
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-6)

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx qongw jitt dnxua jimgensix liauxau, dyrr qra Bilik Posad qongw, “Guaw henrjai duiww linw jiaxee dairjiongr suanqangw. Ajita! Jiaxee buliong buvenx asamkhya ee dua posad mahasattva an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii, linw sikzit m bad knuar .quer. Guaw dirr syvyy sewqair did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi liauxau, qauwhuar qapp jixdy jiaxee posad, hro inx ee simx sunrhok, hro inx huad dyrsimx. Jiaxee posad longxx druar dirr syvyy sewqair erdew, druar dirr hukongx ee sewqair lairdew. Jerje qingdenw, inx u togsiong, tongdat, sukyw, hunvet, iarr u jingwkag qir diauu lehh. 

Ajita! Jiaxee senrlamjuw, byy air dirr dairjiongr lairdew qex qongw, dniardnia air dirr anjing ee soxjai inkinn sidjenr, jingjinr, m bad hiyckunr, iarr byy air diamr dirr langg iacc tenzinn ee soxjai. Inx itdit jiokk air cim’yr byy jiongwgai ee diwhui, iarr itdit jiokk air jiongww vut ee Hxuad, itsimx jingjinr, qriuu busiong ee diwhui."

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Ajita diyhh jaix 

Jiaxee dua posad 

An’ busor qiab ixlaii 

Siuhak vut ee diwhui 

Longxx si guaw soxx qauwhuar 

Hro inx huad dua dyrsimx  

Jiaxee si guaw ee derjuw 

Diamr dirr jitt xee sewqair 

Sisiongg sidjenr koxhingg 

Iwhiongr diamr dirr anjing ee soxjai 

Lirkuix dairjiongr ee beluan qapp caxnau 

Byy air qex qongw 

Jitt hy jiongww derjuw 

Hagsip guaw ee dyrliw qapp qauwhuad 

Zid’ia siongsiongg jingjinr 

Uirr qriuu vuddy ee enqor 

Dirr syvyy sewqair 

Erdew ee hukongx lairdew druar 

In'ui iwjir qapp sinwliam ee lat 

Siongsiongg inkinn qriuu diwhui 

Enxsuad jiongxjiongw bibiau ee Hxuad 

Inx ee simx byy soxx qnia’uir 

Guaw dirr Gaya Sniaa ee 

Poteciu-kax jre 

Did diyc jniawsiong qakdix 

Dngw busiong huatlenw 

Hitt sii dyrr qra inx qauwhuar 

Hro inx co’ huad dyrsimx 

Henrjai longxx drat qaur byy dywter 

Longxx tangx jniaa vut 

Guaw henrjai qongw :ee longxx sid'ue

Linw diyhh itsimx siongsinr

Guaw an’ quxdngg ixlaii

Itdit decc qaurhuar jiaxee dairjiongr

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 6)

Then the Bhagavat, after speaking these verses, addressed Bodhisattva Maitreya, saying: “I will now proclaim it to all of you in this assembly. O Ajita! All of you have never seen these immeasurable, innumerable, incalculable great bodhisattva mahāsattvas who have emerged from out of the earth. Having attained highest, complete enlightenment in this sahā world, I led, inspired, and instructed these bodhisattvas, restrained their thoughts, and caused the thought of the path to awaken in them. When these bodhisattvas lived in the space under the earth of this sahā world, they recited various sutras, became well versed in them, and contemplated, analyzed, and correctly remembered them. 

“O Ajita! All these sons of a virtuous family did not wish to be among the multitude where there is always much discussion. They always wanted to be in quiet places. They diligently strove without resting or relying upon devas or humans. They always desired the profound wisdom without obstructions; they always wanted the Dharma of the buddhas. They strove wholeheartedly in seeking the highest wisdom.” 

At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

O Ajita! You should know 

That all of these great bodhisattvas 

Have practiced the wisdom of the Buddha 

For innumerable kalpas. 

They have all been inspired by me, 

And the thought of the great path 

Has awakened in them. 

They are my heirs. 

Abiding in this world, 

They always cultivated ascetic practices, 

Wishing to be in quiet places. 

Rejecting the clamor of the multitude, 

They did not want to have much discussion. 

All my heirs such as these 

Constantly practiced my teaching 

With vigor, day and night. 

In order to seek the buddha path 

They lived in the space 

Under the earth of this sahā world. 

They were firm in recollection, 

And they always diligently sought wisdom. 

Explaining various subtle teachings 

Their minds were free from fear. 

Sitting under the bodhi tree 

In the city of Gayā, 

I attained highest, complete enlightenment, 

And turned the wheel of the highest Dharma. 

I then led and inspired them 

So that the thought of the path 

Awakened in them for the first time. 

All of them are now at the stage of nonretrogression, 

And will certainly become buddhas with no residue. 

I now teach the truth. 

You should wholeheartedly believe that 

From long, long ago I have been 

Leading and inspiring all these bodhisattvas

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之6)


 阿逸汝當知  是諸大菩薩

 從無數劫來  修習佛智慧

 悉是我所化  令發大道心

 此等是我子  依止是世界

 常行頭陀事  志樂於靜處

 捨大眾憒閙  不樂多所說

 如是諸子等  學習我道法

 晝夜常精進  為求佛道故

 在娑婆世界  下方空中住

 志念力堅固  常懃求智慧

 說種種妙法  其心無所畏

 我於伽耶城  菩提樹下坐

 得成最正覺  轉無上法輪

 爾乃教化之  令初發道心

 今皆住不退  悉當得成佛

 我今說實語  汝等一心信

 我從久遠來  教化是等眾

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-5)

Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni Vut qra Bilik Posad qongw, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw, Ajita! Liw erhiauw mng Vuddyy jitt hy dua su. Linw diyhh qiongrdongg itsimx, cing jingjinr ee jenwqah, lip qending ee quatjir. Zulaii jitmaw beh bingkag suanqangw jiongww vut ee diwhui, jiongww vut jurjai sintongx ee lat, jiongww vut cincniu sraix sinwsog ee lat, qapp jiongww vut uigiamm, bingxiong, dua sewlik ee lat.”

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Diyhh itsimx jingjinr 

Guaw beh suecbingg jitt qnia su 

M tangx u gihik iacc hiyrhuew 

Vut ee diwhui vutkyw-sugi 

Linw dnaxx diyhh tec cud siongsinr ee lat 

Diamr dirr zimxziok qapp hiongr sxen lairdew 

Sikzit soxx m bad tniax ee huatmngg 

Henrjai longxx tangx tniax .diyc 

Guaw jitmaw an’uir linw 

M tangx u gihik iacc uiwku 

Vut byy qongw byy sidjai ee ue 

Diwhui vutkyw cikliong 

Soxx did .diyc ee derr id bibiau Hxuad 

Jiokk cimx yh lixqaiw 

Jitt hy jitmaw beh enxsuad 

Linw diyhh itsimx laii tniax 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 5)

Then the Buddha Śākyamuni addressed Bodhisattva Maitreya, saying: “Splendid, splendid, O Ajita! You have asked the Buddha an important question. You should all singlemindedly don the armor of perseverance and be of firm will. The Tathāgata now wants to reveal the wisdom of the buddhas, the inherent transcendent powers of the buddhas, the lionlike dignified power of the buddhas, the majestic and mighty power of the buddhas.”

