
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-6)

Narr u luxzinn iawsen luxzinsinx, jinrsimx qingwhong Derjong Posad ee uersiong, higjiaw iong too, jiyc, qxax, cad, dangg iacc tih dingxdingw jiaxee jy ee sxiong, zucuw byy jit zit tewjauw, qycc suwsiongg iong pangx huex, imxsit, ihok, caixvec, donghuanx, jniginn qapp vyxbut dingxdingw jiaxee laii qingwhong, jitt xee senrluxzinn, ix luxzinsinx ee vywingr e liauxjin, vaccingban qiab be qycjaiww kir qaur u luxzinn ee sewqair, byhqongxqiyh cutsir jyr luxzinn. Duhuix uirdiyhh juvix ee guanrlat, ix beh cutsir jyr luxzinn dortuad jiongwsingx. U singlingw diyc qingwhong Derjong ee lat ixqip qongdig ee lat, ix vaccingban qiab be qycc cutsir jyr luxzinn.     

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)      
(The Thus Come One's Praises -6) 
There may be women who dislike having female bodies. Suppose they whole-heartedly make offerings to images of Earth Store Bodhisattva that are paintings or are made using clay, stone, lacquer, copper, iron, or other materials. If they continually make such offerings day after day without fail, using flowers, incense, food, drink, clothing, colored silks, banners, money, jewels, and other items as offerings, when those good women finish their current female retributions, then throughout hundreds of thousands of eons they will never again be born in worlds where there are women, much less be one, unless it be through the strength of their compassionate vows to liberate beings. Based on the strength of their offerings to Earth Store Bodhisattva and the power of their meritorious virtues, they will not be born into female bodies throughout hundreds of thousands of eons.   

 (如來讚歎品 -6)   


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-5)

Poxpenr Qongxdai! Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn, bylun si caixui hingsiong, higjiaw si iong too, jiyc, qxax, cad, qimx, ginn, dangg iacc tih laii jewjy jitt senx posad, qycc u qra jiambong qapp qnialew jit vaiw, jitt xee langg tangx dirr Snax-jap-snax Tnix cutsir jit-vah vaiw, ingxuanw be duirlyc og dy. Narr tnidingw ee hokkir liauxqed qangwlyc zinqanx cutsir, ix iuguann e jyr ongg, dua lirig be jurr anxnex byy .kir.    

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)     
(The Thus Come One's Praises -5)   
Universally Expansive, if good men or good women gaze upon and bow but once to painted or drawn images of the Bodhisattva or images made using clay, stone, lacquer, gold, silver, copper and iron, they will be reborn one hundred times in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three and will eternally avoid falling into the Evil Paths. If their blessings in the heavens come to an end and they are born in the human realm, they will become national leaders who suffer no loss of benefits.  

(如來讚歎品 -5)   


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-4)

Vuddyy qra Poxpenr Qongxdai Posad qongw, "Dirr birlaii sxer, narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn tniax diyc jitt xee Derjong Dua Posad ee miaa, bylun si habjiongw, janwtanr, qnialew, iacc luanbo :ee, jitt xee langg tangx ciautuad snax-jap qiab ee jue.    

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)     
(The Thus Come One's Praises -4) 
The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Universally Expansive, "If, in the future, good men or good women who, upon hearing Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva's name, place their palms together, praise him, bow to him, or gaze in worship, they will overcome thirty eon's worth of offenses.    

(如來讚歎品 - 4) 


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-3)

Hitt sii, Sewjunx qra Poxpenr Qongxdai Posad qapp sir jiongw derjuw dingxdingw jiaxee qongw, "Jimjiog tniax, jimjiog tniax! Guaw beh uirr linw coliok qangxsuad Derjong Posad lirig langg qapp tenzinn jiongxjiongw hokdig ee dairjir."
Poxpenr Qongxdai qongw, "Jnia' hyw, Sewjunx! Guanw jin' hnuahiw beh tniax." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Thus Come One's Praises -3)   
At that time the World Honored One said to the Bodhisattva Universally Expansive, to the Fourfold Assembly, and others, "Listen attentively, listen attentively. I will briefly describe to you how Earth Store Bodhisattva's virtuous deeds keep benefiting people and gods." 
Universally Expansive replied, "Excellent, World Honored One. We are happy to listen." 

(如來讚歎品 - 3)  


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-2)

Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, hue-diongx u jit xee posad, miaa qiyr jyr Poxpenr Qongxdai, habjiongw qiongqingr duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Qinaxzit knuar qnir Sewjunx janwtanr Derjong Posad qongxx ix u jitt hy kuanw vutsugi dua uidig ee sinlat. Dandanx ngwbang Sewjunx uirr birlaii sxer Vudhuad buexqii ee jiongwsingx suanqangw Derjong Posad lirig langg qapp tenzinn ixqip inqyw dingxdingw jiaxee dairjir, tangx hro tenzinn qapp lringg jiaxee veh vxo ixqip birlaii sxer ee jiongwsingx qnialew laii lingxsiu Vuddyy ee qawsi."    

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Thus Come One's Praises -2) 
After that was said a Bodhisattva named Universally Expansive arose in the assembly, placed his palms together respectfully, and said to the Buddha, "We are now about to witness the World Honored One praise Earth Store Bodhisattva's inconceivably great awesome spiritual virtue. We hope the World Honored One will also aid beings in the future Dharma Ending Age by telling us about how Earth Store Bodhisattva benefits people and gods and about the working out of cause and effect. That will help the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, along with beings of the future to receive the Buddha's teaching respectfully."  

(如來讚歎品 - 2) 


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-1)

(Zulaii Janwtanr)
Hitt sii, Sewjunx tingxsinx vangwsia cud dua qongbingg, venwvenr jiywqngx vaccingbanrig naxx Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee jerje vut ee sewqair. Ix cud dua imsniax, qra jiongww vut ee sewqair lairdew itcer jiongww dua posad, ixqip tenzinn, lringg, qxuiw, sinn, langg, qapp huizinlui dingxdingw jiaxee qongw, "Tniax guaw qimzit ylyw qapp janwtanr Derjong Dua Posad. Dirr sibhongx sewqair, ix henr cud vutsugi uidig qapp juvix ee lat, qiuwho itcer in'ui huanrjue laii siurkow jiaxee dairjir. Guaw beddo liauxau, linw jiaxee posad dairsu, ixqip tenzinn, lringg, qxuiw, qapp sinn dingxdingw diyhh siwqer sijer hongven hxuad, horue jitt vxo qingx, hro itcer jiongwsingx tangx giamrjingr diyc liappuann ee kuaiwlok."    

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)  
(The Thus Come One's Praises -1)    
At that time the World Honored One emitted a great bright light from his entire body, totally illuminating Buddhalands as many as grains of sand in billions of Ganges Rivers. His strong voice reached to all the Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas in those Buddhalands, as well as to the gods, dragons, ghosts and spirits, humans, non-humans and others, saying, "Listen today, as I praise Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, who displays an inconceivable awesome spiritual strength and compassionate power throughout the Ten Directions as he rescues and protects beings when things happen to them as they suffer for offenses they have committed. After I pass into Nirvana, all of you Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas and all of you gods, dragons, ghosts, spirits, and others should use vast numbers of expedient means to protect this Sutra and to cause all beings to realize the bliss of Nirvana."   

(如來讚歎品 - 1)   