
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (28)

Sunrtanr cingjing, li iok, jigbet, qapp jinsit ee ywgi, sunrtanr snax vyw ee lat, byy soxx qniax, byy qiongrtongx ee Hxuad, sunrtanr diwhui tongdat ee posad qapp sniabunn soxx qniaa ee dy. Byy junjai snax og dy koxlan ee miaa, dna' u jurzenn kuaiwlok ee imsniax. Mrjiacc qongxx hitt xee qog ee miaa qiyr jyr qiglok. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 28)
Accords with the principles of purity, absence of desires, extinction, and reality. One is in harmony with the Three Treasures, the Buddha's powers, fearlessness and special qualities, and also with supernatural powers and other methods of practice for bodhisattvas and shravakas. Not even the names of the three realms of suffering are heard there, but only Nirvanic sounds of bliss. For this reason, that land is called 'Peace and Bliss'. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 28)  


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (27)

Hiaxee posad qapp jiongww sniabunn narr zip kir vyxdii, simx sniu qongxx beh hro juiw rimx quer kax, juiw jiksii rimx quer kax; sniu beh hro qaur katauux, jiksii qaur katauux; beh hro qaur iyx, juiw jiksii qaur iyx; beh hro qaur amrqunw, juiw jiksii qaur amrqunw; beh hro lramm sinkux, jurzenn dyrr lramm sinkux; beh hro hogguann, juiw liammix hogguann. Lingxluanw e diaujingw, jurzenn sui' langg ir, langg jing’ingx, sintew songxsinn. Simx ee uwuer virr sexduu, bingcingx cingkir, cingjing qaxx bersux byy hintew. Vyxsuax cingcyw henxhen, bylun zuarr cimx iarr jiyr e diyc. Cingqed ee juixpyx lrauu dywdngw, horsiongx siy' quanr, dauc dauc ansiongg siausid, byy qinw iarr byy ban. Pylong snix kiw buliong jurzenn bibiau ee snia'imx, suijai jiongwsingx ee iwdir, byy jit hxang tniax be diyc. Uree tniax diyc Vut ee sniax, uree tniax diyc Hxuad ee sniax, uree tniax diyc jingdoo ee sniax, uree si siokjing ee sniax, kongbuu qapp bugnow ee sniax, dua juvix ee sniax, paramita ee sniax, uree si jap jiongw lat, byy qnia'uir, iacc byy qiongrtongx Hxuad ee sniax, jiongxjiongw diwhui tongdat ee sniax, byy soxx jyr ee sniax, byy kiw-bet ee sniax, diamr dirr byy snix-siw diwhui ee sniax, simrjiww qamlo lramm tauutag-dingw, qokk jiongw bixbiau henrsiong ee sniax. Cincniu jiaxee sniax, hro soxx tniax .diyc .ee did diyc buliong ee hnuahiw. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 27) 
If bodhisattvas and shravakas in that land enter the jewel-ponds and wish the water to rise to their ankles, it rises to their ankles. If they wish it to rise to their knees, it rises to their knees. If they wish it to rise to their waists, it rises to their waists. If they wish it to rise to their necks, it rises to their necks. If they wish it to pour over their bodies, it spontaneously pours over their bodies. If they wish it to recede, it recedes. Its temperature is moderate, cool or warm, according to their wishes. The water comforts the body and refreshes the mind, washing away their mental defilements. Clear and pure, the water is so transparent that it seems formless. The jewel-sand shines so brightly that even the depth of the water cannot prevent its brilliance from being seen. The rippling water forms meandering streams, which join and flow into each other. Their movement is peaceful and quiet, neither too fast nor too slow, and their ripples spontaneously produce innumerable wonderful sounds. One can hear whatever sound one wishes. For example, some hear the sound 'Buddha,' some hear the sound 'Dharma,' some 'Sangha,' others hear 'tranquillity,' 'emptiness and non-self,' 'great compassion,' 'paramita,' 'ten powers,' 'fearlessness,' 'special qualities,' 'supernatural powers,' 'non-activity,' 'neither arising nor perishing,' 'insight into the non-arising of all dharmas,' and so on until the various sounds of the wonderful Dharma, such as 'the sprinkling of nectar upon the head of a bodhisattva,' are heard. As one hears those sounds, one attains immeasurable joy. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 27) 


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (26)

Qangxdngg, siudyrngi, qiongden, qapp lauqyh longxx jin' jonggiamm, si cid jiongw vyxvuer jurzenn huawsingg, qycc u jinxjux qapp bingguec mani dringw jerje dinvyw jyr vowlii kamr dirr dingxbin. Lairgua jyxiu u jerje igdii, uree jap yojana, uree zi-jap iacc snax-jap, simrjiww qaur vaccingx yojana, dngg, kuah, cimx, cenw longxx hiacc dua. U veh jiongw qongdig ee juixdii, cingliang ee juiw muaxdni, cingjing, cingpangx, kiwbi naxx qamlo. Ngqimx ee juixdii, erdew pox vehginn ee suax; vehginn ee juixdii, erdew pox ngqimx ee suax; juixjnix ee juixdii, erdew pox liulii ee suax; liulii ee juixdii, erdew pox juixjnix ee suax; san'oo ee juixdii, erdew pox hoxpig ee suax; hoxpig ee juixdii, erdew pox san'oo ee suax; ciaquu ee juixdii, erdew pox bexlyw ee suax; bexlyw ee juixdii, erdew pox ciaquu ee suax; vehgik ee juixdii, erdew pox jixqimx ee suax; jixqimx ee juixdii, erdew pox vehgik ee suax. Uree si nng jiognw dinvyw iacc snax jiongw dinvyw, simrjiww cid jiongw dinvyw juanxngua qiongrdongg habsingg. Dirr juixdii-vnix u dnuahniuciu. Ix ee huex qapp hiyc suii .lyc, pangkuir snruar qaur duarbuw siwqer. Cnisig lenhuex, angsig lenhuex, ngsig lenhuex, qapp vehsig lenhuex, juixbin u je jiongw sikjuiw qngx siamxsiamw qra kamr lehh. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 26)  
Again, the halls, monasteries, palaces and pavilions are spontaneous apparitions, all adorned with the seven jewels and hung with curtains of various other jewels, such as pearls and moon-bright mani gems. Inside and out, to right and left, are bathing pools. Some of them are ten yojanas in length, breadth and depth; some are twenty yojanas, others, thirty, and so on, until we come to those measuring a hundred thousand yojanas in length, breadth and depth. They are brimful of the water of eight excellent qualities, clear, fragrant and tasting like nectar. There are golden pools with beds of silver sand; silver pools with beds of golden sand; crystal pools with beds of beryl sand; beryl pools with beds of crystal sand; coral pools with beds of amber sand; amber pools with beds of coral sand; agate pools with beds of ruby sand; ruby pools with beds of agate sand; white-jade pools with beds of purple-gold sand; purple-gold pools with beds of white-jade sand. Others are composed of two to seven jewels. On the banks of these pools are sandalwood trees, whose flowers and leaves hang down and diffuse perfumes everywhere. Heavenly lotuses of blue, pink, yellow and white bloom profusely in various tints and tones, completely covering the surface of the water. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 26) 