Hitt sii Ananda qapp juui dairjiongr singsiu Vuddyy Zulaii bibiau ee kaisi, srinx-simx bingcingx tongtauw, longxx byy kuawgai. Dirr hiax, juui dairjiongr qokk langg qaqi jai'ngiaw inx ee vunxsimx venww muaw sibhongx. Quanknuar sibhongx ee kanghux kyxviw decc quanknuar ciuw-diongx soxx tec ee ciurhiyc iacc mihqnia. Itcer sewqanx soxu ee mic longxx si potee bibiau bingqngx guandew ee vunxsimx. Simx jingbiau siwqer buanw buanw, vauhamm sibhongx. Huantauu quanknuar verbuw soxx snix ee siksinx, bersux hex sibhongx hukongx lairdew siurr hongx cuex ee jit liap din'aix. Ursii junjai, ursii bedbongg. Naxx cincniu cingbingg duarhaiw lairdew jtt xee pu'iuu ee juixpyx, snix kiw iacc bet .kir longxx byy jongjiah. Jingwlangg juanzenn liauxted, qaqi jai'ngiaw did dicy vunxguann bibiau vunxsimx e ciangjai dilehh be bet .kir. Inx habjiongw hiongr Vuddyy qnialew, did .diyc .ee m bad jingrr u. Inx dirr Zulaii ee binrjingg liam jimgensix qra Vuddyy janwlew.
Jimgensix janwlew huatguan:
Bibiau bingcingx ee dharma, Sewjunx cisiuw byy isuaw.
Shurangama Ongg jiww Sxingr, Sewqanx hanxiuw.
Buacsiaux gunw ee bongrsiongw, jingrr qaur dnaxx qui' ig qiab.
Did did huatsnix, benw qinglik asamkhyeya qiab.
Guan qimsingx did diyc qongqyw, jniaa juer quiwkir ee ongg.
Dngw laii dorhuar cincniu Gange Hyy ee suax hiacc je ee jiongwsingx.
Jiong' jex cimdimm ee simx hongrhenr hro cniurr din'aix hiacc je ee qoktow.
Anxnex jiacc tangx qiyr juer vywdab Vuddyy ee singwunx.
Cutcniaw Sewjunx laii jingwbingg,
Libser singx zip go lyy og sxer.
Libser singx zip go lyy og sxer.
Narr u jit xee jiongwsingx iauxx bue jniaa vud,
Quibuew dirr jiax byy cruw diyc Nirvana.
Quibuew dirr jiax byy cruw diyc Nirvana.
Dua hiongjongr dua ligliong qycc dua juvix :ee,
Hibang linw jo guaw qycjaiww siongser kiwduu biser ee gignaiw.
Hibang linw jo guaw qycjaiww siongser kiwduu biser ee gignaiw.
Hro guaw jaxzit dat qaur busiong kaigno qingxqair,
Dirr sibhongx huatqair dyrdniuu duanjy.
Dirr sibhongx huatqair dyrdniuu duanjy.
Junw narr kongsingr e buacsiaux bedbongg,
Vajra ee simx iarr byy dongriauu juanxvenr.
Vajra ee simx iarr byy dongriauu juanxvenr.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --30)
At that time, Ánanda and the great assembly, filled with the subtle, wonderful instruction of the Buddha, the Thus Come One, experienced unhindered physical and mental peace. Everyone in the great assembly became aware of how his mind pervaded the ten directions, beholding emptiness in the ten directions as one might look at a leaf or other held in the palm of one’s hand. All mundane phenomena became the wonderfully bright primal mind of Bodhi. The essence of the mind became completely pervasive, containing the ten directions. Each person regarded his physical body as being like a particle of dust blown about in the emptiness of the ten directions; sometimes visible, sometimes not, or as being lie a single bubble floating on the clear, vast sea, appearing from nowhere and disappearing into oblivion. Each person comprehended and knew personally the fundamental wonderful mind possessed by all as being eternal and never ceasing to be. They bowed to the Buddha and placed their palms together, having gone through this unprecedented experience. Then, before the Thus Come One, Ánanda spoke verses in praise of the Buddha.
The wonderfully deep Dharani,
The unmoving Honored One,
The foremost Shurangama King
Is seldom found in the world.
The wonderfully deep Dharani,
The unmoving Honored One,
The foremost Shurangama King
Is seldom found in the world.
It dissolves away my inverted thoughts
Gathered through billions of eons,
So I needn’t endure asamkhyeya eons
To obtain the Dharma body.
Gathered through billions of eons,
So I needn’t endure asamkhyeya eons
To obtain the Dharma body.
I wish now to achieve the result
And become an honored king,
Who then returns to save beings
As many as Ganges’ sands.
And become an honored king,
Who then returns to save beings
As many as Ganges’ sands.
I offer this profound thought to all,
Whose numbers are like dust motes in Buddha lands.
To repay the kindness shown me by the Buddha.
Humbly I ask the World Honored One to
Certify my vow to come back to the five turbid evil realms,
And as long as even one being has not yet become a Buddha.,
At death I will not enter Nirvana.
Exalted Hero with awesome strength,
Great kindness and compassion,
Search out and dispel even the subtlest doubts.
Causing me to quickly attain the supreme enlightenment,
And sit in Way-places in realms of the ten directions.
Whose numbers are like dust motes in Buddha lands.
To repay the kindness shown me by the Buddha.
Humbly I ask the World Honored One to
Certify my vow to come back to the five turbid evil realms,
And as long as even one being has not yet become a Buddha.,
At death I will not enter Nirvana.
Exalted Hero with awesome strength,
Great kindness and compassion,
Search out and dispel even the subtlest doubts.
Causing me to quickly attain the supreme enlightenment,
And sit in Way-places in realms of the ten directions.
Were even the nature of emptiness to entirely melt away,
This vajra mind will never waver.
This vajra mind will never waver.
妙湛總持不動尊。 首楞嚴王世希有。
銷我億劫顛倒想。 不歷僧祇獲法身。
願今得果成寶王。 還度如是恒沙眾。
將此深心奉塵剎。 是則名為報佛恩。
伏請世尊為證明。 五濁惡世誓先入。
如一眾生未成佛。 終不於此取泥洹。
大雄大力大慈悲。 希更審除微細惑。
令我早登無上覺。 於十方界坐道場。
舜若多性可銷亡。 爍迦羅心無動轉。