
Huatqur Qingx (301) - Jabcyr

Gotama ee derjuw vutsii qingxcniw, bylun zit .sii iacc amwsii, inx ciangjai hnuahiw u camsenn.

(Dhammapada 301 - The Miscellaneous)
The disciples of Gotama, whose mind is day and night devoted to meditation, those are always well awakened.

(法句經 301 - )

Huatqur Qingx (300) - Jabcyr

Gotama ee derjuw vutsii qingxcniw, bylun zit .sii iacc amwsii, inx ciangjai hnuahiw byy decc satsingx.

(Dhammapada 300 - The Miscellaneous)
The disciples of Gotama, whose mind is day and night devoted to non-violence, those are always well awakened. 

(法句經 300 - )

Huatqur Qingx (299) - Jabcyr

Gotama ee derjuw vutsii qingxcniw, bylun zit .sii iacc amwsii, inx ciangjai quawliam jursinx.

(Dhammapada 299 - The Miscellaneous)
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the body, those are always well awakened.

(法句經 299 - )

Huatqur Qingx (298) - Jabcyr

Gotama ee derjuw vutsii qingxcniw, bylun zit .sii iacc amwsii, inx ciangjai quawliam sangha.

(Dhammapada 298 - The Miscellaneous)
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the Sangha, those are always well awakened.

(法句經 298 - )

Huatqur Qingx (297) - Jabcyr

Gotama ee derjuw vutsii qingxcniw, bylun zit .sii iacc amwsii, inx ciangjai quawliam Dharma.

(Dhammapada 297 - The Miscellaneous)
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the Dharma, those are always well awakened.

(法句經 297 - )

Huatqur Qingx (296) - Jabcyr

Gotama ee derjuw vutsii qingxcniw, bylun zit .sii iacc amwsii, inx ciangjai quawliam Vuddyy.

(Dhammapada 296 - The Miscellaneous)
The disciples of Gotama, whose mindfulness is day and night constantly directed to the Buddha, those are always well awakened.  

(法句經 296 - )

Huatqur Qingx (295) - Jabcyr

Taii siw laurbuw(iogbong), laurve(qiautauu), nng xee Brahmana ee ongg, qapp gignaiw jitt jiah vaii derr go ee how, dyrr e qniaa hiongr byy iuciuu ee Brahmana.

(Dhammapada 295 - The Miscellaneous)
Having killed mother, father and two Brahmin kings, having killed the tiger as fifth, undisturbed walks the Brahmin.

(法句經 295 - )

Huatqur Qingx (294) - Jabcyr

Taii siw laurbuw(iogbong), laurve(qiautauu), qapp nng xee Ksatriya ee ongg, huixhuai ongqok qapp taii siw dairsinn, dyrr e qniaa hiongr byy iuciuu ee Brahmana.

(Dhammapada 294 - The Miscellaneous)
Having killed mother, father and two warrior kings, having killed the whole country with its followers, undisturbed walks the holy man.  

(法句經 294 - ) 


Huatqur Qingx (293) - Jabcyr

Vutsii qutlat jingjinr quanqor jursinx. M juer byy ingwqaix juer :ee. Ingwqaix juer :ee dyrr dniardnia kir juer. U decc quanqor :ee huanlyw bedjin.

(Dhammapada 293 - The Miscellaneous)
Those who have very firm and constant mindfulness as to the body, those do not practice what should not be done, they are persevering in what should be done. The taints of those, who are mindful and thoughtful, become extinct.

(法句經 293 - )

Huatqur Qingx (292) - Jabcyr

Ingwdongx juer :ee byy juer, byy ingwdongx juer :ee suacc kir juer. Qiautauu vangr hongr hongr :ee, inx ee kuawlu e jingqax.

(Dhammapada 292 - The Miscellaneous)
What should be done - is rejected. What should not be done - that is being done. Taints of those, who are proud and negligent, surely grow.  

(法句經 292 - )

Huatqur Qingx (291) - Jabcyr

Uirr beh qiucuw qaqi ee kuaiwlok laii hro vadd langg tongwkow. Jitt kuanw langg virr uanwhun sokvak, uanwhun taubuew qra dnii diauu diauu.

(Dhammapada 291 - The Miscellaneous)
He wants his own happiness by imposing suffering on others. Full of hatred, he will not be released from hatred.

