Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-11)
11. Cira
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnix. Hitt jun, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Diknaa cri huexcuw ee soxjai. Hitt sii, u jit xee upasaka(senrlamm) sisiar snxax hro Cira Bikkuni.
Hitt sijun, jit xee duiww Cira Bikkuni u sinr ee iarcex, dirr Rajagaha Sniaa an’ jitt diauu qrex qaur hitt diauu qrex, an’ jitt diauu lo qaur hitt diauu lo, longxx decc qongw jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Qad longxx tauw .kuix qaixtuad ar,
Sisiar snxax hro Cira.
Jitt xee upasaka sidjai jnia' hyw,
Ix did diyc jerje qongdig.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-11)
11. Cira
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Now on that occasion a certain lay follower gave a robe to the bhikkhuni Cira.
Then a yakkha who had full confidence in the bhikkhuni Cira, going from street to street and from square to square in Rajagaha, on that occasion recited this verse:
“He has engendered much merit—
Wise indeed is this lay follower,
Who just gave a robe to Cira,
One released from all the bonds.”
(相應部 1-10-11)
脫一切縛軛 施衣予毘羅
實賢優婆塞 彼得多功德
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-10)
10. Sukka (II)
Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Diknaa cri huexcuw ee soxjai. Hitt sii, jit xee upasaka(senrlamm) sisiar sidbut hro Sukka Bikkuni.
Hitt sijun, jit xee duiww Sukka Bikkuni u sinr ee iarcex, dirr Rajagaha Sniaa an’ jitt diauu qrex qaur hitt diauu qrex, an’ jitt diauu lo qaur hitt diauu lo, longxx decc qongw jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Qad longxx tauw .kuix qaixtuad ar,
Sisiar sidbut hro Sukka.
Jitt xee upasaka sidjai jnia' hyw,
Ix did diyc jerje qongdig.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-10)
10. Sukka (2)
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Now on that occasion a certain lay follower gave food to the bhikkhuni Sukka.
Then a yakkha who had full confidence in the bhikkhuni Sukka, going from street to street and from square to square in Rajagaha, on that occasion recited this verse:
“He has engendered much merit—
Wise indeed is this lay follower,
Who just gave food to Sukka,
One released from all the knots.”
(相應部 1-10-10)
悉解脫結縛 施食叔迦羅
實賢優婆塞 彼得多功德
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-9)
9. Sukka (I)
Hitt jun, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Diknaa cri huexcuw ee soxjai. Hitt sii, Sukka Bikkuni virr jingwlangg uii lehh decc qangxhuad.
Hitt sijun, jit xee duiww Sukka Bikkuni u sinr ee iarcex, dirr Rajagaha Sniaa an’ jitt diauu qrex qaur hitt diauu qrex, an’ jitt diauu lo qaur hitt diauu lo, longxx decc qongw jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
“Rajagaha Sniaa ee jingwlangg,
Uirr sniaw uac lehh?
Kyxviw limx diyc qamdnix ee jiuw,
Juir qaxx dyw lecc kunr.
Laii hongrtai Sukka.
Bikuni soxx qongw :ee,
Si qaur u qamlo ee dy,
Qamdnix ee juiw be lyy lyy.
Dirr jiax itjair limx,
Limx qaxx m jaix vaw.
U diwhui ee langg decc limx,
Kyxviw luxhingg :ee cuir dax duw diyc horjuiw.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-9)
9. Sukka (1)
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel Sanctuary. Now on that occasion the bhikkhuni Sukka, surrounded by a large assembly, was teaching the Dhamma.
Then a yakkha who had full confidence in the bhikkhuni Sukka, going from street to street and from square to square in Rajagaha, on that occasion recited these verses:
“What has happened to these people in Rajagaha?
They sleep as if they’ve drunk honey-wine.
Why don’t they attend on Sukka
As she teaches the deathless state?
But the wise, as it were, drink it up—
That (Dhamma) irresistible,
Ambrosial, nutritious—
As travellers do a cloud.”
(相應部 1-10-9)
王舍城人眾 為何而居耶
猶如於甘酒 或醉於臥倒
以侍叔迦羅 比丘尼所說
甘露之道足 無混濁甘液
於此飲至再 飲之不為飽
思智慧人飲 如渴旅人雨
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-8)
8. Sudatta
Hitt jun, Sewjunx druar dirr Rajagaha Sniaa ee Qnuaa Nxaa. Hitt sii, diongxjiaw Anathapindika u dairjir laii qaur Rajagaha Sniaa. Diongxjiaw Anathapindika tniax diyc qongxx “vut kaksit cuehen dirr sewqanx", dyrr beh jenongw kir vaiwqnir Sewjunx. Hitt sii, diongxjiaw Anathapindika anxnex sniu, “Qimzit jenongw vaiwhongw Sewjunx, siqanx ixqingx sniu’ nguar. Miaxjair dirr sikdongx ee siqanx jiacc kir vaiwqnir Sewjunx.” Ix dyrr dyw lehh liam vut, qiqanx bad snax vaiw qiycsirr tnix qngx vreh kiw srinx.
Hitt sii, diongxjiaw Anathapindika laii qaur bongrde ee mngkauw, jiongww tnisinn qra mngg kuix .kuix. Hitt sii, diongxjiaw Anathapindika qniaa cud cirdinr, beh lirkuix ee sii, qngx bet .kir amr amr. Qniax qaxx decc junr, cangr mngqngw, diongxjiaw dyrr sniu beh trer dywdngw.
