
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (10)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, "Dharmakara(Huatjong) Bikiu jitt xee jimgensix qongw liauw, qycc qra Vuddyy qongw, 'Dyrr si anxnex, Sewjunx! Guaw huad kiw beh jniaa busiong jniawsiong qakgno ee simx. Guan Vuddyy uirr guaw cionghunx suanqangw vudhuad, guaw e siuhing, cruw vudqog cingjing jonggiamm ee buliong qibiau vudtow, hro guaw dirr sewqanx soksok singjiu jniawsiong qakgo, vuic driau soxu snesiw koxlan ee qinvunw.'"

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 10) 
The Buddha said to Ananda, "Having spoken these verses, the Bhiksu Dharmakara said to the Buddha Lokeshvararaja, 'Respectfully, World-Honored One, I announce that I have awakened aspiration for the highest, perfect Enlightenment. I beseech you to explain the Dharma to me fully, so that I can perform practices for the establishment of a pure Buddha-land adorned with infinite excellent qualities. So please teach me how to attain Enlightenment quickly and to remove the roots of afflictions of birth-and-death for all.'" 

(佛說無量壽經 - 10) 


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (9)

Hitt jun, qycc u jit xee miaa qiyr jyr Lokeshvararaja (Jurjai Dirr Sewqanx), Zulaii, Ingwdongx Qiongsen, Jniar Venww Qakdix, Diwhui qapp Dikhing Uanbuanw, Sxen Quewongw, Liauxqaiw Sewqanx, Busiong Hensu, Qar Lyhsingr Uixdiongrhux, Tenzinn qapp Langg ee Sensnix, Vut Sewjunx. 
Hitt sii, u jitt xee qok'ongg tniax diyc Vuddyy qangxsuad Hxuad, simqnuax hnuahiw kuaiwlok, liammix huad cud cue busiong jniawdy qapp jinliw ee iwhiongr, siawsag ongqog qapp ong'ui, jyr sabunn, huathy qiyr jyr Huatjong. Jaidiau quann, u iongxkir qapp diwhui, ham' sewqanlangg dua dua byy qangg. Ix kir Loksehvararaja Zulaii ee jursow, dirr Vut ee kax-jingg qui lyc kir vair, an' jniawvingg sec snax linr, habjiongw itdit qui lehh, iong qorr jimgensix janwlew, qongxx:
Qonghuix ee binriongg canwlan,
Sin'uix buqik.
Jiacnirr aw qng'iam bingliang,
Byy vadd hxang tangx qapp ix vixping.
Zit, guec, qapp mani,
Juvyw ee qngx qongiau,
Iarr longxx sitsig hro kamr diauu lehh,
Bersux bagdiauu.
Zulaii binriongg,
Sewqair byy der viw.
Jniawsiong qakgno uixdai ee imsniax,
Dirr sibhongx hingw kiw qapp liutuann.
Cisiuw qaiwlut, siulen, qapp jingjinr,
U samadhi ee diwhui,
Uibong qapp dikhing byy derr zi xee,
Digvet, hanxiuw, byy langg tangx vixjiw.
Cimx cimx suniuu sxen ee iwliam,
Jiongww vut cincniu haiw ee Hxuad,
Cim'yr qycc kuacdua,
Kingqiur qaur drew.
Bubingg, tambee, qapp hunwlo,
Sewjunx ingxx byy jitt kuanw.
Ix iongxong naxx sraix,
Sintongx dikhing buhanrliong.
Qongjig qongxdai,
Diwhui cimbiau,
Qongbingg uigiamm ee siongwmau,
Dinxdang daircenx sewqair.
Guan guaw jniaa jyr vut,
Ham' Hxuad ji' Ongg vnii Sinsingr.
Dorhuar jiongwsingx ee snesiw,
Byy jit xee byy did diyc qaixtuad.
Vowsix, diauhyy iwliam,
Cisiuw qaiwlut, zimxnai, jingjinr,
Jitt hy kuanw ee samadhi,
Diwhui busiong.
Guaw libser beh jniaa jyr vut,
Dirr jit siwqer longxx beh sidjenr jitt xee guan.
Itcer dirr kiongxhongg :ee,
Hro inx u dua ving'anx.
Qaxsuw u vut,
Vah cingx ig bxan,
Byy hanrliong ee dua singwjiaw,
Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax.
Iong itcer qiongqib,
Hro jiaxee jiongww vut,
Kacc sux qriuu jingwdy,
Qenquad qniaa jingwlo longxx byy trer.
Kyxviw Ganges Hyy suax ee sowlioing,
Jiongww vut ee sewqair,
Be qewsngr .did,
Toxde bubanrrsor.
Qongbingg venww jiyr,
Jiyr dirr jiaxee soxu ee qog,
Jitt kuanw ee jingjinr,
Uisinn yh cikliong.
Hro guaw jniaa jyr vut,
Qoktow e vaii derr id.
Jiongwsingx qibiau,
Dyrdniuu dingxtenx hyw.
Qog e cincniu Nirvana,
Dog'id busongx.
Guaw e linbinw jiongwsingx,
Dorhuar itcer hro inx qaixtuad.
An' sibhongx laii ee jiongwsingx,
Simx hnuahiw cingjing,
Qaur guaw ee qog,
Kuaiwlok an'unw.
Hibang Vut jyr bingjingr, 
Guaw ee guan jinsit. 
Hiongr ix huad guan,
Pacvniar jingjinr soxx beh jyr :ee.
Sibhongx Sewjunx,
Diwhui byy jiongwgai,
Hro jitt xee Sewjunx,
Jaix guaw simx soxx beh sidhingg :ee.
Qaxsuw sinkux,
Dirr jerje tongwkow qapp hairdok lairdew,
Guaw iuguann jingjinr decc sidhingg,
Zimxnai quibuew be hiyrhuew.