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

You should be persistent 

And wholeheartedly attentive, 

For I want to explain it to you. 

Do not have any doubts, for the wisdom 

Of the Buddha is difficult to comprehend! 

You should now awaken the power of faith, 

And with perseverance abide in the good.

Now you will all be able to hear 

What you have never heard before.

I will now put you at ease. 

Have no doubts or fear! 

The Buddha never speaks false words. 

His wisdom is immeasurable. 

The foremost Dharma that he has attained 

Is profound and difficult to explain. 

I will now expound this difficult teaching, 

So you should listen wholeheartedly.

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之5)


 當精進一心  我欲說此事

 勿得有疑悔  佛智叵思議

 汝今出信力  住於忍善中

 昔所未聞法  今皆當得聞

 我今安慰汝  勿得懷疑懼

 佛無不實語  智慧不可量

 所得第一法  甚深叵分別

 如是今當說  汝等一心聽

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-4)

Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni ee jerje hunsinx-vut, an’ buliong cenbanrig vadd xee qoktow laii :ee, dirr veh hngx jiongxjiongw vyxciu-kax ee sraix-aw-jyrui tiappuann jre lehh. Hunsinx-vut ee sirjiaw qokqog knuar diyc jiaxee posad dairjiongr dirr samcenx daircenx sewqair ee sir hngx an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii diamr dirr kongdiongx, muixx jit xee mng inx ee hunsinx-vut qongxx, “Sewjunx! Jiaxee buliong-buvenx asamkhya posad dairjiongr si an’ dyc’ui laii?”

Hitt sijun, jiongww hunsinx-vut sui' xee qra inx ee sirjiaw qongw, “Jiongww senrlamjuw, cniaw siyw danw lehh. U jit xee posad mahasattvaqiyr jyr Bilik. Ix virr Sakyamuni Vut jyr qiwzin, e suawjiab jyr vut. Ix u mng jitt qnia su. Vuddyy jitmaw e huedab. Linw tangx jurr anxnex tniax diyc suecbingg.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 4)

Thereupon the buddhas who were the magically created forms of Śākyamuni Buddha arrived from other incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis of lands and sat cross-legged on lion seats under the jeweled trees in the eight directions. Each attendant of these buddhas had seen the great assembly of bodhisattvas as they emerged from out of the earth and floated in midair in the four directions of the great manifold cosmos. Each of them addressed his Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! Where has this great assembly of immeasurable, limitless, incalculable bodhisattvas come from?” 

Then the buddhas answered their attendants, saying: “O sons of a virtuous family! Wait a moment! There is a bodhisattva mahāsattva called Maitreya, who has received a prediction from the Buddha Śākyamuni that he will become a buddha after Śākyamuni in the future. Since he has already asked about this, the Buddha will now answer him. You shall be able to hear the reason yourselves.” 

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之4)


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-3)

Hitt sii, Sewjunx duiww soxu cuartauu ee dua posad janwtanr qongxx, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Senrlamjuw, linw duiww Zulaii soxx jyr iarr u duer lecc hnuahiw.”

Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad qapp veh-cingx diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee jiongww posad longxx anxnex sniu, “Guanw an’ sikzit ixlaii m bad knuar .quer, iarr m bad tniax quer qongxx u jitt hy dua posad mahasattva an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii, kia dirr Sewjunx binrjingg habjiongw qiong’iongw, qycc duiww Zulaii mngranx.”

Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad Mahasattva jaix veh-cingx diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee posad simlai soxx sniu, qycc ix qaqi iarr sniu beh qaixquad jitt xee gihik, dyrr habjiongw hiongr Vuddyy, iong jimgensix mng qongxx:

Buliong cenbanrig 

Jerje posad dairjiongr 

Sikzit soxx m bad knuar .quer 

Hibang hokdig qap diwhui liongw qiamx ee junjiaw suecbingg 

Inx si an’ dyc’ui laii 

Sniaw in’enn dirr jiax jurjip 

Duarbuw srinx qycc u dua sintongx 

Diwhui vutkyw-sugi 

Inx ee iwjir qapp sinwliam qending 

U dua zimxziok ee lat 

Jiongwsingx soxx hnuahiw knuar .diyc 

Inx an’ dyc’ui laii 

Muixx jit xee posad 

Inx soxx cua ee quanwsiok 

Sowliong u buliong 

Cincniu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je 

Uree dua posad 

Cua lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong 

Jiaxee dairjiongr 

Itsimx qriuu vuddy 

Jiaxee dairsux 

U lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong 

Longxx laii qiong’iongw Vuddyy 

Qapp horcii jitt vxo qingx 

Cua go-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong :ee 

Sowliong qyckacc je 

U cua sir-bxan, snax-bxan 

Nng-bxan, jit-bxan 

Jit-cingx, jit-vah 

Simrjiww jit diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong 

Vnuar diauu, snax hxun jit, sir hxun jit 

Ikban hxun ji’ id :ee 

Cenban nayuta ee sowliong 

Banrig ee jiongww derjuw 

Simrjiww vnuar ig 

Sowliong ciauquer dingxbin :ee 

Vah-bxan, jit-bxan 

Jit-cingx, jit-vah 

Go-jap, jap xee

Simrjiww snax xee, nng xee, jit xee 

Qycc u dandok byy quanwsiok 

Hnuahiw dogqux :ee 

Inx longxx laii qaur Vuddyy ee soxjai 

Sowliong ciauquer dingxbin :ee 

Jiaxee dairjiongr 

Narr langg kir sngr 

Ciauquer Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee qiab 

Iarr berdangr jin jaix 

Jiaxee u dua uidig 

Jingjinr ee posad dairjiongr 

Si’angw uirr inx suathuad 

Qra inx qauwhuar laii singjiu 

Inx an’ si’angw laii co' huatsimx 

Cing'iongg simxmih vudhuad 

Siurcii qapp sidjenr simxmih qingx 

Siuhak sniaw kuanw vuddy 

Jiaxee posad 

U sintongx qapp dua diwhui ee lat 

Siwhngx ee de dinxdang qaxx lic .kuix 

Inx longxx an’ lairdew bunr .cud .laii 

Sewjunx! Guaw an’ sikzit ixlaii 

M bad qnir quer jitt hy su 

Hibang liw tangx suecbingg inx an' dyc'ui laii 

Ixqip inx qoktow ee miaa 

Guaw qingsiongg iulik jerje qog 

M bad qnir quer jitt hy dairjiongr 

Jiaxee dairjiongr lairdew

Guaw jit xee dy' m bad

Hutzenn an’ tokax cud .laii

Hibang liw qongw guan'inx

Qimzit dirr jitt xee dairhue

U buliong vaccing'ig xee posad

Jiaxee posad 

Longxx beh jaix jitt qnia su 

Jiaxee posad dairjiongr 

Taubuew ee in’enn 

U buliong dairdig ee Sewjunx 

Hibang liw qaixquad jingwlangg ee gihik

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 3)

At that time the Bhagavat praised the foremost of the great bodhisattvas, saying: “Splendid, splendid, O sons of virtuous family! Thoughts of joy regarding the Tathāgata have awakened in you.” 

