Hitt sijun, Manjusri dirr dairjiongr lairdew beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Guaw sniu kiw quewkir sxer
Buliong busor ee qiab ixjingg
U jitt xui vut si langg lairdew ee junjiaw
Hy juer Zidguat Dingx Bingg
Jitt xui Sewjunx enxsuad Hxuad
Dro buliong ee jiongwsingx
Qapp busor ig ee posad
Suxx inx zip vut ee diwhui
Vut bue cutqex ee sii
Soxx snix veh xee ongjuw
Qnir diyc dua singwzinn cutqex
Iarr duer lecc siulen dua dikhing
Hitt sii Vut qangxsuad Dairsing
Qingx ee miaa qiyr juer Buliong Gi
Dirr dairjiongr lairdew
Juer qongxdai hunvet
Vut qangxsuad jitt vxo qingx liauw
Dyrr dirr huatjy-dingw
Tiabpuann jre lehh zip samadhi
Hy juer Buliong Gi ee soxjai
Tnix lyc mandarava ee huex-ho
Tnix-qow jurzenn decc dann
Jerje tenzinn, lringg, quixsinn
Qiong’iongw langg lairdew ee junjiaw
Jerje vut ee qoktow
Jiksii dua dinxdang
Vut an’ bagtauu vangr cud qngx
Duwhen jerje hihanw ee su
Jitt dy qngx jiyr danghngx
Jit-bxan veh-cingx xee vut ee qoktow
Henxsi cud itcer jiongwsingx
Snex-siw giabvyr ee soxjai
U knuar diyc jerje vut ee qoktow
Iong jerje dinvyw jngsig
Liulii iacc juixjnix
Longxx in'ui vut ee qngx soxx jiyr
Qycc knuar diyc jerje tenzinn qapp langg
Lringg, sinn, iarcex
Gandharva qapp kimnara
Sui’ xee qiong’iongw inx ee vut
Qycc knuar diyc jerje Zulaii
Jurzenn singjiu vuddy
Sinkux ee sig cincniu qimsnuax
Duanjniar jonggiamm jiokk bibiau
Bersux dirr cingjing ee liulii lairdew
Lairvo cuthen sunn qimx sxiong
Sewjunx uirr dairjiongr
Qaixsueh qapp enxsuad hxuad cim’yr ee girliw
Muixx jit xee vut ee qoktow
U busor ee sniabunn
In’ui vut ee qngx soxx jiyr
Hiaxee dairjiongr longxx tangx knuar .diyc
Iarr u jerje bikiu
Dirr snuanaa lairdew
Jingjinr cisiuw cingjing ee qaiwlut
Kyxviw decc vyxho bingjux
Qycc qnir diyc jerje posad
Decc sidjenr vowsix qapp zimxziok dingxdingw
Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax
Longxx u vut ee qngx soxx jiyr
Qycc qnir diyc jerje posad
Cimhuar jiongxjiongw sendnia
Srinx qapp simx jigjing byy dinxdang
Uirr qriuu busiong ee dy
Qycc qnir diyc jerje posad
Jaix Hxuad jigbet ee siongr
Sui’ xee dirr inx ee qoktow
Suathuad qriuu vuddy
Hitt sii sir jiongw derjuw
Qnir diyc Zidguat Dingx Vut
Henxhen dua sintongx
Inx ee simx longxx hnuahiw
Sui' langg decc siy’ mng
Jitt qnia su si u sniaw inenn
Tenzinn qapp langg soxx juncunn :ee
Duxduxx an’ samadhi kiw .laii
Cingjanr Bibiau Qngx Posad qongxx
Liw juer sewqanx ee bagjiux
Virr soxu langg soxx sinwhok
Qycc u hongrdair Hxuad ee vyxjongg
Jiauww guaw soxx qongw ee Hxuad
Dna’ liw tangx jingwgno qapp liauxqaiw
Sewjunx qacc u janwtanr
Suxx Bibiau Qngx jin' hnuahiw
Qangxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx
Muaw lak-jap siyw qiab
Byy an’ jyrui vreh kiw
Soxx qongw busiong bubiau ee Hxuad
Jitt xui Bibiau Qngx Huatsux
Longxx erdangr siurcii
Vut qangxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx
Suxx jingwlangg longxx jin' hnuahiw
Sui’au dyrr dirr hitt zit
Qra tenzinn qapp jingwlangg qongw
Itcer Hxuad sidjai ee siongr qapp iwgi
Ixqingx uirr linw qangxsuad
Guaw qinaxzit dirr vnuawmii
Beh zip liappuann
Linw itsimx jingjinr
Diyhh ham’ hongwdong li hng hng
Jiongww vut jin’ yh duw .diyc
Jit-ig qiab jiacc duw diyc jit vaiw
