Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-15)
15. Manatthaddha (Qiaugno)
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn. Hitt sii, jit xee miaa qiyr juer Manatthaddha ee brahmin druar dirr Savatthi Sniaa. Ix byy qingwdiong laurbuw, byy qingwdiong laurve, byy qingwdiong sensix, iarr byy qingwdiong hniaqyx.
Hitt sii, Sewjunx virr dairjiongr uii lehh decc qrangw hxuad. Hitt jun, brahmin Manatthaddha anxnex decc sniu, “Jitt xee sabunn Gotama virr dairjiongr uii lehh decc qrangw hxuad. Guaw dnaxx laii kir sabunn Gotama hiax vaiwhongw. Narr sabunn Gotama qapp guaw qongxue, guaw iarr qapp ix qongxue. Narr sabunn Gotama byy qapp guaw qongxue, guaw iarr byy qapp ix qongxue.”
Hitt sii, brahmin Manatthaddha kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue liauw diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh. Hitt sii, Sewjunx byy qapp ix qongxue. Hitt sii, brahmin Manatthaddha liaurqiyr sabunn Gotama sniaw longxx m jaix dyrr beh dngw .kir. Hitt sii, Sewjunx jaix brahmin Manatthaddha simlai soxx sniu :ee, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww brahmin Manatthaddha qongw:
“Brahmin m tangx gnorban.
Narr uirr juer sxenr laii,
Brahmin laii jiax,
Jiacc tangx dadqaur bogdig.”
Hitt sii, brahmin Manatthaddha qongw, “Sabunn Gotama jaix guaw simlai sniu :ee.” Ix dirr kia ee soxjai pag .lyc .kir, ngar tauu kok Sewjunx ee kax, jimx Sewjunx ee kax, qycc iong ciuw crid kax, vingrcniaw vyr qaqi ee miaa, “Junjiaw Gotamaw, guaw qiyr juer Manatthaddha! Junjiaw Gotamaw, guaw qiyr juer Manatthaddha!”
Hitt sii, dairjiongr qniax jit diyy, qongw, “Sidjai hanxiuw, jex sidjai bue bad jingrr bue. Jitt xee qiaugno ee brahmin byy qingwdiong laurbuw, byy qingwdiong laurve, byy qingwdiong sensnix, iarr byy qingwdiong hniaqyx, suacc duiww sabunn Gotama qniaa jitt hy busiong junqingr ee lew.”
Hitt sii, Sewjux iong jiaxee ue duiww brahmin Manatthaddha qongw, “Brahmin, liw tangx kiw .laii, kir qaqi ee xui jre. Liw ee simx ixx sinwhok guaw.”
Hitt sii, brahmin Manatthaddha dyrr kir qaqi ee xui jre, iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw,
“Ingwqaix kiamziong si’angw?
Ingwqaix junhong si’angw?
Ingwqaix qingwdiong si’angw?
Vingrcniaw hyw hyw qiongqib si’angw?”
“Duiwtai laurbuw qapp laurve,
Qycc laii si lendiongw ee hniaqyx,
Derr sir si sensnix diongxvuer,
Duiww inx ingwqaix kiamziong.
Ingwqaix junhong jiaxee langg
Zicniaw qingwdiong jiaxee langg,
Qiongqib jiaxee langg,
Qiongqib si decc juer sxen.
Cingsimx ee arahant,
Juer qaix juer :ee huanlyw itjin.
Diyhh duiww jiaxee jiongww senrjiongr,
Qniaa busiong ee lexqingr.
Gnorban qapp qiaugno,
Inx ingwdongx longxx siar jin ar.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, brahmin Manatthaddha iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau jiongsingx quiix juer iuvysad.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-15)
15. Manatthaddha
Setting at Savatthi. Now on that occasion a brahmin named Manatthaddha, Stiff with Conceit, was residing at Savatthi. He did not pay homage to his mother or father, nor to his teacher or eldest brother.
Now on that occasion the Blessed One was teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly. Then it occurred to the brahmin Manatthaddha: ‘This recluse Gotama is teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly. Let me approach him. If the recluse Gotama addresses me, then I will address him in turn. But if he does not address me, neither will I address him.”
