
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-veh-1)


Derr Lak Qngw

Derr Jap-veh Pinw: Duer lecc Hnuahiw ee Qongdig

Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad Mahasattva qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Narr u senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn tniax diyc jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx duer lecc hnuahiw :ee, tangx did diyc zurr je hokvyr?”

Zen'au ix qycc iong jimgensix qongw:

Sewjunx beddo liauxau

U langg tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx 

Narr duer lecc hnuahiw :ee

Tangx did diyc zuarr je hokvyr

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVIII The Merits of Joyful Acceptance 1)

Thereupon Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya addressed the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! If sons and daughters of a virtuous family rejoice in hearing this sutra, how much merit do they acquire?” And he spoke in verse, saying: 

After the Bhagavat’s parinirvāṇa, 

If there is anyone who hears this sutra 

And rejoices in it, 

How much merit do they acquire?

(妙法蓮華經第十八品 隨喜功德之1)

爾時彌勒菩薩摩訶薩白佛言。世尊。若有善男子善女 人。聞是法華經隨喜者。得幾所福。而說偈言。

 世尊滅度後  其有聞是經

 若能隨喜者  為得幾所福

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-7)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Guaw beddo liauxau 

Narr tangx junhong jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Jitt xee langg ee hokvyr buliong 

Cincniu dingxbin soxx qongw :ee 

Itcer jiongxjiongw ee qiong’iongw

Jiaxee longxx uanvi :ar

Uirr sarina kiw tah 

Iong cid jiongw vyxbut laii jngsig 

Qiqnuaiw iurr quann iurr dua 

Jiamrjiamr venr ser sringx qaur Brahma ee tnix 

Vyxquir ee hamlingg u cenbanrig xee 

Hongx cuex dinxdang cud bixbiau ee imsniax 

Qycc dirr buliong qiab 

Decc qiong’iongw jitt jxy tah 

U huex, hniux, jiongxjiongw judui 

Tnix-snxax qapp jiongxjiongw imgak 

Diamw pang'iudingx qapp soiudingx 

Qra siwvnix siongsiongg jiyr qaxx jiokk qngx 

Dirr buadhuad-sidai ee og sxer

Tangx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee

Dingxbin soxx qongw :ee dyrr sngr u jyr :ar

Jiongxjiongw ee qiong’iongw longxx jiauvi

Narr tangx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx

Dyrr cincniu Vuddyy henrjingg dilehh  

Iong Gutauu Snuax ee dnuahniucaa 

Qra jingdoo qecqingx laii qiong’iongw 

Denrdongg u snax-jap-zi xui 

U veh jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann 

U siongrr janw ee liaurliw qapp ihok 

Cngg qapp puerpox longxx jiauvi 

Vaccingx jingwlangg druar ee soxjai 

U uanlimm qapp jerje igdii 

Qinghingg ee lo qapp jersenn ee dong 

Jiongxjiongw longxx jin' jamgamm 

Narr u siongsinr qapp beh liauxqaiw ee simx 

Siurci, togsiong, qapp causiaw 

Qycc qiyr langg' causiaw 

Ixqip qiong’iongw qingceh 

Ia huex, hniux, qapp hniubuah 

Iong sumana-huex qapp campaka-caa 

Ixqip atimukta-cauw 

Soxx len ee iuu dniardniaa diamw dyc 

Zucuw qiong’iongw :ee 

Tangx did diyc buliong qongdig 

Cincniu hukongx buvenx 

Ix ee hokvyr iarr si zucuw 

Hyhongr cisiuw jitt vxo qingx 

Siongqiamx vowsix, cisiuw qaiwlut 

Zimxziok, hnuahiw sendnia 

Byy siurkir iarr byy qa'ngg pnaiw cuir 

Duiww vudtah qapp vudbiy u qiongqingr 

Duiwtai jiongww bikiu u qowkiamx 

Ham’ qyban ee simx li hng hng 

Dniardnia sukyw diwhui 

Virr mng kunwlann ee bunrdee byy siurkir 

Suisun uirr inx qaixsueh 

Narr tangx u zucuw siuhing 

Qongdig berdangr cikliong 

Narr qnir diyc jitt hy huatsux 

Singjiu jitt hy qongdig 

Ingqaix iong tnix-huex qra ia 

Iong tnix-snxax muax ix ee sinkux 

Tauu qapp bin kap de vair ix ee kax 

Snix cud cincniu decc vair vut ee sniurhuad 

Qycc ingqaix anxnex sniu 

Quer byy zuarr quw beh jen’ongw poteciu 

Did diyc byy lrauu ee buuii 

Duiww jerje langg qapp tenzinn u lirig 

Ix soxx druar ee soxjai 

Soxx qinghingg, jre, iacc dyw ee soxjai

Simrjiww qongw jit siuw jimgensix ee soxjai 

Hitt xui diyhh kiw tah 

Qra jngsig qaxx suiw suiw

Iong jiongxjiongw qra qiong’iongw

Vut ee derjuw druar dirr jitt xui

Dyrr sngr si vut decc suxiong

Dniardnia dirr hiaxee soxjai

Decc qinghingg, jre lehh, qapp dyw lehh

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 7)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

If after my parinirvāṇa there are people 

Who preserve this sutra, 

They will have immeasurable merits 

As described above. 

Such people have already given 

Various kinds of offerings: 

They have built stupas for the relics, 

Adorned with the seven treasures, 

With a pole on the top which is very tall and thick, 

Gradually tapering upward, 

Until it reaches the Brahma world. 

These stupas have been adorned 

With thousands of myriads of koṭis of jeweled bells 

That ring with beautiful sounds as the wind blows. 

For immeasurable kalpas such people 

Have revered these stupas 

By offering flowers, incense, necklaces, 

Heavenly garments, and various kinds of music, 

While burning scented ointments and butter-oil lamps 

Which illuminate them on all sides. 

In the troubled world of the Decadent Dharma, 

Those who preserve this sutra 

Will have already finished paying homage 

In the way just described. 

If they can preserve this sutra 

It will be as if they had paid homage 

In the presence of the Buddha; 

And had built monasteries for monks 

Out of sandalwood from Mount Oxhead, 

And thirty-two buildings as tall 

As eight tāla trees; and offered delicious food, 

Excellent garments, bedding, hundreds of 

Thousands of dwellings, gardens, ponds, 

Paths for wandering, and meditation caves 

All of fine quality. 

Those who have the thought of willing acceptance, 

Who preserve, recite, copy, 

Or move others to copy this sutra, 

And who pay it homage 

By scattering flowers, incense, and scented powders on it, 

And by constantly lighting lamps of 

Fragrant oil made from sumanas flowers, 

Campaka wood, and atimukta grass; 

Those who pay it homage in this way 

Will attain immeasurable merit. 

Their merit will be as limitless 

As empty space. 

