Hitt sijun, Mahakasyapa beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
"Guanw qinaxzit
Tniax diyc Vuddyy qauwhuar ee imsniax
Hnuahiw qaxx diytiaur
Did diyc m bad u :ee
Vuddyy qongw sniabunn
E tangx jyr vut
Jex si buqewvyr ee jikju
Byy duiqiuu qaqi did .diyc
Kyxviw jit xee ginxaw
Iuwdir byy diwsig
Lirkuix laurve dyjauw
Kir qaur hng hng ee tahiongx
Dirr jerje qokqax liulong
Go-jap gua nii
Inx laurve iuciuu qapp siauwliam
Siwqer decc cue
Cue qaxx jiokk tiamw
Dirr jit xee sniaa diamr lehh
Dirr jiax kiw cur
Hiangxsiu go jiongw iogbong
Inx daux si dua huwho
U jerje qimginn
Ciaquu, bexlyw
Jinjux, liulii
Cnxiu, bew, guu, ngiuu
Qiy qapp ciax
Can'giap qapp lovok
Cniar ee langg longxx jiokk je
Ham' jerje qokqax
U juqimx ongxlaii
Ham’ ix jyr singliw :ee
Siwqer longxx u
Cenbanrig langg
Qiongqingr qra ix uii lehh
Dniardnia virr qok’ongg
Soxx quan'air qapp siauwliam
Diausinn qapp huwhyy
Longxx jiokk qra knuawdiong
In’ui jiaxee enqor
Ongxlaii :ee jiokk je
Hyhur cincniu jitt kuanw
Ix jiokk u sewlik
Mrqycc niqiw je
Qyckacc iuciuu decc suliam qniaw
Zid’ia dna’ sniu qongxx:
Siw ee sii decbeh qaur
Gong qniaw lirkuix guaw
Go-jap gua nii
Cngkor kngr jerje mihqnia
Qaidongx zuhyy
Hitt sii sanwciah qniaw
Decc qiukid isit
An’ jitt xee sniaib qaur hitt xee snia’ib
An’ jitt qog qaur hitt qog
Ursii u did diyc mic
Ursii byy did .diyc
Iauqix qycc lramw qycc sanw
Sintew snix cngx snix senw
Siwqer liulong
Laii qaur laurve druar ee sniaa
Itdit ngua taulo decc ho’ngg cniar
Dyrr laii qaur inx laurve ee cur
Hitt sii diongxjiaw
Dirr mngg lairdew
Jre dirr sraix-aw-jxy
U qruar vyxquir ee dniuwlii
Quanwsiok qra uii lehh
U jerje suxiongrlangg qapp sirue
Uree decc qewsngr
Qimginn vyxbut
Cutzip ee jaisanw
Siongser ee qiwsiaur
Sanwciah qniaw qnir diyc laurve
Junquir qycc u uigiamm
Liahjunw si qok’ongg
Iacc si ongjok
Qniahniaa kiongxvor quair qaqi
Nacc qaur jitt xee soxjai
Jurgenn-jurgiw liam qongxx:
Guaw narr quxdngg diamr jiax
Qnaxx e virr vig
Qiongqah guaw kir juewqangx
Sniu qaur jiax
Qnuaxqinw jauw .kir
Qa’ngg tamwtniax sanwciah lxiw
Beh kir hiax ho’ngg cniar juewqangx
Diongxjiaw hitt sii
Dirr sraix-aw-jxy
Hng hng knuar diyc inx qniaw
Amwjni zin .cud .laii
Dyrr bingrling suwjiaw
Kir qra cua .dngw .laii
Sanwciah qniaw qniahniaa dua sniax huah
Hunbee jairr de
Sniu qongxx: jiaxee langg beh liac guaw
Vitdnia beh taii guaw
Nacc uirdiyhh isit
Hro guaw laii qaur jiax
Diongxjiaw jaix qniaw
Gucix qerlo
M sinr ix qongw :ee
Iarr m sinr ix si ix ee laurve
Dyrr ixx hongven ee honghuad
Qycc paiwcenw vadd langg
Cnimii qycc ew qycc baiw
Byy uidig :ee
Qongw: Liw tangx qra qongw
Beh qra cniar
Vniar vunr
Qangjnii qavue
Sanwciah qniaw tniax .diyc
Hnuahiw duer inx laii
Laii vniar vunr
Qapp vniawsaur vangqingx
Diongxjiaw an’ tang’axqeh
Dniardnia knuar diyc qniaw
Sniu diyc qniaw gong qycc qerlo
Hnuahiw jyr vibii ee sittauu
Soxiw diongxjiaw
