Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-8)
8. Vair Huew :ee
Hitt jun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Rajagaha Sniaa cri pongwcuw ee Diknaa.
Hitt jun, Bharadvaja ee brahmin Vair Huew :ee kiw huew, juw gulingx-vng, uirr vair huew cuann singlew.
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr tauwjaw cing snxax pangg vxuah, zip Rajagaha Sniaa qiukid jiahsit. Ix dirr Rajagaha Sniaa dagg hxo qiukid jiahsit, qaur qaxx Bharadvaja ee brahmin Vair Huew :ee inx daux ee mngkauw ee sii dirr vnix:a kia. Bharadvaja ee brahmin Vair Huew :ee knuar diyc Sewjunx qiukid jiahsit, dyrr iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Snax jiongw bingtongx jiauu u singjiu,
Cutsir qyquir u jerje qenwbunn.
Diwsig qapp dikhing longxx singjiu :ee,
Tangx hiangxsiu guaw ee gulingx-vng.”
“Dyrr sngr liamrjiur qyckacc je,
Lairbin din'aix muaw muw byy cingkir,
Guarbin kyr kimuaa,
Be snix cutsir dyrr si brahmin.
Ixx jaix siokmia,
Qnir tenqair qapp koxqingw,
Ixqip ixx drat qaur snix ee bedjuat,
Singwjiaw ee singjiu uanbuanw.
U jitt snax jiongw bingtongx :ee,
Si snax bingtongx ee brahmin,
Diwhui qapp dikhing jiauu singjiu :ee,
Tangx hiangxiong gulingx-vng.”
“Junjiaw Gotama cniaw hiangxiong jiaxee sidbut! Junjiaw si brahmin.”
“Guaw cniur jitt siuw jimgensix liauw,
Jiac m si guaw tangx jyr :ee.
Jex m si u qenwsig :ee sik'iong ee hxuad.
Jiongww vut cniur jimgensix,
Decc hiyxding jitt xee qewdat.
Brahmin uaw hxuad diamr lehh,
Si sing’uac ee dy.
Huanlyy itjin qniajuer cingjing,
Singjiu uanjuann ee dua singwjiaw,
Uaxkyr ee imxsit,
Si juer qongdig ee cann.”
Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, Bharadvaja ee brahmin Vair Huew :ee iong jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw, “Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai…”
Qycc, jit xee Bharadvaja ee brahmin jniaa juer jit xee arahant.
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-8)
8. Aggika
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary.
Now on that occasion milk-rice with ghee had been set out for the brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja, who had thought: “I will offer a fire sacrifice, I will perform the fire oblation.”
Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, entered Rajagaha for alms. Walking for alms on uninterrupted alms round in Rajagaha, the Blessed One approached the residence of the brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja and stood to one side. The brahmin Aggika Bharadvaja saw the Blessed One standing for alms and addressed him in verse:
“One endowed with the triple knowledge,
Of proper birth, of ample learning,
Accomplished in knowledge and conduct,
Might partake of this milk-rice meal.”
“Even though one mutters many chants,
One does not become a brahmin by birth
If one is rotten within and defiled,
With followers gained by fraudulent means.
One who has known his past abodes,
Who sees heaven and the plane of woe,
Who has reached the destruction of birth,
A sage consummate in direct knowledge:
By means of these three kinds of knowledge
One is a triple-knowledge brahmin.
This one accomplished in knowledge and conduct
Might partake of this milk-rice meal.”
“Let Master Gotama eat. The worthy is a brahmin.”
“It is not fitting for me to eat food
Over which verses have been sung.
This, brahmin, is not the principle
Observed by those who clearly see.
The Enlightened Ones reject such food
Over which verses have been sung.
As such a principle exists, O brahmin,
This is their rule of conduct.
Serve with other food and drink
The consummate one, the great seer,
The one whose taints have been destroyed,
In whom all worry has subsided.
For he is the proper field
For one intent on merit.”
When this was said, the brahmin Aggika Bhåradvåja said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama!”
… And the Venerable Aggika Bharadvaja became one of the arahants.
(相應部 1-7-8)
三明等具足 生高有多聞
明行具足者 受食我乳飯
雖多唱馱咒 埃滿內不淨
外蔽於欺瞞 非生婆羅門
以知於宿命 見天界惡趣
及達生之滅 聖者力成滿
有此三明人 三明婆羅門
明行具足者 我受食乳飯
我唱此偈者 非為得食者
婆羅門於此 知見者非法
諸佛之唱偈 以斥其代價
婆羅門法住 是為生活道
漏盡悔行靜 完全大聖者
依事奉飲食 是為功德田
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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