
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (14)

Shariputra! Narr u ixx huatguan, dnaxx huatguan, qapp jionglaii huatguan beh ongxsingx kir Amitabah Vut ee qog :ee, jiaxee langg bylun dirr quewkir, dirr jitmaw, iacc dirr birlaii ongxsingx kir hitt xee qoktow, longxx tangx drat qaur anuttara samyaksambodhi be trer dywdngw. Soxiw qongxx, Shariputra! Soxu senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn narr u sinr :ee, qaidongx huatguan beh ongxsingx kir hitt xee qoktow. 

Shariputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who will make the vow, I wish to be born in Amitabha's country, these people, whether born in the past, now being born there, or to be born there in the future, will all attain non-retreat from anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Therefore, Shariputra, all good men and good women who believe should make the vow, I wish to be born in that country.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --14)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (13)

Shariputra, liw anwjnuaw sniu? Uirjnuaxngiu jitt vxo qingx qongxx si itcer jiongww vut soxx beh siuxho :ee? Shariputra! Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn tniax qnir diyc jitt vxo qingx u siurcii :ee, qycc u tniax qnir jiongww vut ee miahy, jiaxee senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn qewqer sriu itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho. Inx tangx dirr anuttara samyaksambodhi be qycc trer dywdngw. Soxiw qongxx, Shariuputra! Linw longxx diyhh siongsinr qapp jiapsiu guaw qapp jiongww vut soxx qongw :ee.

Shariputra, what do you think? Why is it called Sutra which all Buddhas protect and bear in mind? Shariputra, if a good man or good woman hears this sutra and upholds it, and hears the names of all these Buddhas, this good man or good woman will also be one whom all Buddhas protect and bear in mind, and will attain non-retreat from anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Therefore, Shariputra, all of you should believe and accept my words and the words all Buddhas speak.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --13)
舍利弗。於汝意云何。何故名為一切諸佛所護念經。 舍利弗。若有善男子善女人。聞是經受持者。及聞諸佛名者。是諸善男子善女人。皆為一切諸佛共所護念。皆得不退轉於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。是故舍利弗。汝等皆當信受我語及諸佛所說。


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (12)

Shariputra! Dirr Dingxbin Sewqair u Cingjing Imx Vut, Cnisinn Ongg Vut, Siongrr Pangx Vut, Pangx Qngx Vut, Dua Iam Qringx Vut, Jabsig Dinvyw Huex Jngsig Srinx Vut, Sala-ciu Ongg Vut, Dinvyw Huex Dikhing Vut, Qnir Itcer Girliw Vut, qapp Cincniu Sumeru Snuax Vut. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.

Shariputra, in the World Above, Pure Sound Buddha, Constellation King Buddha, Superior Fragrance Buddha, Fragrant Light Buddha, Great Radiant Shoulders Buddha, Varicolored Jewels-Adorned Body Buddha, Sala Tree King Buddha, Jewelled Flower of Virtue Buddha, Discerning All Meanings Buddha, Like Sumeru Mountain Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, a sutra they protect and bear in mind.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --12)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (11)

Shariputra! Erdew Sewqair u Sraix Vut, Cutmiaa Vut, Miaa Qngx Vut, Dharma Vut, Hxuad-Dongrhuanx Vut, qapp Cisiuw Hxuad Vut. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.

Shariputra, in the World Below, Lion Buddha, Well-Known Buddha, Celebrated Light Buddha, Dharma Buddha, Dharma-Curtain Buddha, Upholding Dharma Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, a sutra they protect and bear in mind.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --11)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (10)

Shariputra! Dirr Vakhngx Sewqair u Iam Qringx Vut, Jiww Ingqngx Imx Vut, Lann Joxdongr Vut, Zit-snix Vut, qapp Bingg Bxang Vut. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.

Shariputra, in the Northern World, Radiant Shoulders Buddha, Most Glorious Sound Buddha, Invincible Buddha, Sun-Birth Buddha, Luminous Net Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, a sutra they protect and bear in mind.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --10)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (9)

Shariputra! Dirr Sehngx Sewqair u Buliong Huewsiu Vut, Buliong Siongr Vut, Buliong Dongrhuanx Vut, Dua Qngx Vut, Dua Bingg Vut, Vyw Siongr Vut, qapp Sunn Qngx Vut. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.

