
Shurangama Qingx (sir-12)

Vuddyy qra Purna qongw, "Suizenn liw ee gignaiw u siauduu, iauxx u cunx quaw gihik bue druu jin. Guaw ixx sewqanx bogjingg henxhen ee jiongxjiongw dairjir jitmaw qycc mng liw. Liw qamxx byy tniax qongxx dirr Shravasti Sniaa lairdew u jit xee Yajnadatta, ix vorvinn dirr jaixsii iong qniar jiywbin, hnuahiw qniar-diongx ee tauu, bagbaii, qapp bagjiux tangx knuar hen hen, liauxau, suacc dngw siurkir, jikvi qaqi ee tauu be qnir diyc bin qapp bak. Ix liahjunw si mosinn-aw, byy-in.-byy-dnuax huatqongg ovec jongg. Liw ee siwsur sniaw kuanw? Jitt xee langg sniaw indnuax byy-en.-byy-qor huatqongg ovec jongg?"
Purna qongw, "Jitt xee langg dyrr si simx huatqongg, byy vadd jiongw enqor."
Vuddyy qongw, "Bibiau ee qakdix bingqngx, uanbuanw. Guanvunw uanbuanw bingqngx bibiau qacc qiyr juer bongrsiongw, beh tacc u kixinx? Narr u soxx kixinx, anxjnuw qiyr juer bongrsiongw? Jiongxjiongw bongrsiongw dngxsec horsiong knikib. An' beluan jikju beluan laii qinglik naxx din'aix hiacc je ee qiab hiacc quw. Suizenn Vut huatsnix binghen, iauxx berdangr dngxtauu. Cincniu jitt kuanw beluan ee iniuu, si in'ui beluan jurvunw dyrr u. Iwsig beluan byy in'inn, bongrsiongw byy soxx uaxlai. Iauxx byy snix .cud .laii, beh anwjnuaw dubet? Bersux did diyc potee qongqyw :ee, kunr cniw ee sii decc qongw bang-diongx ee dairjir. Simx dyrr sngr u jingbii u bingqngx, sniaw in'iuu beh kir cruw bang-diongx ee mihqnia? Hongwqiamx qycc byy indnuax, vunxdew dyrr byy soxx u :ee. Kyxviw hitt xee sniaa-lai ee Yajnadatta, tacc u sniaw in'iuu qniax qaqi ee tauu suacc ovec jongg? Hutzenqanx qongluan hiycdiam, liauxqaiw diyc tauu m si an' guarbin did .diyc .ee. Dyrr sngr qongluan byy hiycdiam, tauu marr byy sitlyc."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --12)
The Buddha said to Purna,  "Although you have cast off doubts, you still have not ended residual delusions. I will now question you about a mundane event. Did you hear about Yajnadatta from Shravasti who on impulse one morning held a mirror to his face and fell in love with the head in the mirror?  He gazed at the eyes and eyebrows but got angry because he could not see his own face. He decided he must be a mountain or river sprite, lost control, and ran madly about. What do you think? Why did this person set out on a mad cause for no reason?"
Purna said,  "That person was insane.  There’s no other reason."
The Buddha said,  "What reason can you give for saying that the wonderful enlightened bright perfection, the fundamentally perfect bright wonder is false? If there is a reason, then how do you define false? All of your own false thinking becomes in turn the cause for more. From confusion you accumulate confusion through eon after eon; although the Buddha is aware of it, he cannot counteract it. From such confused causes, the cause of confusion perpetuates itself. When one realizes that confusion has no cause, the falseness becomes baseless.  Since it never arose, why would you hope for its end?  One who obtains Bodhi is like a person who awakens to tell of the events in a dream; since his mind will remain awake and clear, why would he want to hold onto the things in a dream? This is especially true for things that lack a cause and are basically non-existent, such as Yajnadatta’s situation that day in the city.  Was there any reason why he became fearful for his head and went running about?  If his madness had suddenly ceased, he still wouldn’t get his head back from someplace else outside; and so before his madness ceased, how could his head have been lost?"

