Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-30)
30. Jiongxjiongw guardy-suhu
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sii, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Diknaa cri huexcuw ee soxjai. Hitt sii, jerje jiongxjiongw guardy-derjuw, Asama, Sahali, Ninka, Akotaka, Vetambari, qapp Manavagamiya dingxdingw jiaxee tnisinn ee qniaw dirr lebingg jenongw Sewjunx hiax beh vaiwhongw, inx ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee diknaa. Vaiwhongw quer, inx lexqingr Sewjunx liauxau dirr vnix:a kia.
Dirr vnix:a kia tnisinn ee qniaw Asama dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw quanhe Purana Kassapa ee jimgensix qongxx:
"Sewqanx ee quacsad,
ixqip sionghai qapp cniuxduat,
Kassapa qongw m si og.
Ix byy qnir diyc jursinx ee qongdig,
Soxx qongw sidjai tangx sinwkyr.
Jitt xui dairsux daddid junqingr."
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Sahali dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw quanhe Makkhali Gosala ee jimgensix qongxx:
"Koxhingg qapp iamwlii,
Iong senrhingg jewhok jurqiw.
Qapp langg' qongxue byy siy' jner,
Qapp u jue ee ue li hng hng,
Qongxue vnivnii sidjai.
Ix anxnex e anwjnuaw?
Byy juer og ar."
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Ninka dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw quanhe Nigantha Nataputta ee jimgensix qongxx:
"Kiauxlo ee bikiu iamwlii,
Jewab sir jiongw srinx.
Soxx knuar soxx tniax u qangxqaiw,
Ix dongzenn be u juerqyr."
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Akotaka dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw quanhe jiongxjiongw guardy-suhu ee jimgensix qongxx:
“Pakudhaka Katiyana,
Simrjiww Nigantha,
Qapp Makkhali,
ixqip Purana:
juer jingwlangg ee suhu,
drat qaur sabunn ee qongqyw.
Qaur qaxx hitt dringw si zuhyy?
Li senrzinn byy hng ar."
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Vetambari iong jimgensix huedab tnisinn ee qniaw Akotaka qongxx:
"Vibii ee jailongg auqiyr,
Vitqingr iauxx si jailongg.
M quanw zuhyy,
Jin' yh qapp sraix qang dringw.
Srinx teh teh qapp ovec qongxue :ee,
Juer jingwlangg ee suhu.
Suxx langg' giga ee hing'uii,
Jin' yh qapp senrzinn qang dringw."
Hitt sii, okmoo Mara qra tnisinn ee qniaw Vetambari jiamr lehh ixau, dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
"Koxhingg qapp iamwlii,
Cisiuw uanxlii ee sing'uac.
Budjid zip simx,
Hnuahiw kir tenqair.
Byy cua langg kir vadd xui.
Inx hiaxee u jniar ee qawhuer."
Hitt sii, Sewjunx jaix jitt xee okmoaa Mara, dyrr iong jimgensix huedab okmoo Mara qongxx:
"Jitt sxer qapp hitt sxer,
M quanw zimrhyy siktew,
Qonghuix henxiau dirr kongdiongx,
Jiaxee longxx sidjai.
Namuci soxx ylyw,
Kyxviw duiww hii lyc zxi,
In'ui byy qra taii,
Tangx snriaa inx jiac diyr."
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Manavagamiya dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw quanhe Sewjunx ee jimgensix qongxx:
"Rajagaha Sniaa soxu ee snuax,
Vipula si siongrdingxsiong.
Soxu u seh ee snuax,
Seta Snuax si siongrdingxsiong.
Dirr kongdiongx qniaa :ee,
Taiwiongg si siongrdingxsiong.
Haiw dirr juiw ee lingxhik si siongrdingxsiong.
Guec dirr cnxix lairdew si siongrdingxsiong.
Sewqair qapp tniqair,
Qongw Vut si derr id."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-30)
30. Various Sectarians
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Råjagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Then, when the night had advanced, a number of sons of the devas, (formerly) the disciples of various sectarian teachers— Asama and Sahali and Ninka and Akotaka and Vetambari and Manavagamiya —of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Bamboo Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, they paid homage to the Blessed One and stood to one side.
Then, standing to one side, Asama, son of the devas, spoke this verse referring to Purana Kassapa in the presence of the Blessed One:
“In injuring and killing here,
In beating and in extortion,
Kassapa did not recognize evil
Nor see any merit for oneself.