Shariputra, in the Western World, Measureless Life Buddha, Infinite Features Buddha, Measureless Curtain Buddha, Great Light Buddha, Great Clarity Buddha, Jewelled Likeness Buddha, Pure Light Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, protecting and bearing it in mind.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --9)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (8)

Shariputra! Dirr Lamhngx Sewqair u Zidguat Dingx Vut, Cutmiaa Dingx Vut, Dua Iam Qringx Vut, Sumeru Dingx Vut, qapp Buliong Jingjinr Vut. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.

Shariputra, in the Southern World, Sun-Moon Lamp Buddha, Sumeru Lamp Buddha, Celebrated Light Buddha, Great Radiant Shoulders Buddha, Sumeru Lamp Buddha, Measureless Vigor Buddha, all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, a sutra they protect and bear in mind.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --8)
舍利弗。南方世界有日月燈佛。名聞光佛。大焰肩佛。須彌燈佛。無量精進佛。如是等恒河沙數諸佛。各於其國出廣長舌相。遍覆三千大千世界。說誠實言。汝等眾生。當信是稱讚不可思 議功德。一切諸佛所護念經。

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (7)

Shariputra! Cincniu guaw jitmaw decc janwtanr Amitabha Vut vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, dirr danghngx u Akshobya Vut, Sumeru Siongr Vut, Dua Sumeru Vut, Sumeru Qngx Vut, qapp Biaurimx Vut iarr qangrkuanw. Jiaxee vut bersux Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je, qokqog dirr inx ee qog crunx cud qycc kuah qycc dngg ee cuiwjic, tangx kamr venww snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, qongw sidjai ue, qongxx linw jiaxee jiongwsingx qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx ylyw vutkyw-sugi ee qongdig, ixqip itcer jiongww vut soxx siuxho ee qingx.

Shariputra, just as I now praise the inconceivable benefits arising from the merit and virtue of Amitabha, so too in the East does Akshobya Buddha, Sumeru Likeness Buddha, Great Sumeru Buddha, Sumeru Light Buddha, Wonderful Sound Buddha; all Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges' sands, each in his own country gives forth a vast and far-reaching sound that pervades the threefold, great, thousand-world realm and proclaims these sincere and honest words: All you living beings should believe in this sutra which all the Buddhas praise for its inconceivable merit and virtue, a sutra they protect and bear in mind.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --7)


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (6)

Qycc u, Shariputa! Ongxsingx kir Qiglok Qoktow ee jiongwsingx longxx si avaivartika(be qycc dywter). Inx qidiongx jerje dirr au jitt sxer dyrr e jniaa vut, sowliong qigqii je, m si iong sngr :ee sngr e cud .laii, dna' tangx qongw si buliong buvenx ee asmakhya qiab hiacc je. Shariputra! U tniax .qnir ee jiongwsingx qaidongx huatguan beh ongxsingx kir hitt xee qog. Si anwjnuaw lehh? In'ui tangx ham' jerje jiww sxen :ee jywhuew dirr jit xee soxjai.

Shariputra! Kueckiamr senrqinx qapp hokdig ee inenn :ee berdangr ongxsingx kir  hitt xee qog. Shariputra! Senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn tniax qnir Amitabha Vut qycc u cisiuw ix ee miahy, bylun jit qangx, nng qangx, snax qangx, sir qangx, go qangx, lak qangx, iacc cid qangx, itsimx byy beluan, hitt xee langg sniwmia jinrbuew ee sii, Amitabha Vut qapp jiongww singwjiaw e dirr ix binrjingg cuthen. Jitt hy langg qaur jinrbuew, simx byy dendyr, jikkig tangx ongxsingx qaur Amitabha Vut ee Qiglok Qoktow.

Shariputra! Guaw u knuar diyc jitt hy lirig, mrjiacc e qongw jiaxee ue. Jiongwsingx narr u tniax diyc jiaxee ue, qaidongx huatguan beh ongxsingx kir hitt xee qoktow.

Moreover, Shariputra, the living beings born in the Land of Utmost Happiness are all avaivartika. Among them are many who in this very life will dwell in Buddhahood. Their number is extremely many; it is incalculable. And only in measureless, limitless asamkyeyas of kalpas could they be counted. Shariputra, those living beings who hear of this should vow: I wish to be born in that country. And why? Because those who are born there assemble in one place with people whose goodness is unsurpassed. 

