Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-9)
9. Candima (Guec)
Hitt jun, Sewjunx dirr Shravasti Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw.
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Candima virr asura ee ongg Rahu liac .kir. Tnisinn ee qniaw Candima sniu diyc Sewjunx, diyrr cniurr jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
"Vuddyy si dua inghiongg,
Guaw quiix dirr ix.
Ix ee jiongwgai longxx qaixtuad.
Guaw dnaxx lyc jiongwgai.
Cniaw jniaa juer guaw
Tangx quiix ee soxjai."
Hitt sii, quanhe tnisinn ee qniaw Candima, Sewjunx iong jimgensix hiongr asura ee ongg Rahu qongxx:
"Tnisinn ee qniaw Candima dnaxx
Quiix dirr Zulaii.
Qaix qingwhongx u jniar qakdix :ee,
Rahu diyhh vangr Candima jauw.
Jiongww vut linbinw sewqanx."
Hitt sii, asura ee ongg Rahu vangr tnisinn ee qniaw Candima jauw liauxau, iuxsow qowlu, dyrr kir vaiwhongw asura ee ongg Vepacitti. Qauwui, kiongxhongg, mngqngw kia .kiw .laii dirr vnix :a kia. Asura ee ongg Vepacitti hiongr kia dirr vnix:a asura ee ongg Rahu qongw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Rahu jnuaxngiu jiacc kiongxhongg?
Uirhyy vangr Candima jauw,
Liw dnaxx kurku junx,
Si decc qniax sniaw laii dirr jiax kia?"
"Guaw qniax Vuddyy ee jimgensix.
Narr guaw byy vangtr Candima jauw,
Guaw ee tauu e quah juer cid der,
Uac lehh be tangx did anlok."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-9)
9. Candima
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Shravasti in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s Park. Now on that occasion Candima, son of the devas, had been seized by Rahu, lord of the asuras. Then, recollecting the BlessedOne, Candima, son of the devas, on that occasion recited this verse:
“Let homage be to you, the Buddha!
O hero, you are everywhere released.
I have fallen into captivity,
So please be a refuge for me.”
Then, referring to Candima, son of the devas, the Blessed One addressed Rahu, lord of the asuras, in verse:
“Candimå has gone for refuge
To the Tathagata, the Arahant.
Release Candima, O Rahu,
Buddhas have compassion for the world.”
Then Rahu, lord of the asuras, released Candima, son of the devas, and hurriedly approached Vepacitti, lord of the asuras.Having approached, shocked and terrified, he stood to one side. Then, as he stood there, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, addressed him in verse:
“Why, Rahu, did you come in a hurry?
Why did you release Candimå?
Having come as if in a state of shock,
Why do you stand there frightened?”
“My head would have split in seven parts,
While living I would have found no ease,
If I had not released Candimå
When the Buddha chanted in verse to me.”
(相應部 1-2-9)
佛陀大雄者 我歸依於卿
卿障皆解脫 我今落障礙
然則從此我 置於歸依處
月天子今乃 歸依於如來
應供正覺者 羅睺以放月
羅睺何恐怖 為放月者乎
汝今懼顫來 懼何而立此
我懼佛陀偈 若我不放月
我頭割為七 不得生安樂
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-8)
8. Tayana
Hitt sii, guanvunw si guardy sensnix, tnisinn ee qniaw Tayana, dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Jeta Hngg. Ix uaw kir Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. Uaw .kir ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia ee sii, Tayana dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx,
"Brahmin dng lrauu,
Jingjinr bet iogbong.
Muni byy lirkuix iogbong,
Be zip kir sendnia.
Juer ingqaix juer :ee,
Jingjinr kir juer.
Cutqex narr nuarjnua,
Qyckacc kuair ing'iax.
Byy juer og kacc ngiaa,
Juer og zid'au siurkow.
Hingsen ee langg kacc ngiaa,
Hingsen be u kow.
Kyxviw dnec kusacauw,
Diwsuw ciuw siursiongx.
Sabunn uac lehh juer og,
Diwsuw zip dergak.
Nuarjnua soxx juer ee giap,
Qaiwdiauu virr cik'or,
Siuhing sriu huaigii,
U jiaxee dyrr byy sui'au ee dua qongqyw."
