"Ananda, liw suwsiongg dirr nng xee sisinn kir jinglangg lairdew tog vxuah. Qiqanx qiamxcaiw e duw diyc kauxsox, gulingdangr, iacc qiamm gulingx, qra qiyr juer siongrdingw hyw bi. Jex sniaxmih iwbi? Jitt xee jubi si an' kanghux lairdew snix :ee, an' cuiwjic lairdew snix :ee, iacc an' jiahsit lairdew snix :ee? Ananda, narr jitt xee jubi si an' liw ee cuiwjic snix :ee, dirr liw ee cuir lairdew qandna' u jit xee cuiwjic. Jitt xee cuiwjic hitt sii ixqingx vniwjniaa kauxsox ee jubi, duw diyc ox jiyc bit ingqaix be qaixii. Narr byy venwsii, berdangr qiyr juer jaix jubi. Narr e venwii :ee, cuiwjic vingrr byy je xee, anwjnuaw jit xee cuiwjic tangx jaix je jiongw jubi? Narr junw an' jiahsit snix :ee. Jiahsit vingrr byy qakdix, anwjnuaw qongw qaqi jaix jubi? Qycc narr jiahsit qaqi jaix jubi, bersux vadd langg decc jiac mihqnia, qapp liw sniaw dirdai? Miaa qiyr juer jaix jubi :ee, narr an' kanghux snix :ee, liw jiac hukongx, qaidongx si sniaw kuanw jubi? Jitt xee hukongx narr si qiamm bi, qacc hro liw ee cuiwjih e qiamm, iarr tangx hro liw ee bin e qiamm. Anxnex jitt xee sewqair ee langg qapp haiw nirr ee hii qangrkuanw, qacc suwsiongg sriu qiamm bi, juanzenn m jaix jniaw si sniaw jubi. Narr m bad jniaw ee jubi, iarr be qamxqag qiamm. Anxnex vitdnia sniaxmih jubi longxx m jaix, anwjnuaw qiyr juer jaix jubi? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix, jubi, cuiwjic, qapp damx longxx byy jit xee jursow. Dyrr si qongxx damx qapp jubi jitt nng xee si hubuu bongrsiongw, vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --11)
"Ánanda, twice every day you take up your bowl along with the rest of the assembly, and among what you receive may be fine-tasting foods, such as curds, buttermilk, and clarified butter. What do you think? Are these flavors produced from emptiness, do they come forth from the tongue, or does the food produce them? Ánanda, once again, if the flavors came from your tongue, since you only have one tongue in your mouth, when that tongue had already tasted the flavor of curds, then it would not change if it encountered some dark rock candy. If it did not change then it could not be said to be aware of tastes. Yet if it did change, since the tongue is not made up of many substances, how could one tongue know so many tastes? If the tastes were produced from the food, since food does not have consciousness, how could it know tastes? Moreover, if the food itself were to recognize them that would be the same as someone else eating. Then what connection would that have with what is called your recognition of tastes? If the tastes were produced in emptiness, then when you eat emptiness, what flavor does it have? Suppose that emptiness had the flavor of salt. Then since your tongue was salty, your face should also be salty, and likewise everyone in the world would be like fish in the sea. Since you would be constantly influenced by salt, you would never know tastelessness. Yet, if you did not recognize tastelessness, you could not be aware of the saltiness, either. You would not know anything at all. How could that be called taste? From this you should understand that neither the flavors nor the tongue’s tasting can be located, and thus the two places of tasting and flavors are empty and false. Fundamentally their natures cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."
阿難。汝常二時。眾中持砵。其間或遇酥酪醍醐。名為上味。於意云何。此味為復生於空中。生 於舌中。為生食中。阿難。若復此味。生於汝舌。在汝口中。祇有一舌。其舌爾時已成酥味。遇黑石蜜應不推移。若不變移。不名知味。若變移者。舌非多體。云何 多味一舌之知。若生於食。食非有識。云何自知。又食自知。即同他食。何預於汝。名味之知。若生於空。汝噉虛空。當作何味。必其虛空若作鹹味。既鹹汝舌。亦鹹汝面。則此界人。同於海魚。既常受鹹。了不知淡。若不識淡。亦不覺鹹。必無所知。云何名味。是故當知。味舌與嘗。俱無處所。即嘗與味。二俱虛妄。本非因緣。非自然性。