Then Bodhisattva Maitreya and the assembly of bodhisattvas equal in number to the sands of eight thousand Ganges Rivers thought this: Looking far into the past, we have never seen or heard of such an assembly of great bodhisattva mahāsattvas, who have now emerged from the earth and are standing before the Bhagavat with their palms pressed together in reverence, asking the Tathāgata questions. 

Then Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya, knowing the minds of the bodhisattvas whose number was equal to the sands of eight thousand Ganges Rivers, and wanting to clear up their confusion, faced the Buddha with the palms of his hands pressed together and addressed him in verse, saying:

We have never seen such a great assembly 

Of incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis 

Of bodhisattvas before. We entreat you, 

O Best of Humans, 

To explain it to us! 

Where have they come from? 

For what reason have they gathered here? 

They look magnificent 

And have great transcendent powers. 

Their wisdom is beyond our comprehension. 

They are firm in their resolve, 

Have the power of great perseverance, 

And an appearance that sentient beings 

Desire to see. 

Where have they come from? 

Each of these bodhisattvas is leading 

A retinue whose number is incalculable, 

Like the sands of the Ganges River. 

Some great bodhisattvas are leading retinues 

Equal in number to the sands 

Of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers. 

Great are the assemblies, 

Singlemindedly seeking the buddha path. 

These great leaders, equal in number 

To the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers, 

Have come all together to pay homage to the Buddha 

And preserve this sutra. 

The number of bodhisattvas leading retinues 

Equal in number to the sands of fifty thousand

Ganges Rivers is even greater; 

And the number of bodhisattvas who lead retinues 

Equal in number to the sands of forty thousand, 

Thirty thousand, twenty thousand, ten thousand, 

One thousand, one hundred, even one, one half, 

One third, one fourth, one myriadth of a koṭi 

Of the sands of a Ganges River exceeds even these. 

There are disciples who number 

Thousands of myriads of nayutas, 

Myriads of koṭis, or even half a koṭi. 

Their numbers also exceed that mentioned above. 

There are also disciples in retinues 

Of one million, ten thousand, 

One thousand, one hundred, fifty, ten, 

Even three, two, or one in number. 

There are also great bodhisattvas 

Who have come without retinues, 

Desiring to be in solitude. 

The number of those 

Who have come before the Buddha 

Is far beyond any calculation. 

If anyone counted the number of such a great assembly 

With bamboo counting-sticks, he would not finish 

Even after exhausting kalpas greater in number 

Than the sands of the Ganges River. 

Who has taught the Dharma 

To this assembly of bodhisattvas, 

Endowed with great dignity and perseverance? 

Who has inspired and perfected them? 

Under whom did the thought of enlightenment 

First awaken in them? 

Which Buddha-Dharma do they praise? 

Whose sutra have they preserved and practiced? 

And which buddha path have they followed? 

Such bodhisattvas as these, 

Endowed with transcendent powers 

And the power of great wisdom, 

Have all emerged out of the earth, 

Which quaked in the four directions 

And split asunder. 

O Bhagavat! We have never seen 

Such a thing before. 

We entreat you to tell us the name 

Of the land from where they have come. 

We have been constantly traveling 

In various regions, 

Nevertheless we have never seen 

Such a thing before. 

We do not know even a single person 

In this assembly.

All of a sudden 

They have emerged from the earth. 

We entreat you to explain the reason why. 

All of the immeasurable hundreds of thousands 

Of koṭis of bodhisattvas in this great assembly 

Now wish to know about this matter. 

There must be underlying causes for this, 

To explain all of these bodhisattvas. 

O Bhagavat, He of Immeasurable Qualities! 

We entreat you to clear up 

The confusion of the assembly!

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之3)


 無量千萬億  大眾諸菩薩

 昔所未曾見  願兩足尊說

 是從何所來  以何因緣集

 巨身大神通  智慧叵思議

 其志念堅固  有大忍辱力

 眾生所樂見  為從何所來

 一一諸菩薩  所將諸眷屬

 其數無有量  如恒河沙等

 或有大菩薩  將六萬恒沙

 如是諸大眾  一心求佛道

 是諸大師等  六萬恒河沙

 俱來供養佛  及護持是經

 將五萬恒沙  其數過於是

 四萬及三萬  二萬至一萬

 一千一百等  乃至一恒沙

 半及三四分  億萬分之一

 千萬那由他  萬億諸弟子

 乃至於半億  其數復過上

 百萬至一萬  一千及一百

 五十與一十  乃至三二一

 單己無眷屬  樂於獨處者

 俱來至佛所  其數轉過上

 如是諸大眾  若人行籌數

 過於恒沙劫  猶不能盡知

 是諸大威德  精進菩薩眾

 誰為其說法  教化而成就

 從誰初發心  稱揚何佛法

 受持行誰經  修習何佛道

 如是諸菩薩  神通大智力

 四方地震裂  皆從中踊出

 世尊我昔來  未曾見是事

 願說其所從  國土之名號

 我常遊諸國  未曾見是眾

 我於此眾中  乃不識一人

 忽然從地出  願說其因緣

 今此之大會  無量百千億

 是諸菩薩等  皆欲知此事

 是諸菩薩眾  本末之因緣

 無量德世尊  唯願決眾疑


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-2)

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx dirr posad dairjiongr lairdew anxnex qongw, “Byy cyr, byy cyr. Jiongww senrlamjuw! Zulaii u anlok, hranw did puawvni iarr hranw did huanlyw. Jiongwsingx jin’ kuair dorhuar, guaw be qamxqag pilyy. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jiaxee jiongwsingx, singsingx-sewser dniardnia siurr guaw qauwhuar, iarr duiww quewkir jiongww vut u qiong’iongw, jundiong, qapp jingr jerje senrqinx. Jiaxee jiongwsingx jid'err knuar diyc guaw, tniax diyc guaw soxx enxsuad :ee, dyrr longxx siongsinr qapp jiapsiu, jinwzip Zulaii ee diwhui. Druu kir hiaxee guandew siuhak siyxsingg :ee. Jiaxee langg, guaw henrjai iarr hro inx tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, hro inx jinwzip vut ee diwhui."

