
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (47)

Vut qauwhuar ee Hxuad, itcer vaux jairlai byy lergua. Inx ee diwhui bersux duarhaiw, samadhi cincniu snuax-ongg. Inx ee diwhui qongbingg cingjing, ciauquer zit qapp guec. Cingvik ee Hxuad, jiauvi uanbuanw. Inx kyxviw suatsnuax, in'ui soxu qongdig virr jiywqngx vnii cingjingInx kyxviw toxde, cingkir, uwuer, hyw, iacc pnaiw, simx longxx byy qra hunved. Inx kyxviw cingkir juiw, tangx sexduu din'aix, huanlyw, qapp soxu uwuer. Inx kyxviw huew-ongg, tangx siyx bet itcer huanlyw ee caa. Inx kyxviw dua jun hongx, dirr sewqair qniasuaw longxx byy jiongwgai. Inx kyxviw hukongx, itcer longxx byy soxx jipsiuw. Inx kyxviw lenhuex, dirr sewqanx byy bag diyc lasamm. Inx kyxviw dua daii ciax, tangx jair jiongwsingx tuatli snesiw. Inx kyxviw dang hunn, vudhuad dinxdang naxx luii dann, tangx hro iauxx bue qakcniw :ee qnakcniw. Inx kyxviw dua ho, lyc cincniu qamlo ee Hxuad zunrdik jiongwsingx. Inx kyxviw Qimqongx Snuax, jiongww xmoo qapp guardy longxx be tangx qra dinxdang. Inx kyxviw Brahma Ongg, dirr soxu senrhuad lairdew vaii siongrr taujingg. Inx kyxviw nyagrodha ciu, tangx ziakamr itcer. Inx kyxviw udumbara huex, hihanw, yh duw .diyc. Inx kyxviw u qimx sidqow ee jiauw, tangx hanghok guardy. Inx kyxviw soxu ee vuejiauw, sniaw longxx byy dunxkngr. Inx kyxviw guu-ongg, byy vadd xee tangx qra ngiaa quer. Inx kyxviw cnxiu-ongg, gauu qa'ngg hanghok. Inx kyxviw sraix-ongg, sniaw longxx m qniax. Inx kongwkuah naxx hukongx, in'ui u dua juvix. Inx huixbet jikdor ee simx, m qniax vadd langg qra ngiaa .quer. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 47) 
Within the Buddha Dharma there is nothing that they do not comprehend. Their wisdom is like the ocean, and their samadhi, like the king of mountains. The light of their wisdom, being brilliant and pure, outshines the sun and the moon. They are in complete possession of the pure, undefiled Dharma. They are like the Himalayas, because the brilliance of their virtues is reflected evenly and clearly. They are like the great earth, because they have no discriminative thoughts, such as pure or impure, beautiful or ugly. They are like pure water, because they wash away afflictions and defilement. They are like the king of fire, because they burn the firewood of all evil passions. They are like a great wind, because they travel throughout the worlds without hindrance. They are like the sky, because they have no attachments. They are like lotuses, because nothing in the world can defile them. They are like a great vehicle, because they carry the multitude of beings out of birth-and-death. They are like a heavy cloud, because they cause the great thunder of the Dharma to roar and awaken the unenlightened. They are like a great rain, because they cause the nectar of Dharma to fall like showers to nourish living beings. They are like the Adamantine Mountains, because demons and non-Buddhists cannot move them. They are like the king of the Brahma Heaven, because they are foremost in the performance of various good deeds. They are like the nyagrodha tree, because they afford shelter to all beings. They are like the udumbara flower, because they rarely appear in the world and are difficult to encounter. They are like the gold-winged garuda, because they subdue non-Buddhists. They are like a flock of playful birds, because they do not store things. They are like the king of bulls, because they are invincible. They are like the king of elephants, because they conquer adversaries. They are like the king of lions, because they fear nothing. They are like the vest sky, because their great compassion reaches everywhere without discrimination. They have destroyed envy by not being jealous of the superiority of others. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 47) 


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (46)

Ziogganw cingbingg tauwted, byy zimrhyy sniaw knuar be hunbingg; tenganw tongdat, buliong byy dexjiw; iong huatganw quancad, soxu ee dy jaix taur taur; huirganw qnir jinx, tangx dro quer qaur hitt hnua; vudganw uanbuanw, duiww henrsiong ee vunxsingr u qakgno, iong byy jiongwgai ee diwhui uirr langg' enxsuad. Vingdingw ee simx quancad samqair, kangx kangx byy soxx junjai, itsimx qriuu vudhuad, u soxu venrlun ee jaidiau, dubet jiongwsingx huanlyw ee koxtangr. An’ Zulaii cud :ee, qaixsueh Hxuad u jiauww vo, jin' jaix jip qapp bet, imsniax hongven. Byy air sewqanx ee gixgenn, hnuahiw qangxsuad jniawlun. Siulen soxu sxen ee qinvunw, itsimx jongvair vuddy. Jaix itcer henrsiong longxx e jibbet. Simx qapp srinx ee huanlyw, jitt nng jiongw longxx bet jin. Tniax diyc jiww cim'yr ee Hxuad, simx be huaigii iacc qniahniaa. Suwsiongg tangx ixx dua visimx siulen :ee, cim'uanw bibiau, byy qaxx jit xee jicjair be kiw. Uiid ee dy siulen qaur drew, qaur qaxx hitt hnua, quatsimx dng giaugii ee bxang, diwhui an' simx cud. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 46) 
With the physical eye they see clearly, discerning objects without error; the sight of their heavenly eye reaches everywhere without limit; with the Dharma-eye they observe and know thoroughly the teachings of the Way; with the wisdom-eye they see truth and attain the Other Shore; with the Buddha-eye they completely realize the nature of dharmas; and with unhindered wisdom they expound the Dharma to others. Although they observe with the eye of equality that the three worlds are empty and non-existent, they strive to learn the Buddha Dharma and acquire varied eloquence in order to rid living beings of affliction caused by evil passions. Since all dharmas have arisen from Suchness, the bodhisattvas see them as they really are and know skillful means of speech that will develop good habits and destroy bad ones in living beings. They dislike secular talk, enjoying only right discourse on the Dharma. They cultivate roots of virtue, revere the Path of the Buddha, and know that all dharmas are completely tranquil and non-existent. Their samsaric bodies and evil passions have been extinguished together with their remaining karmic tendencies. When they hear the profound Dharma, their minds are free of doubt and fear. They are always able to cultivate great compassion which is deep and subtle, embracing everything like the sky and bearing all like the earth. Having reached the end of the Single Path, they have gone to the Other Shore. Having cut the net of doubt, wisdom arises in their minds. 

(佛說無量壽經 - 46) 
肉眼清徹,靡不分了;天眼通達,無量無限;法眼觀察,究竟諸道;慧眼見真,能度彼岸;佛眼具足,覺了法性,以無礙智為人演說。等觀三界,空無所有,志求佛法,具諸辯才,除滅眾生煩惱之患。從如來生,解法如如,善知集滅音聲方便。不欣世語, 樂在正論。修諸善本,志崇佛道。知一切法,皆悉寂滅。生身煩惱,二餘俱盡。聞甚深法,心不疑懼。常能修行其大悲者,深遠微妙,靡不覆載。究竟一乘,至於彼岸,決斷疑網,慧由心出。