
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (5)

Soxu qinx-mngg qapp diwhui poxpenr jigjing dniardiyc. Cimzip posad Hxuad ee dinjongg, did diyc Vuddyy Huex Jonggiamm ee samadhi, suan'iongg qapp enxsuad itcer qingdenw. Diamr dirr cimdimm sendnia ee mngho, tangx knuar qnir henrvo buliong jerje vut. Itliam-jiqanx, venwvenr longxx si. Qiuwjer jerje koxlan qaur qigtauu :ee, anhann iacc byy anhann, hunved henxbingg jinsit ee qingxgu, did diyc jerje Zulaii lunrven ee diwhui. Qongw jingwlangg decc qongw ee gixgenn, kaihuar itcer. Ciauuat sewqanx soxu ee henrsiong, simx suwsiongg anzenn dirr dorser ee dy diamr lehh. Duiww itcer banrbut suiir jurjai. Uirr soxu jiongwsingx, mrbenw langg' iongcniaw dyrr laii jyr inx ee ving'iuw. Dnax kiw jiongwsingx, uirr inx dnax dang dnar. Cisiuw Zulaii jiww cimw Hxuad ee dinjongg, siuxho vudsingr ee jingxjiw hro ingxx be dngrjuat. Hingx kiw dua visimx, linbinw jiongwsingx. Iong jusimx lunrven, tuanqar hro inx did diyc huatganw. Juat snax jiongw og dy, kuix sxen-mngg. Sisiar Hxuad hro jiongwsingx, longxx benw langg' iongcniaw. Bersux sunqed ee hauwjuw, qingwair verbuw. Qra jiongwsingx knuar jyr cincniu qaqi qangrkuanw. U itcer senrqinx, qewqer tangx dro qaur hitt hnua. Jiongww vut buliong qongdig longxx u did .diyc, diwhui qapp sinsingr ee qongbingg, vutkyw-sugi. Cincniu jitt kuanw ee posad dairsu, je qaxx berdangr qewsngr, jidsiqanx laii jiax jurhue.

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 5) 
(various kinds of spiritual faculties and wisdom.)
With the Meditation of Vast and Universal Tranquillity, he enters deeply into the Dharma-treasury for bodhisattvas. After attaining the Buddha-garland Samadhi, he proclaims and expounds all the sutras. While dwelling deep in meditation, he visualizes all the innumerable Buddhas and in an instant visits every one of them. By elucidating and teaching the ultimate truth to sentient beings, he delivers them from the state of extreme pains, from the conditions in which suffering is so great as to prevent people from finding time for Buddhist practices, and also from the conditions in which suffering is not so great as to prevent them from doing so. Having attained the Tathagata's thorough knowledge and eloquence, he has fluent command of languages, with which he enlightens all beings. He is above all worldly affairs and his mind, always serene, dwells on the path of emancipation; this gives him complete control over all dharmas. Without being asked to do so, he becomes a good friend to each of the multitude of beings and carries their heavy karmic burdens on his back. He upholds the Tathagata's profound Dharma-treasury and protects the seeds of Buddhahood, so that they may continue to multiply. Having awakened great compassion for sentient beings, he kindly expounds the teaching, and endows them with the Dharma-eye. He blocks the paths to the three evil realms, opens the gate of virtue and, without waiting for their request, provides beings with the Dharma. He does this for the multitude of beings just as a dutiful son loves and respects his parents. He indeed looks upon sentient beings as his own self. With such roots of virtue, all the bodhisattvas in the assembly had reached the shore of emancipation. They had acquired the Buddha's immeasurable merit and attained the sacred, pure and inconceivable wisdom. Innumerable bodhisattvas, mahasattvas, such as these assembled there all at once.

(佛說無量壽經 - 5)


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (4)

Posad ee qingdenw ee iauwjiw qapp ywbiau longxx kingqiur tettyr, miasniax jit siwqer tuan'iongg, dirr sibhongx decc jixdy qapp inxcua. Buliong jiongww vut longxx u qra vyxho, daiwliam. Vut soxx diamr lehh ee qingxqair, longxx u did .diyc. Dua singwjiaw soxx qenwlip :ee, iarr longxx u qenwlip. Zulaii ee qauwhuar, tangx suanqangw qapp vowiongg. Uirr jiongww posad laii jyr dairsux. Iong sendnia cim'yr ee diwhui laii kaiqaiw qapp inxcua jiongwsingx. Tonghiauw soxu henrsiong ee vunxsingr, tongdat jiongwsingx ee siongr. Bingvik qycc liauxted soxu ee qog, qiong'iongw jiongww vut. Huawsinx bersux denrbuw ee qngx hiacc qinw. Gauu hagsip qokk jiongw hagbun longxx byy qniahniaa, hiauxgno huanwqingw venwhuar ee henrsiong. Tiacli Mara Moongg ee bxang, qra soxu ee sokvak tauw .kuix. Ciauuat sniabunn qapp enqag ji' de, did diyc kongbuu, byy siongr, qapp byy guan ee samadhiGauu qenwlip hongvenrhuad, henxbingg samsingg. Qauwhuar qaur jiongdiamw, dyrr henrcud beddo. Byy jyr sniaw, iarr byy did diyc sniaw. Byy kiw iarr byy bet, did diyc vingdingsimx. U uanbuanw singjiu buliong ee dharani(jongxcii), u cingvah xee samadhi.