Hitt sii, jerje dua posad qongw jimgensix:

Jin’ hyw jin’ hyw

Uixdai ee inghiongg Sewjunx

Hro jerje jiongwsingx

Venr kuair dorhuar

Inx erdangr mng jiongww vut

Jiokk cim'yr ee diwhui

Tniax liauw u siongsinr qycc e kir sidjenr

Guanw iarr duer lecc hnuahiw

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 2)

At that time the Bhagavat spoke to the great assembly of bodhisattvas, saying: “It is exactly like this, O sons of a virtuous family! It is exactly so! The Tathāgata is at ease and without illness or pain. It is easy to save sentient beings, and I am not fatigued. Why is this? Because sentient beings have continually received my guidance throughout many lives, and they have also planted roots of good merit by revering and honoring the buddhas of the past. “When these sentient beings first saw me and heard my teaching, all, except for those who had previously practiced and studied the inferior vehicle, immediately believed and accepted it and entered the Tathāgata’s wisdom. Now I enable even such people as these to listen to this sutra and enter the Buddha’s wisdom.” 

Then the great bodhisattvas spoke these verses: 

Splendid, splendid! 

O Bhagavat, 

Great Hero! 

All the sentient beings 

Can easily be brought to the path. 

They can ask about 

The profound wisdom of the buddhas. 

Hearing about it, they trust and accept it. 

We rejoice about this.

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之2)

爾時世尊於菩薩大眾中。而作是言。如是如是。諸善男子。如來安樂少病少惱。諸眾生等易可化度。無有疲勞。所以者何。是諸眾生。世世已來常受我化。亦於過去諸佛。供養尊重種諸善根。此諸眾生。始見我身聞我所說。即 皆信受入如來慧。除先修習學小乘者。如是之人。我今亦令得聞是經入於佛慧。爾時諸大菩薩。而說偈言。

 善哉善哉  大雄世尊  諸眾生等

 易可化度  能問諸佛  甚深智慧

 聞已信行  我等隨喜

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-1)


Derr Jap-go Pinw: An’ Tokax Bunr .Cud .Laii

Hitt sijun, an’ vadd xee qoktow laii ee jerje posad mahasattva, sowliong ciauquer veh diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, dirr dairjiongr lairdew vreh kiw, habjiongw qnialew duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Liw narr kingw hro guanw dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau dirr jitt xee syvyy sewqair qutlat jingjinr, horcii, togsiong, causaiw, qapp qiong’iongw jitt vo qingdenw, guanw e dirr jitt xee qoktow siwqer enxsuad.”

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra jiongww posad mahasattva qongw, “Mrbenw, qokk xui senrlamjuw, byy su’iaur linw horcii jitt vxo qingx. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Dirr guaw ee syvyy sewqair, u lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, muixx jit xee posad u lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax sowliong hiacc je ee quanwsiok. Jiaxee langg e dirr guaw beddo liauxau, horcii, togsiong, qapp siwqer enxsuad jitt vxo qingx.”

Vuddyy decc qongw ee sii, syvyy sewqair samcenx daircenx qoktow ee de longxx dinxdang qycc lic .kuix. Dirr hitt lairdew, u buliong cenbanrig xee posad mahasattva qang sijunn bunr .cud .laii. Jiaxee posad ee sinkux longxx si qimsig, u snax-jap-zi jiongw siongwmau qapp buliong ee qongbingg. Jinwjingg inx longxx dirr jitt xee syvyy sewqair ee erdew, druar dirr hukongx ee sewqair lairdew. Jiaxee posad tniax diyc Sakyamuni enxsuad ee imsniax, dyrr an’ erdew cud .laii. Muixx jit xee posad longxx jyr dairjiongr ee cuartauu  :ee. Uree cua lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee quanwsiok. Uree cua go-bxan, sir-bxan, snax-bxan, nng-bxan, iacc jit-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee quanwsiok. Qycc uree cua jit diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, vnuar diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, iacc sir hxun ji’ id diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, simrjiww cenbanrig nayuta hxun ji’ id. Qycc uree cua cenbanrig nayuta xee quanwsiok. Qycc uree cua ikban xee quanwsiok. Qycc uree cua cenban, vacban, simrjiww jit-bxan. Qycc uree cua jit-cingx, jit-vah, iacc jap xee. Qycc uree cua go xee, sir xee, snax xee, nng xee, iacc jit xee derjuw. Qycc u hnuahiw ham' sewsiok li hng hng :ee, qanda’ qaqi jit xee.

Jiaxee posad an’ tokax cud .laii, sui' xee jen'ongw kongdiongx ee cid-vyw bibiau tah, Je Vyw Zulaii qapp Sakyamuni ee soxjai. Qaur der, tauu qapp bin kap de vair nng xui Sewjunx ee kax, liauxau, inx qaur vyxciu-kax ee sraix-aw-jyrui, iarr qra hiaxee hunsinx-vut qnialew, an' jniawvingg sec snax linr, habjiongw qiongqingr. Inx iong jerje posad jiongxjiongw janwbiw ee honghuad laii janwtanr, liauxau  kia kir vnix:a, hnuahiw giongxbong nng xui Sewjunx. Jiaxee posad mahasattva an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii, iong jerje posad jiongxjiongw janwbiw ee honghuad laii janwtanr vut. Jitt hy siqanx qingquer go-jap siyw qiab. Hitt sii, Sakyamuni diam diam jre lehh, soxu sir jiongw derjuw iarr diam diam. Go-jap siyw qiab, in'ui Vuddyy sintongx ee lat, hro dairjiongr cincniu jiacc vnuar qangx.

Hitt sijun, sir jiongw derjuw iarr ixx vut sintongx ee lai knuar diyc jerje posad venww muaw buliong vaccingban xee qoktow ee kongdiongx. Jiaxee posad lairdew u sir xee dyrsux. Tauu jit xee qiyr jyr Visistacaritra(Qik Siongrdingw Sidjenr), derr zi xee qiyr jyr Anantacaritra(Buvenx Sidjenr), derr snax xee qiyr jyr Visuddhacaritra(Cingjing Sidjenr), derr sir xee qiyr jyr Supratisthitacaritra(Anlip Sidjenr). Jitt sir xee posad dirr hiaxee dairjiongr lairdew jyr cuartauu :ee qapp jyr dyrsu. Inx dirr dairjiongr taujingg sui' xee habjiongw, quanknuar Sakyamuni Vut, qycc qra mngranx qongxx, “Sewjunx! Si m si hranw did puawvni, hranw did huanlyw? U anlok bor? Soxx ingqaix dro :ee u kuair siurqar bor? Inx u hro Sewjunx qamxqag pilyy bor?” 

Hitt sii, sir dua posad qongw jimgensix:

Sewjunx anlok bor

Hranw did puawvni hranw did huanlyw bor

Qauwhuar jiongwsingx

E iawsen .be

Qycc jiongwsingx

U kuair qauwhuar bor

Inx u hro Sewjunx

Qamxqag pilyy bor

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 1)

At that time the bodhisattva mahāsattvas, who had arrived from other lands and whose number exceeded that of the sands of eight Ganges Rivers, stood up in the great assembly, bowed with their palms pressed together, and then spoke to the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! If you give us permission to diligently strive to preserve, recite, copy and pay homage to this [Lotus] Sutra after the parinirvāṇa of the Buddha in this sahā world, then we will extensively teach it in this land.” 