Cing lacsab snxax qui' srinx jin' lamrluir
Tec vniar vunr ee kiwqu
Kir qaur qniaw ee soxjai
Tangx hongven uaw qin
Qra ix qongw: Diyhh qutlat
Qangjnii qacc qavue
Qycc u hro liw buah kax ee iuu
Imxsit iarr ciongjiog
Qycc u cux qau qycc siyx ee puerpox
Ix anxnex koxkngr:
Liw diyhh qutlat jyr
Qycc unziuu qra qongw:
Liw cincniu guaw ee qniaw
Diongxjiaw u diwhui
Dauc dauc aw hro ix cutzip lairgua
Qingquer zi-jap nii
Hro ix jiangxquanw qasu
Qimginn tec hro knuar
Jinjux, juixjnix
Jiongxjiongw mihqnia cutzip
Longxx hro ix jaix
Mrqycc ix iaxx diamr dirr mngg-gua
Druar dirr cauxliauu
Simlai decc sniu qaqi si sanwciah langg
Jiaxee mic m si ix ee
Laurve jai’ngiaw inx qniaw ee simx
U jiamrjiam kuix
Beh qra jaibut hro ix
Ix dyrr jurjip cinjok
Qok’ongg qapp dairsinn
Ksatriya qapp qusu
Dirr jiaxee dairjiongr binrjingg
Qongw: Jex si guaw ee qniaw
Ix lirkuix guaw jyww ix jauw .kir
Qingquer go-jap nii
Jurr qnir diyc qniaw ixlaii
Ixqingx zi-jap nii
Sikzit dirr bxow sniaa
Srid kir jitt xee qniaw
Siwqer cue
Dyrr laii qaur jiax
Qniwnarr guaw ee
Cuwtec iacc suxiongrlangg
Longxx qauhur ix
Iujai ix iong
Qniaw sniu kiw sikzit sanwciah
Simjir vibii
Jitmaw dirr laurve ee soxjai
Did didyc dua dinvyw
Qapp cuwtec dringw
Itcer jaibut
Jiokk hnuahiw
Did diyc m bad u :ee
Vuddyy iarr si anxnex
Jaix guanw hingr siyxsingg
M bad sueh qongxx:
Linw e jyr vut
Suacc qongw guanw jiaxee
Tangx drat qaur byy lrau
Singjiu siyxsingg
Jyr sniabunn-derjuw
Vuddyy bingrling guanw
Diyhh qongw jniawsiong ee dy
Siuhak jex :ee
E tangx jniaa vut
Guaw singsiu vut ee qauwhuar
Uirr dua posad
Iong jiongxjiongw inenn
Jiongxjiongw piwzu
Jerje gensuu
Enxsuad busiong ee dy
Jerje vut ee derjuw
An’ guanw jiax tniax diyc Hxuad
Zid’ia suuii
Jingjinr qutlat siuhak
Hitt sii jerje vut
Dyrr qra jyr qiwzin, qongw:
Liw dirr laiser
E tangx jyr vut
Itcer jiongww vut
Viwbit unxjongg ee Hxuad
Dna’ uirr posad
Jiacc enxsuad sit su
Mrqycc byy uirr guanw
Qongw jinjniar ee iauwsu
Kyxviw hitt xee sanwciah qniaw
Erdangr jiapqin inx laurve
Suizenn jaix soxu mihqnia
Simlai be sniu beh tec
Guanw suizenn qongw
Vudhuad si vyxjong
Qaqi byy jiwguan kir qriuu
Iarr si anxnex
Guanw luersimx ee huanlyw siaubet
Dyrr qamxqag buanxjiog
Dna’ uansingg jitt qnia
Byy qycc u vadd hxang dairjir
Guanw narr tniax diyc
Quanhe vut cingjing ee qoktow
Decc qauwhuar jiongwsingx
Longxx be qamxqag hnuahiw iacc kuaiwlok
Si anwjnuaw lehh
Banrsu banrhang
Longxx si kangx :ee
Byy snix byy bet
Byy dua byy ser
Byy lrau buuii
U jitt hy suuii
Jiacc be snix hixlok
Guanw dngg xia
Duiww vut ee diwhui
Byy tamx byy jipdiok
Byy qycc u jiwguan
Guanw dirr Hxuad
Qaqi liahjunw si qiuwqingr
Guanw dirr dngg xia
Siuhak kongsingr ee Hxuad
Tangx tuatlii samqair lairdew
Kyxnauw ee huanrlan
Diamr juewau jit srinx
Giamrjingr diyc u cunx liappuann
Vut ee qauwhuar
Soxx did .diyc .ee byy hiqew
Qiycsirr ixx did .diyc .ee