Then the brahmin Manatthaddha approached the Blessed One and stood silently to one side, but the Blessed One did not address him. Then the brahmin Manatthaddha, thinking, “This recluse Gotama doesn’t know anything,” wanted to turn back, but the Blessed One, having known with his own mind the reflection in the brahmin’s mind, addressed the brahmin Manatthaddha in verse:
“The fostering of conceit is never good
For one keen on his welfare, brahmin.
You should instead foster that purpose
Because of which you’ve come here.”
Then the brahmin Manatthaddha, thinking, “The recluse Gotama knows my mind,” prostrated himself right there with his head at the Blessed One’s feet. He kissed the Blessed One’s feet with his mouth and stroked them with his hands, and he announced his name, saying: “I am Månatthaddha, Master Gotama! I am Månatthaddha, Master Gotama!”
Then that assembly was struck with amazement and the people said: “It is wonderful indeed, sir! It is amazing indeed, sir! This brahmin Manatthaddha does not pay homage to his mother and father, nor to his teacher or eldest brother. Yet he performs such an act of supreme humility towards the recluse Gotama.”
Then the Blessed One said to the brahmin Manatthaddha: “Enough, brahmin! Get up
and sit in your own seat, as your mind has confidence in me.”
Then the brahmin Manatthaddha sat down in his own seat and addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“Towards whom should one avoid conceit?
Towards whom should one show reverence?
To whom should one be ever respectful?
Whom is it proper to venerate deeply?”
“First one’s own mother and father,
Then one’s eldest family brother,
Then one’s teacher as the fourth:
Towards these one should avoid conceit;
Towards these one should be reverential;
These should be well respected;
These it is good to venerate deeply.
Having struck down conceit, humble,
One should pay homage to the arahants,
Those cool of heart, their tasks done,
The taintless ones, unsurpassed.”
When this was said, the brahmin Manatthaddha said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as
a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
(相應部 1-7-15)
婆羅門勿慢 若為此來者
婆羅門來者 即善達其用
應向誰謙讓 應對誰尊奉
應予敬重誰 並予善供誰
對於母及父 乃至年長兄
第四乃師長 應該行謙讓
應尊此等人 且敬此等者
予供此等人 是為善供養
清涼阿羅漢 作了漏盡者
對此諸善眾 行無上禮敬
憍慢與強傲 應當皆捨去
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-14)
14. Dua huwongx
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn. Hitt sii, u jit xee brahmin huwongx cing qaxx p.-puawnua-n. jiokk sanwciah kuanw laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Ix qapp Sewjunx horsiongx diwir liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Sewjunx duiww jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin huwongx qongw, “Brahmin! Liw sniaw enqor cing qaxx p.-puawnua-n. jiokk sanwciah kuanw laii jiax?”
“Junjiaw Gotama! Guaw u sir xee qniaw. Inx qapp inx bow tongboo qra guaw qnuaw .cud .laii.”
“Brahmin! Narr si anxnex, liw diyhh amwliam jitt siuw jimgensix. Dng’ inx dirr huerdngg jurjip, qniaxzii sirser jairjy ee sii, liw cniur qongxx:
‘Guaw tniar cutsir qniaw,
Guaw hibang inx singdiongw.
Inx qapp bow qewboo,
Qra guaw qnuaw .cud .kir bersux qxauw qnuaw dix.
Inx suizenn m si henliongg,
Iarr qiyr guaw laurve.
Qniaw si iarcex venwsinx :ee,
Vangwsag guaw laurhuexaw.
Kyxviw duiwtai lau kokkog sueziok ee bew,
M hro ix niusit.
Guaw si qniaw ee laurve,
Suizenn juer inx ee diongxvuer,
Mrqycc kir langg' daux qiukid jiahsit.
U jitt hy vuthaur qniaw,
Kacc sux guaw ee qnuaiw-aw,
Tangx qnuaxdiok bingw guu,
Iarr tangx qnuaw og qxauw,
Dirr oamr diongx tangx inxcua guaw,
Quer cimx kex ee sii,
Qycc juer qicow hro gua kia jai.
Uaw jitt qix qnuaiw-aw,
Vuahdyw tangx qycc vreh kiw.’”
Hitt sii, jitt xee brahmin huwongx dirr Sewjunx hiax amwliam jitt siuw jimgensix. Danw qaur jingwlangg dirr huerdngg jurjip, ix dirr qniaxzii sirser jairjy ee sii qra cniur .cud .laii.
