Purnamaitreyaniputra an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw an' quxdngg qiab ixlaii, venrvog ee jaidiau byy jiongwgai. Suan'iongg suatbingg kow qapp kangx, tangx cimzip dat qaur jinsit ee siongr. Cincniu jitt kuanw simrjiww qaur Gange Hyy lairdew ee suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee Zulaii viwbit huatmngg iarr jaiqiyh. Guaw dirr jingwlangg-diongx bibiau kaisi, vniwjniaa sniaw dy' m qniax. Sewjunx jaix guaw u venrvog ee jaidiau, iong imsniax dngw huatlunn qar guaw anwjnuaw huat'iongg. Guaw dirr Vuddyy sinvnix vangjo Vuddyy dngw huatlunn. In'ui snia'imx naxx sraix decc qiyr, jniaa jyr arhat. Sewjunx inwjingr guaw juer busiong qangxsuad vudhuad. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat. Iong huat'imx hanghok mosinn qapp duiwdik, siaubet soxu huanlyw, guaw zinruii jitt hxang vaii derr id."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --26)
Purnamaitreyaniputra arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, "For vast eons I have possessed unobstructed eloquence. When I discuss suffering and emptiness I penetrate deeply into ultimate reality. In the same way, I feel no fear as I give subtle, wonderful instruction to the assembly concerning the secret Dharma doors of as many Thus Come Ones as there are sand grains in the Ganges. The World Honored One knew that I had great eloquence, and, using his sound to turn the Dharma wheel, taught me to propagate the Dharma. I joined the Buddha to help him turn the Dharma wheel. I accomplished Arhat-ship due to his lion’s roar. The World Honored One certified me as being foremost in speaking Dharma. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. I used the sounds of Dharma to subdue demons and adversaries and to melt away my outflows. That is the foremost means."
富樓那彌多羅尼子。即從座起。頂禮佛足。而白佛言。我曠劫來。辯才無礙。宣說苦空。深達實相。 如是乃至恒沙如來秘密法門。我於眾中微妙開示。得無所畏。世尊知我有大辯才。以音聲輪教我發揚。我於佛前助佛轉輪。因師子吼。成阿羅漢。世尊印我說法無上。佛問圓通。我以法音降伏魔怨。銷滅諸漏。斯為第一。
富樓那彌多羅尼子。即從座起。頂禮佛足。而白佛言。我曠劫來。辯才無礙。宣說苦空。深達實相。 如是乃至恒沙如來秘密法門。我於眾中微妙開示。得無所畏。世尊知我有大辯才。以音聲輪教我發揚。我於佛前助佛轉輪。因師子吼。成阿羅漢。世尊印我說法無上。佛問圓通。我以法音降伏魔怨。銷滅諸漏。斯為第一。