Shariputra, if one has few good roots, blessings, and virtues, one cannot be born in that land. Shariputra, if there is a good man or good woman who hears of Amitabha and holds his name whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days with one mind unconfused, when this person nears the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha and all the Assembly of Holy Ones. When the end comes, his mind will not be utterly confused, and in Amitabha's Land of Utmost Happiness he will quickly be reborn.

Shariputra, because I see this benefit, I speak these words; and, if living beings hear this teaching they should make the vow: I wish to born in that land.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --6)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (5)

Shariputra, liw anwjnuaw sniu? Uirjnuaxngiu hitt xui vut hy jyr Amitabha? Shariputra! Hitt xui vut ee qngx byy hanrliong, jiywqngx sibhongx qoktow longxx byy jiongwgai, mrjiacc qiyr jyr Amitabha. Qycc u, Shariputra! Hitt xui vut qapp ix hiaxee zinbinn ee siursor u buliong buvenx asamkhya qiab, mrjiacc qiyr ix jyr Amitabha. Shariputra! Amitabha Vut jurr jniaa vut ixlaii qaur dnaxx quer jap qiab. Qycc u, Shariputra! Hitt xui vut u buliong buvenx ee sniabunn derjuw, longxx si arhat, m si iong sngr :ee sngr e cud .laii. Jiongww posad marr si zucuw. Shariputra! Hitt xui vut ee qoktow singjiu jitt hy kuanw qongdig qapp jonggiamm.

Shariputra, what do you think? Why is this Buddha called Amitabha? Shariputra, the brilliance of that Buddha's light is measureless, illumining the lands of the ten directions everywhere without obstruction. For this reason he is called Amitabha. Moreover, Shariputra, the lifespan of that Buddha and that of his people extends for measureless, limitless asamkhyeyas of kalpas. For this reason he is called Amitayus. And, Shariputra, since Amitabha became a Buddha, ten kalpas have passed. Moreover, Shariputra, that Buddha has measureless, limitless asamkheyas of Sound-Hearer disciples, their number incalculable. So too is the assembly of Bodhisattvas. Shariputra, that Buddhaland is crowned in splendor and virtues such as these.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --5)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (4)

M na anxnex, Shariputra! Hitt qog dniardnia u jiongxjiongw cutqii gnoxcaiw ee jiauxjiah. Vehhyc, kongxciog, ingqyx, vehlingrsix, qaling, siangx tauu jiauw. Jiaxee jiongxjiongw jiauxjiah zid'ia lak xee sisinn cniur cud hyhaii gnaximx. Inx ee imsniax vywiongg Go Qinx, Go Lat, Cid Bodhi, Veh Singwdy jiaxee Hxuad. Hitt xee qoktow ee jiongwsingx narr tniax diyc jiaxee imsniax, longxx e sniu diyc Vut, sniu diyc Hxuad, qapp sniu diyc Sangha.

Shariputra! Liw m hyw liahjunw jiaxee jiauxjiah si in'ui juerquar qapp vywingr laii cutsir. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Hitt xui vut ee qoktow byy junjai snax xee og dy. Shariputra! Hitt xee vut ee qoktow lenrr og dy ee miaa dy' byy, byc qongxx jniasit junjai. Jiaxee jiongxjiongw jiauxjiah longxx si Amitabha Vut uirr beh hro huat'imx liutuann jiacc qra venwhuar .cud .laii .ee.

Shariputra! Dirr hitt xui vut ee qoktow, hongsix-aw cuex dinxdang, qui' vaii u  dinvyw ee ciurjangg qapp u dinvyw ee lybang dyrr e huad cud bibiau ee imsniax, uanxzenn cingvah jiongw gagkir qang sijun jauwkig. Tniax .diyc .ee longxx jurzendig snix cud sniu Vut, sniu Hxuad, qapp sniu Sangha ee simx. Shariputra! Jitt xee vut ee qoktow singjiu jitt hy kuanw qongdig qapp jonggiamm.