Tangx vwydab vut ee unhui
Guanw suizenn uirr
Jerje vut ee derjuw
Enxsuad posad ee Hxuad
Laii qriuu vuddy
Mrqycc dirr jitt xee Hxuad
Qaqi byy guanrir duiqiuu
Dyrsux jai'ngiaw dyrr hongwkir
In'ui u quancad guanw ee sim'ir
Cocox m koxkngr
Iarr m qongw sidjai ee lirig
Kyxviw huwongx diongxjiaw
Jai'ngiaw qniaw simjir vibii
Jiacc iong hongven ee ligliong
Hro ix ee simx ziunngw
Zen’au qauhur ix
Itcer jaibut
Vuddyy iarr si anxnex
Henxbingg hiqii ee su
Liauxqaiw hingr siyxsingg :ee
Dyrr iong hongven ee ligliong
Hanghok inx ee simx
Jiacc qar dua diwhui
Guanw qimzit
Did diyc m bad u :ee
M si ixjaw soxx ngwbang :ee
Mrqycc jitmaw jurzenn did .diyc
Kyxviw hitt xee sanwciah qniaw
Did diyc buliong ee jaivyw
Sewjunx guanw jitmaw
Did dy did qongqyw
Dirr byy lrau ee Hxuad
Did diyc cingjing ee bagjiux
Guanw dngg xia
Cisiuw vut cingjing ee qaiwlut
An’ qimzit kaisiw
Did diyc qyxvyr
Dirr huat’ongg ee Hxuad lairdew
Quxdngg cingjing siuhing
Jitmaw did diyc byy lrau
Busiong dua qongqyw
Guanw qimzit
Jinjniar si sniabunn
Ixx vut qangxdy ee sniax
Hro itcer longxx tniax .diyc
Guanw qimzit
Jiacc jinjniar si arhant
Dirr jerje sewqanx ee
Tenzinn, langg, xmoo, qapp huantenx
Poxpenr dirr qidiongx :ee
Ingqaix sriu inx qiong’iongw
Sewjunx ee dua unhui
Iong hiqii ee su
Linbinw qauwhuar
Lirig guanw
Buliong ig qiab
Si’angw erdangr vywdab
Iong ciuw qapp kax qiongqib
Kap tauu lexqingr
Itcer qiong’iongw
Longxx berdangr vywdab
Narr dir dirr taukag
Iong nng vingg ee qingtauu dnax
Qingquer Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong ee qiab
Jinrsimx qiongqingr
Qycc iong bixbiau ee jiahsit
Buliong vyxquir ee snxax
Qapp jerje puerpox
Jiongxjiongw tng’iyc
Gutauu Snuax ee dnuahniux
Qapp jerje dinvyw
Laii kiw tah qapp biy
Vyxquir ee snxax cux tokax
Cincniu jiaxee dairjir
Laii qiong’iongw
Qingquer Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong ee qiab
Iarr berdangr vywdab
Jiongww vut jiokk hihanw
Buliong buvenx
Dua sintongx ee ligliong
Byy lrau buuii
Jiongww Hxuad ee ongg
Tangx uirr vibii :ee
Zimw lehh byy qongw
Uirr jipdiok siongwtew ee huanhux
Suisun siqix enxsuad
Jiongww vut dirr Hxuad
Did diyc siongrr jurjai
Jaix jiongwsingx
Jiongxjiongw ee iogbong qapp cuwbi
Simjir qapp ligliong
Jiauww inx erdangr jiapsiu :ee
Iong buliong ee piwzu
Laii uirr inx suathuad
Jiauww jiongwsingx
Siokser ee senrqinx
Qycc jaix ixqingx singsik
Iauxx bue singsik :ee
Jiongxjiongw suliongg
Hunved cingcyw liauxau
Dirr Itvudsingg ee dy
Suisun quangii qongw Samsingg”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter IV Willing Acceptance 4)
Thereupon Mahākāśyapa, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
Today we have heard the Buddha’s words,
And we are joyful and ecstatic
At having attained such an unprecedented experience.
The Buddha has said
That the śrāvakas will be able to become buddhas.
The most magnificent jewels