Hitt sii, inx hiaxee qniaw jiong’ brahmin huwongx cua dngw kir cur-lai, hro ix sexik, qokk langg hro ix jit sxux snxax.
Hitt sii, brahmin huwongx tec jit sxux snxax laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw, qapp Sewjunx horsiongx diwir qaudamm liauxau dirr vnix:a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin huwongx iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama! Guanw jiaxee brahmin qriuu guanw ee sensnix sriu jiapsiu vywsia. Guan junjiaw Gotama, guanw ee sensnix, jiaplap guanw ee vywsia.”
Sewjunx in'ui linbinw u jiapsiu.
Hitt sii, brahmin huwongx iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau quiix juer iuvysad.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-14)
14. The Affluent One
Setting at Savatthi. Then a certain affluent brahmin, shabby, clad in a shabby cloak, approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him. When they had concluded their greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side, and the Blessed One then said to him: “Why now, brahmin, are you so shabby, clad in a shabby cloak?”
“Here, Master Gotama, my four sons, instigated by their wives, have expelled me from the house.”
“Well then, brahmin, learn these verses and recite them when the multitude has assembled in the meeting hall with your sons sitting together there:
“Those at whose birth I took delight
And whose success I much desired,
Being instigated by their wives,
Chase me out as dogs chase swine.
These evil fellows are indeed mean,
Although they call me, ‘Dad, dear Dad.’
They’re demons in the guise of sons
To abandon me when I’ve grown old.
As an old horse of no more use
Is led away from its fodder,
So the old father of those boys
Begs for alms at others’ homes.
Better for me is the staff I use
Than those disobedient sons;
For the staff drives off the wild bull
And drives away the wild dog.
In the dark it goes before me,
In the deep it gives me support.
By the gracious power of the staff,
If I stumble I still stand firm.”
Then that affluent brahmin, having learned these verses in the presence of the Blessed One, recited them when the multitude had assembled in the meeting hall with his sons sitting together there:
“Those at whose birth I took delight …
If I stumble I still stand firm.”
Then the sons led that affluent brahmin to their house, bathed him, and each gave him a pair of clothes. Then that affluent brahmin, having taken one pair of clothes, approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him, after which he said to the Blessed One: “Master Gotama, we brahmins seek a teacher’s fee for our teacher. Let Master Gotama accept a teacher’s fee from me.”
The Blessed One accepted out of compassion.
Then that affluent brahmin said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
(相應部 1-7-14)
我素喜其生 我希其生長
彼等與妻謀 逐我如豚犬
雖非喜賢者 亦呼我為父
唯子夜叉形 捨去我年老
如老哀弱馬 不予飲食物
我乃此子父 雖身為長者
但乞他家食 有此不孝子
不如我拐杖 可拂逐猛牛
亦可逐猛犬 暗中能導我
在於深溪時 並作定足基
依此拐杖力 倒而又得起」
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn. Hitt sii, u jit xee brahmin huwongx cing qaxx p.-puawnua-n. jiokk sanwciah kuanw laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Ix qapp Sewjunx horsiongx diwir liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Sewjunx duiww jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin huwongx qongw, “Brahmin! Liw sniaw enqor cing qaxx p.-puawnua-n. jiokk sanwciah kuanw laii jiax?”
“Junjiaw Gotama! Guaw u sir xee qniaw. Inx qapp inx bow tongboo qra guaw qnuaw .cud .laii.”
“Brahmin! Narr si anxnex, liw diyhh amwliam jitt siuw jimgensix. Dng’ inx dirr huerdngg jurjip, qniaxzii sirser jairjy ee sii, liw cniur qongxx:
‘Guaw tniar cutsir qniaw,
Guaw hibang inx singdiongw.
Inx qapp bow qewboo,
Qra guaw qnuaw .cud .kir bersux qxauw qnuaw dix.
Inx suizenn m si henliongg,
Iarr qiyr guaw laurve.
Qniaw si iarcex venwsinx :ee,
Vangwsag guaw laurhuexaw.
Kyxviw duiwtai lau kokkog sueziok ee bew,
M hro ix niusit.
Guaw si qniaw ee laurve,
Suizenn juer inx ee diongxvuer,
Mrqycc kir langg' daux qiukid jiahsit.