He indeed taught what is worthy of trust:
That teacher deserves esteem.”
Then Sahali, son of the devas, spoke this verse referring to Makkhali Gosåla in the presence of the Blessed One:
"By austerity and scrupulousness
He attained complete self-restraint.
He abandoned contentious talk with people,
Refrained from falsehood, a speaker of truth.
Surely such a one does no evil.”
Then Ninka, son of the devas, spoke this verse referring to Niganta Nåtaputta in the presence of the Blessed One:
“A scrupulous discerning bhikkhu,
Well restrained by the four controls,
Explaining what is seen and heard:
Surely, he could not be a sinner.”
Then Akotaka, son of the devas, spoke this verse referring to various sectarian teachers in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Pakudhaka Kåtiyåna and the Nigantha,
Along with Makkhali and Purana:
Teachers of companies, attained to recluse ship:
They were surely not far from saintly men.”
Then Vetambari, son of the devas, replied to Akotaka, son of the devas, in verse:
“Even by howling along the wretched jackal
Remains a vile beast, never the lion’s peer.
So though he be the teacher of a group,
The naked ascetic, speaker of falsehood,
Arousing suspicion by his conduct,
Bears no resemblance to the saints.”
Then Måra the Evil One took possession of Vetambari, son of the devas, and recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Those engaged in austerity and scrupulousness,
Those protecting their seclusion
And those who have settled on form,
Delighting in the world of devas:
Indeed, these mortals instruct rightly
In regard to the other world.”
Then the Blessed One, having understood, “This is Måra the Evil One,” replied to Måra the Evil One in verse:
“Whatever forms exist here or beyond,
And those of luminous beauty in the sky,
All these, indeed, you praise, Namuci,
Like bait thrown out for catching fish.”
Then Månavagåmiya, son of the devas, with reference to the Blessed One, recited these verses in the Blessed One’s presence:
“Vipula is called the best of mountains
Among the hills of Råjagaha,
Seta, the best of snow-clad mountains,
The sun, the best of travellers in the sky.
The ocean is the best body of water,
The moon, the best of constellations,
But in this world together with its devas
The Buddha is declared supreme.”
(相應部 1-2-30)
世間之割殺 以及害與奪
迦葉謂非惡 不見自功德
彼述實自信 相應為師尊
苦行與厭離 以善自制伏
與人語止爭 離於有罪語
平等於語實 何以彼如是
厭離巧比丘 制御四種身
開顯被見聞 彼何無罪過
據陀迦旃延 乃至尼乾陀
又此末迦梨 以及富蘭那
為人人之師 達沙門果人
如何於彼等 遠離善人焉
號吼卑野干 畢竟是野干
不管於如何 難等於獅子
裸形而妄語 以為眾之師
疑訝之行為 難等於善人
苦行與厭離 守遠離生活
物質入於心 以樂喜天界
不導人他界 彼等正教誨
此世及彼世 不管任何色
光顯輝中空 此等皆是實
那牟尼所讚 如對魚於餌
因為是不殺 而可令投棄
王舍城諸山 尾布羅最勝
雪山之諸山 白山為最勝
行於空中者 太陽為最勝
海為水中勝 月為星中勝
世界及天界 云佛是第一
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-29)
29. Susima
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn.
Hitt sii, junjiaw Onanda jen'ongw Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. Ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Sewjunx duiww jre dirr duiwbin ee Onanda suanqangw qongxx, "Onanda! Liw u ylyw Sariputta bor?"
"Sewjunx! Byy guduu, simx byy uwuer, byy beluan, qapp simx byy luan :ee, u si'angw byy ylyw junjiaw Sariputta? Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si henjiaw. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u dua diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u qongxkuah ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u sinwsog ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u binxjet ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u lrai qiamwqiamr ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u quanwtongx ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta jiyw iogbong. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta dijiog. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si qapp langg' uanxlii :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta byy qapp langg' druar jywhuew. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si jingjinr :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si e venrvik :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si tniax dionggenn :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si hro langg' dionggenn :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta e jikvi og. Sewjunx! Byy guduu, simx byy uwuer, byy beluan, simx byy luan :ee, u si'angw byy ylyw junjiaw Sariputta?"