Hitt sii, Sivaka Iarcex laii henr hxingg, cud sniax hro ix tniax .diyc:
“Vah jiah cnxiu vah jiah bew,
Qapp u vah jiah luu-ciax,
Qycc u vaccingx xee jabow,
iong juvyw qapp hnirqaux jngtna,
Kacc m dat
Qniaa jinwjingg jit vo ee jap-lak hxun id.
Diongxjiaw diyhh qniaa hiongr jingg,
Diongxjiaw diyhh qniaa hiongr jingg,
Qniaa jinwjingg jiacc e jiapqin,
M tangx trer dywdngw.”
Hitt sii, oamr bet, qngx cuthen, diongxjiaw Anathapindika byy qycc cangr mngqngw, qniax qaxx decc junr iarr tingjiw. Derr zi vaiw… Derr snax vaiw, diongxjiaw Anathapindika in'ui qngx bet .kir amr amr, qniax qaxx decc junr qycc cangr mngqngw, iurqycc sniu beh trer dywdngw. Derr snax vaiw, Sivaka Iarcex byy henr ix ee hxingg, dna' cud sniax hro ix tniax .diyc... Hitt sii, oamr byy .kir, qngx cuthen, diongxjiaw Anathapindika byy qycc cangr mngqngw, qniax qaxx decc junr iarr tingjiw.
Hitt sii, diongxjiaw Anathapindika laii vaiwhongw Qnuaa Nxaa Sewjunx druar ee soxjai. Hitt sijun, Sewjunx dirr tnix puxqngx ee sii kixcngg, dirr kangwde laihuee decc qniaa. Sewjunx knuar diyc diongxjiaw Anathapindika an’ hng hng ee soxjai laii, liauxau, an' decc qniaa ee soxjai lyc .laii, dirr soxx sed ee jyrui jre .lyc .laii. Jre .lyc liauxau, Sewjunx iong jiaxee ue duiww diongxjiaw Anathapindika qongw, “Sudatta, laii!”
Hitt sii, diongxjiaw Anathapindika sniu qongxx, “Sewjunx decc qiyr guaw ee miaa.” Ix dyrr dirr jiax, dirr Sewjunx ee kax-xe, qui' sinkux pag dirr tokax duiww ix qongw, “Sewjunx, u hyw kunr bor?”
“Huanlyw ee huew jin bet,
Brahmin dyrr hyw kunr.
Byy jipdiok dirr aiwiok,
Cingliangg byy soxx rix.
Dng itcer jipdiok,
Diauhok simx ee koxnauw.
Jigjing hyw kunr,
Si simx u drat qaur jigjing.”
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-8)
8. Sudatta
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Rajagaha in the Cool Grove. Now on that occasion the householder Anathapindika had arrived in Rajagaha on some business. He heard: “A Buddha, it is said, has arisen in the world!” He wanted to go and see the Blessed One immediately, but it occurred to him: “It is not the right time to g o and see the Blessed One today. I will go and see the Blessed One early tomorrow morning.” He lay down with his mindfulness directed to the Buddha, and during the night he got up three times thinking it was morning.
Then the householder Anathapindika approached the gate of the charnnel ground. Non-human beings opened the gate. Then, as the householder Anathapindika was leaving the city, the light disappeared and darkness appeared. Fear, trepidation, and terror arose in him and he wanted to turn back.
But the yakkha Sivaka , invisible, made the proclamation:
“A hundred (thousand) elephants,
A hundred (thousand) horses,
A hundred (thousand) mule-drawn chariots,
A hundred thousand maidens
Adorned with jewellery and earrings,
Are not worth a sixteenth part
Of a single step forward.
“Go forward, householder!
Go forward, householder!
Going forward is better for you,
Not turning back again.”
Then the darkness disappeared and light appeared to the householder Anathapindika, and the fear, trepidation, and terror that had arisen in him subsided. A second time … A third time the light disappeared and darkness appeared before the householder Anathapindika. Fear, trepidation, and terror arose in him and he wanted to turn back. But a third time the yakkha Suvaka, invisible, made the proclamation: “A hundred (thousand) elephants … Of a single step forward. “Go forward, householder!… Going forward is better for you, not turning back again.” Then the darkness disappeared and light appeared to the householder Anathapindika, and the fear, trepidation, and terror that had arisen in him subsided.
Then the householder Anathapindka approached the Blessed One in the Cool Grove. Now on that occasion the Blessed One, having risen at the first flush of dawn, was walking back and forth in the open. The Blessed One saw the householder Anathapindika coming in the distance. He descended from the walkway, sat down in the seat that was prepared , and said to the householder Anathapindika: “Come, Sudatta.”
Then the householder Anathapindika, thinking, “The Blessed One has addressed me by my name,” [thrilled and elated], prostrated himself right on the spot with his head at the Blessed One’s feet and said to him: “I hope, venerable sir, that the Blessed One slept well.”
“Always indeed he sleeps well,
The brahmin who is fully quenched,
Who does not cling to sensual pleasures,
Cool at heart, without acquisitions.
Having cut off all attachments,
Having removed care from the heart,
The peaceful one indeed sleeps well,
For he has attained peace of mind.”
(相應部 1-10-8)
百象與百馬 又百之驢車
百千之女亦 裝摩尼耳環
於此行一步 不值十六一
行進之長者 行進之長者
行進始能近 退避當用脚
煩惱火悉消 婆羅門安眠
不著於愛欲 清涼無所依
斷一切執著 調伏心苦惱
寂靜輕安寢 是達心寂靜
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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