Then the Buddha addressed the assembly of bodhisattva mahāsattvas, saying: “Enough, O sons of a virtuous family! There is no need for you to preserve this sutra. Why is this? In my sahā world there are bodhisattva mahāsattvas, equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers in number; and each of these bodhisattvas, in turn, has a retinue equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers. After my parinirvāṇa they can preserve, recite, and extensively teach this sutra.” 

When the Buddha said this all the lands of the great manifold cosmos in the sahā world quaked and the earth split. From out of this crevice there simultaneously appeared incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis of bodhisattva mahāsattvas. All of these bodhisattvas had golden bodies endowed with the thirty-two marks and radiating immeasurable rays of light. They had all previously been living in the space under the earth of the sahā world. Having heard the sound of Śākyamuni’s teaching, all of these bodhisattvas emerged from below. Each of those bodhisattvas presided over a great assembly and each led a retinue equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers in number. How much more numerous were the bodhisattvas who emerged leading retinues equal in number to the sands of fifty thousand, forty thousand, thirty thousand, twenty thousand, or ten thousand Ganges Rivers! How much more numerous were the bodhisattvas who emerged leading retinues even equal to the sands of one Ganges River, half a Ganges River, a quarter of a Ganges River, or even just one thousandth of a myriad of a koṭi of a nayuta of the sands of a Ganges River! How many more retinues were there numbering thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas! How many more retinues were there numbering myriads of koṭis! How many more were those numbering ten million, one million, or even ten thousand! How many more were those numbering one thousand, one hundred, or even ten! How much more numerous were bodhisattvas leading disciples numbering five, four, three, two, or even one! And how many more bodhisattvas were there who had eagerly practiced alone and far from the worldly life! The number of such bodhisattvas as these is incalculable and limitless, beyond all calculation and metaphor. 

Having emerged from the earth, each of these bodhisattvas approached the Tathāgatas Prabhūtaratna and Śākyamuni, still seated in the beautiful seven-jeweled stupa in the air. Going up to them, they bowed until their foreheads touched the feet of both Bhagavats. Then, having bowed to the other buddhas, each sitting on a lion seat under the jeweled trees, they circumambulated them to the right three times, honoring them with their palms pressed together. Having praised them with various bodhisattva eulogies, they withdrew to one side and joyfully gazed at the two Bhagavats. All these bodhisattva mahāsattvas, having emerged from the earth, praised the buddhas with various bodhisattva eulogies. While they did, fifty intermediate kalpas passed. During this time the Buddha Śākyamuni sat in silence; and the fourfold assemblies were also silent while the fifty intermediate kalpas passed. Because of the Buddha’s transcendent powers, the great assemblies believed that the time that had passed was only half a day. 

Then, through the transcendent powers of the Buddha, the fourfold assemblies also saw the bodhisattvas filling the air throughout immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of lands. There were four leaders among those bodhisattvas gathered there. They were called Viśiṣṭacāritra, Anantacāritra, Viśuddhacāritra, and Supratiṣṭhitacāritra. These four bodhisattvas were the foremost leaders in the assembly. At the head of the great assembly, they each pressed their palms together, gazed at Śākyamuni Buddha, and inquired of him, saying: “O Bhagavat! Are you without illness or pain? Are you at ease in practice or not? Do those who should be saved accept your teaching easily or not? Do they not make you weary, O Bhagavat?” 

Thereupon the four great bodhisattvas spoke these verses: 

O Bhagavat! Are you at ease? 

Are you without illness or pain? 

Are you fatigued with leading 

And inspiring sentient beings? 

Do the sentient beings accept 

Your guidance easily or not? 

Do they not tire the Bhagavat?

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之1)

爾時他方國土諸來菩薩摩訶薩。過八恒河沙數。於大眾中起立合掌作禮。而白佛言。世尊。若聽我等於佛滅後在此娑婆世界懃加精進護持讀誦書寫供養是經典者。當於此土而廣說之。爾時佛告諸菩薩摩訶薩眾。止善男子。不須汝等護持此經。所以者何。我娑婆世界。自有六萬恒河沙等菩薩摩訶薩。一一菩薩各有六萬恒河沙眷屬。是諸人等能於我滅後。護持讀誦廣說此經。佛說是時。娑婆世界三千大千國土地皆震裂。而於其中有無量千萬億菩薩摩訶薩同時踊出。是諸菩薩身皆金色。三十二相無量光明。先盡在此娑婆世界之下。此界虛空中住。是諸菩薩聞釋迦牟尼佛所說音聲從下發來。一一菩薩。皆是大眾唱導之首。各將六萬恒河沙眷屬。況將五萬四萬三萬二萬一萬恒河沙等眷屬者。況復乃至一恒河沙半恒河沙四分之一。乃至千萬億那由他分之一。況復千萬億那由他眷屬。況復億萬眷屬。況復千萬百萬乃至一萬。況復一千一百乃至一十。況復將五四三二一弟子者。況復單己樂遠離行。如是等比。無量無邊算數譬喻所不能知。是諸菩薩從地出已。各詣虛空七寶妙塔多寶如來釋迦牟尼佛所。到已向二世尊頭面禮足。及至諸寶樹下師子座上佛所。亦皆作禮右繞三匝合掌恭敬。以諸菩薩種種讚法。而以讚歎住在一面。欣樂瞻仰於二世尊。是諸菩薩摩訶薩從初踊出。以諸菩薩種種讚法而讚於佛。如是時間經五十小劫。是時釋迦牟尼佛默然而坐。及諸四眾亦皆默然。五十小劫。佛神力故。令諸大眾謂如半日。爾時四眾亦以佛神力故。見諸菩薩遍滿無量百千萬億國土虛空。是菩薩眾中有四導師。一名上行。二名無邊行。三名淨行。四名安立行。是四菩薩於其眾中。最為上首唱導之師。在大眾前各共合掌。觀釋迦牟尼佛。而問訊言。 世尊。少病少惱安樂行不。所應度者受教易不。不令世尊生疲勞耶。爾時四大菩薩。而說偈言。

 世尊安樂  少病少惱  教化眾生

 得無疲惓  又諸眾生  受化易不

 不令世尊  生疲勞耶


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-10)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Dniardnia sidjenr zimxziok 

Linbinw itcer jiongwsingx 

Jiacc tangx enxsuad 

Vuddyy soxx janwtanr ee qingx 

Zid’au dirr buadhuad-sidai 

Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Duiww jairqelangg qapp cutqelangg 