Tayana qongw jiaxee ue liauw, qnialew, kaux duiww Sewjunx jniawvingg dirr hiax byy .kir.
Hitt xia quer liauxau, Sewjunx qra hiaxee bikiu qiyr .laii.
"Jiongww bikiu! Hitt mii, miaa qiyr juer Tayana, vunxlaii si guardy sensnix tnisinn ee qniaw, dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Jeta Hngg. Ix uaw laii Vut jiax beh cingxmng. Uaw .laii ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia ee sii, ix dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx,
'Brahmin dng lrauu,
Jingjinr bet iogbong.
Muni byy lirkuix iogbong,
Be zip kir sendnia.
Juer ingqaix juer :ee,
Jingjinr kir juer.
Cutqex narr nuarjnua,
Qyckacc kuair ing'iax.
Byy juer og kacc ngiaa,
Juer og zid'au siurkow.
Hingsen ee langg kacc ngiaa,
Hingsen be u kow.
Kyxviw dnec kusacauw,
Diwsuw ciuw siursiongx.
Sabunn uac lehh juer og,
Diwsuw zip dergak.
Nuarjnua soxx juer ee giap,
Qaiwdiauu virr cik'or,
Siuhing sriu huaigii,
U jiaxee dyrr byy sui'au ee dua qongqyw.'
"Jiongww bikiu! Tnisinn ee qniaw Tayana jiaxee ue qongw liauw, qnialew, kaux duiww Sewjunx vnix:a, dirr hiax byy .kir. Jiongww bikiu! Ingqaix amwliam Tayana ee jimgensix. Tayana ee jimgensix u jiokk je lirig qapp girliw, sriok siongrr kixtauu ee siuhing."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-8)
8. Tayana
Then, when the night had advanced, Tåyana, son of the devas, for merely the founder of a religious sect, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and recited these verses in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Having made an exertion, cut the stream!
Dispel sensual desires, O brahmin!
Without having abandoned sensual desires,
A sage does not reach unity.
If one would do what should be done,
One should firmly make an exertion.
For a slack wanderer’s life
Only scatters more dust.
Better left undone is the misdeed,
A deed that later brings repentance.
Better done is the good deed
Which when done is not repented.
As kusa-grass, wrongly grasped,
Cuts the very hand that grasps it,
So the recluse life, wrongly taken up,
Drags one down to hell.
Any deed that is slackly done,
Any corrupted vow,
A holy life that breeds suspicion,
Does not yield abundant fruit.”
This is what Tåyana, son of the devas, said. Having said this, he paid homage to the Blessed One and, keeping him on the right, he disappeared right there. Then, when the night had passed, the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus, last night, when the night had advanced, Tåyana, son of the devas, ... approached me ... and in my presence recited these verses:
‘Having made an exertion, cut the stream!...
Does not yield abundant fruit.’
“This is what Tåyana, son of the devas, said. Having said this, he paid homage to me and, keeping me on the right, he disappeared right there. Learn Tåyana’s verses, bhikkhus. Master Tåyana’s verses, bhikkhus. Remember Tåyana’s verses, bhikkhus. Tåyana’s verses are beneficial, bhikkhus, they pertain to the fundamentals of the holy life.”
(相應部 1-2-8)
婆羅門斷流 精進滅愛欲
牟尼未離欲 不入於禪定
欲作應作者 精進而行此
出家若疏漫 愈益散塵垢
不為勝惡行 行惡後受苦
行善者為勝 行善無有苦
宛如握惡草 因之手受傷
沙門生活惡 因之入奈落
疏漫所作業 污染於禁戒
懷疑於梵行 無有隨大果
婆羅門斷流 精進滅愛欲
牟尼未離欲 不入於禪定
欲作應作者 精進而行此
出家若疏漫 愈益散塵垢
不為勝惡行 行惡後受苦
行善者為勝 行善無有苦
宛如握惡草 因之手受傷
沙門生活惡 因之入奈落
疏漫所作業 污染於禁戒
懷疑於梵行 無有隨大果
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-7)
7. Pancalacanda
Tnisinn ee qniaw Pancalacanda kia dirr vnix:a duiww Sewjunx sueh qongxx:
"U dua diwhui ee langg,
Dirr jiongwgai lairdew cue diyc kangwkiah.