(法句經 291 - )

Huatqur Qingx (290) - Jabcyr

Kiwsag siyw kuaiwlok tangx qnir diyc dua kuaiwlok. U diwhui :ee qaidongx qnir diyc dua kuaiwlok, kiwsag siyw kuaiwlok.

(Dhammapada 290 - The Miscellaneous)
Seeing that abandoning the small happiness one could obtain large happiness, a wise one, considering the large happiness should abandon the small happiness.

(法句經 290 - 雜品)

Huatqur Qingx (289) - Jingwdy

Liauxqaiw jit xee ywgi, diwjiaw cisiuw qaiwlut, sinwsog qra tongx hiongr liappuann(Nirvana) ee lo cringx hro cingkir.

(Dhammapada 289 - The Righteous)
The wise man restrained by virtue, knowing this reasoning, should quickly purify the path leading to Nirvana.

(法句經 289 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (288) - Jingwdy

Laurve, qniaxzii, iacc cinjniaa longxx berdangr qra qiuwjo. Hro sixbongg soxx jewab :ee, m si cinjok soxx erdangr qiur.

(Dhammapada 288 - The Righteous)
Sons cannot protect you, or father, or other relatives. When you are seized by the death, all relatives are of no help to you.  

(法句經 288 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (287) - Jingwdy

Tingxsing qniaxzii qapp tausnex-aw :ee, ix ee simx u gihik. Sixsinn beh qra liac .kir, kyxviw duarjuiw qra kunr siw .kir ee jngsia lrauu .kir qangrkuanw.

(Dhammapada 287 - The Righteous)
That man who is delighting in his sons and cattle, with an attached mind, the death will carry away, like a great flood the sleeping village.

(法句經 287 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (286) - Jingwdy

"Lyhho ee quiwjed guaw druar jiax. Qnuaa .langg qapp zuac .langg iarr druar jiax." Gong langg anxnex sniu, suacc byy diwqag u guihiamw.

(Dhammapada 286 - The Righteous)
"Here shall I spend the rains, here winter and summer", thinks the fool. He does not understand the dangers.

(法句經 286 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (285) - Jingwdy

Qaqi qra iwair jamw dng, cincniu iong ciuw qra ciutnix ee lenhuex ad dng. Qutlat siulen jigjing ee jingwdy, Sxen Quewongw soxx qangxsuad ee liappuann (Nirvana).

(Dhammapada 285 - The Righteous)
Cut off your own desires, as if picking an autumnal lotus with your hand. Practice the path of tranquility, Nirvana taught by the Buddha.

(法句經 285 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (284) - Jingwdy

Lamluw ee iogbong sxix kanx sxix, dng be li, simx ngidnii. Kyxviw jiac lingx ee gu'axqniaw li be kuix gubuw.

(Dhammapada 284 - The Righteous)
As long as the undergrowth of passion of a man towards women, even a minuscule one, is not cut off, so long his mind is bound, just like a calf drinking milk from the mother.

(法句經 284 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (283) - Jingwdy

Ingwdongx qra iogbong ee ciurnaa cyr driau. M tangx kir cyr ciu-aw. An' iogbong ee ciurnaa snix cud kiongxhongg. Qaidongx tuatli iogbong ee ciurnaa.

(Dhammapada 283 - The Righteous)
Cut off the forest of passions, not just the single trees. From the forest, fear is born. Having cut off the forest and the undergrowth, be without the forest of passions, monks. 

(法句經 283 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (282) - Jingwdy

Dui' camsenn sanxsingx diwhui. Byy camsenn, diwhui songwsid. Liauxqaiw jitt nng hxang ixqip inx ee did qapp srid, qaidongx pacvniar sidhingg laii jingqax diwhui.

(Dhammapada 282 - The Righteous)
From practice, knowledge is born. From absence of practice, loss of knowledge. Having understood this crossroad of existence and cessation of knowledge, one should so conduct oneself that the knowledge may grow.

(法句經 282 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (281) - Jingwdy

Uergiw qinxsin, iwliam u jewan, qycc byy ing sinkux juer og. Jitt snax hxang u cingjing, tangx did diyc singwjiaw soxx jixsi ee jingwdy.

(Dhammapada 281 - The Righteous)
One should guard one's speech and restrain one's mind. One should not do any evil bodily deed. One should purify these three ways of acting. One should attain the path declared by the Buddha.