Sewjunx ee jiongww derjuw
Tniax diyc vut beh zip liappuann
Muixx jit xee longxx visiongx kyxnauw
Vut jiacc qinw dyrr beh beddo
Singwjuw Hxuad ji’ ongg
An’uir buliong ee dairjiongr qongxx
Guaw beddo ee sii
Linw m tangx iuciuu kiongxhongg
Jitt xui Srigarbha Posad
Dirr byy lrau ee sit siongr
Simx ixx did diyc tongdat
Suar .lyc beh juer vut
Hy juer Vimalanganetra
Iarr e dro buliong ee jiongwsingx
Vut dirr jitt mee beddo
Cincniu caa jin huew bet
Ix ee sarira snruar dirr qokk soxjai
Laii kiw buliong ee tah
Bikiu bikiuni
Inx ee sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax
Qavue qyckacc jingjinr
Uirr qriuu busiong ee dy
Jitt xui Bibiau Qngx Huatsux
Hongrdair Vudhuad ee vyxjongg
Dirr veh-jap siyw qiab lairdew
Siwqer suanqangw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx
Jitt veh xee ongjuw
Sriu Bibiau Qngx kaiqaiw qapp qauwhuar
Qenqor busiong ee dy
Qnir diyc busor ee vut
Qiong’iongw jiongww vut liauxau
Duer lecc hiongr dairdy qniaa
Siy’ suar juer vut
Jiauww cuwsu virr siurqir
Juewau hitt xui tnix-diongx ee tnix
Hy juer Diamw Dingx Vut
Si jerje senzinn ee dyrsux
Dortuad buliong ee dairjiongr
Jitt xui Bibiau Qngx Huatsux
Hitt sii u jit xee derjuw
Simlai dniardnia sniu vindnua
Tamx bingli
Duiqiuu bingli longxx be iawsen
Dniardnia cutzip bingbunn
Kiwsag soxx siongrtok :ee
Qir be diauu be tongdat
In’ui jitt xee enqor
Jiacc qiyr juer Qriuu Miaa
Iarr u juer quer jerje senrgiap
Jiacc tangx qnir diyc busor ee vut
Qiong’iongw jiongww vut
Duer lecc hiongr dairdy qniaa
Kurvi Liok Paramita
Qimzit qnir diyc Sikkia Sraix
Zid'au e juer vut
Hy juer Milik
Siwqer dro jiongwsingx
Sowliong sngr be liauw
Hitt xui vut beddo liauxau
Vindnua :ee dyrr si liw
Bibiau Qngx Huatsux
Dyr si qimzit guaw jitt srinx
Guaw qnir diyc Dingx Bingg Vut
Ix suirsiongg ee qngx dyrr si zucuw
Dyrr jaix qimzit ee vut
Beh qangxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx
Qimzit ee siongr cincniu vunxdew ee suirsiongg
Si jiongww vut ee hongven hxuad
Qimzit vut vangr cud qongbingg
Uirr jo kexhuad sidjai ee siongr qapp ywgi
Soxu langg qimzit qaidongx jai'ngiaw
Habjiongw itsimx danxtai
Vut beh lyc Hxuad-ho
Buanxjiog qriuu dy :ee
Jerje qriuu samsingg :ee
Narr u gihik :ee
Vut e uirr linw siauduu
Be qycc u cunx”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter I Introduction 7)
Thereupon Mañjuśrī, wanting to explain the meaning of this further, spoke to the great assembly in verse:
I remember that in the past,
Innumerable incalculable kalpas ago,
There was a buddha, the Best of Humans,
Called Candrasūryapradīpa.
This Bhagavat taught the Dharma,
Leading and inspiring innumerable sentient beings
And incalculable numbers of bodhisattvas,
To attain the wisdom of the buddhas.
Before renouncing household life
The Buddha fathered eight princes.
Having seen the Great Sage
Renounce household life,
They also followed him
And practiced the pure path of discipline and integrity.
At that time the Buddha taught
And extensively illuminated the Mahayana sutra
Called Immeasurable Meanings
To the great assembly.
After having taught this sutra,
The Buddha sat down cross-legged
On the seat of Dharma and entered the samādhi
Called the “abode of immeasurable meanings.”
