
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (11)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, "Hitt jun Lokeshvararaja Vut qra Huatjong Bikiu qongw, 'Jiauww liw siuhing laii qenwlip vut jonggiamm ee qoktow, liw qaqi qaidongx jai'ngiaw.' Bikiu qra Vuddyy qongw, 'Jitt xee ywgi taiww cimx, guaw ee qingxqair iauxx byy qaur hiax. Dogdok hibang Sewjunx cionghunx uirr guaw enxsuad Vut Zulaii cingjing qoktow ee soxx jyr. Guaw tniax liauxau, dikkag e jiauww soxx qangxsuad :ee kir siuhing, uanbuanw singjiu soxx huad ee guan.' Hitt sii, Lokeshvararaja Vut jaix ix u qybingg, jiwguan cimx qycc kuah, dyrr uirr Huatjong Bikiu qangxsuad qingdenw, qongxx, 'Kyxviw duarhaiw, jit langg iong qorr dauw laii nriuu, qinglik soxr qiab, dy' iauxx u tangx qaur drew, did diyc bixbiau ee dinvyw. Langg u diwsimx jingjinr, qriuu dy byy tingjiw, e tangx did diyc qongqyw, u simxmih guan be dadsing?' Dyrr anxnex, Lokeshvararaja Vut dyrr uirr ix cionghunx qangxsuad nng-vah-jap-ig jejre vut ee qoktow, tenzinn qapp langg ee senrog, ixqip qoktow ee cohoo qapp bixbiau, hac ix ee simguan, qra jiaxee juanvo laii henrcud. Hitt sii, hitt xee bikiu tniax diyc Vut soxx qongw jonggiamm cingjing ee qoktow, soxu ix longxx cinbak knuar .qnir, dyrr huad kiw busiong susingr ee guan. Ix ee simx jigjing, u jiwhiongrr byy soxx jipsiuw. Sewqanx itcer jiongwsingx byy langg tangx qapp ix viw. Ix iong jiokjiog go qiab, suniuu qapp jinwcuw jonggiamm vudqog cingjing sidjenr."

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 11) 
The Buddha said to Ananda, "At that time the Buddha Lokeshvararaja replied to the Bhiksu Dharmakara, 'You yourself should know by what practice you can establish a glorious Buddha-land.' The Bhiksu said to the Buddha, 'That is far too vast and deep for my comprehension. I sincerely beseech you, World-Honored One, to explain in detail the practices by which Buddhas, Tathagatas, established their pure lands. After I hear that, I wish to practice as instructed and so fulfill my aspirations.'
"At that time the Buddha Lokeshvararaja recognized the Bhiksu Dharmakara's noble and high aspirations, and taught him as follows: 'If, for example, one keeps on bailing water out of a great ocean with a pint-measure, one will be able to reach the bottom after many kalpas and then obtain rare treasures. Likewise, if one sincerely, diligently and unceasingly seeks the Way, one will be able to reach one's destination. What vow is there which cannot be fulfilled?'
"Then the Buddha Lokeshvararaja explained in detail the greater and lesser aspects of two hundred and ten kotis of Buddha-lands, together with the good and evil natures of heavenly and human beings living there. He revealed them all to the Bhiksu just as he had requested. Then the Bhiksu, having heard the Buddha's exposition of the glorious pure land and also having seen all of them, resolved upon his supreme, unsurpassed vows. His mind being serene and his aspirations free of attachment, he was unexcelled throughout the world. For five full kalpas he contemplated the vows, and then chose the pure practices for the establishment of his Buddha-land."

(佛說無量壽經 - 11)
佛告阿難:「時世自在王佛,謂法藏比丘:『如所修行,莊嚴佛土,汝自當知。』比丘白佛: 『斯義弘深,非我境界。唯願世尊,廣為敷演諸佛如來淨土之行,我聞此己,當如說修行,成滿所願。』爾時,世自在王佛,知其高明,志願深廣,即為法藏比丘而說經言:『譬如大海,一人斗量,經歷劫數,尚可窮底,得其妙寶。人有至心精進,求道不止,會當剋果,何願不得?』」於是世自在王佛即為廣說二百一十億諸佛剎土,天人之善惡、國土之粗妙,應其心願,悉現與之。時彼比丘,聞佛所說嚴淨國土,皆悉睹見,起發無上殊勝之願。其心寂靜,志無所著。一切世間,無能及者。具足五劫,思惟攝取莊嚴佛國清淨之行。」