U jitt hy vuthaur qniaw,
Kacc sux guaw ee qnuaiw-aw,
Tangx qnuaxdiok bingw guu,
Iarr tangx qnuaw og qxauw,
Dirr oamr diongx tangx inxcua guaw,
Quer cimx kex ee sii,
Qycc juer qicow hro gua kia jai.
Uaw jitt qix qnuaiw-aw,
Vuahdyw tangx qycc vreh kiw.’”
Hitt sii, jitt xee brahmin huwongx dirr Sewjunx hiax amwliam jitt siuw jimgensix. Danw qaur jingwlangg dirr huerdngg jurjip, ix dirr qniaxzii sirser jairjy ee sii qra cniur .cud .laii.
Hitt sii, inx hiaxee qniaw jiong’ brahmin huwongx cua dngw kir cur-lai, hro ix sexik, qokk langg hro ix jit sxux snxax.
Hitt sii, brahmin huwongx tec jit sxux snxax laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw, qapp Sewjunx horsiongx diwir qaudamm liauxau dirr vnix:a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin huwongx iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama! Guanw jiaxee brahmin qriuu guanw ee sensnix sriu jiapsiu vywsia. Guan junjiaw Gotama, guanw ee sensnix, jiaplap guanw ee vywsia.”
Sewjunx in'ui linbinw u jiapsiu.
Hitt sii, brahmin huwongx iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau quiix juer iuvysad.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-14)
14. The Affluent One
Setting at Savatthi. Then a certain affluent brahmin, shabby, clad in a shabby cloak, approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him. When they had concluded their greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side, and the Blessed One then said to him: “Why now, brahmin, are you so shabby, clad in a shabby cloak?”
“Here, Master Gotama, my four sons, instigated by their wives, have expelled me from the house.”
“Well then, brahmin, learn these verses and recite them when the multitude has assembled in the meeting hall with your sons sitting together there:
“Those at whose birth I took delight
And whose success I much desired,
Being instigated by their wives,
Chase me out as dogs chase swine.
These evil fellows are indeed mean,
Although they call me, ‘Dad, dear Dad.’
They’re demons in the guise of sons
To abandon me when I’ve grown old.
As an old horse of no more use
Is led away from its fodder,
So the old father of those boys
Begs for alms at others’ homes.
Better for me is the staff I use
Than those disobedient sons;
For the staff drives off the wild bull
And drives away the wild dog.
In the dark it goes before me,
In the deep it gives me support.
By the gracious power of the staff,
If I stumble I still stand firm.”
Then that affluent brahmin, having learned these verses in the presence of the Blessed One, recited them when the multitude had assembled in the meeting hall with his sons sitting together there:
“Those at whose birth I took delight …
If I stumble I still stand firm.”
Then the sons led that affluent brahmin to their house, bathed him, and each gave him a pair of clothes. Then that affluent brahmin, having taken one pair of clothes, approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him, after which he said to the Blessed One: “Master Gotama, we brahmins seek a teacher’s fee for our teacher. Let Master Gotama accept a teacher’s fee from me.”
The Blessed One accepted out of compassion.
Then that affluent brahmin said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
(相應部 1-7-14)
我素喜其生 我希其生長
彼等與妻謀 逐我如豚犬
雖非喜賢者 亦呼我為父
唯子夜叉形 捨去我年老
如老哀弱馬 不予飲食物
我乃此子父 雖身為長者
但乞他家食 有此不孝子
不如我拐杖 可拂逐猛牛
亦可逐猛犬 暗中能導我
在於深溪時 並作定足基
依此拐杖力 倒而又得起」
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-13)
13. Davahita
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn. Hitt sii, Sewjunx qamw .diyc. Junjiaw Upavana decc surhau Sewjunx.
Hitt sii, Sewjunx duiww junjiaw Upavana qongw, “Upavana, tec siyx juiw hro guaw.”
“Hyw, Sewjunx.” Junjiaw Upavana huedab Sewjunx liauw, dyrr cing snxax tec vxuah, qaur brahmin Davahita mngkakauw, diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh.
Brahmin Devahita knuar diyc junjiaw Upavana diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww junjiaw Upavana qongw:
“Junjiaw diam diam kia lehh,
Tir qngx tauu cing qasex.