佛言。妙覺明圓。本圓明妙既稱為妄云何有因。若有所因。云何名妄。自諸妄想展轉相因。從迷積迷以歷塵劫。雖佛發明。猶不能返。如是迷因。因迷自有。識迷無因。妄無所依。尚無有生。欲何為滅。得菩提者。如寤時人說夢中事。心縱精明。欲何因緣取夢中物。況復無因本無所有。如彼城中演若達多。豈有因緣自怖頭走。忽然狂歇。 頭非外得。縱未歇狂。亦何遺失。


Shurangama Qingx (sir-11)

Purna qongw, "Guaw hiongtongx bingqngx ee vyxquir qakdix ixqip jinsit bibiau ee cingjing vunxsimx qapp Zulaii ee byy jingcax, longxx u uanbuanw. Acc guaw ingxsii an' byy kaisiw ixlaii dyrr jysiu bongrsiongw soxx hai, quxdngg decc lunhuee. Qinaxzit tangx tniax diyc jiww sxingr ee ywgi, qiuwsit iauxx byy tetdew. Sewjunx, soxu bongrsiongw itcer juadbet, dogdok bibiau ee jinsingr ciangjai. Hyw dnaw mng Zulaii, itcer jiongwsingx inhyy u bongrsiongw, qaqi ziajac bibiau ee bingqngx, suar laii sriu dimlunn ee kow?"

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --11)
Purna said,  "My mind and the Thus Come One’s true wonderful pure mind are no different in their perfect precious enlightenment and complete understanding.  But I have long been plagued with beginning-less false thoughts and have long endured the cycle of rebirth. As of yet my attainment in the sagely vehicle is not ultimate. The World Honored One has completely ended all falseness and attained wonderful eternal truth.
"I venture to ask the Thus Come One why all beings exist in falseness and conceal their own wonderful understanding, so that they keep drowning in this deluge?"



Shurangama Qingx (sir-10)

