Derr Go Qngw
Derr Jap-sir Pinw: Anlok Sidjenr
Hitt sijun, Posad Mahasattva Manjusri, Huat'ongg ee qniaw qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Jiaxee posad jin’ landid, u junqingr qapp sunrjiongg Vuddyy, soxiw huad dua sewguan, beh dirr ixau og sxer horcii, togsiong, qapp ensxuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Sewjunx! Posad mahasattva dirr ixau ee og sxer rair anwjnuaw jiacc tangx enxsuad jitt vxo qingx?”
Vuddyy qra Manjusri qongw, “Narr posad mahasattva dirr ixau ee og sxer beh enxsuad jitt vxo qingx, diyhh an’unw diamr dirr sir xee hxuad. Id .jiarr, an’unw diamr dirr posad soxx siuhing ee kuhik qapp cinqin ee soxjai, jiacc tangx uirr jiongwsingx enxsuad jitt vxo qingx.
Manjusri! Simxmic qiyr jyr posad mahasattva soxx siuhing ee kuhik? Narr posad mahasattva diamr dirr zimxziok, ziusun, senrliongg, byy sywvy, iarr byy qniahniaa, qycc duiww henrsiong byy soxx hingdong, quancad soxu henrsiong sidjer ee siongr, iarr be congvong iacc kir hunvet, jer qiyr jyr posad mahasattva soxx siuhing ee kuhik.
Simxmic qiyr jyr posad mahasattva soxx cinqin ee soxjai? Posad mahasattva byy cinqin qok’ongg, ongjuw, dairsinn, qapp qnuadniuw; byy cinqin soxu guardy, jiwhiongr Brahma :ee, qapp Jain jiaxee dingxdingw; byy cinqin siaw sewsiok bunjniux qapp janwtanr guardy ee ceh :ee, ixqip air hiongxlok qapp ____; byy cinqin jiongsu honghiamw ee vaxhir, siy’ jringx, siy' enw, qapp jiongxjiongw venr mosut :ee; byy cinqin candala (doho) qapp cri dix, ngiuu, qxex, qxauw, ixqip paclac, liahhii, qapp jiongxjiogw jyr pnaiw qingqiw :ee. Ursii jitt hy langg narr laii, dyrr uirr inx suathuad, danrsi m tangx u soxx qitai.
Qycc byy cinqin qriuu sniabunn ee bikiu, bikuni, upasaka qapp upasika, iarr m tangx ham' inx siy' jiycmng. Bylun dirr vangqingx lairdew, dirr qinghingg ee soxjai, iacc dirr qangxdngg lairdew, longxx m tangx ham' inx dauwdin dilehh. Ursii inx narr laii, jiauww inx ee qinsingr quangii suathuad, danrsi m tangx u soxx qitai.
Manjusri! Qycc posad mahasattva byy ingqaix an' luxzinn ee sinkux snix cud iogbong ee liamrtauu laii uirr inx suathuat, iarr m tangx sniu beh qnir .inx.
Narr zip kir langg' daux, m hyw ham’ siauwluw, cuxluw, qapp qnuaxhu qongxue, iarr m tangx cinqin go jiongw vutlamm-vutluw ee langg, m tangx ham' inx u quaqad. M hyw dandok zip kir langg' daux. Narr u guan'inx diyhh dandok zip .kir ee sii, diyhh itsimx liam vut.
Narr uirr luxzinn suathuad, ciyr ee sii, cuiwkiw m hyw lorcud, iarr m tangx henr hxingx, simrjiww uirr vudhuad iarr m tangx ham' inx u quaqad, hyhongr qitax ee su.
Byy air siux lensiaur ee derjuw, samanera iacc zidongg, iarr byy air ham’ inx qang suhu. Dniardnia hnor jersenn, dirr piacjing ee soxjai siuhak liab simx. Manjusri! Jex qiyr jyr co' cinqin ee soxjai.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 1)
Thereupon the Prince of the Dharma, Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Mañjuśrī addressed the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! These bodhisattvas are very rare. In respectful obedience to the Buddha they have made this great vow: ‘In the troubled world to come, we will preserve, recite, and teach this Lotus Sutra!’ O Bhagavat! How can these bodhisattva mahāsattvas teach this sutra in the troubled world to come?”