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 9) 
"Then appeared a Buddha named Lokeshvararaja, the Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly Enlightened One, Possessed of Wisdom and Practice, Perfected One, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed One, Tamer of Men, Master of Gods and Men, Buddha and World-Honored One.
"At that time there was a king, who, having heard the Buddha's exposition of the Dharma, rejoiced in his heart and awakened aspiration for the highest, perfect Enlightenment. He renounced his kingdom and the throne, and became a monk named Dharmakara. Having superior intelligence, courage and wisdom, he distinguished himself in the world. He went to see the Tathagata Lokeshvararaja, knelt down at his feet, walked round him three times keeping him always on his right, prostrated himself on the ground, and putting his palms together in worship, praised the Buddha with these verses:
Sanbutsuge - Verses Praising the Buddha
The shining face of the Buddha is glorious;
Boundless is his magnificence.
Radiant splendor such as his
Is beyond all comparison.
The sun, the moon and the mani-jewel,
Though shining with dazzling brightness,
Are completely dimmed and obscured
As if they were a pile of ink-sticks

The countenance of the Tathagata
Is beyond compare in the whole world.
The great voice of the Enlightened One
Resounds throughout the ten regions.
His morality, learning, endeavor,
Absorption in meditation, wisdom
And magnificent virtues have no equal;
They are wonderful and unsurpassed.
He meditates deeply and directly
On the oceanic Dharma of all the Buddhas.
He knows its depth and breadth
And penetrates to its farthest end.
Ignorance, greed and anger
Are forever absent in the World-Honored One.
He is the lion, the most valiant of all men;
His glorious virtue is unlimited.
His meritorious achievements are vast;
His wisdom is deep and sublime.
His light, with awe-inspiring glory,
Shakes the universe of a thousand million worlds.
I resolve to become a Buddha,
Equal in attainment to you, O holy king of the Dharma,
To save living beings from birth-and-death,
And to lead them all to emancipation.
My discipline in giving, mind-control,
Moral virtues, forbearance and effort,
And also in meditation and wisdom,
Shall be supreme and unsurpassed.
I vow that, when I have become a Buddha,
I shall carry out this promise everywhere;
And to all fear-ridden beings
Shall I give great peace.
Even though there are Buddhas,
A thousand million kotis in number,
And multiudes of great sages
Countless as the sands of the Ganges,
I shall make offerings
To all those Buddhas.
I shall seek the supreme Way
Resolutely and tirelessly.
Even though the Buddha-lands are as innumerable
As the sands of the Ganges,
And other regions and worlds
Are also without number,
My light shall shine everywhere,
Pervading all those lands.
Such being the result of my efforts,
My glorious power shall be immeasurable.
When I have become a Buddha,
My land shall be most exquisite,
And its people wonderful and unexcelled;
The seat of Enlightenment shall be supreme.
My land, being like Nirvana itself,
Shall be beyond comparison.
I take pity on living beings
And resolve to save them all.
Those who come from the ten quarters
Shall find joy and serenity of heart;
When they reach my land,
They shall dwell in peace and happiness.
I beg you, the Buddha, to become my witness
And to vouch for the truth of my aspiration.
Having now made my vows to you,
I will strive to fulfilll them.
The World-Honored Ones in the ten quarters
Have unimpeded wisdom;
I call upon those Honored Ones
To bear witness to my intention.
Even though I must remain
In a state of extreme pain,
I will diligently practice,
Enduring all hardships with tireless vigor."

(佛說無量壽經 - 9)