Byy u soxx jipdiok,
Buviw ee singwzinn.
Vuddyy jaibad sendnia."
Inx hiaxee dirr jiongwgai lairdew,
Cue diyc qaur Nibbana(liappuann) ee hxuad.
Incuw did diyc jniawliam ee langg,
Jniawjniar uanjuann simx jigjing."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-7)
7. Pancalacanda
Standing to one side, Pancalacanda, son of the devas, recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“The one of broad wisdom has indeed found
The opening in the midst of confinement,
The Buddha who discovered jhåna,
The withdrawn chief bull, the sage.”
“Even in the midst of confinement they find it,
(O Pancalacanda,” said the Blessed One),
“The Dhamma for the attainment of Nibbana—
Those who have acquired mindfulness
Are perfectly well concentrated.”
(相應部 1-2-7)
有大智慧人 障中知餘地
無有所著者 無比之聖者
彼等於障中 知到涅槃法
以得正念人 善正心寂靜
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-6)
6. Kamada
Tnisinn ee qniaw Kamada kia dirr vnix:a duiww Sewjunx sueh qongxx:
'Sewjunx, jiaxee jin' yh jyr qaxx qaur. Sewjunx, si anwjnuaw jiacc lann?"
"Yh jyr inx hiaxee iarr jyr e qaur.
U hagsig qycc siuw qaiwlut,
Jigjing qycc qending.
Cutqelangg u anxnex jyr,
Diwsuw inx anlok jaix buanxjiog."
"Sewjunx, jaix buanxjiog jin' yh did .diyc."
"Yh did .diyc inx hiaxee iarr did e diyc.
Simx hnuahiw jigjing ee langg,
Inx ee simx bylun zit iacc xia,
Hnuahiw beh siulen."
"Sewjunx, simx sidjai yh jigjing."
"Yh jigjing inx hiaxee iarr jing e lyc .laii.
Soxu qinmngg jigjing kuaiwlok,
Inx pacpuar sixmoo ee bxang.
Tnisinn ee qniaw Kamada ar,
Jex si singwzinn soxx qniaa :ee."
"Sewjunx, jitt diauu lo kamket yh qniaa."
"Suizenn kamket yh qniaa,
Tnisinn ee qniaw Kamada ar,
Singwzinn hnuahiw kir qniaa.
M si singwzinn dirr kamket ee lo,
Inx hiaxee tauu e dyw .lyc.
Singwzinn ee lo vnitnaw,
Byy hunx kamket iacc vnitnaw,
Singwzinn longxx hnuahiw kir qniaa."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-6)
6. Kamada
Standing to one side, Kamada, son of the devas, said to the Blessed One:
“Hard to do, Blessed One! Very hard to do, Blessed One!”
“They do even what is hard to do,
(O Kamada,” said the Blessed One),
“The trainees composed in virtue, steadfast.
For one who has entered the homeless life
There comes contentment that brings happiness.”
“That is hard to gain, Blessed One, namely, contentment.”
“They gain even what is hard to gain,
(O Kamada,” said the Blessed One),
“Who delight in calming the mind,
Whose minds, day and night,
Find delight in meditation.”
“That is hard to compose, Blessed One, namely, the mind.”
“They compose even what is hard to compose,
(O Kamada,” said the Blessed One),
“Who delight in calming the faculties.
Having cut through the net of Death,
The noble ones, O Kåmada, go their way.”
“The path is impassable and uneven, Blessed One.”
“Though the path is impassable and uneven,
The noble ones walk it, Kåmada.
The ignoble ones fall down head first,
Right there on the uneven path,
But the path of the noble ones is even,
For the noble are even amidst the uneven.”
(相應部 1-2-6)
難為彼等為 有學而依戒
寂靜又確立 於出家之人
難得彼等得 樂心寂靜人
其心日或夜 悅樂於修習
難靜彼等靜 諸根寂靜樂
彼破死魔網 迦摩陀天子
雖嶮雖難行 迦摩陀天子
聖者乃樂行 非聖於嶮道
彼等頭倒下 聖者之道平
不分嶮與平 聖者乃樂行
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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