Have been obtained without being sought or awaited.
Suppose there were a young and inexperienced child
Who left his father
And ran away to a distant country.
He wandered around for more than fifty years.
And his worried father looked for him everywhere.
The father, exhausted from searching for him,
Remained in a city
Where he had a house built
And enjoyed the desires of the five senses.
His family built up a vast wealth of much gold, silver,
Mother-of-pearl, agate, pearls, lapis lazuli,
Elephants, horses, cows, sheep, floats, carriages,
Peasants, servants, and other employees.
He earned interest through loans and deposits
And had buyers and sellers
Throughout all the other regions.
He was surrounded by thousands of
Myriads of koṭis of people,
Who held him in awe;
Always loved by the king,
And deeply respected by the subjects
And powerful families.
There were many people
Coming and going on different business.
He was thus extremely wealthy
And very powerful.
And yet as he grew older,
He increasingly worried about his son.
Day and night he thought:
Soon I will die.
My foolish son has abandoned me
For over fifty years.
What should I do with the
Various goods in my treasure houses?
At that time the impoverished son
Was going from town to town,
From one country to another,
Seeking food and clothing.
Sometimes he obtained them,
And sometimes he did not.
He was emaciated from hunger,
And his body was covered with scabies.
Through his wanderings,
He gradually reached the city
Where his father lived,
And, after having been employed
At one place after another,
Finally ended up at his father’s home.
At that time the wealthy man
Was sitting within the gate
On a lion seat, sheltered by
A huge jewel-covered canopy.
He was surrounded by his attendants
And guarded by his men.
Some were counting gold, silver, and jewels;
And some were settling the finances,
While others were keeping the accounts.
The impoverished son saw his father,
Who was extremely wealthy and dignified.
He wondered if this man were a king
Or someone of equal rank.
He became intimidated
And wondered why he had gone there.
He thought to himself:
If I stay here for long
I will be harassed and coerced into working.
Thinking this, he ran away
In search of a poor village
Where he could find employment.
At that time the wealthy man,
Who was sitting on the lion seat,
Saw his son in the distance.
Though he recognized him he told no one,
But sent his attendants
To pursue him and bring him back.
The impoverished son was terrified,
Cried out, and collapsed on the ground
In confusion, thinking:
Since this man has seized me
I shall certainly be killed.
In vain did I come here
In search of food and clothing.
The wealthy man knew that his son’s thoughts
Were humble and foolish,
And that he would not believe what he said,
Nor believe that he was his father.
