Derr Zi-jap-go Pinw: Quansewimx Posad Poxpenr ee Huatmngg
Hitt sii, Aksayamati (Iwjir Buqiongjin) Posad an' jyrui vreh kiw, jniawvingg qingqah teh teh, habjiongw hiongr Vuddyy mng qongxx, "Sewjunx, Avalokitesvara (Quansewimx) Posad inhyy hy juer Quansewimx?"
Vuddyy qra Iwjir Buqiongjin Posad qongw, "Senrlamjuw, narr u buliong vaccingbanrig ee jiongwsingx jysiu diyc jiongxjiongw ee tongwkow qapp huanlyw, tniax diyc Quansewimx Posad, itsimx cinghox ix ee miaa. Quansewimx Posad jiksii e tniax diyc hex imsniax. Inx jinrqaix e did diyc qaixtuad. Narr u langg cisiuw cinghox Quansewimx Posad ee miaa, setsuw hamrzip dua huew, huew iarr siyx ix be diyc, in'ui u posad uilingg sintongx-lat ee enqor. Narr hro dua juiw lrauu .kir, cinghox ix ee miahy, dyrr tangx qaur qaxx cenw ee soxjai. Narr u vakcingbanrig ee jiongwsingx uirdiyhh beh qriuu qimx, ginn, liulii, ciaquu, bexlyw, san'oo, hoxpig, iacc jinjunx dingxdingw ee vyrvuer laii hamrzip duarhaiw. Qaxsuw junjiah huan diyc quixaxhongx, suar piauliuu duirlyc raksasa qxuiw ee qog. Qidiongx narr u simrjiww dna' jit xee langg cinghox Quansewimx Posad ee miaa, hiaxee langg jinrqaix tangx an' raksasa ee jailan tuatlii .cud .laii. In'ui u jitt hy in'enn, mrjiacc qiyr jyr Quansewimx.
Narr qycc u langg liamdongsii beh virr hai. U cinghox Quansewimx Posad ee miaa :ee, duiwhongx soxx giac ee dycniux iacc qunwtuii e jit quec aw jit quec dng .kir. Ix dyrr tangx laii did diyc qaixtuad. Narr samcenx daircenx qoktow hitt lairdew siwqer si iarcex qapp raksasa jiaxee qxuiw beh laii ziauxhai langg. Tniax diyc u langg cinghox Quansewimx Posad ee miaa, jiaxee og qxuiw lenrr qorr og bak qra knuar dy' byy huatdo, hongwqiamx qra qahai.
Qycc setsuw u jit xee langg, bylun u jue iacc byy jue, sinkux virr iong syh-aw iacc kaqee qapp ciuxqee vak diauu lehh. Jid'err cinghox Quansewimx Posad ee miaa, hiaxee sokvak jinrqaix dng .kir, ix dyrr did diyc qaixtuad. Narr samcenx daircenx qoktow lairdew jit siwqer u gigcat. U jit xee dua singlixlangg cuarniaw jit din jah quiwdiong vyxbut ee singlixlangg qingquer jit diauu hiamw lo. Qidiongx u jit xee langg anxnex huah qongxx, 'Jiongww senrlamjuw, mrbenw qniahniaa. Linw ingdongx itsimx cinghox Quansewimx Posad ee miahy. Posad tangx qra byy kiongxuir ee simx vowsix hro jiongwsingx. Linw narr cinghox ix ee miaa, dyrr tangx an' jiaxee gigcat lairdew jauxtuad .cud .laii.'
Jiongww singlixlangg tniax .diyc, longxx cud sniax liam 'Namo Quansewimx Posad'. Cinghox ix ee miaa :ee jiksii did diyc qaixtuad. Iwjir Buqiongjin! Quansewimx Dua Posad ee uilingg sintongx-lat dyrr cincniu jitt kuanw jiacnirr qongxdai.
Narr u jiongwsingx jing'iok kacc dang :ee, dniardnia cuir liam qycc qiongqingr Quansewimx Posad, ix dyrr tangx ham' iogbong li hng hng. Narr u kacc je uanwhun :ee, dniardnia cuir liam qycc qiongqingr Quansewimx Posad, ix dyrr tangx ham' uanwhun li hng hng. Narr u kacc cigaii :ee, dniardnia cuir liam qycc qiongqingr Quansewimx Posad, ix dyrr tangx ham' cigaii li hng hng. Iwjir Buqiongjin! Quansewimx Posad u cincniu jitt kuanw jiacnirr qongxdai ee uilingg sintongx-lat, duiww jerje longxx u lirig. Mrjiacc jiongwsingx ingqaix suwsiongg dirr simlai liam ix ee miaa.
