
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-4)

4. Siqanx Vuex .Quer
Kia dirr vnix:a ee tnisinn dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Sii quer zid'ia iik, cingcunx vangwsag lanw.
Knuar diyc sixbongg ee kiongxvor, diyhh jxig qongdig laii did kuaiwlok."
"Sii quer zid'ia iik, cingcunx vangwsag lanw.  
Knuar diyc sixbongg ee kiongxvor, qiubang jigjing :ee rair kiwsag iogbong."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-4)
4. Time Flies By 
Standing to one side, that devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One: 
“Time flies by, the nights swiftly pass; 
The stages of life successively desert us.
Discerning this danger in death, one should do 
Deeds of merit that bring happiness.” 
(The Blessed One:) 
“Time flies by, the nights pass swiftly; 
The stages of life successively desert us. 
Discerning this danger in death, one should drop 
The world’s bait in quest of peace.”

(相應部 1-1-4)
時過日夜移  青春棄我等
觀死此恐怖  賫樂積功德
時過日夜移  青春棄我等
觀死此恐怖  棄欲希寂靜


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-3)

3. Inxdy
Kia dirr vnix:a ee tnisinn dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Snix cua hiongr siw, siurmia dew cua hiongr lau, byy der jauxbih.
Knuar diyc sixbongg ee kiongxvor, diyhh jxig qongdig laii did kuaiwlok."
"Snix cua hiongr siw, siurmia dew cua hiongr lau, byy der jauxbih.
Knuar diyc sixbongg ee kiongxvor, qiubang jigjing :ee rair kiwsag iogbong."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-3)
3. Reaching 
Standing to one side, that devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Life is swept along, short is the lifespan;
No shelters exist for one who has reached old age.
Discerning this danger in death, one should do
Deeds of merit that bring happiness.”
(The Blessed One:)
“Life is swept along, short is the lifespan;
No shelters exist for one who has reached old age.
Discerning this danger in death, one should drop
The world’s bait in quest of peace.” 

(相應部 1-1-3)
生導死壽短  導老無庇獲
觀死此恐怖  賫樂積功德 
生導死壽短  導老無庇獲
觀死此恐怖  棄欲希寂靜    


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-2)

2. Qaixtuad
Hitt sii Sewjunx dirr Shravasti Sniaa.
Hitt sii, u jit xui tnisinn dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Jeta Hngg. Ix uaw kir Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. Uaw .kir ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dyrr dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia hitt xui tnisinn duiww Sewjunx qongw,
"Sensnix, liw qamxx jaix jiongwsingx ee qaixtuad, qaixhuad ee honghuad, ixqip siar li?"
Sewjunx rinr qongxx, "Ving'iuw, guaw jaix jiongwsingx ee qaixtuad, qaixtuad ee honghuad, ixqip siar li."
"Sensnix, liw anwjnuaw jaix jiongwsingx ee qaixtuad, qaixtuad ee honghuad, ixqip siar li?"
"Hixlok u juann bet, iwsiongw qapp iwsig iarr si
 Qamxsiu bedbyy itcer jigjing, ving'iuw, guaw u jitt hy kuanw
 Jaix jiongwsingx ee qaixtuad
 Qaixtuad ee honghuad ixqip siar li."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-2)  
2. Emancipation 
Setting at Shravasti. 
Then, when the night had advanced, a certain devata of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and said to him:
“Do you know, dear sir, emancipation, release, seclusion for beings?”
“I know, friend, emancipation, release, seclusion for beings.”
“But in what way, dear sir, do you know emancipation, release, seclusion for beings?”
“By the utter destruction of delight in becoming, 

 By the extinction of perception and consciousness,
 By the cessation and appeasement of feelings:
It is thus, friend, that I know for beings—
Emancipation, release, seclusion.”
(相應部 1-1-2) 
“有喜之滅盡 亦盡想與識
 受滅皆寂靜 友我之如是
 知眾生解脫 令解脫遠離”  


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-1)

Janwlew Sewjunx, Arahant, Juanzenn Qakgno :ee
Jimgensix Pnix
Derr Id Qngw: Qapp Jiongww Tnisinn Siong'ingr
(Id) Lodig
I. Dua Juiw
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt jun, Sewjunx dirr Shravasti Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw.
Hitt sii, u jit xui tnisinn dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Jeta Hngg. Ix uaw kir Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. Uaw .kir ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia ee sii, hitt xui tnisinn duiww Sewjunx qongw, "Sensnix, liw anwjnuaw dro quer dua juiw lehh?"
"Ving'iuw, guaw byy dongwdiam iarr byy jinwjingg laii dro quer dua juiw."
"Sensnix, liw anwjnuaw byy dongwdiam iarr byy jinwjingg laii dro quer dua juiw?"
"Ving'iuw, guaw dongwdiam dyrr e dimm .lyc, jinwjingg dyrr e lrauu .kir. Ving'iuw, guaw dyrr si anxnex byy dongwdiam iarr byy jinwjingg laii dro quer dua juiw."
"Byy dongwdiam qapp byy jinwjingg laii dro quer sewqanx ee jipdiok
 drat qaur liappuann ee brahmin quw .laii tangx knuar .diyc." 
Hitt xui tnisinn anxnex qongw. Ix soxx qongw :ee u did diyc dairsux ee ylyw qapp zinrkyw. Tnisinn jaix u did diyc dairsux ee zinrkyw, hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dyrr kaux duiww jniawvingg cud .kir.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-1) 
Homage to the Blessed One,the Arahant, the Fully Enlightened One
Chapter 1: Connected Discourses with Devatas
I. A Reed 
1. Crossing the Flood
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Shravasti in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika ’s Park. 
Then, when the night had advanced, a certain devata of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and said to him:
“How, dear sir, did you cross the flood?”
“By not halting, friend, and by not straining I crossed the flood.”
“But how is it, dear sir, that by not halting and by not straining you crossed the flood?”
“When I came to a standstill, friend, then I sank; but when I struggled, then I got swept away. It is in this way, friend, that by not halting and by not straining I crossed the flood.”
“After a long time at last I see
A brahmin who is fully quenched,
Who by not halting, not straining,
Has crossed over attachment to the world.”
This is what that devata said.The Teacher approved. Then that devata, thinking, 
“The Teacher has approved of me,” paid homage to the Blessed One and, keeping him on the right, he disappeared right there.

(相應部 1-1-1) 

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