Then using skillful means,
He dispatched other men
With squint eyes, of small stature
And little dignity, saying to them:
Tell him:
We will employ you
To sweep dung, at double your wages.
When he heard this
The impoverished son was overjoyed
And returned to sweep dung and clean houses.
The wealthy man
Constantly watched his son
Through the window and thought
That his son was foolish
And willingly did menial things.
Then the wealthy man
Put on torn and filthy clothes,
And, holding a dung sweeper,
Went out to his son.
He approached his son
Through this skillful means
And said to him:
Work hard!
I have already increased your wages
And given you more balm for your feet,
Given you sufficient food
And warm, thick mats.
He further advised him, saying sternly:
You should work diligently.
Then he gently added:
I will treat you like my son.
The wealthy man, being wise,
Gradually gave him freedom of the house;
And, after twenty years had passed,
Let him become involved
In the family business.
He showed him the gold,
Silver, pearls, and crystal,
And made him learn about
All aspects of the finances.
Yet the impoverished son still lived
In a thatched hut outside the gate,
And considered himself poor, thinking
That these things were not his own.
The father knew that his son
Was gradually becoming more noble;
And, wanting to give him his fortune,
He assembled the king, ministers,
Kṣatriyas, householders, and relatives.
He informed this great assembly, saying:
This is my son.
He left me and stayed away
For fifty years.
Twenty years have already passed
Since I saw my son return here.
Long ago I lost my son in a certain city
And, after wandering around in search of him,
I ended up staying here.
I entrust to him all the houses and men
That I possess.
They are all at his disposal.
The son thought:
Long ago I was poor and of lowly aspiration.
Now at my father’s place
I have obtained an immense fortune
Of such things as precious jewels and houses.
I am overjoyed at having obtained
Such an unprecedented experience!
The Buddha is also like this.
He knew that we yearned for the inferior teaching,
So he never taught us
That we should become buddhas.
Yet he did tell us that we had attained
The stage of noncorruption,
That we had achieved the inferior vehicle,
And that we were the disciples of the śrāvaka vehicle.
The Buddha told us to teach that
Those who practiced the highest path
Would be able to become buddhas.
Accepting the Buddha’s teaching,
We explained the highest path
For the great bodhisattvas,
Using various explanations and illustrations,
And many figures of speech.
The heirs of the Buddha
Heard the teachings from us,
Contemplated day and night,
And practiced diligently.
The buddhas instantly made their predictions saying:
You will all be able to become buddhas in the future.
We have explained the essence
Of the treasured teaching of the buddhas
Only for the sake of the bodhisattvas,
But did not expound it for ourselves.
Just as the impoverished son
Who, after approaching his father,
Learned of various things
Yet did not want them,
So, although we explained the treasure house
Of the teaching of the buddhas,
We never aspired to it.
We thought that we had ourselves attained nirvana
And considered this enough.
We understood only this
And did not think there was anything else.
Even if we heard
About the pure buddha lands
And leading and inspiring sentient beings,
We never rejoiced in it.
Why is this?
Because although we thought thus:
Every existence is quiescent,
Neither produced nor extinguished,
Neither large nor small,
Incorrupted and unconditioned,
We felt no eagerness.
For days and nights we neither craved for
Nor were attached to the wisdom of the buddhas,
Neither did we aspire to it.
Furthermore, we ourselves thought,
With regard to the Dharma itself,
That this was the ultimate goal.
After practicing the teaching
Of emptiness day and night,
We were able to shake off
The suffering of the triple world,
And, bearing our last bodies,
Abided in the nirvana with residue.
We were led and inspired by the buddhas
So that our attainment of the path was not in vain;
And we have already been able
To pass on the benefits
We received from the Buddha.
Although we have expounded
The teaching of the bodhisattvas
To the heirs of the Buddha
To seek the buddha path,
We never longed for this teaching.
Because he knew our minds
The Leader turned away from us.
At first he did not arouse our zeal
With the explanation that there exists
Real profit in the teaching.
Just as the wealthy man,
Who, knowing that his son was of lowly aspiration,
Broadened his son’s mind using
The power of skillful means,
And only then entrusted his entire fortune to him.