Moreover, Shariputra, in this country there are always rare and unusual birds of many kinds and colors: white geese, cranes, peacocks, parrots, egrets, kalavinkas and two-headed birds. In the six periods of the day and night the flocks of birds sing forth harmonious and elegant sounds. Their clear and joyful calls proclaim the Five Roots, the Five Powers, the Seven Limbs of Bodhi, the Eightfold Path of Sages, and dharmas such as these. When living beings of this land hear their calls they are altogether mindful of the Buddha, mindful of the Dharma, and mindful of the Sangha.

Shariputra! Do not say that these birds are born as retribution for their sins. And why not? Because in this Buddhaland the three evil paths do not exist. Shariputra, even the names of the three evil paths are unknown in this Buddha's land; how much the less could they actually exist! Wishing to proclaim the Dharma's sound far and wide, Amitabha Buddha created these multitudes of birds by transformation.

Shariputra, in that Buddhaland when the gentle winds blow, the rows of jewelled trees and jewelled nets reverberate with fine and wondrous sounds, as a symphony of one hundred thousand kinds of music played in harmony. All who hear these sounds are naturally mindful of the Buddha, mindful of the Dharma, and mindful of the Sangha. Shariputra, the Land of Utmost Happiness is crowned in splendor and virtues such as these.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --4)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (3)

Qycc u, Shariputra! Hitt xui vut ee qoktow vutsii jraur tnidingw ee gag'imx. Tokax si ngqimx pox :ee, zid'ia lak xee sisinn, tnidingw e lyc mandarava huex-ho. Dagg qangx jaxkiw, hitt qog ee jiongwsingx qokk langg qorr deaw drew jerje jiongw ee huex qiong'iongw vadd xui ee jap-bxan ig xee vut. Vngrdngr sisinn, inx huedngw qaur inx vunxqog, jiac vaw liauxau siwqer qniaa. Shariputra! Qiglok Qoktow singjiu jitt hy kuanw qongdig qapp jonggiamm."

Moreover, Shariputra, in this Buddhaland heavenly music always plays, and the ground is made of gold. In the six periods of the day and night a heavenly rain of mandarava flowers falls, and throughout the clear morning, each living being of this land offers sacks filled with myriads of wonderful flowers to the hundreds of thousands of millions of Buddhas of the other directions. At mealtime they return to their own countries and after eating they walk about. Shariputra, the Land of Utmost Happiness is crowned in splendor and virtues such as these.

(佛說阿彌陀經 --3)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (2)

Hitt jun, Vuddyy qra dniuxlyw Shariputra qongw, "An' jiax qaur sehngx quer jap-bxan ig vut ee toxde, u jit xee sewqair hy jyr 'Qiglok'. Hitt xee toxde dingxquann u jit xee vut, hy jyr Amitabha, jitmaw dngdecc suathuad. Shariputra! Si anwjnuaw hitt xee toxde ee miaa hy jyr 'Qiglok'? Hitt qog ee jiongwsingx byy jiongxjiongw tongwkow, qanda' u jiongxjiongw kuaiwlok, soxiw qiyr jyr QiglokQycc u, Shariputra! Qiglok Qoktow u cid dingg salann, cid dingg lybang, qapp cid dingg vailet ee ciurbok, siwkouii longxx qorr sir hxang vyxbut uii lehh. Mrjiacc hitt qog ee miaa qiyr jyr Qiglok. Qycc u, Shariputra! Qiglok Qoktow u cid kud u vyxbut ee juixdii, u vauhamm veh hxang qongdig ee juiw dirr hitt lairdew muaxdni. Juixdii erdew si iong qimx suax pox :ee. Sir vingg ee kxamw-aw qorr qimx, ginn, liulii, qapp vylee tiap :ee. Dingxquann u lauqyh, marr si iong qimx, ginn, liulii, vylee, ciaquu, ciah jux, qapp bexlyw laii jngsig :ee. Juixdii lairdew ee juixlenhuex dua qaxnaxx cialenw. Cnix :ee huad cnix qngx, ngg :ee huad ngg qngx, angg :ee huad angg qngx, vec :ee huad vec qngx, huatsanr bibii aw sunbiw pangbi. Shariputra! Qiglok Qoktow singjiu jitt hy kuanw qongdig qapp jonggiamm.

