxsaud ee qingx lairdew jueww cim'yr qycc jueww qongxdai. Qycc kyxviw Too Snuax, Ox Snuax, Cakravada (Siyw Tic’uii) Snuax, Mahacakravada (Dua Tic’uii) Snuax, qapp Jap Vyw Snuax, dirr soxu snuax lairdew, Sumeru Snuax si derr id, jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx iarr si zucuw, dirr soxu qingx lairdew vaii siongrr quann. Qycc kyxviw dirr soxu cnxix lairdew, Guec si derr id, jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx iarr si zucuw, dirr cenbanrig jiongxjiongw qinghuad lairdew jueww derr id qngx. Qycc kyxviw zidtauu tangx druu kir jiongxjiongw oamr, jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, tangx puar itcer vutsen ee oamr. Qycc kyxviw dirr jiongww siyw ongg lairdew, dngw lenw singwongg vaii derr id, jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, dirr soxu qingx lairdew jueww junquir. Qycc kyxviw Sakra si snax-jap-snax tnix ee ongg, jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, si soxu qingx ee ongg. Qycc kyxviw Dua Brahma Ten'ongg si itcer jiongwsingx ee laruve, jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, si itcer henzinn qapp singwzinn, u decc yc qapp benw qycc yc, ixqip huad potesimx :ee ee laurve. Qycc kyxviw itcer huanhux lairdew, srotaapanna, sakrdagamin, anagamin, qapp arhat, pratyekabuddha si derr id, jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, dirr itcer Zulaii soxx enxsuad, posad soxx enxsuad, iacc sniabunn soxx enxsuad ee jerje qinghuad lairdew vaii derr id. U siucii jitt vxo qingdenw :ee iarr si zucuw, dirr itcer jiongwsingx lairdew iarr si derr id. Itcer sniabunn qapp pratyekabuddha lairdew, posad si derr id. Jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, dirr itcer qinghuad lairdew vaii derr id. Kyxviw Vut si huat’ongg, jitt vxo qingx iarr si zucuw, si soxu qingx lairdew ee ongg.
Siokser Ongg Huex! Jitt vxo qingx tangx qiur itcer jiongwsingx, jitt vxo qingx tangx hro itcer jiongwsingx lirkuix jiongxjiongw tongwkow qapp huanlyw, jitt vxo qingx tangx dua dua lirig itcer jiongwsingx, hro inx ee guanrbang did diyc buanxjiog. Cincniu cingliangg ee dii tangx hro itcer cuir dax :ee muaxjiog, cincniu qnuaa :ee did diyc huew, cincniu teh teh :ee did diyc snxax, cincniu siongzinn did diyc bexjuw, cincniu qniaw did diyc laurbuw, cincniu beh quewdo :ee did diyc junn, cincniu puawvni :ee did diyc idi, cincniu dirr oamr lairdew :ee did diyc dinghuew, cincniu sanwciah :ee did diyc vyw, cincniu zinbinn did diyc ongg, cincniu siongqow did diyc haiw, cincniu huexvew siauduu amr. Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx iarr si zucuw, tangx hro jiongwsingx li itcer kow qapp itcer vnirtniar, tangx tauw kuix itcer snesiw ee qad. Narr u langg tniax diyc jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, bylun qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg’ causiaw, soxx did .diyc ee qongdig, ixx vut ee diwhui laii diusuanr, iarr kap be diyc vnix. Narr causiaw jitt vxo qingceh, qycc iong huex, hniux, judui, siyx hniux, hniubuac, buah hniux, dongrhuanx, iamxsnuar, ihok, jiongxjiongw ee dingx, soiuu-dingx, iudingx, jiongxjiongw pangx iudingx, campaka iudingx, sumana iudingx, patala iudingx, varsika iudingx, qapp navamalika iudingx qiong'iongw, soxx did .diyc ee qongdig iarr buliong.