(法句經 281 - 道品)

Huatqur Qingx (280) - Jingwdy

Qaidongx pacvniar ee sii byy pacvniar. Siauwlenn suacc vindnua. Iwjir siaudimm qycc luanxziok. Vindnua :ee be vin' diwhui did diyc jingwdy.

(Dhammapada 280 - The Righteous)
The lazy one, who is not exerting oneself during the time for exertion, who is young and strong but full of sloth, inactive and with a mind full of depressed thoughts - such a one will not find a path of wisdom.

(法句經 280 - 道品)


Huatqur Qingx (279) - Jingwdy

"Itcer ee hxuad byy guaw". Iong diwhui quancad ee sii, tangx ham' kow li hng hng. Jex dyrr si qniaa hiongr cingjing ee jingwdy.

(Dhammapada 279 - The Righteous)
When one perceives with wisdom that all things are without a self, then one turns away from suffering. This is the path of purification.

(法句經 279 - )

Huatqur Qingx (278) - Jingwdy

"Itcer sowhingg si kow". Iong diwhui quancad ee sii, tangx ham' kow li hng hng. Jex dyrr si qniaa hiongr cingjing ee jingwdy.

(Dhammapada 278 - The Righteous)
When one perceives with wisdom that all conditioned things are unsatisfactory, then one turns away from suffering. This is the path of purification.

(法句經 278 - )

Huatqur Qingx (277) - Jingwdy

"Itcer sowhingg vutciangjai". Iong diwhui quancad ee sii, tangx ham' kow li hng hng. Jex dyrr si qniaa hiongr cingjing ee jingwdy.

(Dhammapada 277 - The Righteous)
When one perceives with wisdom that all conditioned things are impermanent, then one turns away from suffering. This is the path of purification.

(法句經 277 - )

Huatqur Qingx (276) - Jingwdy

Liw qaidongx qaqi pacvniar. Zulaii dna' si suanqangw :ee. Qniaa siulen sendnia ee lo :ee, tangx qaixtuad Mara iaumoo ee sokvak.

(Dhammapada 276 - The Righteous)
You must make an effort. The Buddhas are only teachers. Those, who meditating entered upon this path, will be released from the bond of Mara.

(法句經 276 - )

Huatqur Qingx (275) - Jingwdy

Liw jiauww jitt diauu lo qniaa, tangx hro liw ee kow bedjin. Liauxqaiw guaw soxx qangxsuad ee dy tangx siauduu ciwper.

(Dhammapada 275 - The Righteous)
Having entered upon this path, you will make an end of suffering. Having realized how to remove the arrow, I taught this path to you.

(法句經 275 - )

Huatqur Qingx (274) - Jingwdy

Sidjai dna' jitt diauu lo. Byy vadd diauu tangx did cingjing ee jaibad. Linw en' jitt diauu qniaa, Mara iaumoo iarr siurr behik.

(Dhammapada 274 - The Righteous)
This is the path. There is no other for the purification of insight. Enter upon this path. This is the deception of Mara.  

(法句經 274 - )

Huatqur Qingx (273) - Jingwdy

Veh diauu jingwdy itdingw hyw. Sir qxur jinliw itdingw hyw. Dngrr iogbong ee hxuad itdingw hyw. U ganxsig :ee itdingw hyw.

(Dhammapada 273 - The Righteous)
The Eightfold Path is the best of Paths. The best of truths are the Four Truths. The best of mental states is absence of passion. The best of people are the ones with insight.  

(法句經 273 -  道品)


Huatqur Qingx (272) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Sniu qongxx, "U qinggiam diyc cutqex ee kuaiwlok, si itvnuax huanhux-siogjuw soxx hiangxsiu be diyc :ee." Linw jiaxee huanlyw iauxx bue bedjin, m tangx sniu qongxx tywdongr :ar.

(Dhammapada 272 - The Righteous)
Nor by thinking "I am experiencing the pleasure of renunciation, which is not practiced by ordinary people", do, o monk, get content, if you have not attained dissolution of taints.

(法句經 272 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (271) - Qniaa Jingwlo

M si dnaxx siuw qaiwlut, je qenwbunn, giamrjingr samadhi, iacc dogqux,

(Dhammapada 271 - The Righteous)
Not by mere rules and rituals, nor by great knowledge, nor by attaining concentration, nor by having a solitary dwelling,

(法句經 271 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (270) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Satsingx :ee m si singwhenn. Byy sionghai jiongwsingx :ee tangx cxingx juer singwzinn.