The Buddha is also exactly like this.
He has manifested marvelous things
But perceiving that we were content
With lowly aspirations.
He brought control to our minds using
The power of skillful means,
And only then taught us the great wisdom.
Thus today we have obtained
An unprecedented experience.
The fact that we have now spontaneously obtained
What we had not longed for
Is just like the impoverished son
Who obtained innumerable jewels.
O Bhagavat!
We have now obtained the path and its fruit
And have obtained pure sight Into the incorruptible Dharma.
For a long while we have maintained
The pure conduct of the Buddha;
Today for the first time
We have obtained the results.
For a long time we have practiced
The pure path of discipline and integrity
Based on the teaching of the Dharma King,
And now we have attained
The supreme fruit of noncorruption.
We are now real śrāvakas
And cause everyone to hear the words “buddha path.”
We are now real arhats and shall be revered
Among the devas, humans, māras, and Brahmas
In all the worlds.
The Bhagavat, the Great Benefactor,
Benefits us with marvelous things
By his inspiration and compassion.
Who can repay him for it
Even in immeasurable koṭis of kalpas!
Even if one were to serve him
With one’s hands and feet,
Bow one’s head in reverence,
And give all kinds of offerings,
One could not repay him.
Even if one were to bear him
On one’s head and shoulders
Out of deep respect, for as many kalpas
As there are sands in the Ganges River,
One could not repay him.
Or even if one were to honor him
With delicious food,
Uncountable jeweled garments,
Beddings, various medicines,
Famed sandalwood from Mount Oxhead,
And various precious jewels;
Or by building temples,
Spreading jeweled clothing and other such things
For as many kalpas as there are sands in the Ganges River,
One could not repay him.
The buddhas have marvelous, immeasurable,
Limitless, inconceivable great transcendent powers.
They are the Kings of the Dharma.
Without depravities and unconditioned,
They are patient in all matters,
For the sake of the humble ones.
They teach the common people,
Who are attached to tangible things,
According to what is appropriate to them.
All of the buddhas having attained
