
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-jap-lak-6)

Jabow raksa qongw uann jitt siuw jimgensix liauxau qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guanw iarr e cinsinx iongxho u siurcii, togsiong, qapp siuhing jitt vxo qingx :ee, hro inx did diyc an’unw, lirkuix soxu sueter qapp huanrlan, siauduu jiongxjiongw ee dog’iyc.”

Vuddyy qra jabow raksa qongw, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Linw narr tangx iongxho siurcii Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx ee miaa :ee, hex hokvyr dyrr berdangr cikliong, hyhongr iongxho u uanjuann siurcii, qiong’iongw qingceh, iacc iong huex, hniux, judui, hniubuac, buah hniux, siyx hniux, donghuanx, iamxsnuar, imgak, diamw jiongxjiongw dingx, soiuu-dingx, iudingx, jiongxjiongw pangx iudingx, sumana-huex iudingx, campaka-huex iudingx, varsika-huex iudingx, qapp utpala-huex iudingx jiaxee dringw vaccingx jiongw laii qiong’iongw :ee. Kunti! Linw qapp quanwsiok ingdongx iongxho jitt hy huatsux.”

Vuddyy enxsuad jitt pnix dharani ee sii, u lak-bxan veh-cingx langg did diyc diamr dirr byy snex-siw ee jinliw. 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XXVI Dhāraṇī 6)

After having spoken these verses the rākṣasīs addressed the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! We also want to protect those who preserve, recite, and practice this sutra, and cause them to live at ease, rid them of their weighty cares, and drive out various poisons.” 

The Buddha said to the rākṣasīs: “Splendid! Splendid! You protect those who preserve the name of the Lotus Sutra. Your merit is immeasurable. How much more merit is there in protecting those who perfectly preserve and revere the sutra in various ways; such as by offering flowers, perfumes, necklaces, fragrant ointments, scented powders, burning incense, banners, canopies, and music, or by lighting ghee lamps, oil lamps, fragrant oil lamps, lamps of oil made from sumanas, campaka, vārṣika, and utpala flowers! How much more merit is there in offering such things in hundreds to thousands of ways! O Kuntī! You and your retinues should protect the expounders of the Dharma in this way.” 

When this chapter, “Dhāraṇī,” was taught, sixty-eight thousand people attained the acceptance of the nonorigination of all dharmas.

(妙法蓮華經第二十六品 陀羅尼之6)