The Buddha addressed Mañjuśrī, saying: “If the bodhisattva mahāsattvas want to teach this sutra in the troubled world to come, they should abide in the four kinds of practices. The first is to establish the sphere of their bodhisattva practice and the sphere of their relationships and thereupon expound this sutra for the sake of sentient beings.
“O Mañjuśrī! What is the sphere of the practice of the bodhisattva mahāsattva? If a bodhisattva mahāsattva abides in the stage of perseverance, is gentle, tranquil, nonviolent, and unafraid; and furthermore if he remains unmoved with regard to existent things and perceives them in their true aspect, and neither acts nor discriminates, this is called the sphere of the practice of the bodhisattva mahāsattva.
“What is the sphere of the relationships of the bodhisattva mahāsattva? The bodhisattva mahāsattva should not consort with kings, princes, ministers, and chief officials. He should not consort with heretics, brahmans, Jains, and others, or with worldly writers, critics of poetry, materialists, or extreme materialists. Nor should he become acquainted with pranksters, boxers, wrestlers, clowns, and various jugglers, nor with outcastes and people who raise boars, sheep, chickens, and dogs, nor with hunters, fishermen, and those with evil conduct. A bodhisattva should teach such people the Dharma if they come to him, but expect nothing.
“Nor should a bodhisattva consort with monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen who seek the śrāvaka vehicle. Nor should he greet them. The bodhisattva should avoid their company in chambers, on roads, or while in lecture halls, and not remain with them. If they come, teach them the Dharma according to their capacities, but expect nothing!
“Moreover, O Mañjuśrī! The bodhisattva mahāsattva should expound the teaching without any thought of desire for, or wish to see, a woman’s body.
“If a bodhisattva enters someone else’s home he should not talk to young girls, maidens, and widows. A bodhisattva should also not approach the five kinds of impotent men nor be intimate with them. He should not enter someone else’s home alone; and if for any reason he should enter it alone a bodhisattva should do nothing but singlemindedly contemplate the Buddha.
“If he should teach the Dharma to women he should not show his teeth when smiling nor reveal his chest. A bodhisattva should not be intimate with them even for the sake of the Dharma. How much less for other things!
“A bodhisattva should take no pleasure in keeping young disciples, śrāmaṇeras, or young boys. Nor should he take pleasure in having the same teacher as them. He should always take pleasure in meditation and, in a quiet place, practice to control his mind. O Mañjuśrī! This is what is known as the first sphere of relationships.
(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之1)
爾時文殊師利法王子菩薩摩訶薩白佛言。世尊。是諸菩薩甚為難有敬順佛故發大誓願。於後惡世護持讀說是法華經。世尊。菩薩摩訶薩。於後惡世云何能說是經。佛告文殊師利。若菩薩摩訶薩。於後惡世。欲說是經。當安住四法。一者安住菩薩行處及親近處。能為眾生演說是經。文殊師利。云何名菩薩摩訶薩行處。若菩薩摩訶薩。住忍辱地柔和善順而不卒暴心亦不驚。又復於法無所行。而觀諸法如實相。亦不行不分別。是名菩薩摩訶薩行處。云何名菩薩摩訶薩親近處。菩薩摩訶薩。不親近國王王子大臣官長。不親近諸外道梵志尼揵子等。及造世俗文筆讚詠外書。及路伽耶陀逆路伽耶陀者。亦不親近諸有兇戲相扠相撲。及那羅等種種變現之戲。又不親近旃陀羅及畜猪羊鷄狗畋獵漁捕諸惡律儀。如是人等或時來者。則為說法。無所悕望。又不親近求聲聞比丘比丘尼優婆塞優婆夷。亦不問訊。若於房中。若經行處。若在講堂中。不共住止。或時來者。隨宜說法無所悕求。文殊師利。又菩薩摩訶薩。不應於女人身取能生欲想相而為說法。亦不樂見。若入他家。不與小女處女寡女等共語。亦復不近五種不男之人以為親厚。不獨入他家。 若有因緣須獨入時但一心念佛。若為女人說法不露齒笑。不現胸臆。乃至為法。猶不親厚。況復餘事。不樂畜年少弟子沙彌小兒。亦不樂與同師。常好坐禪。在於閑處修攝其心。文殊師利。是名初親近處。