vyxciu, qinx si jixqimx, qxingx si vehginn, ciurqix si liulii, ciuruex si juixjnix,
hiyc si san'oo, huex si bexlyw, quexjiw si ciaquu. Uree vyxciu, qinx si
vehginn, qxingx si liulii, ciurqix si juixjnix, ciuruex si san'oo, hiyc si
bexlyw, huex si ciaquu, quexjiw si jixqimx. Uree vyxciu, qinx si liulii, qxingx
si juixjnix, ciurqix si san'oo, ciuruex si bexlyw, hiyc si ciaquu, huex si
jixqimx, quexjiw si vehginn. Uree vyxciu, qinx si juixjnix, qxingx si san'oo,
ciurqix si bexlyw, ciuruex si ciaquu, hiyc si jixqimx, huex si vehginn, quexjiw
si liulii. Uree
vyxciu, qinx si san'oo, qxingx si bexlyw, ciurqix si ciaquu, ciuruex si jixqimx,
hiyc si vehginn, huex si liulii, quexjiw si juixjnix. Uree vyxciu, qinx si
bexlyw, qxingx si ciaquu, ciurqix si jixqimx, ciuruex si vehginn, hiyc si
liulii, huex si juixjnix, quexjiw si san'oo. Uree vyxciu, qinx si ciaquu,
qxingx si jixqimx, ciurqix si vehginn, ciuruex si liulii, hiyc si juixjnix,
huex si san'oo, quexjiw si bexlyw. Inx muixx jit jua li vnii hng, qxingx qapp
qxingx siy' duir, ciurqix qapp ciurqix siy' inwtin, hiyc qapp hiyc siy' ngr, huex qapp huex siy' sunrtanr, quexjiw qapp quexjiw siy' vaiviw. Jixsig ee qong'iau ho’ngg knuar be hur. Cinghongx cuex ee sii huad cud gnoximx, bibiau imdiau jurzenn horsiongx puewhyy.
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 23)
Again, there are jewelled trees with purple-gold
roots, white-silver trunks, beryl branches, crystal twigs, coral leaves, ruby
flowers and agate fruits. There are jewelled trees with white-silver roots,
beryl trunks, crystal branches, coral twigs, ruby leaves, agate flowers and
purple-gold fruits. There are jewelled trees with beryl roots, crystal trunks,
coral branches, ruby twigs, agate leaves, purple-gold flowers and white-silver
fruits. There are jewelled trees with crystal roots, coral trunks, ruby
branches, agate twigs, purple-gold leaves, white-silver flowers and beryl
fruits. There are jewelled trees with coral roots, ruby trunks, agate branches,
purple-gold twigs, white-silver leaves, beryl flowers and crystal fruits. There
are jewelled trees with ruby roots, agate trunks, purple-gold branches,
white-silver twigs, beryl leaves, crystal flowers and coral fruits. There are
jewelled trees with agate roots, purple-gold trunks, white-silver branches,
beryl twigs, crystal leaves, coral flowers and ruby fruits. These jewelled
trees are in parallel rows, their trunks are evenly spaced, their branches are
in level layers, their leaves are symmetrical, their flowers harmonize, and
their fruits are well arranged. The brilliant colors of these trees are so
luxuriant that it is impossible to see them all. When a pure breeze
wafts through them, exquisite sounds of the pentatonic scales, such as kung and
shang, spontaneously arise and make symphonic music.
(佛說無量壽經 - 23)