The heavenly māndārava flowers
Fell down like rain;
The heavenly drums resounded spontaneously.
All the devas, nāgas, and yakṣas
Paid homage to the Best of Humans.
All of the buddha worlds suddenly quaked greatly.
And the Buddha emitted a ray of light
From the tuft between his eyebrows
And manifested various marvels.
This ray of light illuminated
The eighteen thousand buddha worlds in the east
And revealed the conditions
Resulting from the karma of each sentient being.
Through this light of the Buddha
All the buddha worlds appeared
As if they were decorated with various jewels
Such as lapis lazuli or crystal.
All the devas, humans, nāgas,
Yakṣas, gandharvas, and kiṃnaras
Were each seen paying homage to the buddhas.
All the Tathāgatas, who had spontaneously attained
The path of the buddhas,
Looked majestic and very beautiful
With bodies like golden mountains.
Each Bhagavat appeared like a golden image
In the midst of lapis lazuli,
Expounding the meaning
Of the profound Dharma to the great assembly.
There were innumerable śrāvakas
In each of the buddha worlds,
And they saw all the great assemblies
Because of the light of the Buddha.
There were also monks
Living in mountain forests,
Who, through persistence, possessed purity of conduct,
Which they protected like a precious jewel.
There were bodhisattvas,
As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River,
Practicing by giving (dāna), perseverance (kṣānti), and so on (i.e., the six perfections),
Who also became visible through the light of the Buddha.
There were bodhisattvas, who,
Having entered deep samādhi,
Were tranquil and undisturbed in body and mind,
And who were seen seeking for the highest path.
There were also bodhisattvas,
Who, knowing the tranquil character of the Dharma,
Were seen teaching the Dharma
And seeking the path of the buddhas
In each of the buddha worlds.
At that time the fourfold assembly,
Having seen the Buddha Candrasūryapradīpa
Manifest these great transcendent powers,
Became delighted, and asked each other
What the reason for this could be.
The Noble One, revered by devas and humans,
Then emerged from samādhi and
Praised Bodhisattva Varaprabha, saying:
You are the Eye of the World.
You are believed in by all and
Possess the treasure house of the Dharma.
You are the only one who can understand
The Dharma that I have taught!
The Bhagavat praised Varaprabha, delighting him,
And taught this Lotus Sutra
For the full period of sixty intermediate kalpas
Without rising from his seat.
This expounder of the Dharma, Varaprabha,
Firmly and completely
Preserved this most excellent Dharma
That was taught by the Buddha.
After having taught this Lotus Sutra
And having then gladdened the assembly
On that very day,
The Buddha told the assembly of devas and humans:
I have already taught you the meaning
Of the essential character of all dharmas.
Today I will enter nirvana In the middle of the night.
Exert yourselves attentively
And rid yourselves of negligence!
The buddhas are extremely hard to meet
And can be encountered only once In koṭis of kalpas!
All the sons of the Bhagavat,
On hearing that the Buddha was to enter nirvana,
Became sad, thinking:
Why will the Buddha enter nirvana so soon?
The Noble Lord, the King of the Dharma,
Consoled the innumerable beings saying:
Do not fear after I enter nirvana!
This Bodhisattva Śrīgarbha has fully realized
The true character of freedom from corruption
And after me he will become
A buddha named Vimalāṅganetra.
And then he will bring Innumerable sentient beings to the path.
And that night the Buddha entered nirvana,
Like a fire that goes out when the wood is exhausted.
His relics were distributed
And innumerable stupas were built.
There were monks and nuns,
As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River,
Who increased their efforts
And sought for the highest path.
This expounder of the Dharma, Varaprabha,
Possessed of the treasure house of the Buddha,
Extensively proclaimed the Lotus Sutra
For eighty intermediate kalpas.
All of the eight princes
Led and inspired by Varaprabha,
Became firmly established
In the highest path,
And met innumerable buddhas.
After having paid homage to the buddhas
And following them in their practice of the great path,
They all in turn received their predictions,
Becoming buddhas in succession.
The last Buddha, the Highest of Devas,
Was called Dīpaṃkara,
And, as the leader of all the sages,
Had brought innumerable sentient beings to the path.
This expounder of the Dharma, Varaprabha,
Had one disciple who was lazy
And attached to fame and fortune.
This disciple ceaselessly sought these things
And amused himself from house to house.
He abandoned recitation of the sutras,
And, forgetting them,
Never became versed in them.
For this very reason he was named Yaśaskāma.
But since he had also performed many good deeds,
He was able to meet innumerable buddhas.