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 4) 
He is thoroughly conversant with the essentials of the sutras for bodhisattvas and, as his fame spreads everywhere, he guides sentient beings throughout the ten quarters. All Buddhas remember him and give him their protection. He has already dwelt in all the Buddha's abodes and performed all the deeds of the Great Sage. He proclaims the Tathagata's teachings, acts as a great master for other bodhisattvas and, with profound samadhi and wisdom, guides multitudes of beings. With penetrating insight into the essential nature of dharmas, he discerns different aspects of living beings and closely watches over all the worlds. In making offerings to the Buddhas, he manifests transformed bodies like flashes of lightning. Having well learned the extensive wisdom of fearless and having realized the illusory nature of dharmas, he destroys Mara's nets and unties all the bonds of passion. He rises above the stages of shravakas and pratyekabuddhas and attains the samadhis of emptiness, non-form, and non-desire. He skillfully provides expedient means and thus reveals three distinct teachings. Then for those of the middle and lower stages, he demonstrates his passing into Nirvana. But, in reality, he is non-active and non-acquisitive, and, being aware that dharmas in themselves neither arise nor perish, he realizes that they are of absolute equality. He has attained innumerable dharanis, a hundred thousand samadhis.

(佛說無量壽經 - 4)    


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (3)

Ix zip sniaa qiukid jiahsit, did diyc ziauzu ee qiongsen, hro sijuw jxig qongdig, henrcud hog-cann. Ix beh suanxqangw Hxuad, lorcud hnuahiw ee ciywiongg, iong jiongxjiongw Hxuad ee iyhhngx laii qiuwjo qapp idi snax jiongw kow. Ix henxbingg vuddy ee iwhamm, qongdig buliong. Ix qycc qra posad jyr qiwzin, hro inx tangx singjiu vnivnii jniawsiong qakgo. Ix beddo sirjiongr, jinxjer qapp qiuwjer byy qigkamw. Ix siauduu jiongwsingx soxu ee huanlyw, jaijingr qokk jiongw qongdig ee qinx, hro inx u qauwgiac ee qongdig. Jitt kuanw bibiau yh did cikliong. 

Posad iulik quer jerje Vut ee qoktow, poxpenwdig duwhen vuddy ee qauwhuar. Soxx siuhing :ee cingjing byy uwuer, tangx vixlun venr qisut :ee, henrcud jiongxjiongw byy qangg ee siongr, liammix javox, liammix jabow, busoxvud venr. Qivunw ee hagbun longxx bingvik liauxted, soxx jyr :ee tangx suii qaqi ee iwsur. Jiaxee jiongww posad iarr si zucuw, hagsip itcer Hxuad, quanwcuanr, hiongtongx, lenrsik, anzenn dirr jinliw diamr lehh. Jiongwsingx byy jit xee byy sriu diyc qamxhuar, dirr busor ee vut ee qoktow lairdew longxx poxpenr henxiongg. M bad dairban iacc cinwcaiw, kyxlenn siurkow ee jiongwsingx. Cincniu dingw:a jiaxee huatmngg, ix itcer longxx uanbuanw did .diyc.

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 3) 
He enters the town to beg alms; he accepts even rich food to enable the donors to accumulate merit and also to show that he is a field of virtue. Wishing to expound the Dharma, he smiles and so cures the three pains with various Dharma-medicines. He teaches that the aspiration for Enlightenment has immeasurable merit and, by giving predictions to bodhisattvas, he enables them to attain Buddhahood. He demonstrates that he passes into Nirvana, but endlessly brings sentient beings to emancipation. In removing their defilements, planting various roots of virtue and attaining excellent merit, he displays wonderful and inconceivable works.

Furthermore, each of the bodhisattvas in the assembly is able to visit various Buddha-lands and expound teachings of the Way. His manner of practice is pure and undefiled. Just as a magician with his perfect skill can create at will various illusions, including images of man or woman, at will, so the bodhisattva, having thoroughly learned all the methods of emancipation and attained serene awareness of reality, can freely teach and transform beings. He manifests himself everywhere in innumerable Buddha-lands, performing acts of compassion for sentient beings tirelessly and with diligence. He has thus obtained complete mastery of such methods of emancipation.

(佛說無量壽經 - 3) 