
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-cid-4)

Hitt sijun, hitt xui vut uirr ongg suathuad, qra kaisi qapp qauwhuar, hro ix did diyc lirig laii hnuahiw. Ongg jiokk hnuahiw. Hitt sijun, Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg qapp ix ee huzinn qra amrqunw qewdat vaccingx ee jinjux-judui vrag .lyc .laii hioingr vut ee sinkux ia, dirr kongxdiongx huar jyr sir qix tiau ee vyw-daii. Daii-dingw u dua vyw-cngg, cux vaccingban niaw tnix-snxax. Dingxbin u vut, tiappuann jre lehh vangr dua qongbingg. Hitt sii, Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg anxnex sniu: Vudsinx hihanw, dedvet duanjniar qapp jonggiamm, singjiu derr id bibiau ee siongwtew.

Hitt sii, Hunn Luii Imx Siokser Ongg Huex Diwhui Vut qra sir jiongw derjuw qongw, ‘Linw u knuar diyc Bibiau Jonggiamm Ongg dirr guaw binrjingg habjiongw kia lehh bor? Jitt xe ongg dirr guaw ee vudhuad lairder jyr bikiu, jingjinr, qutlat siuhak, jo vut tuandy, tangx jyr vut, qiyr jyr Salendraraja (Sylyy-Ciu Ongg), qog ee miaa qiyr jyr Vistirnavati (Dua Qngx), qiab ee miaa qiyr jyr Abhyudgataraja (Dua Quann Ongg). Jitt xee Sylyy-Ciu Ongg Vut u buliong ee posad dairjiongr qapp buliong ee sniabunn. Ix ee qog vnijniar, qongdig si zucuw.’

Hitt xee ongg jiksii qra qog qauhur hro siyxdi, ham’ hunzinn, nng xee qniaw, ixqip jerje quanwsiok, dirr vudhuad lairdew cutqex siuhy. Ongg cutqex liauxau, dirr veh-bxan sir-cingx nii siongsiongg qutlat jingjinr, siuhing Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Qingquer hiacc quw liauxau, ix did diyc sarvagunalamkaravyuha (itcer cingjing qongdig jonggiamm) samadhi, dyrr sringx kir qaur cid jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann ee kongdiongx qra Vuddyy qongw, ‘Sewjunx! Guaw jitt nng xee qniaw ixqingx jyr vudsu, iong sintongx venwhuar juanxvenr guaw ee siaa simx, hro guaw an’unw diamr dirr vudhuad lairdew, tangx qnir diyc Sewjunx. Jitt nng xee qniaw si guaw ee senrdiwdig, uirr beh hro guaw huad kiw siokser senrqinx laii lirig guaw, soxiw cutsir dirr guanw daux.’

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVI Dhāraṇī 4)

“At that time the Buddha expounded and taught the Buddha-Dharma for the king’s sake, greatly benefiting and rejoicing him. Then King Śubhavyūha and his queen took off their pearl necklaces worth hundreds of thousands and scattered them over the Buddha. In the air they transformed into a four-pillared jeweled platform. On the platform was a great jeweled bed, spread with hundreds of thousands of myriads of heavenly clothes. The Buddha sat crosslegged upon it, emitting great rays of light. Then King Śubhavyūha thought: The Buddha’s form is marvelous, most superior in dignity, and given perfection by the most delicate countenance. 

“Thereupon the Buddha Jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña addressed the fourfold assembly, saying: Do you see King Śubhavyūha standing with his palms pressed together in my presence? This king has become a monk in my Dharma. He will diligently practice the Dharma that aids those on the buddha path, and will become a buddha. He will be called Śālendrarāja. His land will be called Vistīrṇavatī and the kalpa Abhyudgatarāja. With this buddha Śālendrarāja will be innumerable bodhisattvas and śrāvakas. His land will be level. Such will be his merits. 

“That king immediately gave his kingdom to his younger brother. He renounced household life and practiced the Buddha-Dharma together with his queen, two sons, and their retinue. For a period of eighty-four thousand years after their renunciation the king continued to make diligent efforts and practiced the Lotus Sutra. After this he attained the sarvaguṇālaṃkāravyūha samādhi. He ascended instantly into the air to a height of seven tāla trees and addressed the Buddha, saying: O Bhagavat! My two sons have done the Buddha’s work. Through their miracles they have reformed my erring mind so that I dwell in the Buddha-Dharma. These two sons are my good friends; they enabled me to see the Bhagavat. It was because they wanted to nurture the roots of good merit accumulated in my past and benefit me that they were born in my house. 

(妙法蓮華經第二十七品 陀妙莊嚴王本事之4)