Narr u jaboxlangg qiubang beh snix javox, u qingwvair qapp qiong'iongw Quansewimx Posad, ix dyrr e snix diyc u hokdig qycc u diwhui ee javongix. Narr qiubang snix diyc jabow, ix dyrr e snix diyc siongwmau duanjniar ee jaboxngix. Ngix-aw siokser u jingr dikhing ee qinx, jingwlangg longxx e qra tniawsiyh qycc junqingr. Iwjir Buqiongjin! Quansewimx Posad dyrr si u jitt kuanw ee ligliong. Narr u jiongwsingx qiongqingr qingwvair Quansewimx Posad, hokkir be vehvec liauw .kir. Mrjiacc jiongwsingx longxx ingqaix cisiuw Quansewimx Posad ee miahy. Iwjir Buqiongjin! Narr u langg cisiuw lak-jap-zi-ig posad ee miaa, sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax hiacc je, qycc jin ix ee itsingx qiong'iongw imxsit, ihok, cngpox, qapp iiyc hro hiaxee posad. Liw sniu sniaw kuanw? Jitt hy senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn, inx ee qongdig u je bor?"
Iwjir Buqiongjin rinr qongxx, "Jiokk je, Sewjunx."
Vuddyy qongw, "Narr qycc u langg cisiuw Quansewimx Posad ee miahy, simrjiww dna' jidsii qingwvair qapp qiong'iongw, jitt nng jiongw langg ee hokvyr longxx vingdingw byy jingcax, vaccingbanrig qiab iarr sngr be liauw. Iwjir Buqiongjin! Cisiuw Quansewimx Posad miahy tangx did diyc cincniu jitt kuanw buliong buvenx ee hokdig qapp lirig."
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXV The Gateway to Every Direction [Manifested by Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara] 1)
Thereupon arising from his seat with his right shoulder bared, Bodhisattva Akṣayamati faced the Buddha with his palms pressed together, and spoke thus to him: “O Bhagavat! For what reason is Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara (Hearer of the Sounds of the World) called Avalokiteśvara?”
The Buddha answered Bodhisattva Akṣayamati, saying: “O son of a virtuous family! If innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of sentient beings who experience suffering hear of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and wholeheartedly chant his name, Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara will immediately perceive their voices and free them from their suffering. Even if those who hold to the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara were to enter a great fire, because of this bodhisattva’s transcendent power, the fire would not be able to burn them. If they were adrift on the great waters, by chanting his name they would reach the shallows. There are hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of sentient beings who enter the great ocean to seek such treasures as gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, agate, coral, amber, and pearl. Even if a cyclone were to blow the ship of one of these toward the land of rākṣasa demons, they would all become free from the danger of those rākṣasa demons if there were even a single person among them who chanted the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. For this reason he is called Avalokiteśvara.
“If anyone who is about to be beaten chantsthe name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the sticks and swords will immediately be broken into pieces and he will be delivered. If the yakṣas and rākṣasas filling the great manifold cosmos come with the intent to afflict the people but hear them chanting, those demons’ evil eyes will be unable to see them, so how could they possibly hurt them?
“If anyone, whether guilty or innocent, is bound with fetters or chains, such bonds will be broken into pieces; and those who have been bound will become free by chanting the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. When a caravan leader travels on a dangerous road together with his fellow merchants, carrying precious treasures in a great manifold cosmos filled with evil robbers, if there be a single person who says: O sons of a virtuous family! Do not fear! You should wholeheartedly chant the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. This bodhisattva bestows fearlessness upon sentient beings. If you chant his name, you will be free from these evil robbers.
“Now, if those merchants chant loudly in unison, saying: Homage to Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara!
“Then, by chanting his name, the caravan will immediately gain deliverance. O Akṣayamati! The transcendent power of Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Avalokiteśvara is as great and mighty as this.
“If there are any sentient beings who are greatly subject to sensual desires, if they contemplate Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with respect, they will become free from these desires. If there are any sentient beings who often become angry, if they contemplate Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with respect, they will become free from anger. If there are any sentient beings who are greatly confused, if they contemplate Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with respect, they will become free from their confusion. O Akṣayamati! Thus Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara greatly benefits sentient beings through his transcendent power. For this reason sentient beings should always turn their thoughts to him.
“If any woman wanting to have a baby boy pays homage and makes offerings to Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, she will bear a baby boy endowed with good merit and wisdom. If she wants to have a baby girl, she will bear a beautiful and handsome baby girl who has planted roots of good merit and will have the love of sentient beings. O Akṣayamati! Such are the transcendent powers of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara that if any sentient being reverently respects him, the merit they achieve will never be in vain. For this reason sentient beings should hold to the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. O Akṣayamati! What do you think of someone who holds to the names of the bodhisattvas equal in number to the sands of sixty-two koṭis of Ganges Rivers and pays homage to them with drink and food, clothes, bedding, and medicine. Is the merit of this son or daughter of a virtuous family great or not?”
Akṣayamati answered, saying: “O Bhagavat! It is great.”
The Buddha said: “If there is anyone who holds to the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and anyone who pays homage to him and makes offerings even for a moment, the merit of these two people will be equal and the same; it will never be extinguished after hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas. O Akṣayamati! Those who hold to the name of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara will attain such benefits of immeasurable and limitless merit.”
(妙法蓮華經第二十五品 觀世音菩薩普門之1)