
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-snax-2)

Jimgensix qongw liauw, ix qra laurve qongw: Zidguat Cingjing Qongbingg Dikhing Vut jitmaw iauxx dilehh. Guaw jinwjingg qiong’iongw vut liauw, did diyc liauxqaiw itcer jiongwsingx gixgenn ee dharani, qycc tniax diyc jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx lairdew veh-vah jit-cingx banrig nayuta, kamkara, bimbara, aksobhya hiacc je ee jimgensix. Dairongg! Guaw dnaxx diyhh dngw kir qiong’iongw jitt xui vut.

Qongw liauw, ix dyrr jre kiw kir cid vyw ee quandaii, sringx qaur cid jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann ee kongdiongx, jen’ongw qaur vut ee soxjai, tauu qapp bin kap vut ee kax vair, habjiongw iong jimgensix janwtanr vut:

Gan'iongg qik qibiau

Qongbingg jiyr sibhongx

Guaw bad qiong’iongw

Henrjai qycc dngw laii diauqin

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXIII Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja 2)

“After having spoken these verses, he addressed his father, saying: The Buddha Candrasūryavimalaprabhāsaśrī is now in this world. Having previously paid homage to the Buddha, I attained the dhāraṇī of understanding the speech of all sentient beings and heard eight hundred thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of verses and tens of billions of verses, hundreds of billions of verses and thousands of billions of verses of the Lotus Sutra. O Great King, I will now once again pay homage to this buddha. 

“Having spoken this, he sat on the seven-jeweled platform and ascended into the air as high as seven tāla trees. Having come before the Buddha, he bowed until his forehead touched the Buddha’s feet. He praised the Buddha in verse with his ten fingers pressed together, saying: 

Your countenance is rare and wonderful. 

Your brilliance illuminates the ten directions. 

Once, long ago, 

I paid you homage. 

I now come to behold you again.

(妙法蓮華經第二十三品 藥王菩薩本事之2)


 容顏甚奇妙  光明照十方

 我適曾供養  今復還親覲