"Liw liac hukongx juer bingqngx dyrr u hukongx henxhen. De, juiw, huew, qapp hongx it'id hutsnix bingqngx, dyrr e it'id henxhen. Narr soxu itcer huatsnix bingqngx, soxu itcer dyrr longxx henxhen. Anwjnuaw qongw longxx henxhen? Purna, piwlun dirr jit xee juiw-diongx henxhen cud zidtauu ee ngiaw. Nng xee langg dangjee quanknuar juiw-diongx ee zit. Jit xee qniaa hiongr dangvingg, jit xee qniaa hiongr saivingg, dyrr qokk langg u zitdtauu duer inx nng langg kir. Jit xee dangx jit xee saix, taujingg byy jit xee junxkag ee bogpiaux. Ingqaix be pnaiw mng kiw qongxx zidtauu jit xee, anwjnuaw e duer qokk langg kir? Jit vingg jit xee zidtauu qacc u siangx xee, anwjnuaw qandna' henxhen jit xee? Dirr hukongx bongrsiongw lairdew dngxsec, byy zimrhyy vinsinr iacc jingwqur. Purna, liw iong sikdinn hukongx dirr Zulaijongr lairdew horsiong jingvniar horsiong cniuxduat. Acc Zulaijongr suisii vniwjniaa sikkongx, dirr huatqair siwqer venww muaw. Soxiw qongxx dirr Zulaijongr lairdew, hongx cuex dyrr dinxdang, hukongx dyrr dingcingx, u zit dyrr qongbingg, u hunn dyrr oamr. Jiongwsingx beluan, jybun, uivue qakdix suacc qapp siogdinn camcab, soxiw e huatsnix cud siogdinn ee lygiap jiacc u sewqanx ee siongwtew. Guaw si ixx byy bet byy snix ee bibiau bingqngx qapp Zulaijongr habhyy. Acc Zulaijongr bibiau u qakdix, bingqngx uanbuanw jiywqngx huatqair. Soxiw qongxx dirr Zulaijongr lairdew, jit dyrr si byy hanrliong, byy hanrliong dyrr si jit. Ser lairdew henxhen dua, dua lairdew henxhen ser. Byy venwdong ee dyrdniuu dirr sibhongx sewqair siwqer longxx si. Jit xee srinx dyrr vauhamm sibhongx byy qiongjin ee hukongx. Jitt qix xmngg tangx henxhen vyxquir huat'ongg ee qoktow. Jre dirr bisiyw din'aix lairdew iarr tangx juanw dua huatlunn. Bedduu siogdinn laii qapp qakdix habhyy, soxiw tangx huatsnix jinsit bibiau, u bingqngx qakdix ee vunxsingr. Acc Zulaijongr vunxdew dyrr si bibiau uanbuanw ee simliam, m si simx iarr m si kangx; m si de iarr m si juiw; m si hongx iarr m si huew; m si bagjiux, m si hni, pni, jic, srinx, iacc iwliam; m si siktew, m si snia'imx, pangkuir, kiwbi, bongkab, iacc hxuad; m si ganxsig ee derqair. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur m si iwsig ee derqair. M si bingqngx iacc byy bingqngx, iarr m si bedjin bingqngx iacc byy bingqngx. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur m si lau iacc siw, iarr m si bedjin lau qapp siw. M si kow, m si jip, m si bet, m si dy. M si diwhui, iarr m si did .diyc. M si dana, m si shila, m si virya, m si kshanti, m si dhyana, m si prajna, iarr m si paramita. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur m si tathagata, m si arhat, m si samyaksambodhi, iarr m si parinirvana. M si suwsiongg, m si hiongxhog, m si guaw, iarr m si cingjing. Cincniu jitt kuanw longxx m si knikib sewqanx iacc cud sewqanx ee enqor. Dyrr si qongxx Zulaijongr guandew bingqngx bibiau ee simsingr, dyrr si simx, dyrr si kangx; dyrr si de, dyrr si juiw; dyrr si hongx, dyrr si huew; dyrr si bak, dyrr si hni, pni, jic, srinx, iacc ir; dyrr si siktew, dyrr si snia'imx, pangkuir, kiwbi, bongkab, iacc hxuad; dyrr si ganxsig ee derqair. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur dyrr si iwsig ee derqair. Dyrr si bingqngx qapp byy bingqngx; dyrr si bedjin bingqngx qap byy bingqngx. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur dyrr si lau, dyrr si siw; dyrr si bedjin lau iacc siw; dyrr si kow, dyrr si jip, dyrr si bet, dyrr si dy; dyrr si diwhui, dyrr si did .diyc; dyrr si dana, dyrr si shila, dyrrsi virya, dyrr si kashant, dyrr si dhyana, dyrr si pranjna, dyrr si paramita. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur dyrr si tathagata, dyrr si arhat, samyaksambodhi; dyrr si parinirvana; dyrr si suwsiongg, dyrr si hiangxhog, dyrr si guaw, dyrr si cingcing. Cincniu jitt kuanw longxx si knikib sewqanx iacc cud sewqanx ee enqor. Dyrr si Zulaijongr bibiau bingqngx guanvunw ee simx. Lirkuix driyc qapp m driyc. Dyrr si driyc qapp m driyc. Anwjnuaw sewqanx samqair iuxuii jiongwsingx ixqip cud sewqanx tniax quer jniawhuad qapp knikib qakdix jiaxee ixx soxx jaix ee simx laii cikdok Zulaii busiong potee? Iong sewqanx ee gixgenn inw zip Vut soxx jaix soxx qnir. Kyxviw kimm, henn, qapp givee suizenn u bixbiau ee imsniax, narr byy bibiau ee jnaixlo, quibuew be huad cud sniax. Liw qapp jiongwsingx iarr qangrkuanw si anxnex. Vyxquir ee qakdix qapp jinsit ee simx sui' langg uanbuanw. Cincniu guaw jingxtauu-aw cic .jit .xe, haixinr dyrr huad qngx. Linw ee simliam jid'err giaa kiw, dairsingx dyrr kiw siogdinn ee lygiap. Jex si iu' byy qutlat qriuu busiong qakgno ee dy soxx drir. Tamluann siyxsingg siuhing, did diyc siyw siyw qongqyw dyrr laii buanxjiog."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --10)