(Dhammapada 270 - The Righteous)
One is not to be called Noble if he hurts living beings. Because of non-violence towards all living beings is one called "Noble".

(法句經 270 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (269) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Kiwsag okhingg qiucuw senrhingg tangx jniaa juer singwzinn. Jaiqiyh nng sxer, soxdiw cxingx juer singwzinn.

(Dhammapada 269 - The Righteous)
The sage who avoids evil is called a sage because of that. One, who understands both worlds, is called a sage on account of that.

(法句經 269 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (268) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Guduu budix :ee, be in'ui diamrjing dyrr cxingx juer singwzinn. Diwjiaw kyxviw tec cinxaw, jaix kindang qapp cuxsiar.

(Dhammapada 268 - The Righteous)
One is not a sage by keeping a vow of silence, if he is deluded and ignorant. Who accepts only the best, as if holding a scale, is a wise man. 

(法句經 268 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (267) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Kiwsag sxen qapp og, u decc siuhing, jin' jaix sewqandai, jitt kuanw :ee kaksit tangx cxingx juer bikiu.

(Dhammapada 267 - The Righteous)
Who has warded off both good and evil here, leading a holy life, walks through the world understanding it, he is called "a monk".

(法句經 267 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (266) - Qniaa Jingwlo

M si qra langg' qiukid dyrr si bikiu. Marr m si qniaa jongqaur gisig dyrr si bikiu.

(Dhammapada 266 - The Righteous)
One is not a monk because one begs almsfood from others. If one follows the life of a householder, one is not a monk because of that.

(法句經 266 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (265) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Soxu ee okhingg longxx huewbyy .kir, bylun dua iacc ser. Soxu ee oghingg huewbyy .kir, soxdiw tangx cxingx juer sabunn.

(Dhammapada 265 - The Righteous)
And who has cut off, removed and destroyed by the rot such thinking, he, the wise one who has discarded hatred, is called "respectable".

(法句經 265 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (264) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Narr pywqair luanrsuw qongxue, tir tauu iarr m si sabunn. Ciongbuanw iogbong qapp tamliam :ee, anwjnuaw tangx qiyr juer sabunn?

(Dhammapada 264 - The Righteous)
Not only by the act of speech or by beauty of complexion is a man respectable, if he is envious, selfish and deceitful.

(法句經 264 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (263) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Narr jamw dng jitt xee simliam, qra qinx vuic driau qapp dubet, qycc qra uanwhun kiwsag ee diwjiaw, jitt kuanw tangx cxingx juer senrliongg ee langg.

(Dhammapada 263 - The Righteous)
And who has cut off, removed and destroyed by the rot such thinking, he, the wise one who has discarded hatred, is called "respectable".

(法句經 263 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (262) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Jikdor, qenlin, qapp higui :ee, suizenn gauu jingven iacc siongwmau duanjniar, inx m si senrliongg ee langg.

(Dhammapada 262 - The Righteous)
Not only by the act of speech or by beauty of complexion is a man respectable, if he is envious, selfish and deceitful.

(法句經 262 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (261) - Qniaa Jingwlo

U sidsit texhue, qniaa jingwlo, byy satsingx, u jetjer, qycc e junxjad, jitt kuanw si u diwhui ee langg. Dubet soxu ee uwuer :ee, kaksit tangx cxingx juer diongxlyw.

(Dhammapada 261 - The Righteous)
In whom there is truth, Law, non-violence, restraint and self-control, he, the wise one who has discarded taints, is called "an Elder".

(法句經 261 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (260) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Be in'ui taujangx vec dyrr tangx cxingx juer diongxlyw. Ongxhuir nihuer qetnix, si vehvec u diongxlyw ee miaa.

(Dhammapada 260 - The Righteous)
One is not to be called an Elder just because his head is gray. Such a person is of mature age and is called "grown old in vain". 

(法句經 260 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (259) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Be in'ui ue qongw je dyrr jniaa juer cisiuw Jniawhuad(Dharma) :ee. Suizenn tniax kacc jiyw, jursinx u qnir diyc Jniawhuad, duiww Jniawhuad iarr byy vangr hongr hongr, jitt hy tangx cxingx juer cisiuw Jniawhuad :ee.