Siokser Ongg Huex! Narr u langg tniax diyc Iyc Ongg Posad ee qiwsu, iarr did diyc buliong buvenx ee qongdig. Narr u luxzinn tniax diyc jitt xee Iyc Ongg Posad ee qiwsu qycc tangx siurcii :ee, ix jitt xee luxsinx si jinrbuew, be qycc snix jyr jabow :ee. Dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau go-vah nii lairdew, narr u luxzinn tniax diyc jitt vxo qingdenw jiauww enxsuad :ee siuhing, dirr sniwmia qetsog dyrr tangx kir Amitayu ee Sukhavati anlok sewqair, dua posad qra uii lehh ee soxjai, an' lenhuex huewsnix, jre dirr vyxjy dingxquann, be qycc in'ui tamsimx qapp iokbong huatnauw, iarr be qycc in'ui siurkir qapp gucix huatnauw, iarr be qycc in'ui qyban qapp jigdor jiaxee uwuer huatnauw, did diyc posad ee sintongx, jingwgo diyc diamr dirr byy snesiw ee jinliw. Jingwgo diyc jitt hy jinliw liauxau, ganw-qinx cingjing. Iong jitt hy cingjing ee ganw-qinx, tangx knuar diyc cid-vah-bxan nng-cingx ig nayuta Ganges Hyy suax sowliong ee jiongww Vut Zulaii. Hitt sii, jiongww vut dirr hng hng e qiongrdongg ylyw qongxx, 'Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Senrliamjuw! Liw tangx dirr Sakyamuni Vut ee huatmngg lairdew, siurcii, togsiong, qapp suky jitt vxo qingx, qycc uirr vadd langg enxsuad, soxx did diyc ee hokdig buliong buvenx, huew berdangr siyx, juiw berdangr qra lrauu .kir. Liw ee qongdig, jit-cingx xui vut dauwdin qongw iarr berdangr qongw jin. Liw jitmaw ixqingx tangx puar soxu xmoo, huixhuai snex-siw ji' qunx, jiongxjiongw qitax ee digzinn longxx virr siuabet. Senrlamjuw! Vaccingx xui vut iong sintongx-lat qiongrdongg siuxho liw, dirr itcer sewqanx ee tenzinn qapp langg diongqanx byy cinniu liw :ee. Dandanx Zulaii ixgua, soxu sniabunn, pratyekabuddha, simrjiww posad ee diwhui qapp sendnia, longxx ham' liw be viw .did.'
Siokser Ongg Huex! Jitt xui posad singjiu jitt hy qongdig qapp diwhui ee lat. Narr u langg tniax diyc Iyc Ongg Posad ee qiwsu, tangx duer lecc hnuahiw qapp ylyw :ee, jitt xee langg dirr henrser, cuir-lai dniardnia cud cnix lenhuex ee pangbi, sinkux ee mngqngxkangx dniardnia cud Gutauu Snuax dnuahniux ee panbi, soxx did .diyc ee qongdig cincniu dingxbin soxx qongw :ee. Soxiw qongxx, Siokser Ongg huex! Guaw qra jitt xee Iyc Ongg Posad ee qiwsu jiokhur hro liw. Guaw beddo liauxau, go-vah nii lairdew, diyhh dirr Jambudvipa siwqer suanqangw qapp tuanvyr, m tangx hro duanrjuat, m tangx hro okmoo, xmoo ee juxbinn, jiongww tenzinn, lringg, iarcex, qapp kumbhanda dringw did diyc hongven. Siokser Ongg Huex! Liw diyhh iong sintongx ee lat siuxho jitt vxo qingx. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jitt vxo qingx dyrr si Jambudvipa ee langg puawvni-sii ee liong’iyc. Narr u langg puawvni, tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, vni jiksii siauduu, be lau be siw. Siokser Ongg Huex! Liw narr knuar diyc u siurcii jitt vxo qingx :ee, ingqaix iong cnix lenhuex drew hniubuah laii qiong’iongw, laii ia dirr ix ee sinkudingw. Ia liauw, diyhh anxnex sniu qongxx, 'Jitt xee langg byy zuarr quw vitdnia e cruw cauw jre dirr dyrniuu, puar jiongww xmoo-qunx, e cuex huatlee, qongr dua huatqow, dro itcer jiongwsingx lirkuix snix-lau-vne-siw ee haiw.' Soxiw qongxx qriuu vuddy :ee, knuar diyc u siurcii jitt vxo qingdenw :ee, ingdongx snix cud jitt jiongw qiongqingr ee simx."
Enxaud jitt xee Iyc Ongg Posad ee qiwsu ee sii, u veh-bxan sir-cingx xee posad did diyc liauxqaiw itcer jiongwsingx gixgenn ee dharani. Je Vyw Zulaii dirr vyxtah lairdew, ylyw Siokser Ongg Huex Posad qongxx, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Siokser Ongg Huex! Liw singjiu vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, erhiauw mng Sakyamuni Vut jitt hy dairjir, lirig buliong itcer jiongwsingx.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXIII Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja 3)
“Thereupon Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana, having spoken this verse, addressed the Buddha, saying: O Bhagavat! The Bhagavat is yet in this world!
“Then the Buddha Candrasūryavimalaprabhāsaśrī said to Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana: O son of a virtuous family! The time of my parinirvāṇa has come. The time of extinction has come. I ask you now to prepare my bed. I will enter parinirvāṇa tonight.