At that time Buddha said to the Elder Shariputra: "West of here, past a hundred billion Buddha-lands, there exists a world called "Ultimate Bliss". In this land there exists a Buddha called Amitabha, who is expounding the Dharma right now.  [Buddha says to Shariputra:] "Why is this land called Ultimate Bliss"? It is called "Ultimate Bliss" because the sentient beings in this land are free from the myriad sufferings, and only know every kind of joy. Furthermore, this land is called "Ultimate Bliss" because it is surrounded by seven rings of railings, and seven layers of nets, and seven rows of trees, all made of the four precious jewels. Moreover, the Land of Ultimate Bliss has many jeweled ponds filled with the waters of eight virtues. The bottom of each of the ponds is pure golden sand, and the stepped walkways that lead up from all four sides of each of the ponds are made of gold, silver, lapis lazuli and crystal. Above the ponds there are towers which are adorned with silver and gold and lapis lazuli and crystal and mother of pearl and red agate. In the ponds there are lotus flowers as big as cart wheels: blue ones shining with blue light, yellow ones shining with yellow light, red ones shining with red light, and white ones shining with white light, each emitting a subtle pure fragrance.  The Land of Ultimate Bliss is complete with all these merits and adornments. 

(佛說阿彌陀經 --2)

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Amitabha Qingx (1)

Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sii, Vuddyy diamr dirr Shravasti Qog Jetavana ee Qodok Hngg, u jit-cingx nng-vah go-jap xee dua bikiu ham' ix dauwdin. Inx longxx si dua arhat, jingwlangg soxx jaix soxx bad :ee. U dniuxlyw Shariputra, Maudgalyayana, Mahakashyapa, Maha Katyayana, Mahakausthila, Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ananda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola-bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Mahakapphina, Vakula, qapp Aniruddha dingxdingw jiaxee dua derjuw. Qycc u jiongww posad mahasattva, Huat'ongg ee qniaw Manjushri, Ajita Posad, Gandhahastin Posad, Nityodyukta(Siongsiongg Jingjinr) Posad, qapp qitnax dua posad. Lingrgua qycc u Shakra dingxdingw qapp jiongww tnix ee dairjiongr iarr longxx jurjip.

Thus have I heard: 
Once Buddha was in the land of Shravasti, in the garden of Jeta and Anathapindika. He was accompanied by twelve hundred and fifty great Bhikshus, all of them great Arhats, well known to the assembly. Among them were his leading disciples, such figures as the Elders Shariputra, Maudgalyayana, Mahakashyapa, Maha Katyayana, and Mahakausthila, Revata, Suddhipanthaka, Nanda, Ánanda, Rahula, Gavampati, Pindola-bharadvaja, Kalodayin, Mahakapphina, Vakula, and Aniruddha, etc., all great disciples. Also present were the Bodhisattvas Mahasattva: Manjushri, Prince of the Dharma, the Bodhisattva Ajita the Invincible, and the Bodhisattva of Constant Progress, Gandhahastin, Nityodyukta, and other such great enlightening beings. Also present was Shakra, the king of the gods, along with countless numbers of heavenly beings, making up a great assembly. 

(佛說阿彌陀經 --1)


Simx Qingx (7)

Soxiw diyhh liam Prajna Paramita jiuwgiw. Jitmaw laii liam jiuwgiw: 

That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this:
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!

(心經 --7)

Simx Qingx (6)

Soxiw tangx jaix Prajna Paramita si u dua sinlik ee jiuwgiw, si u dua qongbingg ee jiuwgiw, si busiong ee jiuwgiw, si buviw ee jiuwgiw, tangx kuduu itcer koxlan, jinsit byy kanghix.

Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false.

(心經 --6) 
故知般若波羅蜜多。 是大神咒。是大明咒。是無上咒。是無等等咒。 能除一切苦。真實不虛。

Simx Qingx (5)

Bodhisattva sunrtanr Prajna Paramita, luersimx byy quawgai. Byy quawgai, dyrr byy qniahniaa, ham' itcer dendyr ee kangx bang li hng hng, itbuew qaur qaxx Nirvana(liappuann). Snax sxer jiongww vut sunrtanr Prajna Paramita, drat qaur anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

The Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita.

