Hitt sii, Iwjir Buqiongjin Posad iong jimgensix mng qongxx,
"Qibiau siongrtew jiauvi ee Sewjunx
Guaw dnaxx qycjaiww mng kiw
Hitt xui vut ee derjuw u sniaw inenn
Virr qiyr jyr Quansewimx?"
Qibiau siongwtew jiauvi ee Sewjunx huedab Iwjir Buqiongjin iong jimgensix:
"Liw tniax knuar quanhe Quanimx ee sowhingg
Ix gauu ingwsiser dirr siwhngx qokk soxjai
Dua sewguan cimx naxx haiw
Qinglik quer ee qiab vutsugi
Hogsai quer cing'ig xui vut
Huad dua cingjing ee guan
Guaw uirr liw qanxliok qangxsuad
Tniax diyc ix iacc knuar diyc ix
Dirr simlai liam ix ee miaa byy qnaiwdng
Tangx bet soxu ee kow
Qaxsuw u langg hingx kiw hai langg ee liamrtauu
Jiong' liw sag lyc dua huexknex
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw huexknex e vniwjniaa juixdii
Iacc dirr duarhaiw piauliuu
Lringg, dua hii, qapp jerje qxuiw laii beh uilann
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw pylong berdangr qra liw tunjiac
Iacc dirr Sumeru Snuax ee snuadingw
Hro langg' sag .lyc .kir
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw e cincniu zidtauu dirr kongdiongx diamr lehh be duirlyc
Iacc virr og langg duizib
Vuac lyc Qimqongx Snuax
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw jit qix mox dy' be sunxhai
Iacc duw diyc caddongw vauuii
Qokk langg giac dyx beh qahai
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw inx sui' langg longxx kiw jusimx
Iacc jysiu qok'ongg ee koxcow
Siurr dohingg decbeh siurjiongx
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw dyx jit quec aw jit quec dng .kir
Iacc virr siuqimr vak diauu lehh
Kax qapp ciuw u kaliauu ciuxkaur
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw syxlen lag .kir did diyc qaixtuad
U jiuwjow qapp jerje dog'iyc
Soxx beh laii hai liw ee sniwmia
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw denwdyww hai diyc ix vunxlangg
Iacc duw diyc siaog ee raksasa
Qapp dok lringg ixqip jerje qxuiw dingxdingw
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw inx liammisii longxx m qnaw laii qahai
Narr virr hiong'og ee bingxsiur vauuii
Inx ee kaziauw jin' lrai jin' tangx qniax
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw inx soksog jauw kir qaur buvenx ee uanxhongx
Bongxjuaa qapp get'axtangg
Inx ee dogkir naxx iam huew decc dyc
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw inx tniax diyc sniax e trer dywdngw .kir
Duw diyc amr hunn, luii dann, siccuah
Lyc pauc iacc lyc dua ho
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw vyrhong'uw jiksii siausnuar .kir
Jiongwsingx u jiongxjiongw ee kunwlann qapp jaieh
Virr buliong ee tongwkow soxx apvig
Quan'imx bibiau u diwhui ee lat
Tangx qiuwjo sewqanx ee kunwkow
Sintongx ee lat jiauvi
Duarsiwqer siulen diwhui qapp hongvenrhuad
Sibhongx soxu ee qoktow
Ix byy jit xui byy kir
Jiongxjiongw og ee soxjai
Dergak, qxuiw, jingsnix
Snix, lau, vni, siw jiaxee kow
Ix e suxx inx longxx jiamrjiam bet .kir
Ix u jinsit ee quancad qapp cingjing ee quancad
Ixqip qongxdai diwhui ee quancad
Qycc u visimx ee quancad qapp jusimx ee quancad
Diyhh suwsiongg qra jiokguan qapp giongxbong
Ix byy uwuer u cingjing ee qngx
Diwhui ee zit ciongpuar soxu ee oamr
Tangx hanghok hongx qapp huew ee jailan
Cingbingg ee qngx poxpenr jiyr sewqanx
Siuw qaiwlut u juvix ee sintew bersux luii decc dinxdang
Ju'air ee sim'ir naxx hunn hiacc bibiau
Lyc naxx qamlo ee Hxuad-ho
Dubet jiongwsingx huanlyw ee huexiam
Siy' jner siy' qryr ee soxjai
Iacc jenwdin diongqanx ee kiongxhongg qapp qniahniaa
Simlai liam Quanimx hitt xee lat
Diwsuw jingwlangg ee uanwngor longxx tewsnuar
U bixbiau sniaimx ee Quansewimx
Ix cingjing ee sniax cincniu laujuiw
Viw sewqanx zimrhyy sniax longxx kacc hyw tniax
Soxiw diyhh siongiongg liam ix ee miaa
Dagg vaiw liam longxx m tangx u huaigii
Quansewimx jitt xui cingjing ee singwjiaw
Dirr koxnauw iacc duw diyc sixbongg ee jaieh
Tangx junw jyr uaxhnua
Itcer qongdig jiauvi
Ix iong juvix ee bagjiux knuar jiongwsingx
Hokkir jurjib cincniu haiw hitt kuanw ee buliong
Soxiw ingqaix qra qnialew"
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXV The Gateway to Every Direction [Manifested by Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara] 4)
Thereupon, Bodhisattva Akṣayamati asked a question in verse, saying:
O Bhagavat, endowed with excellent marks!
I now wish to ask you about him once again:
For what reason is the heir of the Buddha
Named Avalokiteśvara?