“The Buddha said again to Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana: O son of a virtuous family! I entrust you with the Buddha-Dharma, and all the bodhisattvas and great śrāvakas as well as the Dharma for highest, complete enlightenment. I will also entrust you with the sevenjeweled world, all the jeweled trees, jeweled platforms, and the devas who are my servants in the great manifold cosmos. After my parinirvāṇa I will also entrust you with all my relics. You should distribute them far and wide and pay them homage. You should also erect a great many thousands of stupas.
“Having addressed Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana in this way, the Buddha Candrasūryavimalaprabhāsaśrī entered parinirvāṇa in the last watch of that night.
“Thereupon, having seen the Buddha’s parinirvāṇa, Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana was grieved and saddened, and longed and yearned for the Buddha. Having prepared a pyre with sandalwood from the inner seacoast of Mount Sumeru, he cremated the Buddha’s body in homage. After the fire had gone out, he collected all the relics. He had eighty-four thousand jeweled urns made and erected eighty-four thousand stupas as high as three worlds. They were adorned with poles from which hung all kinds of banners and canopies and various kinds of jeweled bells.
“Then Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana thought this: Although I have paid tribute in this way, I am not yet satisfied. I will now further pay homage to the relics.
“Then he spoke to all the great assemblies of bodhisattvas, great śrāvakas, devas, nāgas, and yakṣas, saying: You should pay full attention: I will now pay homage to the relics of the Buddha Candrasūryavimalaprabhāsaśrī.
“Having said these words, he made an offering before the eighty-four thousand stupas by burning his arms adorned with hundreds of merits for seventy-two thousand years. He thus made innumerable śrāvakas and immeasurable, incalculable people set forth toward highest, complete enlightenment. All of them were made to dwell in the samādhi called sarvarūpasaṃdarśana.
“At that time all the bodhisattvas, devas, humans, and asuras saw that his arms were missing and became grieved and distressed. They said: This Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana is our teacher. He has led and inspired us. He has now burned his arms, and his body is deformed.
“Then Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana made a vow and said to the great assembly: I have abandoned both my arms, and I shall definitely attain the golden body of the Buddha. If this is true and not false, then may both arms be restored as before.
“Because this bodhisattva was endowed with profound merit and wisdom, after he had made this vow his arms recovered spontaneously. At that very time the great manifold cosmos quaked in six ways. It rained jeweled flowers from the heavens and all the devas and humans experienced an unprecedented marvel.”
The Buddha addressed Bodhisattva Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña, saying: “What do you think about this? Is Bodhisattva Sarvarūpasaṃdarśana someone unknown to you? He is none other than this Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja. He undertook the practice of giving by abandoning his body immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of times in this way. O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! If there is anyone who sets forth and wishes to attain highest, complete enlightenment, he should pay homage to the stupas of the Buddha by burning either a finger or a toe. He is superior to those who pay homage by giving their countries and cities, their wives and children, or the mountains, forests, rivers, ponds, and many other rare treasures.
“If there is anyone who pays homage to all the buddhas, great bodhisattvas, pratyekabuddhas, and arhats by filling the great manifold cosmos with the seven precious treasures, the merit of this person will not be equal to the surpassing merit of one who receives and holds to even a single verse consisting of four lines of the Lotus Sutra.
“O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! Just as the ocean is the greatest of streams and rivers and of all waters, this Lotus Sutra is the most profound of the sutras taught by the Tathāgatas. Just as Mount Sumeru is the greatest of mountains—greater than Earth Mountain, Black Mountain, Mount Cakravāḍa, Mount Mahācakravāḍa, and the ten jeweled mountains—this Lotus Sutra is the greatest of the sutras. Just as the moon is the greatest among all the stars, this Lotus Sutra is the most illuminating of the thousands of koṭis of sutras. Just as the sun destroys darkness, in the same way this sutra destroys the darkness of erring thought. Just as the noble emperor is the best of all the kings, this sutra is the noblest of all the sutras. Just as Śakra is the king of the thirtythree devas, this sutra is the King of Sutras. Just as Great Brahma is the father of all the sentient beings, in the same way this sutra is the father of all the wise, the noble, those who have more to learn and those who do not, and those in whom the thought of enlightenment has awakened. Just as those who have entered the stream of the teaching (srota-āpannas), those who are to return to this world once again (sakṛdāgāmins), those who are never to return (anāgāmins), arhats, and pratyekabuddhas are the best of all the common people, in the same way this is the best of all the sutras taught by all the Tathāgatas, bodhisattvas, or śrāvakas.
