
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-id-4)

Sewjunx! Birlaii sxer qapp henrjai ee jiongwsingx narr erdangr dirr inx druar ee soxjai jyr jitt hy kuanw ee qingwhong, inx dyrr tangx did diyc jitt hy kuanw ee lirig." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit - 4)  
World Honored One, beings of the present and future who make offerings in their homes in the prescribed manner will attain benefits like those."  

(地神護法品 - 4) 


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-id-3)

Si dycc jap jiongw? Derr id jiongw, toxde ziauzu; derr zi jiongw, qadingg qapp cuwtec ingxuanw longxx ving'anx; derr snax jiognw, joxsenx tangx singtenx; derr sir jiongw, henrjai uac lehh :ee tangx jingqax huewsiu; derr go jiongw, soxx qriuu :ee longxx tangx sun ix ee ir; derr lak jiongw, byy juiw qapp huew jiaxee jaieh; derr cid jiongw, buduanx-buqor ee sunxsid longxx tangx siauduu; derr veh jiongw, pnaiw bang duanrjuat; derr qauw jiongw, cutzip longxx u sinn vyxho; derr jap jiongw, tangx jiap duw diyc sxingr ee inenn. 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit - 3)  
What are those ten? First, their lands will be fertile. Second, their families and homes will always be peaceful. Third, their ancestors will be born in the heavens. Fourth, those of the current generation will enjoy benefits and long lives. Fifth, they will easily obtain what they want. Sixth, they will not encounter disasters of water and fire. Seventh, they will avoid unforeseen calamities. Eighth, they will never have nightmares. Ninth, they will be protected by spirits in their daily comings and goings. Tenth, they will encounter many causes that pertain to Sagehood.  

(地神護法品 - 3)  