(Dhammapada 259 - The Righteous)
One does not understand Dharma only because one speaks a lot. Who sees Dharma directly, after having heard even a little of it, and who does not neglect the Dharma, such a one does understand it.

(法句經 259 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (258) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Byy in'ui ue qongw je dyrr qiyr juer diwjiaw. Anjing, byy uanwtanr iarr byy qniahniaa, anxnex tangx cxingx juer diwjiaw.

(Dhammapada 258 - The Righteous)
One is not called wise because one speaks a lot. One, who is peaceful, without hatred and fearless, is called "wise".

(法句經 258 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (257) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Inxcua langg byy bongxdong :ee, jiauww hxuad juer qycc u qongdy. U diwhui :ee vyxho Hxuad, tangx cxingx juer qniaa jingwlo :ee. 

(Dhammapada 257 - The Righteous)
Judging others without haste, justly and impartially, such a wise person, guardian of law, is called "righteous".

(法句經 257 - 法住品)

Huatqur Qingx (256) - Qniaa Jingwlo

Juer dairjir bongxdongw :ee byy qniaa jingwlo. U diwhui :ee ingwdongx e venrved sniaw si jniar qapp sniaw si siaa.

(Dhammapada 256 - The Righteous)
One is not called righteous because one hastily judges what is good. Which wise person has thoroughly investigated both right and wrong.

(法句經 256 - 法住品)


Huatqur Qingx (255) - Uwuer

Hukongx byy lorhunn. Guardy byy sabunn. (go) Dxir vutciangjai. Soxu ee Vut vutsii dniardiyc.

(Dhammapada 255 - The Taint)
There are no tracks in the sky. There is not a true monk outside of this teaching. There are no conditioned things that are eternal. There is no instability in the Buddhas.

(法句經 255 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (254) - Uwuer

Hukongx byy lorhunn. Guardy byy sabunn. Jiongwsingx iwhiongr hihuanr. Zulaii byy hihuanr.

(Dhammapada 254 - The Taint)
There are no tracks in the sky. There is not a true monk outside of this teaching. Mankind delights in obsession. The Buddhas are free of obsession. 

(法句經 254 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (253) - Uwuer

Qnir diyc vadd langg ee quewsid dniardnia e kuair siurkir, dogdok qetnix huanlyw. Ix qapp dng gihik iauxx li jiokk hng.

(Dhammapada 253 - The Taint)
Who finds faults with others and is always irritable, his taints only grow. He is far away from dissolution of taints.

(法句經 253 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (252) - Uwuer

Knuar qnir vadd langg ee quewsid kacc kuair. Knuar qnir qaqi ee quewsid dyrr kacc yh. Longriongg vadd langg ee pnaiw naxx hongx cuex pnar cxig. Qaqi ee quewsid dyrr kamr bat bat. Ix kyxviw qankiauw ee qiauxdoo, jiong' vutli :ee unxmuaa.

(Dhammapada 252 - The Taint)
Easy to see are faults of others; one's own faults are difficult to see. One exposes the faults of others like husks. One's own conceals like a cheating player of dice an unlucky throw. 

(法句經 252 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (251) - Uwuer

Byy sniaxmih tangx ham' tamliam jitt kuanw huew vixping. Byy sniaxmih jip'auw cincniu uanwhun. Byy sniaxmih tangx qapp guduu jitt kuanw bxang vixping. Byy sniaxmih kelauu cincniu iogbong ee laujuiw.

(Dhammapada 251 - The Taint)
There is no fire like passion. There is no grasp like hatred. There is no net like delusion. There is no river like thirst.

(法句經 251 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (250) - Uwuer

Narr jamw dng jitt jiongw susiongw, qra qinx vuic driau qapp dubet, bylun dirr zit .sii iacc amwsii, ix ee simx longxx erdid tangx dniardiyc.

(Dhammapada 250 - The Taint)
And who has cut off, removed and destroyed by the rot such thinking, he will attain concentration, by day or night.

(法句經 250 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (249) - Uwuer

Narr jiauww soxx siongsinr qapp soxx hnuahiw :ee vowsix, e jikdor vadd langg ee imxsit, bylun dirr zit .sii iacc amwsii, ix ee simx longxx berdid tangx dniardiyc.

(Dhammapada 249 - The Taint)
People give alms according to their faith and gratification. In this matter, who is discontented with others' food and drink, he will never attain concentration, by day or night. 