You recognize space, and space appears. Recognizing earth, water, fire, and wind, each will appear. If all are recognized, all will appear. How can they all appear? Purna, consider the sun’s reflection as it appears in a single body of water. Two people gaze at it, both at the same time. Then one person walks east and the other walks west. Each person, still looking at the water will see a sun go along with him, one to the east, one to the west, while there seems to be no fixed direction for the movement of the sun’s reflection. Don’t belabor the question and ask, ‘If there is one sun, how can it follow both people? Or if the sun is double, why does only one appear in the sky?’ This is just revolving in falseness, because such things cannot be proven. Contemplate how phenomena are ultimately false and cannot be verified. They are like flowers conjured up in space that cannot bear fruit. Why, then, investigate how such phenomena appear and disappear? Contemplate how the nature is ultimately truth and is solely the wonderful enlightened brightness. That wonderful enlightened bright mind originally was neither water nor fire. Why, then, ask about incompatibility? Purna, you think that form and emptiness overcome and destroy one another in the Treasury of the Thus Come One. Thus the Treasury of the Thus Come One appears to you as form and emptiness throughout the Dharma Realm. And so, within it the wind moves, emptiness is still, the sun is bright, and the clouds are dark. The reason for this lies in the delusion of beings who have turned their backs on enlightenment and joined with the defiling dust. Thus, the wearisome defilements come into being and mundane phenomena exist. Based on wonderful understanding that neither ceases to be nor comes into being,  I unite with the Treasury of the Thus Come One. Thus the Treasury of the Thus Come One is the unique and wonderful enlightened brightness, which completely illumines the Dharma Realm. That is why, within it, the one is limitless; the limitless is one. In the small appears the great; in the great appears the small. Unmoving in the Bodhimanda, yet pervading the ten directions, my body contains the ten directions and endless emptiness. On the tip of a single hair appear the lands of the Jeweled Kings. Sitting in a mote of dust, I turn the great Dharma wheel, put an end to defiling dust, and unite with enlightenment, so that true such-ness, the wonderful enlightened bright nature, comes into being. The Treasury of the Thus Come One is the fundamental, wonderful, perfect mind. It is not the mind, nor emptiness, nor earth, nor water, nor wind, nor fire; it is not the eyes, nor the ears, the nose, the tongue, the body, or the mind. It is not form, nor sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or dharmas. It is not the realm of eye-consciousness, nor any other, up to and including the realm of mind-consciousness. It is not understanding, nor ignorance, nor the ending of understanding or ignorance, nor any other, up to and including old age and death and the ending of old age and death. It is not suffering, nor accumulation, nor extinction, nor the Way. It is neither knowing nor attaining. It is not Dana, nor Shila, nor Virya, nor Kshanti, nor Dhyana, nor Prajna, nor Paramita, nor any other: It is not the Tathágata, nor the Arhats, nor Samyak Sambodhi, nor Parinirvana, nor Eternity, nor Bliss, nor True Self, nor Purity. Therefore, it is neither mundane nor transcendental, since the Treasury of the Thus Come One is the wonder of the mind’s primal understanding. It is the mind; it is emptiness, it is earth; it is water; it is wind; it is fire; it is the eyes; it is the ears; the nose, the tongue, the body, and the mind. It is form; it is sounds; smells, tastes, objects of touch, and dharmas. It is the realm of eye-consciousness, and so forth, up to and including the realm of mind-consciousness. It is understanding and ignorance and the ending of understanding and ignorance, and so forth up to and including old age and death and the ending of old age and death. It is suffering; it is accumulation; it is extinction; and it is the Way. It is knowing and attaining. It is Dana; it is Shila; it is Virya; it is Kshanti; it is Dhyana; it is Prajna; and it is Paramita, and so forth, up to and including the Tathágata, the Arhats, Samyak Sambodhi, Parinirvana, Eternity, Bliss, True Self, and Purity. It is both mundane and transcendental, since the Treasury of the Thus Come One is the wonderful understanding of the primal mind. It is apart from identity and negation. It is identity and negation. How can beings in the three realms of mundane existence and the Hearers and Those Enlightened to Conditions at the level of transcendental existence make suppositions about the unsurpassed Bodhi of the Thus Come One with the minds that they know of, or enter the knowledge and vision of the Buddha through the medium of worldly language? Consider lutes, flutes, and guitars. Although those can make wonderful sounds, but if there are no skilled fingers to play them, their music will never come forth. You and all beings are the same way.  The precious, enlightened true mind is perfect in everyone. I apply pressure and the Ocean Impression emits light; you move your mind, and the wearisome defilements spring up. That happens all because you do not diligently seek the unsurpassed enlightened Way, but are fond of the lesser vehicle and are satisfied with little attainment."