How much more is the merit 

Of those who preserve this sutra, 

Who carry out the practice of giving (dāna), 

Good conduct (śīla), perseverance (kṣānti), and meditation (dhyāna), 

Who never get angry or slander others, 

Who honor monuments 

And are humble before monks, 

And who are free from pride, 

Always contemplate wisdom, 

Never get angry at difficult questions, 

And teach in accordance 

With the questioner’s capacity! 

If there is anyone 

Who can carry out these practices, 

Their merit will be immeasurable. 

If one were to see such an expounder of the Dharma 

Who has perfected merits like these, 

One should scatter heavenly flowers over him 

And provide him with heavenly garments, 

Bow until one’s forehead touches his feet, 

And think of him as if he were a buddha. 

Furthermore, one should think 

That before long the expounder of the Dharma 

Sutra Will approach the terrace of enlightenment, 

Attain the unconditioned state of noncorruption, 

And extensively benefit devas and humans. 

Wherever he dwells, walks, or sits, 

Or recites even a single verse, 

A stupa should be built, 

Made beautiful with adornments, 

And paid homage in various ways. 

Wherever the heirs of the Buddha may reside, 

There the Buddha himself will take pleasure in its use 

And will always be dwelling, 

Walking, and sitting within.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之7)


 若我滅度後  能奉持此經

 斯人福無量  如上之所說

 是則為具足  一切諸供養

 以舍利起塔  七寶而莊嚴

 表剎甚高廣  漸小至梵天

 寶鈴千萬億  風動出妙音

 又於無量劫  而供養此塔

 華香諸瓔珞  天衣眾伎樂

 燃香油酥燈  周匝常照明

 惡世法末時  能持是經者

 則為已如上  具足諸供養

 若能持此經  則如佛現在

 以牛頭栴檀  起僧坊供養

 堂有三十二  高八多羅樹

 上饌妙衣服  床臥皆具足

 百千眾住處  園林諸浴池

 經行及禪窟  種種皆嚴好

 若有信解心  受持讀誦書

 若復教人書  及供養經卷

 散華香末香  以須曼瞻蔔

 阿提目多伽  薰油常燃之

 如是供養者  得無量功德

 如虛空無邊  其福亦如是

 況復持此經  兼布施持戒

 忍辱樂禪定  不瞋不惡口

 恭敬於塔廟  謙下諸比丘

 遠離自高心  常思惟智慧

 有問難不瞋  隨順為解說

 若能行是行  功德不可量

 若見此法師  成就如是德

 應以天華散  天衣覆其身

 頭面接足禮  生心如佛想

 又應作是念  不久詣道樹

 得無漏無為  廣利諸人天

 其所住止處  經行若坐臥

 乃至說一偈  是中應起塔

 莊嚴令妙好  種種以供養

 佛子住此地  則是佛受用

 常在於其中  經行及坐臥

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-6)

Ajita! Guaw beddo liauxau, narr tniax diyc jitt vxo qingdenw u cisiuw :ee, qycc qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg’ causiaw, jex dyrr sngr uirr jingdoo qecqingx. Jiaxee iong ciah dnuahniux kiw ee denrdongg longxjongw u snax-jap-zi qingx, longxx u veh jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann, iurr quann iurr kuah qycc jongwquanx. U vaccingx xee bikiu diamr dirr hitt lairdew. U uanlimm, igdii, qinghingg ee lo, qapp jersenn ee dong; u ihok, imxsit, cngpox, iyhtngx, qapp itcer gagkir dirr hitt lairdew muaw muaw si. Jitt hy jingdoo ee vangqingx qapp lauqyh u jerje, vaccingbanrig, sowliong buliong. Kiarsngr ixqingx iong  jiaxee qiong’iongw guaw qapp bikiu jingdoo

Soxiw guaw qongw Zulaii beddo liauxau, narr u cisiuw qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingx qycc uirr vadd langg enxsuad, qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg' causiaw, qapp iong’iongw qingceh :ee, mrbenw qycc kiw tah iacc sxi, iarr mrbenw uirr jingdoo qecqingx laii qiong’iongw jingdoo dairjiongr. Hyhongr u langg tangx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx qycc siongqiamx sidjenr vowsix, cisiuw qaiwlut, zimxziok, jingjinr, itsimx sendnia, qapp diwhui, inx ee qongdig jiww dua, buliong buvenx. Kyxviw hukongx ee dangx saix lamm vag qapp suwii siongrha si buliong buvenx. Jiaxee langg ee qongdig iarr si zucuw buliong buvenx, jin' qinw drat qaur itcer jiongw diwhui. 

Narr u langg togsiong qapp cisuw jitt vxo qingdenw qycc uirr vadd langg enxsuad, qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg’ causiaw, qycc u kiw tah qapp uirr jingdoo qecqingx, qiong’iongw qapp janwtanr sniabunn ee jingdoo, iarr iong vaccingbanrig janwtanr ee honghuad janwtanr posad ee qongdig, qycc uirr vadd langg, jiauww inx sui' langg ee inenn, jiauww qauwgi laii qaixsuah jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, qycc tangx cingjing cisiuw qaiwlut, ham' ziunsun :ee daunwdin, zimxziok, byy siurkir, iwjir qapp sinwliam qenqor, dniardnia hnor jersenn, did diyc jiongxjiongw cimx ee sendnia, jingjinr, iongxbingw, kipsiux jiongxjiongw senrhuad, jitt hy langg ee qinx-singr lrai, u diwhui, gauu huedab kunwlann ee bunrdee.

Ajita! Narr guaw beddo liauxau, senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzii tangx cisiuw qapp togsiong jit vxo qingdenw, qycc u jiaxee jiongxjiongw sxen ee qongdig, tangx jaix jitt hy langg ixqingx qniaa hiongr dyrdiuu, uaw qin anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, jre dirr poteciu-kax :ar. Ajita! Jiaxee senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn, bylun jre lehh, kia lehh, iacc decc qniaa ee soxjai, diyhh dirr hiax kiw tah, itcer tenzinn qapp langg ingqaix qiong’iongw, cincniu qiong'iongw vut ee tah.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 6)

“O Ajita! After my parinirvāṇa, those who hear this sutra and who can preserve it, copy it and move others to copy it, have already built chambers for monks, as well as thirty-two red sandalwood monasteries of the height of eight tāla trees, wide and fine, housing hundreds of thousands of monks. The monasteries they have built have gardens, ponds, paths for wandering, meditation caves, garments, food and drink, bedding, medicine, and are replete with all other necessities. Such hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of monks’ chambers and towers will be incalculable. With these they pay homage to me and to the assembly of monks. 

“I have explained that, for this reason, after the Tathāgata’s parinirvāṇa those who preserve and recite this sutra, and explain it to others, who copy it or move others to copy it and who pay it homage to it no longer have to build stupas, monasteries, or erect chambers for the monks, or revere the sangha. How much less do those who preserve this sutra and practice the perfections of giving (dāna), good conduct (śīla), perseverance (kṣānti), effort (vīrya), meditation (dhyāna), and wisdom (prajñā) need to do so! Their merit is the highest, immeasurable and limitless. It is immeasurable and limitless in the same way that space is immeasurable and limitless in the ten directions—east, west, south, north, the four intermediate directions, and the zenith and nadir—and they will thus quickly obtain omniscience. 

