
Sir Liamrju Qingx (5)

Acc jiongww bikiu! Linw anwjnuaw iong sinkux quancad sinkux laii diamr lehh? Jiongww bikiuBikiu an' jiax kir ciurnaa, iacc kir ciu-kax, iacc kir kangx cur druar, puantuiw jre lehh, duanjniar sintew, simx jimjiog bagjingg. Ix iong jniawliam laii suh kuir, iong jniawliam laii trow kuir.
Kuir suh kacc dngg, ix jai'ngiaw qongxx, 'Guaw suh .zip .laii ee kuir kacc dngg.'
Iacc kuir trow kacc dngg, ix jai'ngiaw qongxx, 'Guaw trow .cud .kir ee kuir kacc dngg.'
Iacc kuir suh kacc dew, ix jai'ngiaw qongxx, 'Guaw suh .zip .laii ee kuir kacc dew.'
Iacc kuir trow kacc dew, ix jai'ngiaw qongxx, 'Guaw trow .cud .kir ee kuir kacc dew.'

'Guaw hagsip qamxsiu juann srinx laii suh kuir.'
'Guaw hagsip qamxsiu juann srinx laii trow kuir.'
'Guaw hagsip vingjing sinkux ee hingdong laii suh kuir.'
'Guaw hagsip vingjing sinkux ee hingdong laii trow kuir.

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 5)  
And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell perceiving again and again the body as just the body? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu having gone to the forest, or to the foot of a tree, or to an empty, solitary place; sits down crosslegged, keeping his body erect, and directs his mindfulness. Then only with keen mindfulness he breathes in and only with keen mindfulness he breathes out. Breathing in a long breath, he knows, “I breathe in a long breath”; breathing out a long breath, he knows, “I breathe out a long breath”; breathing in a short breath, he knows, “I breathe in a short breath”; breathing out a short breath, he knows, “I breathe out a short breath”, “Aware of the whole breath body, I shall breathe in”, thus he trains himself; “Aware of the whole breath body, I shall breathe out”, thus he trains himself. “Calming the process of breathing, I shall breathe in”, thus he trains himself; “Calming the process of breathing, I shall breathe out”, thus he trains himself.

(四念住經 - 5) 


Sir Liamrju Qingx (4)

Qongxx simxmic si sir liamrju? Jiongww bikiu, dirr jiax, bikiu ixx sintew quancad sintew diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliam, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun; ixx qamxsiu quancad qamxsiu diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliam, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun; ixx simx quancad simx diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliam, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun; ixx hxuad quancad hxuad diamr lehh, jingjinr, qutlat, u qakdix, u jniawliamm, druu kir sewqanx ee tambee qapp iubun. 

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 4) 
What are these four? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells perceiving again and again the body as just the body with diligence, clear understanding, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world; he dwells perceiving again and again feelings as just feelings with diligence, clear understanding, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world; he dwells perceiving again and again the mind as just the mind with diligence, clear understanding, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world; he dwells perceiving again and again dhammas as just dhammas with diligence, clear under standing, and mindfulness, thus keeping away covetousness and mental pain in the world. 

(四念住經 - 4)  


Sir Liamrju Qingx (1~3)

Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sijun, Sewjunx dirr Kuru ee  Kammasadhamma Sniaa qapp Kuru ee langg dauwdin. Dirr hiax, Sewjunx duiww jiongww bikiu qongw"Jiongww bikiu."
Hiaxee bikiu rinr Sewjunx qongxx, "Sewjunx."
Sewjunx dyrr anxnex qongw: 
Jioingww Bikiu! Beh hro jiongwsingx cingjing, tuatlii iuciuu qapp vitanr, bet kunwkow qapp iuciuu, did diyc jinliw, ixqip giamrjingr liappuann (Nirvana), uiid ee jit diauu kiwlo, dyrr si sir liamrju. 

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 1~3) 
Thus have I heard. The Bhagavà was at one time residing at the market-town called Kammàsadhamma in the Kuru country. There the Bhagavà addressed the bhikkhus saying “O, Bhikkhus”, and they replied to him, “Bhadante,”.
Then the Bhagavà said: Bhikkhus, this is the one and the only way for the purification of beings, for overcoming sorrow and lamentation, for the cessation of physical and mental pain, for attainment of the Noble Paths, and for the realization of Nibbàna. That is the four satipaññhànas. 

(四念住經 - 1~3)
如是我聞: 一時,世尊在拘樓國劍磨瑟曇城,與拘樓人住。於其處,世尊告諸比丘曰:「諸比丘!」彼等比丘應諾世尊曰:「世尊!」世尊乃如是言:諸比丘!為淨眾生、為度愁歎、為滅苦憂、為得真諦、為證涅槃,唯一趣向道,即四念住。


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (86)

Vuddyy qangxsuad qinghuad liauw, Maitreya Posad qapp an' sibhongx laii ee jiongww posad, dniuxlyw Ananda, jiongww dua sniabunn, ixqip itcer dairjiongr, inx tniax diyc Vut soxx qongw :ee, byy jit xee byy hnuahiw. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 86)  
When the Buddha finished delivering this sutra, the Bodhisattva Maitreya and bodhisattvas from the lands in the ten quarters, together with the Elder Ananda, other great shravakas, and all those in the assembly, without exception, rejoiced at the Buddha's discourse.  

(佛說無量壽經 - 86) 

Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (85)

Hitt sii Sewjunx qangxsuad jitt vxo qinghuad, buliong jiongwsingx longxx huad kiw busiong jniawqag ee simx. Jit-bxan nng-cingx nayuta langg did diyc cingjing huatganw. Zi-jap-zi-ig jiongww tenzinn qapp zinbinn did diyc anagamin ee qongqyw. Veh-jap-bxan xee bikiu bet jin huanlyw, duiww iwjiw u liauxqaiw. Sir-jap-ig xee posad did diyc byy trer dywdngw ee qongqyw. Inx ixx dua sewguan qapp qongdig laii jonggiamm jursinx, dirr jionglaiser ingdongx e singjiu jniawqag. Hitt sii snax-cingx daircenx sewqair huad cud lak jiongw dinxdang, dua qngx poxpenr jiyr dirr sibhongx qoktow. Vaccingx imgak jurzenn enxjaur. Buliong bixbiau ee huex jiapsaur an' tnidingw qangr lyc. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 85)  
When the World-Honored One had finished his exposition of this sutra, aspiration for the highest Enlightenment was awakened in innumerable sentient beings. Twelve thousand nayutas of human beings attained the pure Dharma-eye; twenty-two kotis of devas and humans attained the Stage of a Non-returner; eight hundred thousand bhiksus realized the wisdom of destroying defilements; forty kotis of bodhisattvas attained the Stage of Non-retrogression; and all, adorned with the virtue of the universal vows, will ultimately attain perfect Enlightenment. At that time the entire universe of a thousand million worlds shook in six ways, and a great light illuminated all the lands in the ten quarters. A hundred thousand kinds of music played spontaneously, and innumerable marvelous flowers fell in profusion from the sky.   

(佛說無量壽經 - 85) 