汝以空明。則有空現。地水火風。各各發明。則各各現。若俱發明。則有俱現。云何俱現。富樓那。如一水中現於日影。兩人同觀水中之日。東西各行。則各有日隨二人去。一東一西。先無準的。不應難言。此日是一。云何各行。各日既雙。云何現一。宛轉虛妄。無可憑據。富樓那。汝以色空相傾相奪於如來藏。而如來藏隨為色空。周遍法界。是故於中。風動空澄。日明雲暗。眾生迷悶。背覺合塵。故發塵勞。有世間相。我以妙明不滅不生合如來藏。而如來藏唯妙覺明圓照法界。是故於中。一為無量。無量為一。小中現大。大中現小。不動道場。遍十方界。身含十方無盡虛空。 於一毛端現寶王剎。坐微塵裏轉大法輪。滅塵合覺。故發真如妙覺明性。而如來藏本妙圓心。非心非空。非地非水。非風非火。非眼非耳鼻舌身意。非色非聲香味觸法。非眼識界。如是乃至非意識界。非明無明。明無明盡。如是乃至非老非死。非老死盡。非苦非集非滅非道。非智非得。非檀那。非尸羅。非毗梨耶。非羼提。非禪那。非般剌若。非波羅密多。如是乃至非怛闥阿竭。非阿羅訶。三耶三菩。非大涅槃。非常非樂非我非淨。以是俱非世出世故。即如來藏元明心妙。即心即空。即地即水。即風即火。即眼即耳鼻舌身意。即色即聲香味觸法。即眼識界。如是乃至即意識界。即明無明。明無明盡。如是乃至即老即死。即老死盡。即苦即集即滅即道。即智即得。即檀那。即尸羅。即毗梨耶。即羼提。即禪那。即般剌若。即波羅密多。如是乃至即怛闥阿竭。即阿羅訶。三耶三菩。即大涅槃。即常即樂即我即淨。以是俱即世出世故。即如來藏妙明心元。離即離非。是即非即。如何世間三有眾生。及出世間聲聞緣覺。以所知心測度如來無上菩提。用世語言入佛知見。譬如琴瑟箜篌琵琶。雖有妙音。若無妙指終不能發。汝與眾生。亦復如是。寶覺真心各各圓滿。如我按指。海印發光。汝暫舉心。塵勞先起。由不勤求無上覺道。愛念小乘。得少為足。 