Ixqip m si siuhak posatdy :ee 

Ingqaix snix juvix 

Jiaxee m tniax 

M siongsinr jitt vxo qingx 

Jex si dua sngxsid 

Guaw did diyc vuddy ee sii 

E iong jerje hongven 

Uirr inx enxsuad jitt xee Hxuad 

Hro inx diamr dirr lairdew 

Kyxviw u sewlik ee 

Dngw-lenw ongg 

Knuar diyc qunvingx u jenwqongx 

Sniuxsur inx jerje mihqnia 

Cnxiu, bew, ciax 

Qapp jongsikpinw jiaxee mihqnia 

Ixqip jerje canhngg, cuwtec 

Cuanlok, sniaci 

Iacc hro inx ihok 

Jiongxjiongw dinvyw 

Lovi jaibut 

Hnuahiw sur hro inx 

Narr u bingxiongw  :ee 

Tangx uansingg qanlann ee su 

Ongg vrag taujangqer lairdew ee 

Bingjux laii sur hro ix 

Zulaii iarr si zucuw 

Ix si soxu Hxuad ee huat'ongg 

U zimxziok ee dua ligliong

U diwhui ee dinvyw 

Iong dua juvix 

Jiauww Hxuad dorhuar sewqanx 

Knuar diyc itcer jiongwsingx 

Sriu jiongxjiongw tongwkow qapp huanlyw 

Beh qriuu qaixtuad 

Ham’ jerje xmoo siy' jenr 

Uirr jiaxee jiongwsingx 

Enxsuad jiongxjiongw Hxuad 

Iong dua hongven 

Enxsuad jiaxee qingdenw 

Qacc jaix jiongwsingx 

U did diyc ligliong liauxau 

Juewau jiacc uirr inx 

Enxsuad jitt vxo Lenhuex Qingx 

Cincniu vrag taujangqer ee 

Bingjux laii sur hro langg’ 

Jitt vxo qingx jiokk junquir 

Si soxu qingx lairdew siongrr quann :ee 

Guaw siongsiongg siuxho 

Be cinwcaiw kaisi 

Jitmaw jniawdngsii 

Uirr linw enxsuad 

Guaw beddo liauxau 

Qriuu vuddy :ee 

Narr beh an’unw 

Enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Ingdongx cinqin 

Jitt hy sir jiongw qauwhuad 

Tak jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Siongsiongg byy iuciuu qapp huanlyw 

Iurr byy vnirtniar 

Puebah vec paupaux 

Be cutsir dirr sanwciah qadingg 

Be vijen iacc baixknuawsniur 

Jiongwsingx hnuahiw knuar diyc ix 

Cincniu himbo singwhenn 

Tenzinn ee jerje cingsiauwlenn 

Hro ix cesaiw 

Dycniux qapp qunwtuii be laii 

Dok berdangr qra hai 

Narr u langg' og ir qra ziogme 

Hitt langg ee cuir e trad .kiw .laii be qongxue 

Siwqer qnia’iuu byy qnia’uir 

Cincniu sraix ongg 

Diwhui ee qongbingg 

Cincniu zit decc jiyr 

Narr dirr bang-diongx 

Dna’ qnir diyc bixbiau ee su 

E qnir diyc jerje Zulaii 

Jre sraix-aw-jyrui 

Virr jiongww bikiu 

Qra uii lehh decc enxsuad Hxuad 

Qycc qnir diyc lringg-sinn 

Qapp asura dringw 

Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax  

Qiongqingr habjiongw 

Knuar diyc jursinx 

Decc uirr inx suathuad 

Qycc knuar diyc jerje vut 

Qimsig ee srinx 

Huad cud buliong ee qngx 

Jiyr itcer 

Iong cingjing ee imsniax 

Enxsuad jiongxjiongw Hxuad 

Vut uirr sir jiongw derjuw 

Enxsuad busiong ee Hxuad 

Qnir diyc jursinx iarr dirr lairdew 

Habjiongw janwtanr vut 

Tniax diyc Hxuad jiokk hnuahiw 

Dyrr qra qiong’iongw 

Did diyc dharani (jongw cisiuw)

Giamrjingr diyc byy dywter ee diwhui 

Vuddyy jaix ix ee simx 

U sniu beh cimzip vuddy 

Dyrr qra jyr qiwzinn 

Qongxx e singjiu jniawsiong qakdix: 

Liw jitt xui senrlamjuw 

E dirr laiser 

Did diyc buliong ee diwhui 

Qniaa dirr vut ee dua dy 

Qoktow jonggiamm cingjing

Kongwkuah buviw

Iarr u sir jiongw derjuw

Habjiongw tniax Hxuad

Qycc qnir diyc jursinx 

Dirr sanlimm lairdew 

Siuhak senrhuad 

Giamrjingr diyc jerje sit siongr 

Cimzip sendnia 

Qnir diyc sibhongx ee vut 

Soxu vut ee srinx longxx si qimsig 

U vah hog ee siongr jiokk jonggiamm 

Tniax diyc Hxuad e uirr langg’ enxsuad 

Siongsiongg u jitt hy hyw bang 

Iurr bang diyc qok’ongg 

Siawsag qiongden qapp quanwsiok 

Ixqip siongrr bixbiau ee go jiongw iogbong 

Jen'ongw dyrdniuu 

Dirr poteciu-kax 

Diamr sraix-aw-jyrui 

Qriuu dy quer cid zit

Did diyc soxu vut ee diwhui

Singjiu busiong ee dy liauxau

Kixsinx dngw huatlenw

Uirr sir jiongw derjuw suathuad

Qingquer cenbanrig qiab

Enxsuad byy lrau ee bibiau Hxuad 

Dro buliong jiongwsingx 

Liauxau e zip liappuann 

Cincniu enx jin dingx bet 

Narr dirr zid'au ee og sxer lairdew 

Enxsuad jitt vxo derr id ee Hxuad 

Jitt hy langg did diyc dua lirig 

Cincniu dingxquann jiongxjiongw qongdig

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 10)

At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

Always practice patience 

And be compassionate toward all, 

Since only then can one expound

A sutra praised by the Buddha! 

In the future those who preserve this sutra 

Should be compassionate and kind toward 

Lay Buddhists, renunciants, and non-bodhisattvas, 

Saying: Those who have not heard this sutra 

Or who do not believe in it 

Have consequently lost a great opportunity. 

When I attain the buddha path 

I will expound this teaching 

Through various skillful means 

And enable them to abide in it. 

Suppose there was a powerful, noble emperor 

Who bestows upon those soldiers meritorious in battle 

Various gifts of elephants, horses, chariots, conveyances, 

Ornaments, estates, villages, cities, garments, 

Various treasures, servants, and wealth. 

He gives these gifts with joy. 

If there is anyone who has been brave 

And has performed difficult deeds, 

The noble emperor gives 

The precious jewel in his topknot. 

The Tathāgata is exactly like this. 

He is the emperor of all the teachings. 

Out of his great compassion, 

And through his treasury of wisdom 

And great power of patience, 

He inspires the world according to the Dharma. 