“Those who recite and preserve this sutra, who explain it for others, who copy it or move others to copy it, build monuments and make chambers for monks, revere and praise the sangha of śrāvakas, and praise the merits of the bodhisattvas in hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of ways; those who explain this Lotus Sutra for the sake of others in accordance with its meaning through various illustrations, who preserve pure conduct and dwell together with gentle people, who are patient and have no anger, are firm in their intentions and always hold meditation in high regard, who attain profound samādhi and make vigorous efforts, persevere in all good practices, whose wisdom is keen and who answer difficult questions skillfully; O Ajita! Those sons and daughters of a virtuous family, who preserve and recite this sutra after my parinirvāṇa will attain good qualities like those mentioned above. You should know that such people have already set out for the terrace of enlightenment, are near to highest, complete enlightenment, and are seated under the bodhi tree. 

“O Ajita! Wherever these sons and daughters of a virtuous family sit, stand, or walk, there a monument should be built; and all of the devas and humans should pay homage to these monuments as they would do to those of the Buddha.”

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之6)




Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-5)

Qycc Ajita! Narr u tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing quxdngg, qycc liauxqaiw qidiongx gengiw ee iwsur, jitt xee langg soxx did .diyc ee qongdig byy hanrliong, tangx snex kiw Zulaii busiong ee diwhui. Hyhongr tangx poxpenr tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx :ee, qiyr langg' tniax :ee, qaqi cisiuw :ee, qiyr langg’ cisiuw :ee, qaqi causiaw :ee, qiyr langg’ causiaw :ee, iong huex, hniux, judui, donghuanx, qinr-vnxee, pang'iudingx, qapp soiudingx laii qiong’iongw jitt vxo qingceh :ee, jitt xee langg ee qongdig buliong buvenx, tangx snix cud itcer jiongw diwhui. 

Ajita! Narr senrlamjuw senrluxzinn tniax diyc guaw qongw siurbing quxdngg, cimx cimx siongsinr qycc liauxqaiw, dyrr tangx qnir diyc Vuddyy dniardnia dirr Grdhrakuta Snuax virr dua posad qapp jiongww sniabunn dairjiongr uii lehh decc suathuad. Inx qycc e knuar diyc jitt xee syvyy sewqair ee de si liulii, qycc vnii qycc siwjniar, iong jambunada-qimx jyr qaiwsnuar, veh diauu dyrlo u vyxciu vaii jyr jit let jit let. Soxu ee quandaii qapp lauqyh longxx vyxbut jyr :ee. Hiaxee posad dairjiongr longxx dirr hitt lairdew. Narr erdangr quancad diyc jiaxee, tangx jaix jitt hy langg ingqaix u cimx cimx siongsinr qapp liauxqaiw.

Qycc Zulaii beddo liauxau narr u langg tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, byy huixvongr qycc kiw suihiw ee simx, tangx jaix jitt hy langg ingqaix u cimx cimx siongsinr qycc liauxqaiw . Hyhongr u togsiong qycc cisiuw :ee. Jitt hy langg dyrr si decc qingwvair Zulaii.

Ajita! Jiaxee senrlamjuw senrluxzinn mrbenw uirr guaw qycc kiw tah iacc sxi,  mrbenw uirr jingdoo qecqingx, mrbenw iong sir hxang mic qiong’iongw jingdoo dairjiongr. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jiaxee senrlamjuw senrluzinn u cisiuw qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingdenw, ixqingx sngr u uirr jingdoo qecqingx qapp u qiong’iongw jingdoo dairjiongr. Inx marr sngr u qra Vuddyy ee sarira kiw cid-vyw tah, Tah qycc quann qycc kuah, jiamrjiamr venr ser kir qaur Brahma ee tnix. Tah dingxquann u qruar jerje donghuanx qapp quar, ixqip jiongxjiongw vyxquir ee hamlingg; qycc u huex, hniux, judui, hniubuah; u buah hniux qapp siyx hniux; u enxjaur qow, imgak, dongrsiaux, prinw-aw, kiarkimm, qapp tiaur jiongxjiongw bruw; iong bixbiau ee imsniax qapp quasniax laii janwtanr qapp viauxsiong. Zucuw dyrr sngr si dirr buliong cenbanrig qiab u jyr jitt hy qiong’iongw :ar.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 5)

“Furthermore, O Ajita, those who hear of the great length of the Buddha’s lifespan and understand the intent of these words will obtain limitless merit that will give rise to the highest wisdom of the Tathāgata. How much more merit will they gain who extensively hear this sutra, move others to listen to it, preserve it, move others to preserve it, copy it, or move others to copy it; and pay homage to the sutra by offering flowers, incense, necklaces, flags, banners, canopies, lamps of scented oil, and ghee! The merit of these people will be immeasurable and limitless. They will be able to achieve omniscience. 

“O Ajita! Those sons and daughters of a virtuous family, who, hearing me teach the great length of the Buddha’s lifespan, wholeheartedly accept it, will see the Buddha, who always dwells on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa together with the great bodhisattvas and śrāvakas, teaching the Dharma to the assembly. Moreover, they will see the land of this sahā world, which is made of lapis lazuli, level and even. The network of roads is laid out like a chessboard, paved with Jambūnāda gold and bordered with jeweled trees. All its foundations, towers, and balconies will be made of treasures and the multitude of these bodhisattvas will be dwelling in them. Those who can see such things should know that to be able to do so is a sign of their full and willing acceptance.

“Furthermore, after the Tathāgata’s parinirvāṇa, those who hear this sutra do not disparage it and rejoice in their hearts, should know that this is a sign of their full and willing acceptance. How much more do those who recite and preserve this sutra show a sign of full and willing acceptance! Such are the people who hold the Tathāgata in respect. 

“O Ajita! These sons and daughters of a virtuousfamily do not have to build stupas and monasteries for me, make chambers for the monks, or pay homage to the sangha with the four kinds of offerings. Why is this? Because these sons and daughters of a virtuous family recite and preserve this sutra, which means they have already built stupas, made chambers for the monks, and paid homage to the sangha. They have already erected seven-jeweled stupas for the Buddha’s relics, which are tall and wide, gradually narrowing to a pinnacle that reaches to the Brahma world. They have hung various banners, canopies, and variegated jeweled bells; offered flowers, incense, necklaces, scented powder, and ointment; burned incense; played drums, music, flutes, pipes, harps, and various dances; and adorned the stupas and relics of the Buddha by praising with verses and songs in beautiful voices. In this way they have already paid homage for immeasurable thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之5)