Shurangama Qingx (sir-9)

"Purna, liw qycc mng qongxx, de, juiw, huew, qapp hongx, inx ee vunxsingr uanbuanw hiongtongx, dirr huatqair siwqer longxx u, decc huaigii qongxx juiw qapp huew ee vunxsingr jnuaw be horsiong lingziok siaubet. Liw qycc mng qongxx hukongx qapp soxu dairde dirr huatqair muaw siwqer, be habhyy :ee suacc tangx horsiong ionglap. Purna, piwlun qongxx hukongx, ix ee texsingr vingrr m si quntew ee siongr, suacc byy qurjuat qitax itcer siongwtew kir huathuix. Inhyy e anxnex? Purna, hitt xee hukongx, zidtauu jiyr dyrr bingqngx, hunn dunxjac dyrr oamr, hongx iyy dyrr dinxdang, tnix jnee dyrr dingcingx, juixkir gingg lehh dyrr venr lyy, tosuax jikju dyrr jniaa ohnuaw, juiw cringx dyrr tangx dywjiyr. Liw ee iwsur sniaw kuanw? Cincniu jitt hy qokk hongbin itcer iuxuii ee siongwtew si knikib hiaxee soxx snix :ee, iacc knikib hukongx jiacc u :ee? Narr knikib hiaxee soxx snix :ee, Purna, zidtauu jiyr ee sii qacc zidtauu bingqngx, sibhongx sewqanx vnivnii si zidtauu ee sikcaiw. Anjnuaw kongdiongx qycc qnir diyc ngii ngii ee zidtauu? Narr hukongx si bingqngx :ee, hukongx ingqaix tangx qaqi jiyr qaqi. Anwjnuaw dirr vnuawmii iacc u hunbu ee sii be snix cud qongbingg laii jiauwiau? Qaidongx jaix jitt xee qongbingg m si an' zidtauu iacc hukangx laii :ee, qapp hukongx iacc zidtauu si byy jingcax :ee. Quanknuar .diyc ee siongwtew guandew si bongrsiongw :ee, byy sniaw tangx jixzin suatbingg. Iurqycc beh danxhau hukongx ee huex, dyrr qed jniaa hukongx ee qryw. Anwjnuaw qycc laii mng siongwtew lingziok siaubet ee dyrliw? Quanqnir ee vunxsingr gunvunw jinsit, bibiau bingqngx u qakdix. Bibiau ee qakdix qapp bingqngx ee simsingr si dirr juiw qapp huew jinwjingg dyrr u :ee. Anjnuaw qycc laii mng be horsiong ionglap ee dyrliw? Jinsit bibiau u bingqngx ee qakdix iarr cincniu jitt kuanw."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --9)
"Purna, you also asked whether the natures of water and fire would not destroy each other if the natures of earth, water, fire, and wind were all perfectly fused and pervaded the Dharma Realm, and whether space and the great earth would not be incompatible if both pervaded the Dharma Realm. Purna, consider space: its substance is not the various phenomena, yet that does not prevent all phenomena from being included within it. How do we know that? Purna, empty space is bright on a sunny day, and dark when the sky is cloudy. It moves when the wind rises, it is fresh when the sky clears. It is turbid and hazy when the weather is foul, it is obscure when a dust storm breaks out. It casts a bright reflection on a pool of clear water. Do you think these conditioned phenomena come into existence at different places? Are they created from these conditions themselves or is their origin in space. If they arise from these conditions, Purna, then on a sunny day, since the sun is bright, all worlds of the ten directions should take on the form of the sun. Then why, on a sunny day do we see the round sun in the sky? If space is bright, space itself should shine. Then why, when there is a covering of clouds and fog, is no light evident? You should know that the brightness is not the sun, nor space nor other than the space or the sun. The truly wonderful enlightened brightness is the same way."

富樓那。又汝問言。地水火風。本性圓融。周遍法界。疑水火性不相陵滅。又徵虛空及諸大地。 俱遍法界。不合相容。富樓那。譬如虛空。體非群相。而不拒彼諸相發揮。所以者何。富樓那。彼太虛空。日照則明。雲屯則暗。風搖則動。霽澄則清。氣凝則濁。 土積成霾。水澄成映。於意云何。如是殊方諸有為相。為因彼生。為復空有。若彼所生。富樓那。且日照時。既是日明。十方世界同為日色。云何空中更見圓日。若是空明。空應自照云何中宵雲霧之時。不生光耀。當知是明。非日非空。不異空日。觀相元妄。無可指陳。猶邀空華。結為空果。云何詰其相陵滅義。觀性元真。唯妙覺明。妙覺明心。先非水火。云何復問不相容者。真妙覺明亦復如是。 


Shurangama Qingx (sir-8)