"Onanda! Kaksit si anxnex. Onanda! Kaksit si anxnex. Onanda! Byy guduu, simx byy uwuer, byy beluan, simx byy luan :ee, u si'angw byy ylyw junjiaw Sariputta! Onanda! Sariputta si henjiaw, u dua diwhui, u qongxkuah ee diwhui, u sinwsog ee diwhui, u binxjet ee diwhui, u lrai qiamwqiamr ee diwhui, u quanwtongx ee diwhui, jiyw iogbong, dijiog, qapp langg' uanxlii, byy qapp langg' druar jywhuew, jingjinr, e venrvik, e tniax dionggenn, e hro langg' dionggenn, qycc e jikvi og."
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Susima dirr janwtanr hitt xui Sariputta junjiaw ee dikhing, hro jiongww tnisinn ee qniaw vauuii jen'ongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw liauw, hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauxau dirr vnix:a kia. Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Susima ixx jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw:
"Sewjunx! Byy guduu, simx byy uwuer, byy beluan, qapp simx byy luan :ee, u si'angw byy ylyw junjiaw Sariputta? Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si henjiaw. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u dua diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u qongxkuah ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u sinwsog ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u binxjet ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u lrai qiamwqiamr ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta u quanwtongx ee diwhui. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta jiyw iogbong. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta dijiog. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si qapp langg' uanxlii :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta byy qapp langg' druar jywhuew. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si jingjinr :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si e venrvik :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si tniax dionggenn :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta si hro langg' dionggenn :ee. Sewjunx! Junjiaw Sariputta e jikvi og. Sewjunx! Byy guduu, simx byy uwuer, byy beluan, simx byy luan :ee, u si'angw byy ylyw junjiaw Sariputta?"
Hitt sii, Susima jiaxee tnisinn ee qniaw decc janwtanr junjiaw Sariputta ee dikhing ee sii, inx u hixlok qapp hnuahiw, binrsig lorcud jerje buviw ee qngx. Kyxviw cingjing qycc hyw singwjid, veh qag, hyw buaa ee liulijux kngr dirr ngsig ee moziongvor dingxbin, hitt xee qngx jiokk qonghuix. Susima jiaxee tnisinn ee qniaw janwtanr junjiaw Sariputta ee dikhing ee sii, inx simlai u hixiok qapp hnuahiw, binrsig lorcud jerje buviw ee qngx dyrr cincniu jitt kuanw.
Kyxviw iu' jinglen kaxlo ee guncniu kaxbiau juwjy sunqimx puahlen kngr dirr ngsig moziongvor dingxbin, hitt xee qngx jiokk qonghuix. Susima jiaxee tnisinn ee qniaw janwtanr junjiaw Sariputta ee dikhing ee sii, inx simlai u hixiok qapp hnuahiw, binrsig lorcud jerje buviw ee qngx dyrr cincniu jitt kuanw.
Kyxviw mii-buew decbeh tnix qngx, qongbingg ee tnicnix jiauwiau ee qngx. Susima jiaxee tnisinn ee qniaw janwtanr junjiaw Sariputta ee dikhing ee sii, inx simlai u hixiok qapp hnuahiw, binrsig lorcud jerje buviw ee qngx dyrr cincniu jitt kuanw.
Kyxviw ciutnix taiwiongg dirr byy hunn ee tnidingw, qonghuix ee qngx tangx crid driau hukongx soxu ee oamr. Susima jiaxee tnisinn ee qniaw janwtanr junjiaw Sariputta ee dikhing ee sii, inx simlai u hixiok qapp hnuahiw, binrsig lorcud jerje buviw ee qngx dyrr cincniu jitt kuanw.
Hitt sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Susima dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw quanhe junjiaw Sariputta ee jimgensix qongxx:
"Byy hunwno qycc jiyw iogbong,
Ziuhyy qycc diausun,
Hro dairsux ylyw ee singwjiaw,
Sariputta u diwhui."
Hitt sii, qaunhe junjiaw Sariputta, Sewjunx iong jimgensix huedab tnisinn ee qniaw Susima qongxx:
"Byy hunwno qycc jiyw iogbong,
Ziuhyy qycc diausun.
Gauu diaujingw ee itvnuax langg,
Kyxviw danxtai juqimx,
Iong jex laii danxtai siw ee sii.
Sariputta u diwhui,
Sewqanlangg longxx jaix."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-29)
29. Susima
Setting at Savatthi. Then the Venerable Ónanda approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to him: “Do you too, Ónanda, approve of Såriputta?”
