
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-cid-2)


Hitt sijun, nng xee qniaw beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qra inx laurbuw qongw:

Hibang laurbuw vangr guanw

Cutqex jyr sabunn

Jiongww vut jiokk yh duw .diyc

Guanw beh duer vut hagsip

Kyxviw udumbara-huex

Beh duw diyc vut qyckacc si yh

Tuatli qokk jiongw koxlan iarr jin' kunwlann

Hibang liw jrunw hro guanw cutqex

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVI Dhāraṇī 2)

“At that time the two sons addressed the mother in verse, wanting to elaborate on this meaning further, saying: 

We entreat you, 

O mother, to allow us 

To renounce household life 

And to become śrāmaṇas! 

It is extremely difficult to meet buddhas. 

We will learn by following this buddha. 

It is more difficult to meet a buddha 

Than to see uḍumbara flowers. 

It is also difficult to escape from adversity. 

We entreat you to allow us 

To renounce household life.

(妙法蓮華經第二十七品 陀妙莊嚴王本事之2)


 願母放我等  出家作沙門

 諸佛甚難值  我等隨佛學

 如優曇鉢羅   值佛復難是

 脫諸難亦難  願聽我出家

