Ananda mng Vuddyy qongxx, "Dirr Lokeshvararaja Vut ee qoktow, huewsiu u zuarr dngg?" Vuddyy rinr
qongxx, "Hitt xui vut ee siursor u sir-jap-zi qiab. Hitt sii Huatjong Bikiu jinwcuw
nng-vah-jap-id jerje vut bibiau toxde cingjing sidjenr. Zucuw siulen uanvi, ix kir qaur hitt xui Vut ee jursow, qui .lyc hiongr Vut ee kax qingwlew,
dirr Vut sinvnix sec snax linr, habjiongw kia lehh hiongr hitt xui Vut
qongw, 'Sewjunx! Guaw ixqingx jinwcuw jonggiamm vudtow cingjing sidjenr.'
Vut qra bikiu qongw, 'Liw dnaxx tangx qongw, suanqangw soxx jaix :ee si sii :ar, hro
itcer dairjiongr huad kiw hnuahixsimx. Posad tniax liauw laii siuhing jitt xee
huatmngg, uaxvng jex laii drir qaur buanxjiog buliong dua guan.' Bikiu qra Vut
qongw, 'Ngwbang liw tniax qycc simxcad. Guaw soxx guan :ee beh qurtew
(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 12)
Ananda asked the Buddha, "How long was the
life-span of beings in the land of the Buddha Lokeshvararaja?" The Buddha
replied, "The length of life of that Buddha was forty-two kalpas." He
continued, "After that Dharmakara Bodhisattva adopted the pure practices
which had led to the establishment of the excellent lands of two hundred and
ten kotis of Buddhas. When he had finished this task, he went to the Buddha,
knelt down at his feet, walked round him three times, joined his palms in
worship and sat down. He then said to the Buddha, 'I have adopted the pure
practices for the establishment of a glorious Buddha-land.' The Buddha said to
him, 'You should proclaim this. Know that now is the right time. Encourage and
delight the entire assembly. Hearing this, other bodhisattvas will practice
this Dharma and so fulfill their innumerable great vows.' The Bhiksu replied,
'I beg you to grant me your attention. Now I will fully proclaim my vows.'
(佛說無量壽經 - 12)
阿難白佛:「彼佛國土,壽量幾何?」佛言:「其佛壽命,四十二劫。時法藏比丘,攝取二百一十億諸佛妙土清淨之行。如是修已,詣彼佛所,稽首禮足,遶佛三匝, 合掌而住,白佛言:『世尊!我已攝取莊嚴佛土清淨之行。』佛告比丘:『汝今可說,宜知是時,發起悅可一切大眾。菩薩聞已,修行比法,緣致滿足無量大願。』 比丘白佛:『唯垂聽察!如我所願,當具說之: