Ananda qapp juui dairjiongr tniax diyc Vuddyy ee qawsi qapp hunwhuer, gignaiw qapp behik siauduu, simlai liauxgno diyc sit siongr, sintew qapp iwliam longxx kinsangx qapp anhyy, m bad jingrr u. Ananda qycjaiww visiongx lrauu bagsaiw, dirr Vuddyy ee kax-vnix qnialew, qui lehh habjiongw qra Vuddyy qongw, "Busiong dua juvix ee cingcing vyxongg gauu kaikew gunw ee simx. Liw e ixx jiongxjiongw inenn ee ywgi iong lirven honghuad laii qra gunw tehee qoxle, qra gunw soxu ee dimlunn qapp guduu inxcua cud koxhaiw. Sewjunx, guaw dnaxx suizenn singsiu jitt kuanw ee huat'imx, jaix Zulaijongr bibiau u bingqngx qakdix ee simx dirr sibhongqair siwqer longxx si, ionglap qauwiok Zulaii sibhongx qoktow. Itcer cingjing, vyxquir, jonggiamm, byy der viw ee bibiau bingqngx qakdix dirr huat'ongg qoktow. Zulaii suacc qycc jikvi qongxx qenwbunn je vingrr byy qong'iong, qongxx siulen hagsip byy hau. Guaw dnaxx bersux luxhingg beh dauhiyh ee langg, hutzenqanx did diyc tenongg sniuxsur lewdauw ee cuwtec. Suizenn did diyc dua qingx cuwtec, jongw .si rair an’ mngg zip .kir. Dogdok hibang Zulaii byy kiwsag dua juvisimx, kaisi gunw jiaxee dirr huathue lairdew soxu guduu be cingcyw :ee, kiwsag siyxsingg, taubuew did diyc Zulaii busiong liappuann kixcox huatsimx ee lo, hro u siurqar :ee jaix anwjnuaw hanghok ingxzit knikib ee inenn, did diyc Dharani, jinwzip Vuddyy busiong qakdix qapp qenwbunn."
Ue qongw suah, Ananda qui' sinkux pag dirr tokax (qingwvair). Dirr huathue :ee juansimx qitai Vuddyy ju'air ee vudjiw.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 4 --16)
When Ánanda and the great assembly heard the Buddha’s instruction, their doubts and delusions were dispelled. Their minds awakened to the ultimate reality, they experienced both physical and mental light ease, and unprecedented attainments. Once again Ánanda wept, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, knelt, placed his palms together, and said to the Buddha, "The Unsurpassed, Great, Compassionate, Pure, and Precious King has instructed me well, so that, by means of these various causes and conditions, expedients and encouragements, all of us who were immersed in the sea of suffering have escaped it. World Honored One, having heard that explanation of Dharma, I know that the Treasury of the Thus Come One, the wonderful, enlightened, bright mind, pervades the ten directions and contains the lands of Thus Come Ones throughout the ten directions, all the pure and elegantly adorned kshetras of Wonderful Enlightened Kings. The Thus Come One also admonished that erudition is of no merit and is not as good as cultivation. So now I am like a wanderer who suddenly encounters a divine king who bestows upon him an elegant house. Even though he has obtained a mansion, he has to enter through a door. I only hope the Thus Come One will not withhold his great compassion in instructing those of us in the assembly who are covered by darkness, so that we may renounce the Small Vehicle and attain at last the Thus Come One’s Nirvana without residue, the fundamental path of resolve. May he enable those who are still learning to know how to subdue the age-old habit of seeking to manipulate conditions to one’s advantage, to obtain Dharani, and to enter in to the knowledge and vision of the Buddhas."
Having said this, he made a full prostration, and together with the members of the assembly, single-mindedly awaited the Buddha’s compassionate instruction.
阿難及諸大眾。聞佛示誨。疑惑銷除。心悟實相。身意輕安。得未曾有。重復悲淚。頂禮佛足。 長跪合掌而白佛言。無上大悲清淨寶王。善開我心。能以如是種種因緣。方便提獎。引諸沈冥出於苦海。世尊。我今雖承如是法音。知如來藏妙覺明心遍十方界。含 育如來十方國土。清淨寶嚴妙覺王剎。如來復責多聞無功。不逮修習。我今猶如旅泊之人。忽蒙天王賜與華屋。雖獲大宅。要因門入。惟願如來不捨大悲。示我在會諸蒙暗者。捐捨小乘。畢獲如來無餘涅槃本發心路。令有學者。從何攝伏疇昔攀緣。得陀羅尼。入佛知見。