又阿逸多。若有聞佛壽命長遠解其言趣。是人所得功德無有限量。能起如來無上之慧。何況廣聞是經。若教人聞。若自持若教人持。若自書若教人書。若以華香瓔珞幢幡繒蓋香油酥燈供養經卷。是人功德無量無邊。能生一切種智。阿逸多。若善男子善女人。聞我說壽命長遠深心信解。則為見佛常在耆闍崛山。共大菩薩諸聲聞眾圍繞說法。又見此娑婆世界。其地琉璃坦然平正。 閻浮檀金以界八道寶樹行列。諸臺樓觀皆悉寶成。其菩薩眾咸處其中。若有能如是觀者。當知是為深信解相。又復如來滅後若聞是經。而不毀呰起隨喜心。當知已為深信解相。何況讀誦受持之者。斯人則為頂戴如來。阿逸多。是善男子善女人。不須為我復起塔寺及作僧坊以四事供養眾僧。所以者何。是善男子善女人。受持讀誦是經典者。為已起塔造立僧坊供養眾僧。則為以佛舍利起七寶塔高廣漸小至于梵天。懸諸幡蓋及眾寶鈴。華香瓔珞末香塗香燒香。眾鼓伎樂簫笛箜篌種種舞戲。以妙音聲歌唄讚頌。則為於無量千萬億劫作是供養已。


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-4)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Narr u langg qriuu vut ee diwhui 

Dirr veh-jap-bxan ig 

Nayuta ee qiapsor 

Sidjenr go jiongw paramita 

Dirr jiaxee qiab lairdew 

Vowsix qiong’iongw vut 

Qapp pratyekabuddha derjuw 

Ixqip jiongww posad dairjiongr 

Iong dinquir qi’ngi ee imxsit 

Iong siongrdingw ee hogjongx qapp puerpox 

Iong dnuahniucaa kiw jingsiar 

Iong uanlimm laii jonggiamm 

Cincniu jiaxee vowsix 

Jiongxjiongw longxx bibiau 

Qingquer longxjongw jiaxee qiapsor 

Huehiongr hro vuddy 

Narr qycc cisiuw qaiwlut 

Cingjing byy kuatham 

Qriuu busiong ee dy 

Jiongww vut soxx siongxtanr 

Qycc sidjenr zimxziok 

Diamr dirr vinghyy qapp ziusun ee qingxqair 

Junw u jerje og su laii 

Simx iarr be dinxdang 

Jerje u did diyc Hxuad 

Simlai gnorban :ee

Laii qra kinsi qapp ziauxluan 

Zucuw ix iarr e zimxnai 

Narr qycc jingjinr 

Iwjir qapp sinwliam itdit longxx qenqor 

Dirr buliong ig qiab 

Itsimx-it'ir byy lanxdy 

Qycc dirr busor qiab 

Diamrr dirr piacjing ee soxjai 

Bylun jre iacc qinghingg 

Druu kir kunr ixgua itdit longxx liapsimx 

In'ui jitt xee enqor 

Tangx snix jerje sendnia 

Veh-jap-bxan ig qiab 

An’unw diamr lehh simx byy luan 

Itsimx cisiuw ee hog 

Guan qriuu busiong ee dy:

Guaw e did diyc itcer diwhui 

An' soxu sendnia 

Jitt langg dirr vaccingx 

Banrig qiab lairdew 

Sidjenr jiaxee soxx did ee qongdig 

Cincniu dingxbin soxx qongw :ee 

Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn 

Tniax diyc guaw qongw vut ee siurbing

Simrjiww itliam jiqanx dyrr siongsinr

Ix ee hog kacc je quer jinwjingg :ee

Narr u langg byy jit diamw aw 

Gihik iacc hiyrhuew

Jit diap aw quw cimx cimx siongsinr 

Ix ee hog iarr si zucuw 

Hiaxee posad 

Buliong qiab sidjenr posatdy 

Tniax diyc guaw qongw vut ee siurbing 

Dyrr tangx siongsinr qapp jiapsiu 

Jiaxee langg 

E qnialew jiapsiu jitt vxo qingdenw, qongw: 

Guan guaw dirr birlaii 

Dngg huewsiu tangx dro jiongwsingx 

Cincniu qimzit ee Sewjunx 

Jiongww Sakya Jok ee ongg 

Dirr dyrdniuu cud sraix ee qiywsniax 

Enxsuad Hxuad busow qnia’uir 

Guanw dirr bilaii sxer 

Siurr itcer soxx junqingr 

Jre dirr dyrdniuu ee sii 

Iarr si zucuw qongw siurbing quxdngg  

Narr u cimx srux :ee

Cingjing qycc tywdit

Je qenwbun qycc tangx jongw cisiuw

Jiauww qauwgi qaixsueh vut soxx qongw :ee

Jiaxee langg

Duiww jex be u gihik

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 4)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

Those who seek the Buddha’s wisdom 

Will practice the five perfections 

For eighty myriads of koṭis 

Of nayutas of kalpas. 

Throughout these kalpas they will pay homage to 

The buddhas, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas, 

And all the bodhisattvas by offering 

Rare delicacies, excellent garments, and bedding, 

Or by building monasteries out of sandalwood 

Which are adorned with gardens. 

Through offering such a variety of precious things 

Throughout all of these kalpas, 

They will transfer the merits to the buddha path. 

Those who further maintain good conduct, 

Which is pure and without corruption, 

Will seek what the buddhas 

Have praised as the highest path.

Those who further practice perseverance 

And abide in the stage of self-control, 

Will be of constant mind, 

Even if subjected to ill-treatment. 

They will continue to endure 

Even if they are scorned and persecuted 

By those who think, through their excessive pride, 

That they have attained the truth. 

Those who make diligent efforts 

And are firm in their intentions 

For immeasurable koṭis of kalpas 

Will be intent and never lazy; 

And those who abide in tranquil places 

For immeasurable kalpas 

Will always discipline their minds, avoiding sleep, 

While either sitting or wandering. 

For these reasons they will 

Abide in various meditations, 

Their minds firm and unwavering, 

For eighty myriads of koṭis of kalpas. 

Maintaining the merit of this concentration 

They seek the highest path saying: 

I will attain omniscience. 

Then they will achieve 

This perfection of meditation. 

Practicing thus for hundreds of thousands 

Of myriads of koṭis of kalpas, 

Their merits will be as mentioned above. 

If those sons and daughters of a virtuous family, 

Upon hearing me explain about my lifespan 

In this way, are able to awaken 

Even a single thought of willing acceptance, 

Their merit exceeds that of the former. 

Such will also be the merit 

Of those who have no doubts whatsoever 

And believe deeply even for a single moment. 

Those bodhisattvas who practice the path 

For a period of immeasurable kalpas, 

And who believe my explanation of my lifespan 

When they hear it, are the ones 

Who fully accept this sutra, 

Saying: Let us in the future devote a long life 

To saving sentient beings! Just as the present Bhagavat, 

King among the Śākyas, who roars the lion’s roar 

On the terrace of enlightenment, 

Is fearless in teaching the Dharma, 

Let us in the future be respected by all 

And teach of the lifespan 

While seated upon the terrace of enlightenment. 

