"Ananda, liw cniaw knuar jitt xee Jeta Ciurnaa qapp soxu ee jnuajuiw, juixdii. Liw sniu :ee si sniaw kuanw? Jiaxee si sikdinn soxx snix, bagjiux soxx knuar :ee, iacc bagjiux snix siktew? Ananda, narr si bagjiux ee qinkir snix siktew, qnir diyc kanghux dyrr m si siktew, siktew ee vunxsingr ingdongx dyrr siauduu ar. Siauduu dyrr henxhen itcer dy' hubuu :ee. Sikdinn ee siongwtew qacc hubuu, si'angw tangx bingvik kanghux ee singwjid? Kanghux marr si jitt kuanw. Narr si sikdinn soxx snix, bagjiux soxx knuar :ee, knuar diyc kanghux dyrr m si siktew, qnir dyrr bedbongg. Narr bedbongg dyrr longxx hubuu :ee. Si'angw tangx bingvik kanghux ee siktew? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix quanqnir, siktew, qapp kanghux longxx byy jit xee jursow. Anxnex dyrr siktew qapp quanqnir jitt nng xui si hubuu bongrsiongw, vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --8)
"Ánanda, look again at the trees in the Jeta Grove and the river and pools. What do you think: do these things come into being because the forms arise and thus the eyes see them, or because the eyes produce the attributes of form? Ánanda, if the eyes were to produce the attributes of forms, then when the eyes looked at empty space, the forms should be obliterated. Once they were obliterated, everything that had manifested would disappear. Since the attributes of forms would then be absent, who would be able to recognize emptiness? The same principle applied to emptiness. If, moreover, forms arose and the eyes saw them, then seeing should perish upon looking at space, which has no form. Once seeing perished, everything would disappear and then who would be able to recognize either emptiness or form? From this you should understand that neither seeing, nor form, nor emptiness can be located, and thus the two places of form and seeing are empty and false. Fundamentally their natures cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."
阿難。汝且觀此祇陀樹林。及諸泉池。於意云何。此等為是色生眼見。眼生色相。阿難。若復眼根。生色相者。見空非色。色性應銷。銷則顯發一切都無。色相既無。 誰明空質。空亦口是。若復色塵。生眼見者。觀空非色。見即銷亡。亡則都無。誰明空色。是故當知見與色空。俱無處所。即色與見。二處虛妄。本非因緣。非自然性。