(心經 --5)
菩提薩埵。 依般若波羅蜜多。故心無罣礙。無罣礙故。 無有恐怖。遠離一切顛倒夢想。 究竟涅槃。三世諸佛。依般若波羅蜜多故。 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。

Simx Qingx (4)

Soxiw qongxx kangx lairdew byy hingsig, byy qamxsiu, byy sniurhuad, byy qniahingg, iarr byy iwsig; byy bagjiux, byy hni-aw, byy pni-aw, byy cuiwjic, byy sinkux, iarr byy iwliam; byy bagsig, byy snia'imx, byy pangkuir, byy kiwbi, byy bongkap, byy henrsiong; byy ganxqair, qaur qaxx byy iwsikqair; byy bubingg, iarr byy itjin bubingg; simrjiww qaur byy lyxziok sixsid, iarr byy itjin lyxziok sixsid. Byy tongwkow, byy kixinx, byy dubet, iarr byy Dy. Byy junjai diwhui, iarr be did .diyc, in'ui byy soxx tangx did .diyc.

Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining. Because nothing is attained.

是故空中無色。無受想行識。無眼耳鼻舌身意。無色聲香味觸法。 無眼界。乃至無意識界。無無名。亦無無名盡。乃至無老死。亦無老死盡。無苦集滅道。無智亦無得。 以無所得故。

Simx Qingx (3)

Sariputra! Soxu henrsiong qeww si kangx :ee, byy snix iarr byy bet, byy lacsab iarr byy cingkir, byy qex iarr byy qiamw.

Shariputra, all Dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish.


Simx Qingx (2)

Sariputra! Siktew byy qyc'ngiu kangx, kangx byy qyc'ngiu siktew. Siktew dyrr si kangx, kangx dyrr si siktew. Qamxsiu, sniurhuad, qniahingg, qapp iwsig marr si zucuw.

Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. 

(心經 --2)

Simx Qingx (1)

Avalokiteshvara (Quanjurjai) Posad iong cimdimm ee prajna paramita decc siuhing ee sii, quancad qapp huatqenr diyc Gnow Dxir longxx si kangx :ee, ciautuad itcer koxeh.

When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty.

(心經 --1)
觀自在菩薩。行深般若波羅蜜多時。 照見五蘊皆空。度一切苦厄。


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Sir-jap-zi Jniux Qingx (42)

Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw knuawtai dewongg quiwjok jiaxee derui cincniu quer kangpang ee ing'iax; knuawtai qimginn jugik cincniu hiarpuer; knuawtai linglyy-diuduan cincniu covor snxax; knuawtai daircenx sewqair cincniu jit liap haritaki ee jiw; knuawtai Anavatapta Oo ee juiw cincniu buah kax ee iuu. Guaw knuawtai qiuwjo ee lirven honghuad cincniu jit dxuix huanwhuar ee dinvyw; knuawtai jiww quann ee huatmngg cincniu bang-diongx ee qimx snxax; knuawtai vuddy cincniu ganw-jingg ee kangx huex; knuawtai sendnia cincniu Sumeru Snuax ee snuatiau; knuawtai liappuann cincniu zid'ia jingsinn; knuawtai ngirduanx qapp jniawpair cincniu lak jiah lringg decc tiauwbuw; knuawtai vingdingw cincniu s.-sidjai-j. ee dertow; knuawtai hingvai cincniu suwquir ee ciurbok."

The Buddha said: "I consider the dignities of kings and lords as a particle of dust that floats in the sunbeam. I consider the treasure of precious metals and stones as bricks and pebbles. I consider the gaudy dress of silks and brocades as a worn-out rag. I consider this universe as small as the holila fruit. I consider the lake of Anavatapta as a drop of oil with which one smears the feet. I consider the various methods of salvation taught by the Buddhas as a treasure created by the imagination. I consider the transcendental doctrine of Buddhism as precious metal or priceless fabric seen in a dream. I consider the teaching of Buddhas as a flower before my eyes. I consider the practice of Dhyâna as a pillar supporting the Mount Sumeru. I consider Nirvâna as awakening from a day dream or nightmare. I consider the struggle between heterodox and orthodox as the antics of the six [mythical] dragons. I consider the doctrine of sameness as the absolute ground of reality. I consider all the religious works done for universal salvation as like the plants in the four seasons."

(佛說四十二章經 --42)