Qycc u, jiongww bikiu! Bikiu jiauww hunqair laii simxcad jitt xee sinkux, bylun diamr dirr dyc'ui, si sniaw kuanw juser, jai'ngiaw qongxx, 'Jitt xee sinkux lairdew, u derqair, juixqair, huexqair, qapp hongqair.'
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 13)
And again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu examines and reflects closely upon this very body however it be placed or disposed as composed of primary elements thus: “There exists in this body the earth element, the water element, the fire element, and the air element.”
And again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu examines and reflects closely upon this very body however it be placed or disposed as composed of primary elements thus: “There exists in this body the earth element, the water element, the fire element, and the air element.”
(四念住經 - 13)