The Bhagavat, endowed with excellent marks, answered Akṣayamati in verse:
Listen to the practices of Avalokiteśvara,
Which have their application to all!
His vow is deep like the ocean
And his kalpa is of inconceivable length.
After having attended
Many thousands of koṭis of buddhas,
He made a great, pure vow.
I will now explain it to you in brief:
If you hear his name and see his body,
And contemplate him in thought,
Your life will not be in vain;
And you will extinguish all suffering.
If anyone wants to hurt you
And pushes you into a great firepit,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
The firepit will change into a pond.
If you drift upon the great ocean and meet danger
From dragons, fish, and demons,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
You will not be swallowed by the waves.
If you are on the peak of Sumeru
And are pushed by somebody,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
You will stay suspended in the air like the sun.
If any evil one chases you
And pushes you from Mount Diamond,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
Not even a single hair will be hurt.
If evil robbers surround you
Each with a sword and the intent to harm,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
The thought of mercy will awaken in them.
If you suffer under the punishment of a king
And your life is to be ended by execution,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
The sword will be immediately broken into pieces.
If you are imprisoned with a neck chain,
Your hands and feet fettered,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
They will disappear and you will be released.
If anyone wants to hurt your body
With a curse or poison,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
These ills will return and afflict their authors.
If you meet evil rākṣasas,
Poisonous dragons, or demons,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
They will not dare to hurt you.
If you are surrounded by evil animals
Whose teeth and claws are fearfully sharp,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
They will run away swiftly
And to an immeasurable distance.
If there are lizards, snakes, vipers, or scorpions,
Whose breath is poisonous like a flaming smoke,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
They will turn away swiftly at the sound of your voice.
If thunder resounds, lightning flashes,
Hail falls, and a great rain pours out of the clouds,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
They will disappear immediately.
If sentient beings are in great adversity,
And immeasurable pain afflicts them,
The wonderful power of the wisdom of Avalokiteśvara
Can relieve the suffering of the world.
Endowed with transcendent powers
And having fully mastered wisdom and skillful means,
In all the worlds of the ten directions,
There is no place where he will not manifest himself.
The suffering of those in the troubled states of being:
Hell-dwellers, hungry ghosts, and animals;
And the suffering of birth, old age, illness, and death
Will gradually be extinguished.
He who perceives the world with truth, purity,
And vast knowledge,
And with benevolence and compassion,
Should be ever longed for and looked up to.
He is a spotless pure ray of light,
A sun of wisdom that destroys the darkness,
A flame that withstands the winds of calamity.
He brilliantly illuminates the entire world.
His will, the essence of which is compassion,
Shakes like thunder;
And the mind of mercy
Is like a beautiful overspreading cloud,
Which pours the Dharma rain of immortality
And extinguishes the flame of desires.
In a dispute before judges,
Or fearful in the midst of battle,
If you contemplate the power of Avalokiteśvara,
All enemies will flee away.
He has a wondrous voice,
The voice of one who perceives the world,
A voice like Brahma’s, a voice like the rolling tide,
A voice unsurpassed in this world;
For this reason you should always contemplate him.
You should have no doubt, even for a moment.
The pure seer Avalokiteśvara will be a refuge
When suffering distress or the misery of death.
He is endowed with every quality,
Sees the sentient beings with his benevolent eyes,
And his ocean of merit is immeasurable;
For this reason you should pay him homage.
(妙法蓮華經第二十五品 觀世音菩薩普門之4)
世尊妙相具 我今重問彼
佛子何因緣 名為觀世音
具足妙相尊 偈答無盡意
汝聽觀音行 善應諸方所
弘誓深如海 歷劫不思議
侍多千億佛 發大清淨願
我為汝略說 聞名及見身
心念不空過 能滅諸有苦
假使興害意 推落大火坑
念彼觀音力 火坑變成池
或漂流巨海 龍魚諸鬼難
念彼觀音力 波浪不能沒
或在須彌峯 為人所推墮
念彼觀音力 如日虛空住
或被惡人逐 墮落金剛山
念彼觀音力 不能損一毛
或值怨賊繞 各執刀加害
念彼觀音力 咸即起慈心
或遭王難苦 臨刑欲壽終
念彼觀音力 刀尋段段壞
或囚禁枷鎖 手足被杻械
念彼觀音力 釋然得解脫
呪詛諸毒藥 所欲害身者
念彼觀音力 還著於本人
或遇惡羅剎 毒龍諸鬼等
念彼觀音力 時悉不敢害
若惡獸圍遶 利牙爪可怖
念彼觀音力 疾走無邊方
蚖蛇及蝮蠍 氣毒煙火燃
念彼觀音力 尋聲自迴去
雲雷鼓掣電 降雹澍大雨
念彼觀音力 應時得消散
眾生被困厄 無量苦逼身
觀音妙智力 能救世間苦
具足神通力 廣修智方便
十方諸國土 無剎不現身
種種諸惡趣 地獄鬼畜生
生老病死苦 以漸悉令滅
真觀清淨觀 廣大智慧觀
悲觀及慈觀 常願常瞻仰
無垢清淨光 慧日破諸闇
能伏災風火 普明照世間
悲體戒雷震 慈意妙大雲
澍甘露法雨 滅除煩惱焰
諍訟經官處 怖畏軍陣中
念彼觀音力 眾怨悉退散
妙音觀世音 梵音海潮音
勝彼世間音 是故須常念
念念勿生疑 觀世音淨聖
於苦惱死厄 能為作依怙
具一切功德 慈眼視眾生
福聚海無量 是故應頂禮