
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (83)

Vuddyy qra Maitreya qongw, "Tniax diyc hitt xui Vut ee miahy, hnuahiw qaxx diytiaur, simrjiww dna' jit xee liamrtauu, qaidongx jaix jitt xee langg tangx did diyc dua lirig, dyrr si u jiokgiac ee busiong qongdig. Uirdiyhh jitt hy enqor, Miatreya, setsuw u dua huew ciongbuanw snax-cingx daircenx sewqair, rair qniaa .quer, tniax qinghuad, hnuahiw sinwhok, cisiuw, siongrtok, jiauww soxx qangxsuad :ee siuhing. Sniaxmih enqor? U jin' je posad beh tniax jitt vxo qinghuad, suacc berdid tniax .diyc. Narr u jiongwsingx tniax diyc jitt vxo qinghuad, dirr busiong ee dy dingxquann, quibuew be trer dywdngw. Soxiw qongxx, ingdongx juansimx sinwhok, cisiuw, siongrtok, qapp jiauww qangxsuad :ee siuhing. Guaw dnaxx uirr soxu jiongwsingx qangxsuad jitt vxo qinghuad, hro linw qnir diyc Buliong Siursor Vut, qapp ix qoktow itcer soxu :ee. Sniu beh kir :ee, longxx tangx qiqiuu. M tangx danw guaw beddo liauxau, qycc laii snix gihik. Laisir, qingdy bet jin, guaw ixx juvix qapp linbinw, digvet lauu jitt vxo qingx, qex diamr jit-vah nii. Narr u jiongwsingx duw diyc jitt vxo qingx, suii ix ee ir soxx guan, longxx tangx ditdo." 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 83)  
The Buddha said to Maitreya, "If there are people who hear the Name of that Buddha, rejoice so greatly as to dance, and remember him even once, then you should know that they have gained great benefit by receiving the unsurpassed virtue. For this reason, Maitreya, even if a great fire were to fill the universe of a thousand million worlds, you should pass through it to hear this sutra, to arouse joyful faith, to uphold and chant it, and to practice in accordance with its teachings. This is because there are many bodhisattvas who wish to hear this teaching but are still unable to do so. If there are sentient beings who have heard it, they will attain the Stage of Non-retrogression for realizing the highest Enlightenment. This is why you should single-heartedly accept in faith, uphold and chant this sutra, and practice in accordance with its teaching. I have expounded this teaching for the sake of sentient beings and enabled you to see Amitayus and all in his land. Strive to do what you should. After I have passed into Nirvana, do not allow doubt to arise. In the future, the Buddhist scriptures and teachings will perish. But, out of pity and compassion, I will especially preserve this sutra and maintain it in the world for a hundred years more. Those beings who encounter it will attain deliverance in accord with their aspirations. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 83) 


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (82)

Vuddyy qra Maitreya qongw, "M na jiaxee jap-sir xee vut ee qok-lai ee jiongww posad tangx ongxsingx kir hiax, sibhongx sewqair buliong vut ee qoktow ee posad, inx iarr tangx jiauww jitt hy kuanw ongxsingx kir hiax, sowbok je qaxx be sngr .did. Guaw dna' qongw sibhongx jiongww vut ee miahy, qapp posad ixqip bikiu ongxsingx kir hitt qog :ee, zid'ia jit qiab, iaxx qongw be jin. Guaw dnaxx uirr liw iokliok qongw .jit .xe narnia." 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 82)  
The Buddha said to Maitreya, "Not only do the bodhisattvas from those fourteen Buddha-lands visit that land, but also bodhisattvas from innumerable Buddha-lands in the ten quarters, whose number is incalculable. Even if I were to give you only the names of the Buddhas in the ten quarters and the number of the bodhisattvas and bhiksus who visit that land, enumerating them continuously day and night for a kalpa, I would not be able to complete the list. This is why I have given you only a brief description."   