“Indeed, venerable sir, who would not approve of the Venerable Såriputta, unless hewere foolish, full of hatred, deluded, or mentally deranged? The Venerable Såriputta, venerable sir, is wise, one of great wisdom, of wide wisdom, of joyous wisdom, of swift wisdom, of sharp wisdom, of penetrative wisdom. The Venerable Såriputta, venerable sir, has few wishes; he is content, secluded, aloof, energetic.The Venerable Såriputta, venerable sir, is one who gives advice, one who accepts advice, a reprover, one who censures evil. Indeed, venerable sir, who would not approve of the Venerable Såriputta, unless he were foolish, full of hatred, deluded, or mentally deranged?”
“So it is, Ónanda, so it is! Indeed, Ónanda, who would not approve of Såriputta, unless he were foolish, full of hatred, deluded, or mentally deranged? Såriputta, Ónanda, is wise ... (as above) ... unless he were mentally deranged?”
Then, while this praise of the Venerable Såriputta was being spoken, Susima, son of the devas, accompanied by a great assembly of deva-sons, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stoodto one side, and said to him: “So it is, Blessed One! So it is, Sublime One! Indeed, venerable sir, who would not approve of the Venerable Såriputta ... (all as above) ... unless he were mentally deranged? In my case too, venerable sir, no matter what assembly of deva-sons I have approached, I have often heard this same report: ‘The Venerable Såriputta is wise ... one who censures evil. Indeed, who would not approve of the Venerable Såriputta, unless he were foolish, full of hatred, deluded, or mentally deranged?’”
Then, while this praise of the Venerable Såriputta was being spoken, the sons of the devas in Susima’s assembly—being pleased, gladdened, elated by rapture and joy—displayed diverse lustrous colours. Just as a beryl gem—beautiful, of fine quality, eight-faceted, of excellent workmanship—when placed on a brocade cloth, shines and beams and radiates, so too the sons of the devas in Susima’s assembly ... displayed diverse lustrous colours. And just as an ornament of finest gold—very skilfully burnishedin a furnace by an adroit goldsmith—when placed on a brocade cloth, shines and beams and radiates, so too the sons of the devas in Susima’s assembly ... displayed diverse lustrous colours.
And just as, when the night is fading, the morning star shines and beams and radiates, so too the sons of the devas in Susima’s assembly ... displayed diverse lustrous colours.
And just as in the autumn, when the sky is clear and cloudless, the sun, ascending in the sky, dispels all darkness from space as it shines and beams and radiates, so too the sons of the devas in Susima’s assembly—being pleased, gladdened, elated by rapture and joy—displayed diverse lustrous colours.
Then, with reference to the Venerable Såriputta, Susima, son of the devas, recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“He is widely known to be a wise man,
Såriputta, who is free of anger;
Of few wishes, gentle, tamed
The seer adorned by the Teacher’s praise.”
Then the Blessed One, with reference to the Venerable Såriputta, replied to Susima, son of the devas, in verse:
“He is widely known to be a wise man,
Såriputta, who is free of anger;
Of few wishes, gentle, tamed,
Developed, well tamed, he awaits the time.
(相應部 1-2-29)
無忿而小欲 柔和而調順
擔師譽聖者 知舍利弗智
無忿而小欲 柔和而調順
善調之庸人 如待薪資金
用以待死時 舍利弗智者
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-28)
28. Nandivisala
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Nandivisala hiongr Sewjunx sueh jimgensix qongxx:
"U sir xee lenw-aw qapp qauw xee mngg,
Tamiok ee uwuer dni buanw buanw.
Jex si byy cingkir ee vunxsingr.
Qaidongx zuhyy ar dua inghiongg,
Jiacc cue u jitt xui ee cutkauw?"
"Cetdng jinsnuar qapp lobang,
Laii dngrjuat og ee iogbong qapp tamsimx.
Vuic driau aiwiok ee qinx,
Anxnex dyrr u cutkauw."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-28)
28. Nandivisala
Standing to one side, Nandivisåla, son of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“Having four wheels and nine doors,
Filled up and bound with greed,
Born from a bog, O great hero!
How does one escape from it?”
“Having cut the thong and the strap,
Having cut off evil desire and greed,
Having drawn out craving with its root:
It is thus that one escapes from it.”
(相應部 1-2-28)
四輪九門孔 污穢滿貪欲
乃是不淨性 大雄從如何
以斷惡欲貪 乃至繩與網
拔棄渴愛根 如是有出口
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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