Hitt sijun, Dhrtarastra(Cisiuw Qog) Ten’ongg dirr jitt xee huathue lairdew, cenbanrig nayuta qiongqingr qra uii lehh ee gandharva dairjiongr jen’ongw Vuddyy ee soxjai, habjiongw duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guaw iarr iong dharani sinsingr ee jiuwgiw laii iongxho cisiuw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee.”
Ix dyrr liam jiuwgiw:
Agane gane gauri gandhari candali matangi janguli vrusani agasti.
“Sewjunx! Jitt xee dharani sinsingr ee jiuwgiw sir sir-jap-zi-ig jiongww vut soxx liam :ee. Narr cimhuan qapp huixvongr jitt xee huatsux :ee, dyrr si cimhuan qapp hixvongr jiaxee vut.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVI Dhāraṇī 4)
At that time the devarāja Dhṛtarāṣṭra was present in the assembly, respectfully surrounded by thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of gandharvas. He came before the Buddha together with them and addressed the Buddha with his palms pressed together, saying: “O Bhagavat! With a mantra-dhāraṇī I will also protect those who hold to the Lotus Sutra.” He then recited the dhāraṇī, saying: Agaṇe gaṇe gauri gandhāri caṇḍāli mātaṅgi jaṅguli vrūsaṇi agasti.
“O Bhagavat! This mantra-dhāraṇī was spoken by forty-two koṭis of buddhas. Anyone who attacks or slanders an expounder of the Dharma also attacks or slanders these buddhas.
(妙法蓮華經第二十六品 陀羅尼之4)
爾時持國天王在此會中。與千萬億那由他乾闥婆眾恭敬圍繞。前詣佛所合掌白佛言。世尊。我亦以陀羅尼神呪。 擁護持法華經 者。即說呪曰。
阿伽禰(一)伽禰(二)瞿 利(三)乾陀利(四)旃陀利(五)摩蹬耆(六)常求利(七)浮樓莎柅(八)頞底(九)
世尊。是陀羅尼神呪。 四十二億諸佛所說。若有侵毀此法師者。則為侵毀是諸佛已。