
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-5)

Vuddyy qra Quansewimx Posad qongw, "Birlaii qapp henrjai ee jerje sewqair lairdew, tenzinn narr tnihog iong jin, dyrr u go jiongw suex siongr henxhen, uree e duirlyc og dy. Jiaxee tenzinn, bylun javox iacc jabow, dngdongx henxhen suex siongr ee sii, narr qnir diyc Derjong Posad ee hingsiong, iacc tniax diyc Derjong Posad ee miaa, jiambong jit vaiw iacc qnialew jit vaiw, jiaxee tenzinn e jingqax tnihog, sriu dua kuaiwlok, ingxuanw be duirlyc sxamx og dy sriu vywingr. Hyhongr hiaxee qnir .diyc iacc tniax diyc posad, iong qorr jerje pangx huex, ihok, imxsit, dinvyw, iacc judui laii vowsix qapp qingwhong :ee, inx soxx did .diyc ee qongdig qapp hokkir buliong buvenx.

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)      
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 5)  
The Buddha told the Bodhisattva Contemplator of the World's Sounds, "In worlds of the present and future, gods whose heavenly blessings are ending may be manifesting the Five Signs of Decay, indications that they may be about to fall into Evil Paths. When those signs appear, if those gods, whether male or female, see Earth Store Bodhisattva's image or hear his name and gaze at him or bow once to him, their heavenly blessings will thereby increase. They will experience great happiness and will never have to undergo retributions in the Three Evil Paths. How much more will that be the case for those who upon seeing and hearing the Bodhisattva use incense, flowers, clothing, food, drink, jewels, and necklaces as gifts and offerings to him. The meritorious virtues, blessings, and benefits they gain will be limitless and unbounded.  

(見聞利益品 - 5)  


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-4)

Vuddyy qra Quansewimx Posad qongw, "Liw dirr Saha Sewqair u dua inenn. Narr tenzinn, lringg, javolangg, jaboxlangg, sinn, iacc qxuiw, simrjiww liogdy in'ui jue siurkow ee jiongwsingx tniax diyc liw ee miaa iacc knuar diyc liw ee sinhingg laii luanbo liw :ee iacc janwtanr liw :ee, jiaxee jiongwsingx dirr busiong dy vitdnia be trer dywdngw. Inx suwsiongg e cutsir jyr langg qapp tenzinn, sriu bibiau ee kuaiwlok. Inqyw decbeh singsik ee sii, inx e duw diyc vut sriu qiwzin. Dnaxx liw u dua juvix, linbinw tenzinn qapp lringg jiaxee vxeh vxo qapp itcer ee jiongwsingx, beh tniax guaw suansuad Derjong Posad vutsugi lirig jingwlangg ee dairjir. Liw qaidongx jimjiog tniax. Guaw dnaxx uirr liw suatbingg." 
Quansewimx qongw, “Qaizenn. Sewjunx, guaw jin' hnuahiw beh tniax." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)      
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 4)  
The Buddha replied to the Bodhisattva Contemplator of the World's Sounds, "You have great affinity with the Saha World. If gods, dragons, men, women, spirits, ghosts, or any other beings who are suffering for offenses within the Six Paths hear your name, see your image, behold you, or praise you, they will definitely become irreversible on the Unsurpassed Way. They will always be born among people and gods and there experience wonderful bliss. When the effects of their causes come to maturity, they will encounter Buddhas who will give them predictions. You now are replete with great compassion and pity for beings, for gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division. Listen as I discuss events involving the inconceivable benefits bestowed by Earth Store Bodhisattva. Listen attentively, I will describe them for you."  
The Contemplator of the World's Sounds said, "So be it. World Honored One, I will be pleased to hear." 

(見聞利益品 - 4)   


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-3)