(法句經 249 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (248) - Uwuer

Anxnex liw ingwqaix jaix: Byy jewhan dyrr e juer og. M tangx siauxtamx qapp juer pnaiw, (narr byy) e ham zip kow haiw.

(Dhammapada 248 - The Taint)
My dear man, know this: evil things are difficult to restrain. Let not greed and injustice bring you suffering for a long time.

(法句經 248 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (247) - Uwuer

Qycc dimbee dirr limx jiuw, qniadac cincniu jitt kuanw :ee, dirr jitt sxer dyrr qra qaqi ee sxen-qinx ow driau.

(Dhammapada 247 - The Taint)
And whichever person enjoys drinking alcohol, he digs out his own roots right here in this world.

(法句經 247 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (246) - Uwuer

Langg dirr sewqanx narr satsingx, luanrsuw qongxue, tec langg' byy air hro ix :ee, cimhuan vadd langg ee bow, 

(Dhammapada 246 - The Taint)
Who kills living beings, speaks falsely, takes whatever in the world is not given and goes to another's wife,

(法句經 246 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (245) - Uwuer

Jaix qenwsiaur, vutsii qriuu cingjing, byy jipbee, qowkiamx, cingjing kiarkiw qycc u diqenr :ee, sing'uac duiww jitt jiongw langg si qanlann :ee.

(Dhammapada 245 - The Taint)
And difficult is life for somebody who has conscience, is always striving for purity, sincere and cautious, of clean livelihood and seeing the truth. 

(法句經 245 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (244) - Uwuer

M jaix qenwsiaur, bongxdongw naxx cincniu oax, qabuu tazinn, hyw dnaw jurkaikyx, qiautauu, siaog, sing'uac duiww jitt jiongw langg si qanxdanx :ee.

(Dhammapada 244 - The Taint)
Easy is life for somebody who is shameless, unconscientious, offensive, braggart, reckless and impure.

(法句經 244 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (243) - Uwuer

Jiaxee uwuer lairdew, bubingg jitt hxang siongrqaiww hai. Liw qaidongx siauduu jitt hxang uwuer, jniaa juer byy uwuer ee bikiu.

(Dhammapada 243 - The Taint)
Ignorance is the ultimate stain, greater than any of these other stains. Having abandoned this stain, be pure, monks.

(法句經 243 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (242) - Uwuer

Qniaa sia'imm diwsuw hurzinlangg uwuer. Dangwsngx diwsuw vowsix :ee uwuer. Jitt sxer qapp laiser, og hxuad kaksit e uwuer.

(Dhammapada 242 - The Taint)
Wrong conduct is the stain of a woman. Stinginess is the stain of a donor. Evil things are impure - in this world as well as in the other one. 

(法句經 242 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (241) - Uwuer

M siongrtok diwsuw qingdenw u uewsuer. Byy qutlat diwsuw cur nirr u uewsuer. Vinrdnua diwsuw guarmau u uewsuer. Vangr hongr hongr diwsuw siuxho :ee u uewsuer.

(Dhammapada 241 - The Taint)
Non-studying is the stain of sacred texts. Neglect is the stain of houses. The stain of beauty is idleness. The stain of a guard is negligence. 

(法句經 241 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (240) - Uwuer

Cincniu tih e snix sxenx, snix ee sxenx e hro tih aur .kir. Huanrjue :ee iarr si jitt kuanw, qaqi soxx juer ee giap diwsuw qniaa jnriu og dy.

(Dhammapada 240 - The Taint)
Just like rust eats the very iron from which it has arisen, so the one who is indulging too much in the use of four requisites of a monk is led to a miserable existence by his own deeds.

(法句經 240 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (239) - Uwuer

Jit diab aw quw jit diab aw quw, diwjiaw jit diamw jit dih jiamrjiam qra jursinx ee uwuer cringx danwsag, bersux gincniu decc tuanr qimx qangrkuanw.

(Dhammapada 239 - The Taint)
A wise one should cleanse oneself of impurities, gradually, little by little, moment by moment - just like a smith does with silver.

(法句經 239 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (238) - Uwuer

Liw qaidongx qaqi kixjy anjuann ee dxyw. Sinwsog, jingjinr, qutlat laii jniaa juer diwjiaw. Ing'iax qapp uewsuer cringx danwsag liauw byy huanlyw, dyrr be qycjaiww cutsir qapp lau .kir.