Seeing all the sentient beings suffering, 

Seeking liberation 

And doing battle with the māras, 

He explains various teachings for the beings 

And teaches various sutras 

With his great skillful means. 

Knowing that the sentient beings have 

Finally attained the power to understand, 

He teaches this Lotus Sutra only at the very end, 

Just like the noble emperor 

Who gave the jewel in his topknot. 

This sutra is the utmost, 

Superior to all the sutras. 

I have constantly preserved it 

And have not revealed it indiscriminately. 

Now is the right time to teach it to you. 

After my parinirvāṇa 

Those seeking the buddha path, 

Who want to attain ease and expound this sutra, 

Should become familiar with these four spheres 

Of the teaching concerning ease in practice. 

Those who recite this sutra will always 

Be free from anxiety and illness, 

And will have a noble countenance. 

They will not be born into poverty, 

Lowliness or ugliness. 

Sentient beings will want to meet them 

Just as they long to meet a wise seer, 

And all of the devaputras will serve them. 

Sticks and swords cannot hurt them, 

And poison cannot harm them. 

If people slander them 

Those slanderers’ mouths will be sealed up. 

They will travel fearlessly Like a lion king, and 

The light of their wisdom 

Will illuminate just like the sun. 

If they dream they see only subtle things. 

They see the Tathāgatas seated on lion seats, 

Teaching the Dharma to the assembly 

Of monks surrounding them. 

They see nāgas and asuras, 

As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, 

Honoring the Tathāgatas 

With their palms pressed together. 

Revealing themselves, 

They teach the Dharma to these beings.

They also see the buddhas, with golden bodies, 

Emitting immeasurable rays of light 

Which illuminate universally, 

And expounding various teachings 

With beautiful voices like Brahma’s. 

To the fourfold assembly 

The Buddha teaches the highest Dharma. 

Revealing themselves among them, 

They praise the Buddha 

With palms pressed together. 

Hearing the Dharma they rejoice 

And pay homage to the Buddha. 

They attain the power of recollection 

And achieve the wisdom of nonretrogression. 

The Buddha, knowing their minds, 

And that they have deeply entered the buddha path, 

Gives them a prediction of the highest, 

Complete enlightenment, saying: 

O son of a virtuous family! 

In the future you will attain immeasurable 

Wisdom and the great path of the Buddha. 

Your land will be pure and vast, 

Beyond all comparison. 

The fourfold assembly will also be there 

Listening to the Dharma with their palms

Pressed together. 

They who recite this sutra also see themselves 

In mountain forests, practicing excellent teachings, 

Experiencing the real aspect, 

Deeply entering into concentration, 

And looking at the buddhas in the ten directions, 

All of whom have golden bodies 

Adorned with a hundred auspicious marks. 

They will always have such pleasant dreams 

And, hearing the Dharma taught, 

They will teach it to others. 

They will also dream about becoming 

The king of a realm who abandons his palace 

And retinue, and the highly pleasing 

Desires of the five senses, 

Approaches the terrace of enlightenment, 

Sits on the lion seat under the bodhi tree, 

Attains the wisdom of all the buddhas 

After seeking the path for seven days, 

And who, arising, turns the wheel of the Dharma 

After having attained the highest path. 

They will teach the Dharma to the fourfold assembly 

For thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas. 

Explaining the true and incorruptible Dharma, 

They will save innumerable sentient beings. 

Later they will enter nirvana 

Just as smoke dies away 

When the flame of a candle is extinguished.

If anyone in the troubled world to come 

Teaches this highest Dharma 

They will attain great benefits 

Like the merits mentioned above.

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之10)


 常行忍辱  哀愍一切  乃能演說

 佛所讚經  後末世時  持此經者

 於家出家  及非菩薩  應生慈悲

 斯等不聞  不信是經  則為大失

 我得佛道  以諸方便  為說此法

 令住其中  譬如強力  轉輪之王

 兵戰有功  賞賜諸物  象馬車乘

 嚴身之具  及諸田宅  聚落城邑

 或與衣服  種種珍寶  奴婢財物

 歡喜賜與  如有勇健  能為難事

 王解髻中  明珠賜之  如來亦爾

 為諸法王  忍辱大力  智慧寶藏

 以大慈悲  如法化世  見一切人

 受諸苦惱  欲求解脫  與諸魔戰

 為是眾生  說種種法  以大方便

 說此諸經  既知眾生  得其力已

 末後乃為  說是法華  如王解髻

 明珠與之  此經為尊  眾經中上

 我常守護  不妄開示  今正是時

 為汝等說  我滅度後  求佛道者

 欲得安隱  演說斯經  應當親近

 如是四法  讀是經者  常無憂惱

 又無病痛  顏色鮮白  不生貧窮

 卑賤醜陋  眾生樂見  如慕賢聖

 天諸童子  以為給使  刀杖不加

 毒不能害  若人惡罵  口則閉塞

 遊行無畏  如師子王  智慧光明

 如日之照  若於夢中  但見妙事

 見諸如來  坐師子座  諸比丘眾

 圍繞說法  又見龍神  阿修羅等

 數如恒沙  恭敬合掌  自見其身

 而為說法  又見諸佛  身相金色

 放無量光  照於一切  以梵音聲

 演說諸法  佛為四眾  說無上法

 見身處中  合掌讚佛  聞法歡喜

 而為供養  得陀羅尼  證不退智

 佛知其心  深入佛道  即為授記

 成最正覺  汝善男子  當於來世

 得無量智  佛之大道  國土嚴淨

 廣大無比  亦有四眾  合掌聽法

 又見自身  在山林中  修習善法

 證諸實相  深入禪定  見十方佛

 諸佛身金色  百福相莊嚴

 聞法為人說  常有是好夢

 又夢作國王  捨宮殿眷屬

 及上妙五欲  行詣於道場

 在菩提樹下  而處師子座

 求道過七日  得諸佛之智

 成無上道已  起而轉法輪

 為四眾說法  經千萬億劫

 說無漏妙法  度無量眾生

 後當入涅槃  如烟盡燈滅

 若後惡世中  說是第一法

 是人得大利  如上諸功德


Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-9)

Manjusri! Kyxviw u jit xee u sewlik ee dngw-lenw singwongg beh iong uiser hanghok qokk qog, mrqycc jerje siyw ongg m tniax ix ee bingrling. Hitt sii, dngw-lenw ongg kiw jiongxjiongw vingx beh tyxhuat. Ongg knuar diyc jerje qunvingx u qenwqongx, jiokk hnuahiw, dyrr jiauww jenwqongx sniuxsur. Uree virr sur canhngg iacc cuwtec, uree virr sur cuanlok iacc sniaci, uree virr sur ihok iacc jongsikpinw, uree virr sur jiongxjiongw dinvyw, qimx, ginn, liulii, ciakuu, bexlyw, san’oo, hoxpig, cnxiu, bew, ciax, lovi, iacc vecsner dringw. Dandanx taujangkuer lairdew ee bingjux, ix m hro langg'. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Qanda' ongg ee taukag-dingw jiacc u jitt liap jux. Narr hro langg', ongg soxu ee quanwsiok qapp vorsiok vitdnia e jiokk qniagii.