Beh dnic sniaw beh qriuu sniaw?
Beh tyw sniaw jiacc laii jiax?”
“Arahant Sxen Quewongg,
Singwjiaw kir qamw .diyc.
Narr u siyx juiw,
Brahmin cniaw liw hro vut."
"Qiongqib hro qaix qiongqib :ee,
Junqingr qaix junqingr :ee,
Qingwdiong qaix qingwdiong :ee,
Guaw guanrir sangr hro ix.”
Hitt jun, Davahita qra jit dnar siyx juiw qapp jit quanr tngbit sangr hro junjiaw Upavana.
Hitt jun, junjiaw Upavana dngw kir Sewjunx hiax, surhau Sewjunx iong siyx juiw sexik, iong tngbit traur siyx juiw hro Sewjunx limx. Dyrr anxnix, Sewjunx ee vni uanjuann.
Hitt jun, brahmin Devahita laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw, hiongr Sewjunx diwir qapp mngranx. Ix qapp Sewjunx qaudamm liauw dirr vnix :a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin Devahit iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Ingqaix vowsix dirr dyhh?
Vowsix sniaw u dua qongqyw?
Diyhh anwjnuaw qiongqib,
Hitt hy vowsix ee quexjiw jiacc e hongsiux?”
“Liauxqaiw siokmia,
U qnir diyc tenqair qapp og dy,
Ixx dadqaur snix ee bedjin,
Tongdat dyrliw ee singwjiaw,
Liw ingqaix vowsix hro ix.
Vowsix hro inx u dua qongqyw.
Jitt hy kuanw qionqib,
Vowsix ee quexjiw e hongsiux.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, brahmin Devahita iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau quiix juer iuvysad.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-13)
13. Devahita
Setting at Savatthi. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was afflicted by winds and
the Venerable Upavana was his attendant.
Then the Blessed One addressed the Venerable Upavana thus: “Come now, Upavana, find some hot water for me.”
“Yes, venerable sir,” the Venerable Upavana replied. Then he dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the residence of the brahmin Devahita, where he stood silently to one side.
The brahmin Devahita saw the Venerable Upavana standing silently to one side and addressed him in verse:
“Silent, the worthy one stands,
Shaven-headed, clad in a stitched robe.
What do you want, what do you seek,
What have you come here to beg?”
“The Arahant, the Sublime One in the world,
The Sage is now afflicted with winds.
If there is any hot water here,
Please, brahmin, give it for the Sage."
"He is worshipped by those worthy of worship,
Honoured by those worthy of honour,
Respected by those worthy of respect:
It is to him that I wish to take it.”
Then the brahmin Devahita ordered a man to bring a carrying pole with hot water and presented a bag of molasses to the Venerable Upavana. Then the Venerable Upavana approached the Blessed One. He had the Blessed One bathed with the hot water, and he mixed the molasses with hot water and offered it to him. Then the Blessed One’s ailment subsided.
Then the brahmin Devahita approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him, after which he sat down to one side and addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“Where should one give a proper gift?
Where does a gift bear great fruit?
How, for one bestowing alms,
Does an offering bring success—just how?”
“One who has known his past abodes,
Who sees heaven and the plane of woe,
Who has reached the destruction of birth,
A sage consummate in direct knowledge:
Here one should give a proper gift,
Here a gift bears great fruit.
That’s how, for one bestowing alms,
An offering brings success—just so!”
When this was said, the brahmin Devahita said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
(相應部 1-7-13)
尊者默然立 禿頭僧伽梨
何欲及何求 為乞何而來
阿羅漢善逝 聖者患感冒
若有溫水者 婆羅門與佛
供養應供人 尊崇可尊人
敬於可敬人 我願齎予彼
應布施何處 施何有大果
何處於供養 其施果榮盛
若了知宿命 見天界惡趣
達生之滅盡 滿通力聖者
應布施於此 施此有大果
如是而供果 其施果榮盛
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn. Hitt sii, Sewjunx qamw .diyc. Junjiaw Upavana decc surhau Sewjunx.
Hitt sii, Sewjunx duiww junjiaw Upavana qongw, “Upavana, tec siyx juiw hro guaw.”