Decc qongw jiaxee ue ee sijun, hue-diongx u jit xee dua posad, miaa qiyr jyr Quansewimx. Ix an' jyrui vreh kiw, pah vnuar qui habjiongw duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Jitt xui Derjong Dua Posad u dua juvix, linbinw hiaxee in'ui jue decc siurkow ee jiongwsingx, dirr cenbanrig sewqair, iong soxu qongdig qapp vutsugi uidig ee sinlik, u cenbanrig ee huawsinx. Guaw tniax diyc Sewjunx qapp sibhongx buliong jiongww vut ngirkow-dong'imx decc janwtanr Derjong Posad qongxx, 'Junw hro quewkir, henrjai, qapp birlaii jiongww vut laii qongw ix ee qongdig iauxx qongw be liauw.' Duxjiah qycc singsiu Sewjunx duiww dairjiongr sueh qongxx, 'Beh cing'iongg Derjong soxx jyr u lirig ee su.' Dogdok hibang Sewjunx uirr henrjai qapp birlaii itcer jiongwsingx cing'iongg Derjong vutsugi ee su, hro tenzinn, lringg, qapp veh vxo ee jiongwsinx qra jiambong qapp dingxlew laii did diyc hokkir." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)     
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 3) 
As that was said, a Bodhisattva, Mahasattva named Contemplator of the World's Sounds arose from his seat in the assembly, knelt on one knee, and with palms together said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva is replete with great compassion and pities beings who are suffering for their offenses. In thousands of millions of worlds he creates thousands of millions of transformation bodies through the strength of his meritorious virtues and inconceivable awesome spiritual strength. I have heard the World Honored One and the numberless of Buddhas of the Ten Directions praise Earth Store Bodhisattva with different mouths but in unison, saying that even if all the Buddhas of the past, present, and future were to speak of his meritorious qualities, they could never finish describing them. Upon hearing the World Honored One tell the great assembly that he now wants to praise Earth Store Bodhisattva's beneficial deeds and so forth, I am beseeching the World Honored One to praise the inconceivable events pertaining to Earth Store Bodhisattva for the sake of beings of the present and future and to cause the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division to gaze in worship and attain blessings."
(見聞利益品 - 3) 
說是語時,會中有一菩薩摩訶薩,名觀世音,從座而起,胡跪合掌白佛言:世尊,是地藏菩薩摩訶薩具大慈悲,憐愍罪苦眾生,於千萬億世界,化千萬億身。所有功德及不思議威神之力。我聞世尊,與十方無量諸佛,異口同音,讚歎地藏菩薩云:正使過去現在未來諸佛,說其功德,猶不能盡。向者,又蒙世尊,普告大眾:欲稱揚地藏利益等事。唯願世尊,為現在未來 一切眾生,稱揚地藏不思議事,令天龍八部,瞻禮獲福。


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-2)

An' taukag-dingw vangwsia cud jiaxee qisiongr qngsnuar liauxau, ix cud bibiau ee imsniax duiww tenzinn, lringg, veh vxo, langg, qapp byy sriok langg dingxdingw jiaxee dairjiongr qongw, "Tniax guaw qimzit dirr Trayastrimsha Tenqiongx cing'iongg qapp janwtanr Derjong Posad dirr langg qapp tnix diongqanx soxx jyr ee lirig, vutsugi ee su, ciautuad singwhenn ee su, qenwjingr sip de, ixqip vitqingr be an' Anuttarasamyaksambodhi trer dywdngw dingxdingw jiaxee su." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)     
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 2) 
After emitting such rays of light from the opening at the crown of his head, he spoke in subtle and wonderful sounds to the great assembly of gods, dragons, the rest of the Eightfold Division, humans, non-humans and others, "Hear me today in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven as I praise Earth Store Bodhisattva, telling of his beneficial deeds, of inconceivable events, of the matter of his transcendence to Sagehood, of the circumstances of his certification to the Tenth Ground, and of the situation leading to his being irreversible from Anuttarasamyaksambodhi."  

(見聞利益品 - 2) 


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-1)

(Qenwbunn ee Lirig)
Hitt xee sijun, Sewjunx an’ taukag-dingw vangwsia cud vaccingbanrig dua qisiongr qngsnuar. U Vec Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Vec Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Suirsiongg Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Suirsiongg Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Gik Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Gik Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Jxiw Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Jxiw Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Cnix Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Cnix Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Pikgiok Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Pikgiok Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Angg Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Angg Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Lxik Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Lxik Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Qimx Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Qimx Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Qetkingr Hunn Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Dua Qetkingr Hunn Qisiongr Qngsnuar, Cingx Lenw Qngsnuar, Dua Cingx Lenw Qngsnuar, Vyxlenw Qngsnuar, Dua Vyxlenw Qngsnuar, Zidlunn Qngsnuar, Dua Zidlunn Qngsnuar, Guehlunn Qngsnuar, Dua Guehlunn Qngsnuar, Qiongden Qngsnuar, Dua Qiongden Qngsnuar, Haixhunn Qngsnuar, qapp Dua Haixhunn Qngsnuar.  

