Hitt sijun, Dharanimdhara (Cisiuw) Posad an' jyrui vreh kiw, qniaa hiongr jingg duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx, narr u jiongwsingx tniax diyc Quansewimx Posad Pinw laii jaiqiyh ix jurjai ee qonggiap, jaix ix duiww poxpenr kuix huatmngg henr sintongx ee lat, tangx jaix jitt xee langg ee qongdig be jiyw."
Vuddyy qangxsuad jitt vxo Poxmngg Pinw ee sii, jingwlangg lairdew u veh-bxan sir-cingx xee jiongwsingx longxx huatguan beh jingwgiam busiong anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXV The Gateway to Every Direction [Manifested by Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara] 5)
At that time Bodhisattva Dharaṇiṃdhara arose from his seat, went before the Buddha and said to him: “O Bhagavat! If there are any sentient beings who hear of this chapter, ‘Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara,’ and these effortless deeds, the manifestation of the gateway to all directions, and the transcendent powers, know that their merit will not be little!”
When the Buddha taught the chapter, “The Gateway to Every Direction,” the thought of incomparable highest, complete enlightenment awoke in eighty-four thousand sentient beings in the assembly.
(妙法蓮華經第二十五品 觀世音菩薩普門之5)