“Hyw, Sewjunx.” Junjiaw Upavana huedab Sewjunx liauw, dyrr cing snxax tec vxuah, qaur brahmin Davahita mngkakauw, diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh.
Brahmin Devahita knuar diyc junjiaw Upavana diam diam dirr vnix:a kia lehh, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww junjiaw Upavana qongw:
“Junjiaw diam diam kia lehh,
Tir qngx tauu cing qasex.
Beh dnic sniaw beh qriuu sniaw?
Beh tyw sniaw jiacc laii jiax?”
“Arahant Sxen Quewongg,
Singwjiaw kir qamw .diyc.
Narr u siyx juiw,
Brahmin cniaw liw hro vut."
"Qiongqib hro qaix qiongqib :ee,
Junqingr qaix junqingr :ee,
Qingwdiong qaix qingwdiong :ee,
Guaw guanrir sangr hro ix.”
Hitt jun, Davahita qra jit dnar siyx juiw qapp jit quanr tngbit sangr hro junjiaw Upavana.
Hitt jun, junjiaw Upavana dngw kir Sewjunx hiax, surhau Sewjunx iong siyx juiw sexik, iong tngbit traur siyx juiw hro Sewjunx limx. Dyrr anxnix, Sewjunx ee vni uanjuann.
Hitt jun, brahmin Devahita laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw, hiongr Sewjunx diwir qapp mngranx. Ix qapp Sewjunx qaudamm liauw dirr vnix :a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee brahmin Devahit iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Ingqaix vowsix dirr dyhh?
Vowsix sniaw u dua qongqyw?
Diyhh anwjnuaw qiongqib,
Hitt hy vowsix ee quexjiw jiacc e hongsiux?”
“Liauxqaiw siokmia,
U qnir diyc tenqair qapp og dy,
Ixx dadqaur snix ee bedjin,
Tongdat dyrliw ee singwjiaw,
Liw ingqaix vowsix hro ix.
Vowsix hro inx u dua qongqyw.
Jitt hy kuanw qionqib,
Vowsix ee quexjiw e hongsiux.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, brahmin Devahita iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau quiix juer iuvysad.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-13)
13. Devahita
Setting at Savatthi. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was afflicted by winds and
the Venerable Upavana was his attendant.
Then the Blessed One addressed the Venerable Upavana thus: “Come now, Upavana, find some hot water for me.”
“Yes, venerable sir,” the Venerable Upavana replied. Then he dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the residence of the brahmin Devahita, where he stood silently to one side.
The brahmin Devahita saw the Venerable Upavana standing silently to one side and addressed him in verse:
“Silent, the worthy one stands,
Shaven-headed, clad in a stitched robe.
What do you want, what do you seek,
What have you come here to beg?”
“The Arahant, the Sublime One in the world,
The Sage is now afflicted with winds.
If there is any hot water here,
Please, brahmin, give it for the Sage."
"He is worshipped by those worthy of worship,
Honoured by those worthy of honour,
Respected by those worthy of respect:
It is to him that I wish to take it.”
Then the brahmin Devahita ordered a man to bring a carrying pole with hot water and presented a bag of molasses to the Venerable Upavana. Then the Venerable Upavana approached the Blessed One. He had the Blessed One bathed with the hot water, and he mixed the molasses with hot water and offered it to him. Then the Blessed One’s ailment subsided.
Then the brahmin Devahita approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him, after which he sat down to one side and addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“Where should one give a proper gift?
Where does a gift bear great fruit?
How, for one bestowing alms,
Does an offering bring success—just how?”
“One who has known his past abodes,
Who sees heaven and the plane of woe,
Who has reached the destruction of birth,
A sage consummate in direct knowledge:
Here one should give a proper gift,
Here a gift bears great fruit.
That’s how, for one bestowing alms,
An offering brings success—just so!”
When this was said, the brahmin Devahita said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”
(相應部 1-7-13)
尊者默然立 禿頭僧伽梨
何欲及何求 為乞何而來
阿羅漢善逝 聖者患感冒
若有溫水者 婆羅門與佛
供養應供人 尊崇可尊人
敬於可敬人 我願齎予彼
應布施何處 施何有大果
何處於供養 其施果榮盛
若了知宿命 見天界惡趣
達生之滅盡 滿通力聖者
應布施於此 施此有大果
如是而供果 其施果榮盛
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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