Manjusri! Zulaii iarr si zucuw. Ix ixx sendnia qapp diwhui ee lat did diyc Hxuad ee qoktow, dirr samqair jyr ongg. Jerje moongg m kingw sunrhok. Zulaii ee jerje henbingg jiongqunx ham’ inx siy’ jenr. Duiww hiaxee u qonglyy :ee, Zulaii simlai iarr jin' hnuahiw, dyrr dirr sir jiongw derjuw lairdew enxsuad jerje qingx hro inx hnuahiw. Ix sur hro inx sendnia, qaixtuad, qapp byy lrau ee qinx-lat jiongxjiongw Hxuad ee jaivyw, qycc sur liappuann ee sniaa, qongxx inx did diyc beddo. Ix inxdy inx ee simx, hro inx longxx hnuahiw, mrqycc byy qra inx enxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx.

Manjusri! Kyxviw dngw-lenw ongg knuar diyc jerje qunvingx u dua jenwqongx, simlai jiokk hnuahiw. Vyxquir ee jux quxdngg kngr dirr taujangquer lairdew, byy cinwcaiw hro langg', henrjai ix sniuxsur .cud .kir. Zulaii iarr si zucuw. Dirr samqair lairdew jyr dua huat’ongg, iong vudhuad qauwhuar itcer jiongwsingx. Ix knuar diyc henbingg ee qunx ham' go-dxir-xmoo, huanlyw-xmoo, qapp siw-xmoo siy' jenr u dua qonghunx, knuar diyc inx bet samdok, cud samqair, puar xmoo-bxang. Hitt sii, Zulaii iarr dua hnuahiw. Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx tangx hro jiongwsingx singjiu itcer jiongxjiongw diwhui, mrqycc itcer sewqanx u jiokk je uanwgenn qongxx lann siongsinr, mrjiacc jinwjingg byy qongw, qaur henrjai jiacc enxsuad. 

Manjusri! Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx dirr soxu Zulaii enxsuad :ee lairdew vaii derr id, dirr itcer qauwgi lairdew siongrr cim'yr, itdit qaur siongrr buew jiacc sniuxsur, kyxviw hitt xee u sewlik ee ongg, quxdngg vyxho bingjux, itdit qaur juewau jiacc hro langg'.

Manjusri! Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx si jerje Vut Zulaii viwbit ee dinjongg, dirr soxu qingx lairdew vaii siongrr dingxbin. Guaw dngg xia siuxho byy cinwcaiw suanqangw, itdit qaur qimzit jiacc qra linw kaikew qapp enxsuad.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 9)

“O Mañjuśrī! Suppose a very powerful noble emperor wanted to subdue other countries with his might, but the lesser kings would not obey his command. In such a case the noble emperor gathers an army together to overcome them. He recognizes the soldiers who have committed brave deeds in war and, greatly rejoicing, he bestows boons according to their merit, such as estates, villages, cities, garments, ornaments, various treasures, gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, agate, coral, amber, elephants, horses, chariots, servants, and subjects, but he never gives them the precious jewel in his topknot. Why is this? Because only the noble emperor has this precious jewel in his topknot. If the emperor gives it away his attendants would certainly be very surprised and mistrustful. 

“O Mañjuśrī! The Tathāgata is exactly like this. He has attained the land of the Dharma through his powers of concentration and wisdom. Thus he has become the king of the triple world. Since the māra kings will not obey him, the wise and noble generals of the Tathāgata come to do battle with them. The Tathāgata rejoices at the meritorious ones and teaches various sutras to the fourfold assembly, gladdening them. He bestows upon them the property of all the teachings about concentrations, liberations, faculties without corruption, and powers. He also bestows upon them the city of nirvana. Saying that they have attained nirvana, he leads their minds onward and gladdens them all. And yet he does not teach them the Lotus Sutra. 

“O Mañjuśrī! It is just as if the noble emperor finally gives the jewel that has been long concealed in his topknot. Although he perceived the great merit of those soldiers and was deeply pleased, he did not rashly give them the marvelous jewel. The Tathāgata is also exactly like this. Since he is the great King of the Dharma in the triple world he inspires all the sentient beings through the Dharma. When he sees the wise and noble soldiers who have done battle with the māra of the five aggregates, the māra of desires, and the māra of death, who have great merit in battle, and have extinguished the three poisons, left the triple world, and broken out of Māra’s net, he then rejoices greatly. He now teaches the Lotus Sutra, which is treated with hostility by the entire world and is difficult to believe in, and which he has never taught before, and enables sentient beings to attain omniscience. 

“O Mañjuśrī! This Lotus Sutra is the ultimate teaching of all the Tathāgatas, the most profound among all the teachings, and conferred at the very end. It was in the same way that the very powerful and noble emperor gave the jewel after having preserved it for a long time. 

“O Mañjuśrī! This Lotus Sutra is the secret treasure house of all the Buddha Tathāgatas, and the foremost among all the sutras. The Buddha has preserved it for a long time and he has not taught it indiscriminately. Now, for the first time he teaches it.”

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之9)

文殊師利。譬如強力轉輪聖王。欲以威勢降伏諸國。 而諸小王不順其命。時轉輪王。起種種兵而往討罰。王見兵眾戰有功者。即大歡喜隨功賞賜。或與田宅聚落城邑。或與衣服嚴身之具。或與種種珍寶金銀琉璃車磲馬腦珊瑚虎珀象馬車乘奴婢人民。唯髻中明珠不以與之。所以者何。獨王頂上有此一珠。若以與之。王諸眷屬必大驚怪。文殊師利。如來亦復如是。以禪定智慧力得法國土王於三界。而諸魔王不肯順伏。如來賢聖諸將與之共戰。其有功者心亦歡喜。於四眾中為說諸經令其心悅。賜以禪定解脫無漏根力諸法之財。又復賜與涅槃之城言得滅度。引導其心令皆歡喜。而不為說是法華經。文殊師利。如轉輪王見諸兵眾有大功者心甚歡喜。以此難信之珠久在髻中。 不妄與人。而今與之。如來亦復如是。於三界中為大法王。以法教化一切眾生。見賢聖軍與五陰魔煩惱魔死魔共戰有大功勳。滅三毒出三界破魔網。爾時如來亦大歡喜。此法華經。能令眾生至一切智。一切世間多怨難信。先所未說而今說之。文殊師利。此法華經。是諸如來第一之說。於諸說中最為甚深。末後賜與。如彼強力之王。久護明珠今乃與之。文殊師利。此法華經。諸佛如來祕密之藏。於諸經中最在其上。長夜守護不妄宣說。始於今日。乃與汝等而敷演之。