“Those who hold to thissutra are the best of allsentient beings. The bodhisattvas are the best of allśrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas. In the same way, this sutra isthe best of allsutras.Just asthe Buddha isthe King of the Dharma, this sutra is the King of Sutras.
“O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! This sutra saves all sentient beings. This sutra makes all sentient beings free from suffering. This sutra greatly benefits all sentient beings and brings their aspirations to fulfillment, just as a clear, cool pond satisfies the thirsty, as a fire satisfies those suffering from cold, as clothes for the naked, as a caravan leader for merchants, as a mother for her children, as a boat for the traveler, as a physician for the sick, as a lamp for the gloom, as a treasure for the poor, as a king for the people, as the sea for traders, and a torch for those in darkness. In the same way, this Lotus Sutra frees sentient beings from every suffering, all the pains and bonds of illness and of birth and death. If there is anyone who hears this Lotus Sutra, copies it, or moves others to copy it, their merit will be limitless even if it is measured through the Buddha’s wisdom. If there is anyone who copies it and pays it tribute with flowers, perfumes, necklaces, burning incense, scented powders, fragrant ointments, banners, canopies, clothes, various kinds of ghee lamps, oil lamps, fragrant oil lamps, lamps of oil made from campaka, sumanas, pāṭala, vārṣika, and navamālikā trees, that person’s merit will also be immeasurable.
“O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! If there is anyone who hears this chapter ‘Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja,’ they will attain immeasurable and limitless merit. If there is any woman who hears and holds to this chapter ‘Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja,’ she will never be reborn with a female body. If there is any woman five hundred years after the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata who hears this sutra and practices according to the teaching, she will immediately reach the dwelling of the Buddha Amitāyus in the Sukhāvatī world, surrounded by great bodhisattvas, and will be born on a jeweled seat in a lotus flower. Never again troubled by the [three poisons] of greed, anger, or ignorance, by arrogance or jealousy, he will attain the bodhisattva’s transcendent powers and the acceptance of the nonorigination of all dharmas. After attaining this acceptance, his faculty of sight will be pure; and with this pure eye faculty, he will see all the Buddha Tathāgatas, equal in number to the sands of seventy-two million koṭis of nayutas of Ganges Rivers. At that time all the buddhas will praise him from afar, saying: Splendid! Splendid! Son of a virtuous family! You have preserved, recited, and contemplated this sutra from the teachings of the Buddha Śākyamuni and taught it to others. The merit you have obtained is immeasurable and limitless. Even fire cannot burn it. Even water cannot wash it away. Even thousands of buddhas cannot give a complete description of your merit. You have already destroyed the māras. You have already conquered the armies of birth and death. You have defeated all enemies. O son of a virtuous family! Hundreds of thousands of buddhas together protect you with their transcendent powers. There is no one equal to you among the devas and humans of the entire world. With the exception of the Tathāgata, the wisdom and meditation of all śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and bodhisattvas can never equal yours.
“O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! Such is the power of the merit and wisdom that this bodhisattva has perfected. If there is anyone who hears this chapter ‘Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja,’ rejoices in it, and praises it well, in his present life he will always exhale the fragrance of blue lotus flowers from his mouth and will always emit the fragrance of the sandalwood on Mount Oxhead from his pores. The benefits of the qualities he has obtained are just as mentioned above. For this reason, O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña, I will entrust you with this chapter ‘Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja.’ During the period of five hundred years after my parinirvāṇa you must spread it far and wide in Jambudvīpa and not allow it to be destroyed. You must not give Māra and his men, or the devas, nāgas, yakṣas, and kumbhāṇḍa demons any chance of destroying it. O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! You should protect this sutra with your transcendent power. Why is this? Because this sutra is good medicine for the ills of the people of Jambudvīpa. If there is any sick person who hears this sutra, his illness will disappear, and he will neither die nor grow old. O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! If you see anyone who holds to this sutra, you should scatter blue lotus flowers full of scented powder on him. After scattering them, you should think like this: This man will before long destroy the army of Māra, sitting on the grass-covered terrace of enlightenment. He will blow the conch of the Dharma, beat the drum of the great Dharma, and ferry all sentient beings across the ocean of old age, illness, and death. Therefore, if those seeking the buddha path see those who hold to this sutra, the thought of respect should awaken in them.”
When this chapter, “Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja,” was being taught, eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas attained the dhāraṇī of understanding the speech of all sentient beings. The Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna in the jeweled stupa praised Bodhisattva Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña, saying: “Splendid! Splendid! O Nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña! You have attained marvelous merit, for you have questioned the Buddha Śākyamuni about these things and benefited all of the immeasurable numbers of sentient beings.”
(妙法蓮華經第二十三品 藥王菩薩本事之3)