
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-19)

19. Uttara
Rajagaha Sniaa ee inenn.
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Uttara dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Snix qaur siw, siurmia dew,
Qaur lau byy viwho.
Quanknuar diyc siw jiacc kiongxvor,
Jxig qongdig tangx u anlok."

"Snix qaur siw, siurmia dew,
Qaur lau byy viwho.
Quanknuar diyc siw jiacc kiongxvor,
Hibang jigjing diyhh kiwsag iogbong."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-19)
19. Uttara
Setting at Råjagaha. Standing to one side, Uttara, son of the devas, recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Life is swept along, short is the lifespan;
No shelters exist for one who has reached old age.
Discerning this danger in death, one should do
Deeds of merit that bring happiness.”

“Life is swept along, short is the lifespan;
No shelters exist for one who has reached old age.
Discerning this danger in death, one should drop
The world’s bait in quest of peace.”

(相應部 1-2-19)
生導死壽短   老導無庇護
觀死此恐懼   齎樂積功德
生導死壽短   老導無庇護
觀死此恐怖   棄欲希寂靜


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-18)

18. Kakudha
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sii, Sewjunx druar dirr Saketa ee Anjana Ciurnaa lairdew ee Log'axhngg. Hitt jun, tnisinn ee qniaw Kakudha dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Anjana Ciurnaa. Ix uaw kir Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. Uaw .kir ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia ee sii, tnisinn ee qniaw Kakudha hiongr Sewjunx mng qongxx:

"Bikiu, liw u hnuahiw bor?"
"Ving'iuw, jex u did diyc sniaw lehh?"
Tnisinn ee qniaw qongw, "Bikiu, liw u visiongx bor?"
"Ving'iuw, jex u sitlyc sniaw lehh?"
[tnisinn ee qniaw:]
"Bikiu, soxiw liw iarr byy hnuahiw iarr byy visiongx?"
"Viuw'iuw, dyrr si anxnex."

[tnisinn ee qniaw:]
"Bikiu liw byy visiongx,
Liw iarr byy hnuahiw.
Dandanx qodnuax jre lehh,
Be sniu diyc vutbuanw."

"Iarvex, guaw byy visiongx,
Iarr byy hnuahiw.
Dandanx jigjing jre lehh,
Be sniu diyc vutbuanw."

[tnisinn ee qniaw:]
"Bikiu tacc byy visiongx?
Zuhyy iarr byy hnuahiw?
Dandanx qodnuax jre lehh,
Be sniu diyc vutbuanw."

"U vrix :ee u hiw,
U hiw :ee u vrix.
Bikiu byy hnuahiw qapp visiongx,
Anxnex ving'iuw qaidongx jai'ngiaw."

[tnisinn ee qniaw:]
"Byy hnuahiw iarr byy visiongx,
Ciautuat sewqanx aiwiok ee bikiu.
Zip liappuann ee brahmin,
Sidjai quw quw guaw jiacc qnir .diyc."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-18)
18. Kakudha
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Såketa in the Añjana Grove, the Deer Park. Then, when the night had advanced, Kakudha, son of the devas, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Añjana Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and said to him:
“Do you delight, recluse?”
“Having gained what, friend?”
“Then, recluse, do you sorrow?”
“What has been lost, friend?”
“Then, recluse, do you neither delight nor sorrow?”
“Yes, friend.”
“I hope that you’re untroubled, bhikkhu.
I hope no delight is found in you.
I hope that when you sit all alone
Discontent doesn’t spread over you.”
“Truly, I’m untroubled, spirit,
Yet no delight is found in me.
And when I’m sitting all alone
Discontent doesn’t spread over me.”
“How are you untroubled, bhikkhu?
How is no delight found in you?
How come, when you sit all alone,
Discontent doesn’t spread over you?”
“Delight comes to one who is miserable,
Misery to one filled with delight.
As a bhikkhu undelighted, untroubled:
That’s how you should know me, friend.”
“After a long time at last I see
A brahmin who is fully quenched,
A bhikkhu undelighted, untroubled,
Who has crossed over attachment to the world.”

(相應部 1-2-18)
比丘汝不悲   汝亦不歡喜
唯獨寂寞坐   不足思不著
夜叉我不悲   亦無有歡喜
唯獨寂靜坐   無著思不足
比丘何不悲   如何亦不喜
唯獨寂寞坐   不足思不著
有悲者有喜   有喜者有悲
比丘無喜悲   如是友當知
無喜亦無悲   超愛世比丘
涅槃婆羅門   實久我所見


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-17)

17. Subrahma
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Subrahma hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Jitt xee simx siongsiongg qnia'uir,
Jitt xee ir siongsiongrr kiw junr.
Duiww ixx huatsingx :ee e kiongxku,

Duiww iauxx bue huatsingx :ee iarr kiongxku.
Narr u benw qnia'uir ee honghuad,
Guan liw cniaw jixsi."

"Potehunx ixgua,
Kinbenw siuhing ixgua,
Jewan soxu qinmngg ixgua,
Itcer hongwkir ixgua,
Guaw knuar m qnir,
Jiongwsingx ee ving'anx."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-17)
17. Subrahma
Standing to one side, Subrahmå, son of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse: 
“Always frightened is this mind,
The mind is always agitated
About unarisen problems
And about arisen ones.
If there exists release from fear,
Being asked, please declare it to me.”

“Not apart from enlightenment and austerity,
Not apart from restraint of the sense faculties,
Not apart from relinquishing all,
Do I see any safety for living beings.”

(相應部 1-2-17)
此心常怖畏     此意常顫慄
起時甚恐懼     不起亦恐懼
若有免畏道     願請以指教
菩提分之外     勤修行之外
制諸根之外     一切放棄外
我不得窺見     眾生之平安


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-16)

16. Vasudatta
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Vasudatta hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Kyxviw virr qiamr duc,
Kyxviw taujangx dyc huew,
Bikiu siawsag tam'iog,
U jniawliam decc cutqex."

"Kyxviw virr qiamr duc,
Kyxviw taujangx dyc huew,
Bikiu siawsig siksinx soxx qnir ,
U jniawliam decc cutqex."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-16)
16. Vasudatta
Standing to one side, Vasudatta, son of the devas, recited this verse in the presence of
the Blessed One:
“As if smitten by a sword,
As if his head were set on fire,
A bhikkhu should wander mindfully
In order to abandon sensual lust.” 

“As if smitten by a sword,
As if his head were set on fire,
A bhikkhu should wander mindfully
In order to abandon identity view.”

(相應部 1-2-16)
猶如觸於劍   猶如髮燃時
比丘捨欲貪   正念於出家
猶如觸於劍   猶如髮燃時
捨身見比丘   正念於出家