Complete mastery over the Dharma,
Perceive the various desires and intentions
Of sentient beings and explain the teachings
With innumerable illustrations,
According to what is appropriate to them.
Judging from the roots of good merit
That sentient beings have planted in former lives,
The buddhas perceive who are mature
And who are not.
Considering this in various ways
And understanding the distinctions completely,
The buddhas teach the single path,
Explaining it as three
In accordance with what is appropriate.
(妙法蓮華經第四品 信解之4)
我等今日 聞佛音教 歡喜踊躍
得未曾有 佛說聲聞 當得作佛
無上寶聚 不求自得 譬如童子
幼稚無識 捨父逃逝 遠到他土
周流諸國 五十餘年 其父憂念
四方推求 求之既疲 頓止一城
造立舍宅 五欲自娛 其家巨富
多諸金銀 車磲馬腦 真珠琉璃
象馬牛羊 輦輿車乘 田業僮僕
人民眾多 出入息利 乃遍他國
商估賈人 無處不有 千萬億眾
圍繞恭敬 常為王者 之所愛念
群臣豪族 皆共宗重 以諸緣故
往來者眾 豪富如是 有大力勢
而年朽邁 益憂念子 夙夜惟念
死時將至 癡子捨我 五十餘年
庫藏諸物 當如之何 爾時窮子
求索衣食 從邑至邑 從國至國
或有所得 或無所得 飢餓羸瘦
體生瘡癬 漸次經歷 到父住城
傭賃展轉 遂至父舍 爾時長者
於其門內 施大寶帳 處師子座
眷屬圍遶 諸人侍衛 或有計算
金銀寶物 出內財產 注記券疏
窮子見父 豪貴尊嚴 謂是國王
若是王等 驚怖自怪 何故至此
覆自念言 我若久住 或見逼迫
強驅使作 思惟是已 馳走而去
借問貧里 欲往傭作 長者是時
在師子座 遙見其子 默而識之
即勅使者 追捉將來 窮子驚喚
迷悶躄地 是人執我 必當見殺
何用衣食 使我至此 長者知子
愚癡狹劣 不信我言 不信是父
即以方便 更遣餘人 眇目矬陋
無威德者 汝可語之 云當相雇
除諸糞穢 倍與汝價 窮子聞之
歡喜隨來 為除糞穢 淨諸房舍
長者於牖 常見其子 念子愚劣
樂為鄙事 於是長者 著弊垢衣
執除糞器 往到子所 方便附近
語令勤作 既益汝價 并塗足油
飲食充足 薦席厚煖 如是苦言
汝當勤作 又以軟語 若如我子
長者有智 漸令入出 經二十年
執作家事 示其金銀 真珠頗梨
諸物出入 皆使令知 猶處門外
止宿草庵 自念貧事 我無此物
父知子心 漸已廣大 欲與財物
即聚親族 國王大臣 剎利居士
於此大眾 說是我子 捨我他行
經五十歲 自見子來 已二十年
昔於某城 而失是子 周行求索
遂來至此 凡我所有 舍宅人民
悉以付之 恣其所用 子念昔貧
志意下劣 今於父所 大獲珍寶
并及舍宅 一切財物 甚大歡喜
得未曾有 佛亦如是 知我樂小
未曾說言 汝等作佛 而說我等
得諸無漏 成就小乘 聲聞弟子
佛勅我等 說最上道 修習此者
當得成佛 我承佛教 為大菩薩
以諸因緣 種種譬喻 若干言辭
說無上道 諸佛子等 從我聞法
日夜思惟 精勤修習 是時諸佛
即授其記 汝於來世 當得作佛
一切諸佛 祕藏之法 但為菩薩
演其實事 而不為我 說斯真要
如彼窮子 得近其父 雖知諸物
心不希取 我等雖說 佛法寶藏
自無志願 亦復如是 我等內滅
自謂為足 唯了此事 更無餘事
我等若聞 淨佛國土 教化眾生
都無欣樂 所以者何 一切諸法
皆悉空寂 無生無滅 無大無小
無漏無為 如是思惟 不生喜樂
我等長夜 於佛智慧 無貪無著
無復志願 而自於法 謂是究竟
我等長夜 修習空法 得脫三界
苦惱之患 住最後身 有餘涅槃
佛所教化 得道不虛 則為已得
報佛之恩 我等雖為 諸佛子等
說菩薩法 以求佛道 而於是法
永無願樂 導師見捨 觀我心故
初不勸進 說有實利 如富長者
知子志劣 以方便力 柔伏其心
然後乃付 一切財物 佛亦如是
現希有事 知樂小者 以方便力
調伏其心 乃教大智 我等今日
得未曾有 非先所望 而今自得
如彼窮子 得無量寶 世尊我今
得道得果 於無漏法 得清淨眼
我等長夜 持佛淨戒 始於今日
得其果報 法王法中 久修梵行
今得無漏 無上大果 我等今者
真是聲聞 以佛道聲 令一切聞
我等今者 真阿羅漢 於諸世間
天人魔梵 普於其中 應受供養
世尊大恩 以希有事 憐愍教化
利益我等 無量億劫 誰能報者
手足供給 頭頂禮敬 一切供養
皆不能報 若以頂戴 兩肩荷負
於恒沙劫 盡心恭敬 又以美饍
無量寶衣 及諸臥具 種種湯藥
牛頭栴檀 及諸珍寶 以起塔廟
寶衣布地 如斯等事 以用供養
於恒沙劫 亦不能報 諸佛希有
無量無邊 不可思議 大神通力
無漏無為 諸法之王 能為下劣
忍于斯事 取相凡夫 隨宜為說
諸佛於法 得最自在 知諸眾生
種種欲樂 及其志力 隨所堪任
以無量喻 而為說法 隨諸眾生
宿世善根 又知成熟 未成熟者
種種籌量 分別知已 於一乘道