Purna qongw, "Narr junw jitt xee bibiau ee qakdix vunxsingr si bibiau bingqngx, qapp Zulaii ee simx qangrkuanw byy qex byy qiamw. Byy diaurtauu hud .jit .xe laii snix cud snuax, hyy, qapp dairde soxu iuxuii ee siongwtew. Zulaii dnaxx did diyc bibiau kongsingr bingqngx ee qakdix. Snuax, hyy, qapp dairde jiaxee iuxuii ee sipkuir huanlyw anwjnuaw e qycjaiww snix .cud .laii?"
Vuddyy qra Purna qongw, "Piwlun qongxx u jit xee dirr jngtauu sitlo :ee, lamm qapp vag hunx be cingcy. Sitlo si knikib beluan jiacc sanxsingx iacc knikib liauxgno laii snix .cud?"
Purna qongw, "Cincniu jitt xee sitlo ee langg m si knikib beluan, iarr m si knikib liauxgno soxx drir. Anwjnuaw qongw? Beluan guanvunw byy qinkir. Anwjnuaw e kir knikib beluan? Liauxgno dyrr be snix cud beluan. Anwjnuaw e kir knikib liauxgno?"
Vuddyy qongw, "Hitt xee sitlo ee langg dngdecc cue byy lo ee sii, dudzenn u jit xee jaix lo :ee qra vyr lo hro ix bingvik. Purna, liw ee iwsur sniaw kuanw? Jitt xee langg dyrr sngr iauxx beluan. Dirr jitt xee jngtauu e qycjaiww sitlo bor?"
"Be, Sewjunx."
"Purna, Sibhongx Zulaii iarr si anxnex. Jitt xee beluan byy vunxguann, vunxsingr qiuwqingr si kangx. Ingxsii guanvunw byy beluan, jidsii naxx u qakcad diyc beluan. Qakcad diyc beluan, beluan dyrr bet .kir. Qakdix be snix cud beluan. Iarr cincniu u bagjiujingr :ee e knuar diyc hukongx ee huex. Bagjiujingr narr dubet, dirr hukongx ee huex iarr bet .kir. Vorvinn u jit xee gong langg dirr hitt xee hukongx ee huex soxx bet ee hukongx soxjai danxtai huex qycjaiww snix .cud .laii. Liw knuar jitt xee langg si gong iacc kiauw?"
Purna qongw, "Hukongx lairdew guanvunw byy huex. Bongrsiongw qnir huex snix-bet iacc qnir diyc huex bet .kir ee hukongx soxjai, jex ixx si cywluan dendywvingw :ee. Suacc beh danw ix qycjaiww snix .cud .laii, jex sidjai si denqongg gongrsniu. Tacc diyhh qycc laii quatding jitt xee langg si gong iacc kiauw?"
Vuddyy qongw, "Dyrr cincniu liw soxx lixqaiw :ee. Anwjnuaw qycc mng qongxx soxu Zulaii Vut bibiau qakdix bingqngx ee kongsingr anwjnuaw tangx qycc snix cud snuax, hyy, qapp dairde? Qycc kyxviw qimkongr lairdew jniawqimx camcab. Qimx danid sunjniar be qycc venwjyr capjap. Dyrr cincniu caa vniwjniaa huexhux, be qycc dingg vniwjniaa caa. Soxu Zulaii Vut ee potee Nirvana iarr si cincniu jitt kuanw."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --8)
Purna said, "If this wonderful enlightenment, the wonderful awareness of fundamental enlightenment, which is neither greater than nor less than the mind of the Thus Come One, abruptly brings forth the mountains, the rivers, and the great earth, and all conditioned phenomena, then now that the Thus Come One has attained the wonderful emptiness of clear enlightenment, will the mountains, the rivers, the great earth, and all conditioned habitual outflows arise ever again?"
The Buddha said to Purna, "If a person living in a village were confused about directions, mistaking south for north, would that confusion be the result of confusion or of awareness?"
Purna said, "His confusion would be the result of neither. Why not? Confusion is fundamentally baseless, so how could anything arise because of it? And as awareness does not produce confusion, how could confusion arise out of it?"
The Buddha said, "If someone who knows the directions points them out to the confused person, then once the person who was confused becomes aware, do you suppose, Purna, that he could lose his sense of direction again in that village?"
"No, World Honored One."
"Purna, the Thus Come Ones of the ten directions are the same way. Confusion is groundless and ultimately empty in nature. In the past, there basically was no confusion.  It merely seemed as if there were confusion and enlightenment. When the delusion about confusion and enlightenment is ended, enlightenment will not give rise to confusion. Consider the person who, because of cataracts, saw flowers in space. Once the cataracts were removed, the flowers in space disappeared. Were he to rush to the spot where the flowers disappeared and wait for them to reappear, would you consider that person to be stupid or wise?"
Purna said, "Originally there weren’t any flowers in space. It was through a seeing disability that they appeared and disappeared. To see the disappearance of the flowers in space is already a distortion. To wait for them to reappear is sheer madness. Why bother to determine further if such a person is stupid or wise?"
The Buddha said, "Since you explain it that way, why do you ask if the clear emptiness of wonderful enlightenment can once again give rise to the mountains, the rivers, and the great earth? Consider a piece of ore containing gold and other metals mixed together. Once the pure gold is extracted it will never become ore again. Consider wood that has burnt to ashes; it will never become wood again.” The Bodhi and Nirvana of all Buddhas, the Thus Come Ones, are the same way."