Those who have profound thoughts, are pure, 

Honest and learned, have good recollection, 

And understand the Buddha’s words in accordance 

With what is appropriate, 

Will have no doubts regarding this.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之4)


 若人求佛慧  於八十萬億

 那由他劫數  行五波羅蜜

 於是諸劫中  布施供養佛

 及緣覺弟子  并諸菩薩眾

 珍異之飲食  上服與臥具

 栴檀立精舍  以園林莊嚴

 如是等布施  種種皆微妙

 盡此諸劫數  以迴向佛道

 若復持禁戒  清淨無缺漏

 求於無上道  諸佛之所歎

 若復行忍辱  住於調柔地

 設眾惡來加  其心不傾動

 諸有得法者  懷於增上慢

 為此所輕惱  如是亦能忍

 若復懃精進  志念常堅固

 於無量億劫  一心不懈息

 又於無數劫  住於空閑處

 若坐若經行  除睡常攝心

 以是因緣故  能生諸禪定

 八十億萬劫  安住心不亂

 持此一心福  願求無上道

 我得一切智  盡諸禪定際

 是人於百千  萬億劫數中

 行此諸功德  如上之所說

 有善男女等  聞我說壽命

 乃至一念信  其福過於彼

 若人悉無有  一切諸疑悔

 深心須臾信  其福為如此

 其有諸菩薩  無量劫行道

 聞我說壽命  是則能信受

 如是諸人等  頂受此經典

 願我於未來  長壽度眾生

 如今日世尊  諸釋中之王

 道場師子吼  說法無所畏

 我等未來世  一切所尊敬

 坐於道場時  說壽亦如是

 若有深心者  清淨而質直

 多聞能總持  隨義解佛語

 如是諸人等  於此無有疑

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-3)

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra Bilik Posad Mahasattva qongw, “Ajita! Jiaxee jiongwsingx tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing jiacnirr quxdngg, simrjiww itliam jiqanx dyrr tangx siongsinr qapp liauxqaiw :ee, soxx did .diyc ee qongdig byy hanrliong. Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn uirr beh qriuu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, dirr veh-jap-bxan ig nayuta qiab, sidjenr go jiongw paramita, dyrr si dana(vowsix) paramita, sila(cisiuw qaiwlut) paramita, ksanti(zimxziok) paramita, virya(jingjinr) paramita, qapp dhyana(sendnia) paramita, druu kir prajna(diwhui) paramita, jiaxee qongdig viw kiw jinwjingg ee qongdig, vah hunx, cingx hunx, iacc vaccingbanrig hunx ji’ id dy’ viw be quer, simrjiww suanwsut iacc piwzu iarr berdangr jai'ngiaw. Narr senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn u jitt hy qongdig, dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi dywter :ee, juadduir byy jitt hy dairjir.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 3)

At that time the Buddha addressed Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya, saying: “O Ajita! Those sentient beings who hear about the great length of the Buddha’s lifespan, and can awaken even a single thought of willing acceptance, will all obtain immeasurable merit. If there are sons and daughters of a good family who, for the sake of highest, complete enlightenment, practice the five perfections of giving (dāna), good conduct (śīla), perseverance (kṣānti), effort (vīrya), and meditation (dhyāna), with the exception of the perfection of wisdom (prajñā), for eighty myriads of koṭis of nayutas of kalpas, their merit is not even a hundredth, a thousandth, a hundred thousandth of a myriad of a koṭi of the former person’s merit. It is so small that it cannot be conceived of through calculation or illustration. If there are sons and daughters of a virtuous family who possess such merit as the former, they will never revert from highest, complete enlightenment.”

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之3)


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-2)


Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad an’ jyrui vreh kiw, jniawvingg ee qingqah teh teh, habjiongw hiongr duiw Vuddyy qongw jimgensix:

Vuddyy enxsuad hanxiuw ee Hxuad 

Sikzit soxx m bad tniax .quer .ee 

Sewjunx u dua ligliong 

Siurbing byy huatdo cikliong 

Busor jiongww Vuddyy ee derjuw 

Tniax diyc Sewjunx decc hunved enxsuad 

Did diyc Hxuad ee lirig :ee

Venww srinx longxx ciongmuaw hnuahiw

Uree diamr dirr byy dywter ee qingxqair 

Uree did diyc dharani (jongw cisiuw) 

Uree tangx jurjai enxsuad longxx byy jiongwgai 

Uree did diyc banrig sec-dharni(jongw cisiuw) 

Qycc u dirr daircenx sewqair 

U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad 

Muixx jit xee longxx erdangr dngw 

Byy dywter ee huatlenw 

Qycc u dirr diongcenx sewqair 

U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad 

Muixx jit xee longxx erdangr dngw 

Cingjing ee huatlenw 

Qycc u dirr siyxcenx sewqair 

U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad 

Qycc cunx veh sxer 

Tangx singjiu vuddy 

Qycc u sir xee snax xee nng xee ee 


U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad 

Hunved qingquer sir sxer snax sxer nng sxer tangx jniaa vut 

Iarr u jit xee suwdai-vorjiux 

U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad 

Cunx jit sxer 

Tngx singjiu itcer diwhui 

Jiaxee jiongwsingx 

Tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing quxdngg 

Longxx did diyc buliong qycc byy lrau 

Cingjing ee qyxvyr 

Qycc u veh xee sewqair 

U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee jiongwsingx 

Tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing 

Longxx huad busiong ee simx 

Sewjunx enxsuad buliong 

Vutkyw-sugi ee Hxuad 

U jerje lirig 

Kyxviw hukongx buvenx 

Tnidingw lyc mandarava huex-ho 

Qapp dua mandarava huex-ho 

Sakra qapp Brahma cincniu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong 

An' busor ee vudtow laii qaur 

Tnidingw lyc dnuahniux qapp dimhniux ee ho 

Sikdir huex huex siwqer luan vuex 

Cincniu jiauw dirr kongdiongx vuex 

Ia dirr jiongww vut ee sinkux 

Tniqow dirr kongdiongx 

Jurzen cud bixbiau ee sniax 

Tnix-snxax u cenban jiongw 

Naxx sec naxx lag .lyc .laii 

Jerje vyxquir bixbiau ee hniuloo 

Siyx buqer ee hniux 

Jurzenn tuann qaur siwqer 

Qiong’iongw jiongww Sewjunx 

Hiaxee dua posad dairjiongr 

Giaa cid-vyw ee donghuanx qapp iamxsnuar  

Iurr quann iurr bixbiau u banrig jiongw 

Jiauww cuwde sringx qaur Brahma ee tnix 

Qaur muixxx jit xee vut taujingg 

Kia vyxquir ee qxii qapp henn singwli ee donghuanx 

Iarr iong cenban siuw jimgensix 

Gim'ing jiongww Zulaii 

Jiaxee jiongxjiongw su 

Sikzit soxx m bad u :ee

Tniax diyc Vuddyy siurbing buliong 

Itce longxx hnuahiw 

Vut ee miasniax tuann qaur sibhongx 

Poxpenr lirig jiongwsingx 

Hro itcer longxx u senrqinx 

Laii jo busiong ee simx 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 2)

Then Bodhisattva Maitreya rose from his seat, leaving his right shoulder bared, faced the Buddha with the palms of his hands pressed together, and spoke these verses: 

The Buddha has taught this marvelous Dharma 

That we have never heard before. 

