
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-12)

Qycc u, Quansewimx Posad. Dirr birlaii sxer qnaxx u jerje langg jiahcing vutjiog, soxx qriuu :ee did be diyc, uree je vnertniar, uree je hiongsu qapp vuthing, qadingg qapp cuwtec be anlingg, quanwsiok hunsnuar, uree je hinghy, jerje dairjir laii dakdnii, kunwbang-diongx u jerje suxx langg' kiongxhongg ee dairjir. Jiaxee langg tniax diyc Derjong ee miaa iacc qnir diyc Derjong ee hingsiong, itsimx qiongqingr, liam ix ee miaa muaw jit-bxan vxenr, jiaxee vutzuir ee dairjir e jiamrjiam siaubet, liammisii dyrr did diyc anlok, jiahcing hongsing, simrjiww dirr kunwbang-diongx longxx tangx did diyc anlok.     

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)        
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 12)   
Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future there may be people whose food and clothing are insufficient, who find their efforts thwarted, who endure much sickness or misfortune, whose families are not peaceful, whose relatives are scattered, who are accident prone, or who are often startled in their sleep by dreams. Upon hearing Earth Store's name and seeing his image, such people should recite his name a full ten thousand times with extreme sincerity and respect. Those inauspicious circumstances will gradually disappear, and they will gain peace and happiness. Their food and clothing will be abundant and even in their dreams they will be peaceful and happy. 

(見聞利益品 - 12)  


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-11)

Qycc u, Quansewimx Posad. Birlaii sxer qnaxx u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn duiww Dairsing qingdenw u cimx cimx dinsiyh, huad vutsugi ee simx, air beh tak, sniu beh liam. Junw duw diyc qybingg ee qauwsux qra inx qar qaxx jiokk sik, uadlinwdngw, inx sui' qycc be qir tihh. Quixnarr qywguec iacc quixnarr nii quer, inx iuguann berdangr tak, berhiauw liam. Jiaxee senrlamjuw dingxdingw, siokser ee giabjiongx byy huatdo siauduu, mrjiacc byy jaidiau uadliam Dairsing ee qingdenw. Jitt hy kuanw langg tniax diyc Derjong Posad ee miaa iacc qnir diyc Derjong Posad ee sxiong, diyhh ixx vunxsimx qiongqingr laii dinsut, qycc iong pangx huex, ihok, imxsit, qapp itcer u loriong ee mic laii qingwhong posad; iong  cingkir juiw jit jnuaw kngr dirr posad taujingg qingquer jit zit jit xia, habjiongw cingxqiuu, suar .lyc uat tauu hiongr lamm qra juiw limx .lyc. Juiw beh zip kauw ee sii, jidsimx sinrdiong. Limx juiw liauw, m tangx jiac go hxang hiamx, m tangx limx jiuw, m tangx jiac bah, m tangx qniaa sia'imm, m tangx ovec qongxue, iarr m tangx jyr jiongxjiongw ee satsingx. Jit lexvair iacc snax lexvair quer, jitt xee senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn dirr kunwbang-diongx tangx qnir diyc Derjong Posad henrcud buvenx ee srinx, qycc dirr ix hiax virr iong juiw quanr taukag. Hitt xee langg jingsinn dyrr did diyc congbingg. Jitt py qingdenw qingquer hnirqinx jit vaiw, inx dyrr ingxuanw e qir did. Qidiongx ee jit qxur ue iacc jit siuw jimgensix, inx longxx be be qir tihh. 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)       
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 11)  
Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, good men and women in the future may have high regard for the Great Vehicle Sutras and make the inconceivable resolve to read them and to recite them from memory. They may then encounter a bright master who instructs them so that they may become familiar with the texts. But as soon as they learn them, they forget them. They may try for months or years and yet still be unable to read or recite them from memory. Because those good men and good women have karmic obstructions from past lives that have not yet been resolved, they are unable to read and memorize Sutras of the Great Vehicle. Upon hearing Earth Store Bodhisattva's name or seeing his image, such people should, with deep respect and honesty, state their situation to the Bodhisattva. In addition, they should use incense, flowers, clothing, food and drink, and other material objects they enjoy to make offerings to the Bodhisattva. They should place a bowl of pure water before the Bodhisattva for one day and one night. Afterwards, placing their palms together, they should state their request and then, while facing south, prepare to drink the water. As the water is about to enter their mouths they should be particularly sincere and solemn. After drinking the water they should abstain from the five pungent plants, wine, meat, improper sexual activity, false speech, and all killing and harming for one to three weeks. In dreams those good men and good women may then see Earth Store Bodhisattva manifesting a boundless body and anointing the crowns of their heads with water. When they awaken they may be endowed with keen intelligence. Upon hearing this Sutra but one time, they will eternally remember it and never forget or lose a single sentence or verse.    

(見聞利益品 - 11) 
復次觀世音菩薩:若未來世,善男子善女 人,於大乘經典,深生珍重,發不思議心,欲讀欲誦。縱遇明師教視令熟,旋得旋忘,動經年月,不能讀誦。是善男子等,有宿業障,未得消除,故於大乘經典,無讀誦性。如是之人,聞地藏菩薩名、見地藏菩薩像,具以本心恭敬陳白,更以香華、衣服、飲食、一切玩具,供養菩薩。以淨水一盞,經一日一夜安菩薩前,然後合掌請服,回首向南。臨入口時,至心鄭重,服水既畢,慎五辛酒肉,邪婬妄語,及諸殺害,一七日或三七日。是善男子善女人,於睡夢中,具見地藏菩薩現無邊身,於是人處,授灌頂水。其人夢覺,即獲聰明,應是經典,一歷耳根,即當永記,更不忘失一句一偈。


Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-zi-10)

Qycc u, Quansewimx. Dirr birlaii sxer narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn beh qriuu dirr henrjai qapp birlaii vaccingbanrig jiongxjiongw ee guan qapp vaccingbanrig jiongxjiongw ee dairjir, dogdok diyhh hiongr Derjong Posad ee hingsiong quiix, jiambong, qnialew, qingwhong, ixqip janwtanr. Narr u anxnex jyr, soxx ngwbang qapp soxx qriuu longxx tangx dadsingg. Qycc inx hibang Derjong Posad u dua juvix, ingxuanw qra iongwho. Jitt hy langg dirr binbang ee sii dyrr did diyc posad qra syx tauu qapp jyr qiwzin. 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)      
(Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing - 10)  
Moreover, Contemplator of the World's Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future, good men and women may want to fulfill hundreds of thousands of millions of vows and to succeed in as many undertakings in both the present and future. They need only take refuge with, gaze upon, worship, make offerings to, and praise images of Earth Store Bodhisattva. In such a way, their vows and goals can all be realized. Moreover, they may hope that Earth Store Bodhisattva, being endowed with great compassion, will always protect them. In dreams the Bodhisattva will rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions upon them.  

(見聞利益品 - 10)  