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 1)
At that time the World Honored One emitted hundreds of thousands of millions of great rays of light from the opening at the crown of his head. They were the White Ray, the Great White Ray, the Auspicious Ray, the Great Auspicious Ray, the Jade Ray, the Great Jade Ray, the Purple Ray, the Great Purple Ray, the Blue Ray, the Great Blue Ray, the Azure Ray, the Great Azure Ray, the Red Ray, the Great Red Ray, the Green Ray, the Great Green Ray, the Gold Ray, the Great Gold Ray, the Celebration Cloud Ray, the Great Celebration Cloud Ray, the Thousand-wheeled Ray, the Great Thousand-wheeled Ray, the Jeweled Wheel Ray, the Great Jeweled Wheel Ray, the Solar Disc Ray, the Great Solar Disc Ray, the Lunar Disc Ray, the Great Lunar Disc Ray, the Palace Ray, the Great Palace Ray, the Ocean Cloud Ray, and the Great Ocean Cloud Ray.  

(見聞利益品 - 1)  


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-id-6)

Vuddyy qra Qenqor Toxde Sinn qongw, "Liw sin'uix ee lat, jiongww sinn longxx viw liw be quer. Sniaxmih enqor? Jambudvipa ee toxde longxx singsiu liw ee vyxho. Simrjiww cauw, ciu, suax, jiyc, diu, muaa, dig, louiw, gnoxqog, bixniuu, qapp dinvyw, an' toxde cud :ee, longxx liw ee lat decc vyxho. Liw qycc suwsiongg cing'iongg Derjong Posad lirig jiongwsingx ee dairjir. Liw ee qongdig qapp sintongx ngiaa quer vingsiongg toxde ee sinn vaccingx vxue. Narr birlaii sxer u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn qingwhong posad qapp siongrtok jitt vxo qingx, dandanx ixx Derjong Vunxguan Qingx lairdew jit qnia su kir siuhing :ee, liw ixx vunxsinx uisinn ee lat qra iongwho, itcer jaihai qapp vutzuir ee dairjir m tangx dniardnia hro tniax .diyc, hyhongr hro singsiu. M na liw decc vyxho jitt xee langg, Shakra qapp Brahman ee quanwsiok, ixqip jerje tenzinn ee quanwsiok iarr decc iongwho jitt xee langg. Sniaxmih enqor ix tangx did diyc jiaxee singwhenn qra iongwho? Longxx si in'ui ix u jiambong qapp dingxlew Derjong ee hingsiong qapp siongrtok jitt vxo vunxguan qingx, jurzenn itbuew ix e tuatlii koxhaiw, giamrjingr diyc liappuann. Uirdiyhh jiaxee enqor, ix did diyc dua iongwho."

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit - 6)
The Buddha told the Earth Spirit Firm and Stable, "There are few spirits who can match your great spiritual power. Why do I say that? All the lands in Jambudvipa receive your protection. All the grasses, woods, sands, stones, paddy fields, hemp, bamboo, reeds, grains, rice, and gems come forth from the earth because of your power. Moreover, your constant praising of the beneficial deeds of Earth Store Bodhisattva makes your meritorious virtues and spiritual penetrations hundreds of thousands of times those of ordinary earth spirits. If good men or good women in the future make offerings to this Bodhisattva, or recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva and rely upon even a single aspect of it in their cultivation, you should use your own spiritual powers to protect them. Do not allow any disasters or unwelcome events even to be heard, much less undergone, by them. Not only will those people be protected by you, they will also be protected by the followers of Shakra, Brahma, and other gods. Why will they receive protection from sages and worthies such as those? It will be due to their having beheld and worshiped an image of Earth Store Bodhisattva and from having recited this Sutra of his past vows. Such people will quite naturally be able to leave the sea of suffering and ultimately be certified to the bliss of Nirvana. For those reasons they receive great protection."
(地神護法品 - 6) 


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-id-5)

Ix qycjaiww duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Dirr birlaii sxer, narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn dirr soxx druar ee soxjai u jitt vxo qingdenw qapp posad ee sxiong, jitt xee langg qycc e siongrtok qingdenw qapp qingwhong posad, guaw e suwsiongg zid'ia ixx vunxsinx uisinn ee lat horue jitt xee langg, simrjiww juiw, huew, cniuxqiab, cadtaux, dua hinghy iacc siyw hinghy, itcer og dai, jinrqaix longxx e qra siaubet."

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit - 5)  
He further said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, good men or good women in the future may keep this Sutra and an image of the Bodhisattva where they live. Further, they may recite the Sutra and make offerings to the Bodhisattva. For those who do that, I shall constantly use my own spiritual powers to guard and protect them day and night so that nothing bad happens to them, including floods, fire, robbery and theft, major disasters, and minor accidents." 

(地神護法品 - 5) 