The Bhagavat has great powers 

And his lifespan is immeasurable. 

Innumerable heirs of the Buddha 

Attained the benefit of the Dharma 

After hearing the Bhagavat’s explanation, 

And became completely filled with joy. 

Some attained the stage of nonretrogression, 

And others the power of recollection. 

Some attained unhindered eloquence, 

And others the power of tenacious memory 

Which revolves many koṭis of times. 

There were also bodhisattvas, 

Equal to the number of particles 

In the great cosmos, 

Who each turned the irreversible wheel 

Of the Dharma. 

There were also bodhisattvas, 

Equal to the number of particles 

In a medium cosmos, 

Who each turned the purified 

Wheel of the Dharma. 

There were also bodhisattvas, 

Equal to the number of particles 

In a small cosmos, 

Who after eight births 

Will complete the buddha path. 

There were also bodhisattvas, 

Equal to four times, three times, 

And two times the number of particles 

In the four continents, 

Who after four, three, and two births 

Will attain buddhahood. 

There were also bodhisattvas, 

Equal to the number of particles 

In the four continents, 

Who will obtain omniscience 

After one birth; 

And sentient beings, having heard about 

The great length of the Buddha’s lifespan, 

Attained immeasurable results 

That were pure and without corruption. 

There were also sentient beings, 

Equal to the number of particles 

In the eight worlds, 

In whom, having heard about the lifespan of the Buddha, 

The thought of highest enlightenment awakened. 

The Bhagavat has taught the Dharma 

That is immeasurable and inconceivable, 

And from which come benefits 

As limitless as space. 

Heavenly māndārava 

And great māndārava flowers rained down; 

And Śakras and Brahmas 

Came from innumerable buddha lands, 

Equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River. 

Sandalwood and aloeswood powder, 

Scattered like birds in the sky 

Flying in all directions, 

And rained down over the buddhas. 

Heavenly drums resounded spontaneously 

And beautifully in the air; 

And thousands of myriads of koṭis 

Of heavenly garments floated whirling down. 

Precious incense was burned 

In various jeweled incense holders, 

Its fragrance naturally penetrating everywhere, 

In homage to the Bhagavats. 

The great assembly of these bodhisattvas 

Held myriads of koṭis of tall and beautiful 

Seven-jeweled banners and umbrellas, 

Which extended gradually to the Brahma world. 

They hung jeweled flags and excellent banners 

In the presence of each of these buddhas, 

And chanted thousands of myriads of verses 

In praise of the Tathāgatas. 

Such things had never been 

Experienced before. 

Hearing of the Buddha’s 

Immeasurable lifespan, all rejoiced; 

And, the Buddha’s name being heard  

Throughout the ten directions, 

Sentient beings were greatly benefited. 

Everyone became endowed 

With the roots of good merit, 

And the thought of highest, complete enlightenment 

Awakened in them.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之2)


 佛說希有法  昔所未曾聞

 世尊有大力  壽命不可量

 無數諸佛子  聞世尊分別

 說得法利者  歡喜充遍身

 或住不退地  或得陀羅尼

 或無礙樂說  萬億旋總持

 或有大千界  微塵數菩薩

 各各皆能轉  不退之法輪

 復有中千界  微塵數菩薩

 各各皆能轉  清淨之法輪

 復有小千界  微塵數菩薩

 餘各八生在  當得成佛道

 復有四三二  如此四天下

 微塵諸菩薩  隨數生成佛

 或一四天下  微塵數菩薩

 餘有一生在  當成一切智

 如是等眾生  聞佛壽長遠

 得無量無漏  清淨之果報

 復有八世界  微塵數眾生

 聞佛說壽命  皆發無上心

 世尊說無量  不可思議法

 多有所饒益  如虛空無邊

 雨天曼陀羅  摩訶曼陀羅

 釋梵如恒沙  無數佛土來

 雨栴檀沈水  繽紛而亂墜

 如鳥飛空下  供散於諸佛

 天鼓虛空中  自然出妙聲

 天衣千萬種  旋轉而來下

 眾寶妙香爐  燒無價之香

 自然悉周遍  供養諸世尊

 其大菩薩眾  執七寶幡蓋

 高妙萬億種  次第至梵天

 一一諸佛前  寶幢懸勝幡

 亦以千萬偈  歌詠諸如來

 如是種種事  昔所未曾有

 聞佛壽無量  一切皆歡喜

 佛名聞十方  廣饒益眾生

 一切具善根  以助無上心


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-1)


Derr Jap-cid Pinw: Hunved Qongdig

Hitt sijun, dirr dairhue :ee tniax diyc Vuddyy qongw siurbing ee qiapsor jiokk quxdngg, jiaxee buliong buvenx asamkhya qiab ee jiongwsingx did diyc dua lirig. Hitt sii, Sewjunx qra Bilik Posad Mahasattva qongw, “Ajita! Guaw qongw jitt xee Zulaii ee siurbing jiokk quxdngg ee sii, u lak-vah-veh-jap-bxan ig nayuta Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee jiongwsingx liauxgo diyc dniardiyc byy snix-siw ee dyrliw; qycc u viw jex je jit-cingx vxue ee posad mahasattva did diyc dharani (jongw cisiuw) ee huatmngg; qycc u dirr jit xee sewqair, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva did diyc hnuahiw enxsuad qycc byy jiongwgai ee kauxjaii; qycc u dirr jit xee sewqair, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva did diyc vaccingbanrig buliong ee sec-dharani; qycc u dirr samcenx daircenx sewqair, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva tangx dngw byy dywter ee huatlenw; qycc u dirr liongxcenx diongcenx qoktow, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc ee posad mahasattva tangx dngw cingjing ee huatlenw; qycc u dirr siyxcenx qoktow, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, qingquer veh sxer tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; qycc u dirr sir xee suwdai-vorjiux, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, qingquer sir sxer tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; qycc u dirr snax xee suwdai-vorjiux, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, qingquer snax sxer tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhiqycc u dirr nng xee suwdai-vorjiux, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, qingquer nng sxer tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhiqycc u dirr jit xee suwdai-vorjiux, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, qingquer jit sxer tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhiqycc u dirr veh xee sewqair, u cincniu din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee jiongwsingx, longxx huatsimx beh qriuu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi."