He paid homage to all these buddhas
And having practiced the great path after them,
Acquired all the six perfections and
Now meets the Lion of the Śākyas.
He shall subsequently become a buddha called Maitreya
Who will extensively bring Innumerable sentient beings to the path.
After the parinirvāṇa of that Buddha Candrasūryapradīpa,
The lazy one was none other than you;
And the expounder of the Dharma, Varaprabha,
Was no one but myself.
When I saw the Buddha Dīpaṃkara
He also revealed this marvel of light.
That is why I know that this buddha
Will now teach the Lotus Sutra.
This sign is just like the previous marvel.
It is the skillful means of all the buddhas.
The Buddha has now emitted this ray of light In order to reveal
The essential character of dharmas.
Now it should be clear to everyone.
Wait attentively with palms pressed together!
Having rained the Dharma,
The Buddha will satisfy those seeking the path.
If there is anyone seeking the three vehicles
Who still has any doubts,
The Buddha will completely remove them,
Extinguishing them with none left over.
(妙法蓮華經第一品 序之7)
我念過去世 無量無數劫
有佛人中尊 號日月燈明
世尊演說法 度無量眾生
無數億菩薩 令入佛智慧
佛未出家時 所生八王子
見大聖出家 亦隨修梵行
時佛說大乘 經名無量義
於諸大眾中 而為廣分別
佛說此經已 即於法座上
加趺坐三昧 名無量義處
天雨曼陀華 天鼓自然鳴
諸天龍鬼神 供養人中尊
一切諸佛土 即時大震動
佛放眉間光 現諸希有事
此光照東方 萬八千佛土
示一切眾生 生死業報處
有見諸佛土 以眾寶莊嚴
琉璃頗梨色 斯由佛光照
及見諸天人 龍神夜叉眾
乾闥緊那羅 各供養其佛
又見諸如來 自然成佛道
身色如金山 端嚴甚微妙
如淨琉璃中 內現真金像
世尊在大眾 敷演深法義
一一諸佛土 聲聞眾無數
因佛光所照 悉見彼大眾
或有諸比丘 在於山林中
精進持淨戒 猶如護明珠
又見諸菩薩 行施忍辱等
其數如恒沙 斯由佛光照
又見諸菩薩 深入諸禪定
身心寂不動 以求無上道
又見諸菩薩 知法寂滅相
各於其國土 說法求佛道
爾時四部眾 見日月燈佛
現大神通力 其心皆歡喜
各各自相問 是事何因緣
天人所奉尊 適從三昧起
讚妙光菩薩 汝為世間眼
一切所歸信 能奉持法藏
如我所說法 唯汝能證知
世尊既讚歎 令妙光歡喜
說是法華經 滿六十小劫
不起於此座 所說上妙法
是妙光法師 悉皆能受持
佛說是法華 令眾歡喜已
尋即於是日 告於天人眾
諸法實相義 已為汝等說
我今於中夜 當入於涅槃
汝一心精進 當離於放逸
諸佛甚難值 億劫時一遇
世尊諸子等 聞佛入涅槃
各各懷悲惱 佛滅一何速
聖主法之王 安慰無量眾
我若滅度時 汝等勿憂怖
是德藏菩薩 於無漏實相
心已得通達 其次當作佛
號曰為淨身 亦度無量眾
佛此夜滅度 如薪盡火滅
分布諸舍利 而起無量塔
比丘比丘尼 其數如恒沙
倍復加精進 以求無上道
是妙光法師 奉持佛法藏
八十小劫中 廣宣法華經
是諸八王子 妙光所開化
堅固無上道 當見無數佛
供養諸佛已 隨順行大道
相繼得成佛 轉次而授記
最後天中天 號曰燃燈佛
諸仙之導師 度脫無量眾
是妙光法師 時有一弟子
心常懷懈怠 貪著於名利
求名利無厭 多遊族姓家
棄捨所習誦 廢忘不通利
以是因緣故 號之為求名
亦行眾善業 得見無數佛
供養於諸佛 隨順行大道
具六波羅蜜 今見釋師子
其後當作佛 號名曰彌勒
廣度諸眾生 其數無有量
彼佛滅度後 懈怠者汝是
妙光法師者 今則我身是
我見燈明佛 本光瑞如此
以是知今佛 欲說法華經
今相如本瑞 是諸佛方便
今佛放光明 助發實相義
諸人今當知 合掌一心待
佛當雨法雨 充足求道者
諸求三乘人 若有疑悔者
佛當為除斷 令盡無有餘