
Huatqur Qingx (52) - Huex

Kyxviw bixle ee cnihuex, sikdir suiw qycc u pangbi, ue qongw diyc hyw tniax qycc u jiauww qniaa :ee, e u senrqyw.

(Dhammapada 52 - The Flower)
Just like a beautiful flower, colorful and with smell, is a well said speech of somebody, who does act accordingly.

(法句經 52 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (51) - Huex

Kyxviw bixle ee cnihuex, sikdir suiw mrqycc be pangx, ue qongw diyc hyw tniax suacc byy jiauww qniaa :ee, be u senrqyw.

(Dhammapada 51 - The Flower)
Just like a beautiful flower, colorful but without smell, is a well said speech of somebody, who does not act accordingly.

(法句經 51 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (50) - Huex

M hyw kir knuar vadd langg ee quewsid, ixx jyr higjiaw iaxx bue jyr :ee longxx mair kir knuar. Qanda' diyhh knuar jursinx ee hing'uii, vauquad ixx jyr :ee qapp iaxx bue jyr :ee.

(Dhammapada 50 - The Flower)
One should not look at others' wrong deeds, what the others have done or not. One should look only at what one oneself has and has not done.

(法句經 50 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (49) - Huex

U diwhui :ee dirr cuanlok, kyxviw pxangx decc caiw huex, be sunxhuai huex ee sikdir qapp pangbi, qanda' qra bit cruw .kir.

(Dhammapada 49 - The Flower)
Just like a bee leaves the flower, not hurting the color and smell, having taken its juice, so should a wise man walk through the village.

(法句經 49 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (48) - Huex

Caixjip hueluiw :ee, ix ee simx u knikip, tam'iok ingxx be buanxjiog, ix sidsit virr sixsinn hanghok.

(Dhammapada 48 - The Flower)
The man who is only gathering flowers, with an attached mind, unsatisfied in sense pleasures, Death gets under control.

(法句經 48 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (47) - Huex

Caixjip hueluiw :ee, ix ee simx u knikip, sixsinn e qra liac .kir, kyxviw duarjuiw lrauu quer kunr siw .kir ee jngsia.

(Dhammapada 47 - The Flower)
The man who is only gathering flowers, with an attached mind, the death will carry away, like a great flood the sleeping village.

(法句經 47 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (46) - Huex

Jai'ngiaw sintew bersux juixpec, liauxgno sinkux si hihuanr :ee, qra moqongx Mara ee huex-jnxir ad .jric, tangx hro Sixbongg ji' Ongg knuar be diyc ix.

(Dhammapada 46 - The Flower)
Having understood that this body is like foam, having realized its mirage-like nature, having cut off Mara's flower-tipped arrows, one should make himself invisible to the King of Death.

(法句經 46 - 華品)


Huatqur Qingx (45) - Huex

U siurqar :ee tangx jinghok derqair, Yama Qxair qapp tniqair. U siurqar :ee tangx qangxsuad huatqur, cincniu saihu caiw huex hiacnirr kiauxlo.

(Dhammapada 45 - The Flower)
A disciple will investigate the earth and this Yama's world with its deities. A disciple will understand this well taught Dharma-verse, as a skilful person picks flowers.

(法句經 45 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (44) - Huex

Si'angw tangx jinghok derqair, Yama Qxair qapp tniqair? Si'angw gauu qangxsuad huatqur, cincniu saihu caiw huex hiacnirr kiauxlo?

(Dhammapada 44 - The Flower)
Who will investigate this earth and this Yama's world with its deities? Who will understand this well taught Dharma-verse, as a skilful person picks flowers?

(法句經 44 - 華品)

Huatqur Qingx (43) - Simx

(Sxen) m si verbuw iacc cinjok juewjniaa :ee, simx narr hiongr jniar lo qniaa, jitt kuanw ee senrgiap siongrqaiww dua.

(Dhammapada 43 - The Mind)
What a mother, father or even other relatives can not do, a well directed mind can do even far better than that.

(法句經 43 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (42) - Simx

Digciuw qapp digciuw siy' hai, uansiulangg qapp uansiulangg jyr duiwtauu. Simx narr qniaa hiongr siaog, jitt kuanw ee giabjer siongrqaiww dua.

(Dhammapada 42 - The Mind)
Whatever an enemy might do to an enemy, or a hater to a hated one, wrongly directed mind can do one even worse (evil).

(法句經 42 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (41) - Simx

Jitt xee sinkux sidjai be quxdngg, quibuew e dirr tokax kunr, virr kiwsag byy iwsig .kir, cincniu byy loring ee quwsud.

(Dhammapada 41 - The Mind)
Alas! Before long will this body lay upon the ground, rejected, devoid of consciousness, like a worthless log.

(法句經 41 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (40) - Simx

Jin' jaix sintew bersux angr-aw, simx ving'unw cincniu sniadii, iong diwhui ee qiamr qongqig moqongx Mara, siuxho singwli qycc be qra jib diauu lehh.