(佛說無量壽經 - 82)  


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (81)

Vuddyy qra Maitreya qongw, "M na guaw toxde-dingw ee jiongww posad tangx ongxsingx kir hitt qog, vadd xui vut ee toxde iarr tangx zucuw. Derr id xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Jiyr Hng. Hiax u jit-vah-veh-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiaxDerr zi xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Vyxjong. Hiax u qauw-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr snax xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Buliong Imx. Hiax u nng-vah-zi-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr sir xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Qamlo-bi. Hiax u nng-vah-go-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr go xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Sringr Lringg. Hiax u jap-sir-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr lak xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Jiww Quann ee Lat. Hiax u jit-bxan sir-cingx xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr cid xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Sraix-aw. Hiaxe u go-vah-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr veh xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Li Uwuer ji' Qngx. Hiax u veh-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr qauw xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Jiww Quann Dyrdig. Hiax u lak-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr jap xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Bixbiau Dyrdig Snuax. Hiax u lak-jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr jap-id xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Lang'ongg. Hiax u jap-ig xee posad, inx longxx tangx kir hiax. Derr jap-zi xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Busiong Huex. Hiax u busor be sngr .did ee jiongww posad, inx longxx be trer dywdngw, u diwhui, iongxbingw, ixqingx siwqer qiongriongw buliong jiongww vut, dirr cid qangx lairdew dyrr tangx cruw diyc vaccing'ig qiab dairsu soxx siulen jin' qenqor ee Hxuad. Derr jap-snax xee vut ee toxde qiyr jyr Byy Uir. Hiax u cid-vah-qauw-jap-ig jiongww dua posad, jiongww siyw posad, qapp bikiu, berdangr sngr tihh, inx longxx tangx kir hiax." 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 81)  
The Buddha said to Maitreya, "Not only those bodhisattvas from this world but also those from Buddha-lands in other quarters are born there. First, in the land of the Buddha named Far-reaching Illumination there are one hundred and eighty kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Second, in the land of the Buddha Jewel-storehouse there are ninety kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Third, in the land of the Buddha Immeasurable Sound there are two hundred and twenty kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Fourth, in the land of the Buddha Taste of Nectar there are two hundred and fifty kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Fifth, in the land of the Buddha Dragon-subduing there are fourteen kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Sixth, in the land of the Buddha Superior Power there are fourteen thousand bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Seventh, in the land of the Buddha Lion there are five hundred kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Eighth, in the land of the Buddha Undefiled Light there are eighty kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Ninth, in the land of the Buddha Peak of Virtue there are sixty kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Tenth, in the land of the Buddha Mountain of Excellent Virtue there are sixty kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Eleventh, in the land of the Buddha King of Men there are ten kotis of bodhisattvas, who all visit there. Twelfth, in the land of the Buddha Splendid Flower there are innumerable and incalculable bodhisattvas who are all non-retrogressive and possessed of unrivaled wisdom, who have previously made offerings to countless Buddhas and are able to learn in seven days the adamantine teachings of the Dharma that can only be attained by mahasattvas after practicing for a hundred thousand kotis of kalpas. Those bodhisattvas all visit there. Thirteenth, in the land of the Buddha Fearlessness there are seven hundred and ninety kotis of great bodhisattvas and incalculable minor bodhisattvas and bhiksus, who all visit there."  

(佛說無量壽經 - 81)
佛告彌勒:「不但我剎諸菩薩等,往生彼國。他方佛土,亦復如是。其第一佛,名曰遠照,彼有百八十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第二佛,名曰寶藏,彼有九十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第三佛,名曰無量音,彼有二百二十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第四佛,名曰甘露味,彼有二百五十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第五佛,名曰龍勝,彼有十四億菩薩,皆當往生。其第六佛,名曰勝力,彼有萬四千菩薩,皆當往生。其第七佛,名曰師子,彼有五百億菩薩,皆當往生。其第八佛,名曰離垢光,彼有八十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第九佛,名曰德首,彼有六十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第十佛,名曰妙德山,彼有六十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第十一佛,名曰人王,彼有十億菩薩,皆當往生。其第十二佛,名曰無上華,彼有無數不可稱計諸菩薩眾,皆不退轉,智慧勇猛,已普供養無量諸佛,於七日中,即能攝取百千億劫大士所修堅固之法。斯等菩薩皆當往生。其第十三佛,名曰無畏,彼有七百九十億大菩薩眾,諸小菩薩,及比丘等,不可稱 計,皆當往生。」