Vuddyy qongw jiaxee posad mahasattva u dua dua did diyc Hxuad ee lirig ee sii, kongdiongx lyc mandarava huex-ho qapp dua mandarava huex-ho, ia dirr buliong vaccingbanrig jangg vyxciu-kax ee sraix-aw-jyrui-dingw ee jiongww vut sinkux; qycc ia dirr cid-vye tah lairdw dirr sraix-aw-jyrui-dingw ee Sakyamuni Vut qapp beddo jiokk quw ee Je Vyw Zulaii sinkux; iarr ia dirr itcer jiongww dua posad qapp sir jiongw derjuw ee sinkux. Tnidingw qycc lyc dnuahniux qapp dimhniux dringw ee hunxbuac. Dirr kongdiongx, tniqow qaqi dann, bixbiau ee sniax tuann jiokk hng. Qycc lyc jit-cingx jiongw tnix-snxax, u qruar jerje judui, u jinjux-judui, mani-judui, zu'iwjux-judui, dirr qauw hngx siwqer si. Jerje vyxquir ee hniuloo siyx buqer ee hniux, jurzenn tuann venww qiong’iongw ee dairhue. Muixx jit xee hunsinx-vut u jiongww posad giaa donghuanx qapp quar, jiauww cuwde sringx kir qaur Brahma ee tnix. Jiaxee jiongww posad iong bixbiau ee imsniax cniur buliong janwsiong ee quax laii janwtanr jiongww vut.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 1)

Thereupon, when the great assembly heard the Buddha explain that his lifespan was of such a great number of kalpas, an immeasurable, limitless, incalculable number of sentient beings were greatly benefited. Then the Bhagavat addressed Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya, saying: “O Ajita! When I explained the great length of this Tathāgata’s lifespan, sentient beings, equal to the sands of the six hundred and eighty myriads of koṭis of nayutas of Ganges Rivers in number, gained understanding of the truth of the nonorigination of all dharmas. Furthermore, a thousand times this number of bodhisattva mahāsattvas attained the power of recollecting what they hear; and bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in one world attained unhindered eloquence. Moreover, there were bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the particles in one world who attained the power of tenacious memory which revolves hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of immeasurable times. There were also bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in the great manifold cosmos who turned the irreversible wheel of the Dharma, and bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in two medium-sized manifold cosmos who turned the purified wheel of the Dharma. 

“Furthermore, there were bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in one small-sized cosmos who will be able to attain highest, complete enlightenment after eight births; bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in the four fourfold continents who will attain highest, complete enlightenment after four births; bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in the threefold four continents who will attain highest, complete enlightenment after three births; bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in the twofold four continents who will attain highest, complete enlightenment after two births; and bodhisattva mahāsattvas equal to the number of particles in the four continents who will attain highest, complete enlightenment after one birth. Moreover there were sentient  beings equal to the number of particles in the eightfold great manifold cosmos, in all of whom the thought of highest, complete enlightenment had awakened.” 

When the Buddha explained that these bodhisattva mahāsattvas had attained deep insight into the Dharma, māndārava and great māndārava flowers rained down from the sky, scattering over the buddhas who were seated on lion seats under immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of jeweled trees; and they scattered over Śākyamuni Buddha and the Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna, who had attained parinirvāṇa long ago, both of whom were sitting on the lion seat in a seven-jeweled stupa; they also scattered over all of the great bodhisattvas and the fourfold assembly. Finely powdered sandalwood and aloeswood incense also rained down, and heavenly drums resounded in the sky with a deep and beautiful sound. One thousand kinds of heavenly garments, draped with strings of pearl, jewels, and wish-fulfilling gems (maṇi), rained down, filling the nine directions. Priceless incense burned in various jeweled incense holders, and its fragrance spread spontaneously throughout the great assembly as an offering. Above each buddha there were bodhisattvas holding banners and umbrellas that extended upward to the Brahma world. These bodhisattvas praised the buddhas by singing immeasurable verses with beautiful voices.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之1)


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-lak-4)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Jurr guaw jniaa vut ixlaii 