(Dhammapada 238 - The Taint)
Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise! Without impurities and clear, you will never again come to birth and aging.

(法句經 238 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (237) - Uwuer

Liw dnaxx siursor ixqingx uanqed. Liw ixqingx qniaa uaw Yama (Giamlyy). Lorsiong byy tinghiyh ee soxjai. Jitt jua hingluw liw iarr byy soxhuir iacc niucauw.

(Dhammapada 237 - The Taint)
You have come to the end of your life now. You are getting close to the presence of Yama. On the way there, there is no resting place for you. And you have nothing to take with you.

(法句經 237 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (236) - Uwuer

Liw qaidongx qaqi kixjy anjuann ee dxyw. Sinwsog, jingjinr, qycc qutlat laii jniaa juer diwjiaw. Ing'iax qapp uewsuer cringx danwsag liauw byy huanlyw, dyrr tangx drat qaur jiongww tnisinn sxingr ee qingxqair.

(Dhammapada 236 - The Taint)
Be an island unto yourself! Strive quickly; be wise! Without impurities and clear, you will approach the heavenly place of the Noble Ones. 

(法句經 236 - 垢穢品)

Huatqur Qingx (235) - Uwuer

Liw dnaxx ixx cincniu dax hiyh. Yama (Giamlyy) ee suwjiaw qinruaw liw ee sinvnix. Liw ixqingx kia dirr sixbongg mngkakauw. Jitt jua hingluw liw byy soxhuir iacc niucauw.

(Dhammapada 235 - The Taint)
You are like a withered leaf. Yama's men are ready for you. You are standing in the mouth of death. And you have nothing to take with you.  

(法句經 235 - 垢穢品)


Huatqur Qingx (234) - Hunwlo

U diwhui :ee jursinx e junxjad, qycc uergiw iarr e junxjad, iwliam iarr e junxjad. Sidjai itcer inx longxx u junxjad.

(Dhammapada 234 - The Anger)
The wise ones, who are restrained in bodily conduct, in speech, and in mind, they are indeed well and thoroughly restrained.

(法句經 234 - 忿怒品) 

Huatqur Qingx (233) - Hunwlo

Diyhh hongjiw iwliam jy og, iwliam diyhh junxjad. Qra pnaiw ee iwliam kiwsag, iong iwliam laii siulen senrhingg.

(Dhammapada 233 - The Anger)
Protect yourself from blameworthy thoughts; guard your mind well. Having renounced the wrong mental deed, practice the right mental action.

(法句經 233 - 忿怒品) 

Huatqur Qingx (232) - Hunwlo

Diyhh hongjiw uergiw jy og, uergiw diyhh junxjad. Qra pnaiw ee uergiw kiwsag, iong uergiw laii siulen senrhingg.

(Dhammapada 232 - The Anger)
Protect yourself from blameworthy speech; guard your speech well. Having renounced the wrong verbal deed, practice the right verbal action.

(法句經 232 - 忿怒品) 

Huatqur Qingx (231) - Hunwlo

Diyhh hongjiw sintew jy og, jursinx ee hing'uii diyhh junxjad. Qra pnaiw ee hing'uii kiwsag, iong sinkux laii siulen senrhingg.

(Dhammapada 231 - The Anger)
Protect yourself from blameworthy conduct; guard your body well. Having renounced the wrong bodily deed, practice the right bodily action.

(法句經 231 - 忿怒品) 

Huatqur Qingx (230) - Hunwlo

Zinpinw naxx jniawqimx :ee, si'angw e qra huixma iacc buxziok? Ix virr Brahma ylyw, lenrr tnisinn dyrr qra ylyw.

(Dhammapada 230 - The Anger)
Who is worthy enough to blame him, like a ring made of gold? Even gods praise him; he is praised also by Brahma.

(法句經 230 - 忿怒品) 

Huatqur Qingx (229) - Hunwlo

Langg narr dagg qangx u huanxsingw, hing'uii byy hacuu iurqycc henbingg, u diwhui qycc u siuw qaiwlut, diwjiaw e qra ylyw.

(Dhammapada 229 - The Anger)
Whom the wise ones praise, having examined him thoroughly day after day, one with faultless conduct, intelligent, endowed with wisdom and virtue.

(法句經 229 - 忿怒品) 