(Dhammapada 40 - The Mind)
Having understood this body to be like a jar, having established this mind like a city, attack Mara with the weapon of wisdom, you should protect the conquered territory and be without attachments.

(法句經 40 - 心品)


Huatqur Qingx (39) - Simx

Simx narr byy tamsimx qapp uanwhun, iarr byy qokk jiongw beluan, ciauuat sxen qapp og, u qakdix :ee byy kiongxhongg. 

(Dhammapada 39 - The Mind)
There is no fear for a person, whose mind is free of passions and not perplexed, who has abandoned the idea of "good" and "bad" and who is watchful.

(法句經 39 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (38) - Simx

Simx narr be anding, duiww Jniawhuad(Dharma) iarr byy liauxqaiw, sinwsimx qycc byy qending :ee, ix ee diwhui be jniurjniar.

(Dhammapada 38 - The Mind)
The wisdom of a person, whose mind is unsteady, who does not understand the True Dharma and whose confidence is wavering will not become perfect.

(法句經 38 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (37) - Simx

Hiaxee uanxhingg qycc doghingg, dirr snuadong-lai unxdunr buhingg :ee, simx narr u quanxsog, dyrr tangx tuatlii moqongx Mara ee sokvak.

(Dhammapada 37 - The Mind)
Those, who can restrain the mind, which is going far, wandering alone, bodiless and living in the cave, those will be freed from the bond of Mara.

(法句經 37 - 心品)


Huatqur Qingx (36) - Simx

Simx duer iogbong decc sec, bibiau yh quancad .diyc. U diwhui :ee e jiauwqor simx. Jiauwqor simx tangx did anlok.

(Dhammapada 36 - The Mind)
O Wise Ones, you should protect the mind, which is very difficult to see, very subtle and jumping at whatever it desires. Protected mind brings happiness.

(法句經 36 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (35) - Simx

Simx duer iogbong decc sec, dangxhniaw pnaiw apjer. Simx u quanxsog si hyw su. Simx u quanxsog tangx did anlok.

(Dhammapada 35 - The Mind)
Good is the taming of the mind, which is difficult to restrain, quick, jumping at whatever it desires. Restrained mind brings happiness.

(法句經 35 - 心品)


Huatqur Qingx (34) - Simx

Kyxviw hii lirkuix soxx druar ee juixdew, ho'ngg danr kir liogde ee sii e qunxliongr. Langg ee simx qunxliongr tangx laii tuatlii moqongx Mara ee derqair.

(Dhammapada 34 - The Mind)
Like a fish, thrown from all abodes on a dry ground this mind trembles in order to leave Mara's realm.

(法句經 34 - 心品)

Huatqur Qingx (33) - Simx

Simx jiap dinxdang, be dniardiyc, pnaiw siuxho iarr yh hanghok. U diwhui :ee e qra simx ud hro jingwdit, cincniu jyr qingjnir ee saihu qra jnxir giuw hro dit.

(Dhammapada 33 - The Mind)
The wavering, unsteady mind, hard to guard, difficult to restrain, the wise one straightens, like an arrow-maker an arrow.

(法句經 33 - 心品)


Huatqur Qingx (32) - Byy Hongwdong

Bikiu byy air hongwdong, marr jaix hongwdong e hai. Ix ixx uaxqin liappuann(Nirvana), vitdnia be duirlyc.

(Dhammapada 32 - Conscientiousness)
The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, unable to regress, he is just in the vicinity of the Nirvana.

(法句經 32 - 不放逸品)

Huatqur Qingx (31) - Byy Hongwdong

Bikiu byy air hongwdong, marr jaix hongwdong e hai. Kyxviw iam lecleh ee bingw huew, qra daurser xee qad jongw siyx siyx .kir.

(Dhammapada 31 - Conscientiousness)
The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, advances like a fire, burning the fetters, small or big.

(法句經 31 - 不放逸品)

Huatqur Qingx (30) - Byy Hongwdong

Indra byy hongwdong, mrjiacc jniaa juer jingww tnisinn ee tauu. Byy hongwdong, langlangg yx. Qig hongwdong, langlangg hiamm.

(Dhammapada 30 - Conscientiousness)
By conscientiousness did Indra become the chief amongst the gods. Conscientiousness is praised, negligence is always censured.

(法句經 30 - 不放逸品)

Huatqur Qingx (29) - Byy Hongwdong

Jingwlangg hongwdong ee sii byy hongwdong, kyxviw jingwlangg decc kunr ee sii u qingxcnew, u diwhui :ee cincniu qinxjet ee bew decc pauxjauw, lramw bew ziog ix be diyc.

(Dhammapada 29 - Conscientiousness)
Conscientious amongst the negligent, watchful amongst the sleeping, the wise one advances like a swift horse, having left behind a weak one.

(法句經 29 - 不放逸品)