Qingquer jerje qiab 

Buliong vaccingbanrig 


Siongsiongg decc suathuad qauwhuar 

Suxx busor ig ee jiongwsingx 

Hro inx zip vuddy 

An’ hitt sii ixlaii ee buliong qiab 

Uirr dro jiongwsingx 

Uirdiyhh hongven jiacc henr liappuann 

Qisit vingrr byy beddo 

Itdit diamr jiax suathuad 

Guaw dniardnia druar dirr jiax 

Iong jerje sintongx ee lat 

Hro dendyr ee jiongsingx 

Suizenn li jin' qin mrqycc knuar be diyc 

Jiongwsingx knuar diyc guaw beddo 

Siwqer qiong’iongw sarina 

Simlai longxx luanbo 

Laii snix cud ngwbang ee simx 

Jiongwsingx qaxx u siongsinr qapp hanghok 

Qywsingr venr tywdit qycc ziusun 

Itsimx beh qnir vut 

Byy siyh qaqi ee sniwmia 

Hitt sii guaw qapp jiongww jingdoo 

E cuthen dirr Grdhrakuta (Jiurjiauw) Snuax 

Guaw hitt sii e qra jiongwsingx qongw 

E itdit dirr jiax byy beddo 

Iong hongven lat ee enqor 

Henr bet qapp byy bet 

Qitax qog narr u jiongwsingx 

Qiongqingr qycc hnuahiw siongsinr :ee 

Guaw e dirr inx lairdew 

Uirr inx enxsuad busiong ee Hxuad 

Linw byy tniax quer jiaxee

Liahjunw guaw beddo 

Guaw knuar diyc jiongwsingx 

Dimm lyc koxhaiw 

Soxiw m uirr inx cuthen 

Hro inx snix cud ngwbang qapp giongxbo 

In'ui inx ee simx u luanbo 

Jiacc cud laii uirr inx enxsuad Hxuad 

Sintongx ee lat dyrr si zucuw 

Dirr asamkhya qiab 

Siongsiongg dirr Jiurjiauw Snuax 

Qapp vadd xui 

Jiongwsingx knuar diyc qiab beh jin 

Dua huew decc siyx ee sii 

Guaw jitt xee qoktow jiokk an’unw 

Dniardnia ciongbuanw tenzinn qapp langg 

Uanlimm qapp jerje lauqyh 

U jiongxjiongw dinvyw laii jonggiamm 

Vyxciu u jerje huex qapp quexjiw 

Jiongwsingx dirr hiax cittyy 

Jiongww tenzinn longr tniqow 

Siongsiong jraur jiongxjiongw imgak 

Lyc mandarava huex 

Ia dirr vut qapp dairjiongr ee sinkux 

Guaw ee cingjing qoktow be huixhuai 

Mrqycc jiongwsingx suac knuar diyc siyx liauw liauw 

U iuciuu qapp qniahniaa jiaxee jerje tongwkow 

Simlai longxx ciongbuanw jiaxee

Jitt quaw u jioingxjiongw jue ee jiongwsingx 

In'ui u og giap 

Quer asamkhya qiab 

Iarr tniax be diyc samvyw ee miaa 

Jerje u siuhing u qongdig :ee 

Ziusun qycc qywsingr tywdit :ee 

Dyrr tangx knuar diyc guaw ee srinx 

Dirr jiax decc suathuad 

Ursii uirr jiaxee dairjiongr 

Qongw vut ee siursor buliong 

Quw quw jiacc qnir diyc vut :ee 

E qongw vut yh duw 

Guaw ee diwhui-lat dyrr si zucuw 

Diwhui ee qngx jiyr buliong 

Siurbing u busor qiab 

Quxdngg siuhak senrgiap soxx did :ee 

Linw jiaxx u diwhui :ee 

M tangx snix cud huaigii 

Diyhh jamxdng hro ingxuanw bedjin 

Vuddyy ee ue jinsit byy hiqew 

Cincniu isingx gauu ing hongven hxuad 

Uirr idi luanrsimx ee qniaw 

Sidjai byy siw qongw ixx siw :ar 

Berdangr qongw ix qongw vehcat 

Guaw iarr jyr sewqanx ee laurve 

Beh qiur jerje siurkow ee huanrjiaw 

In’ui huanhux kiw dendyr 

Qisit byy beddo qra inx qongw beddo 

In’ui qingsiongg knuar diyc guaw 

Laii snix cud giaugo qapp lanxdnua ee simx 

Hongwdong dirr go jiongw iogbong 

Duirlyc dirr og dy lairdew 

Guaw itdit jaix jiongwsingx 

U sidjenr dy iacc byy 

Jiauww soxx ingqaix dro :ee 

Uirr inx enxsuad jiongxjiongw huatmngg 

Muixmuiw anxnex sniu 

Diyhh anxjnuaw hro jiongwsingx 

Did diyc busiong ee diwhui 

Soksog singjiu vudsinx 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVI The Lifespan of the Tathāgata 4)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

Since I attained buddhahood, 

Immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads 

Of koṭis of incalculable kalpas have passed. 

I have been constantly teaching the Dharma, 

Through these immeasurable kalpas, 

Leading and inspiring Innumerable koṭis of sentient beings 

And enabling them to enter the buddha path. 

Using skillful means 

I have manifested the state of nirvana 

To bring sentient beings to this path; 

Yet I have not actually entered nirvana, 

But continually abide here expounding the Dharma. 

Although I am always among these erring beings, 

With my transcendent powers, 

I prevent them from seeing me. 

The sentient beings, 

Seeing me enter perfect extinction 

Earnestly revere my relics 

And, filled with longing, 

Yearn for me. 

When the sentient beings become 

Sincere, mild, and receptive, 

And, wanting wholeheartedly to meet the Buddha, 

Are willing to give unsparingly 

Of their bodies and lives, 

Then I, together with the sangha, 

Will appear on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa. 

I will declare this to sentient beings: 

Although I am always here without extinction, 

Through the power of skillful means 

I manifest extinction and nonextinction. 

If there are any sentient beings in other worlds 

Who respect and believe in me, 

I will also teach them the highest Dharma. 

Not knowing this, you only think 

That I have entered parinirvāṇa. 

I see all sentient beings 

Submerged in the ocean of suffering. 

That is why, by not manifesting my form, 

I cause them to yearn for me. 

Then, after awakening this longing, 

I appear and expound the Dharma; 

Such are my transcendent powers. 

For innumerable kalpas I have constantly resided 

On Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa and elsewhere. 

When sentient beings see themselves 

Amidst a conflagration 

At the end of a kalpa, 

It is in fact my tranquil land, 

Always full of devas and humans. 

All the gardens and palaces 

Are adorned with various gems. 

The jeweled trees abound with flowers and fruits, 

And the sentient beings are joyful among them. 

The devas beat heavenly drums 

Making constant and varied music. 

They rain down māndārava flowers 

Upon the Buddha and the great assembly. 

Although my Pure Land never decays, 

The sentient beings see it as ravaged by fire 

And torn with anxiety and distress; 

They believe it is filled with these things. 

Because of their misdeeds 

These erring sentient beings do not hear 

The name of the Three Treasures 

For incalculable kalpas. 

But all who cultivate merit, 

And are receptive and honest, 

Will see me residing here, 

Expounding the Dharma. 

For the sake of these sentient beings 

I teach that the lifespan 

Of the Buddha is immeasurable. 

To those who, after a long time, 

Finally see the Buddha, 

I teach that it is difficult to meet him. 

Such is the power of my wisdom. 

The light of my wisdom illuminates immeasurably 

And my lifespan is of innumerable kalpas. 

This has been achieved through long practice. 

You wise ones, do not give in to doubt! 

Banish all doubt forever! 

The Buddha’s words are true, never false. 

It is like the physician

Who proclaimed his own death, 

Although it was untrue. 

He did this to cure his delirious sons, 

Through excellent skillful means; 

So no one could say he really spoke falsehood. 

I, also, being the father of the world, 

Cure those who suffer. 

To the deluded and unenlightened 

I say that I have entered nirvana, 

Although, in fact, I am really here. 

For if they were to see me, 

They would become lazy and arrogant. 

Attached to the desires of the five senses, 

They would fall into the troubled states of being. 

Always aware of which sentient beings 

Practice the path and which do not, 

I teach the Dharma in various ways, 

According to their ability to be saved. 

I am always thinking: 

By what means can I cause sentient beings to be able to 

Enter the highest path 

And quickly attain the Dharma?

(妙法蓮華經第十六品 如來壽量之4)


 自我得佛來  所經諸劫數

 無量百千萬  億載阿僧祇

 常說法教化  無數億眾生

 令入於佛道  爾來無量劫

 為度眾生故  方便現涅槃

 而實不滅度  常住此說法

 我常住於此  以諸神通力

 令顛倒眾生  雖近而不見

 眾見我滅度  廣供養舍利

 咸皆懷戀慕  而生渴仰心

 眾生既信伏  質直意柔軟

 一心欲見佛  不自惜身命

 時我及眾僧  俱出靈鷲山

 我時語眾生  常在此不滅

 以方便力故  現有滅不滅

 餘國有眾生  恭敬信樂者

 我復於彼中  為說無上法

 汝等不聞此  但謂我滅度

 我見諸眾生  沒在於苦惱

 故不為現身  令其生渴仰

 因其心戀慕  乃出為說法

 神通力如是  於阿僧祇劫

 常在靈鷲山  及餘諸住處

 眾生見劫盡  大火所燒時

 我此土安隱  天人常充滿

 園林諸堂閣  種種寶莊嚴

 寶樹多花菓  眾生所遊樂

 諸天擊天鼓  常作眾伎樂

 雨曼陀羅花  散佛及大眾

 我淨土不毀  而眾見燒盡

 憂怖諸苦惱  如是悉充滿

 是諸罪眾生  以惡業因緣

 過阿僧祇劫  不聞三寶名

 諸有修功德  柔和質直者

 則皆見我身  在此而說法

 或時為此眾  說佛壽無量

 久乃見佛者  為說佛難值

 我智力如是  慧光照無量

 壽命無數劫  久修業所得

 汝等有智者  勿於此生疑

 當斷令永盡  佛語實不虛

 如醫善方便  為治狂子故

 實在而言死  無能說虛妄

 我亦為世父  救諸苦患者

 為凡夫顛倒  實在而言滅

 以常見我故  而生憍恣心

 放逸著五欲  墮於惡道中

 我常知眾生  行道不行道

 隨所應可度  為說種種法

 每自作是意  以何令眾生

 得入無上慧  速成就佛身