
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-10-12)

12. Alavaka
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnix. Hitt jun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Alavi, iarcex Alavaka soxx druar eee soxjai. Hitt sii, iarcex Alavaka qra Sewjunx qongw, “Sabunn, cud .kir.”
“Hyw, ving’iuw,” Sewjunx dyrr cud .kir.
“Sabunn, zip .laii.”
“Hyw, ving’iuw,” Sewjunx dyrr zip .laii.

Derr zi vaiw… Iarcex Alavak derr snax vaiw anxnix qra Sejunx qongw, “Sabunn, cud .kir.”
“Hyw, ving’iuw,” Sewjunx dyrr cud .kir.
“Sabunn, zip .laii.”
“Hyw, ving’iuw,” Sewjunx dyrr zip .laii.

Iarcex Alavak derr sir vaiw qra Sejunx qongw, “Sabunn, cud .kir.”
“Byy, ving’iuw, guaw byy beh cud .kir, liw beh jyr sniaw suijai .liw.”
“Sabunn, guaw mng liw. Liw narr berdangr huedab guaw, guaw beh hro liw ee simx luan, liw ee simx e hunx jyr nng vingg. Guaw e qra liw ee nng qix kax liac lehh danr kir Ganges Hyy lingrgua hitt hnua.”

“Byy, ving’iuw! Guaw dirr tenqair, moqair qapp huantenqair ee sewqair, dirr sabunn, brahmin, langg qapp tnisinn lairdew, byy knuar diyc zimrhyy tangx hro guaw ee simx e luan, hro guaw ee simx e hunx jyr nng vingg, tangx qra guaw ee nng qix kax liac lehh danr kir Ganges Hyy lingrgua hitt hnua :ee. Mrqycc, ving’iuw, beh mng jyww liw mng.”

"Dirr jitt xee sewqanx,
Sniaw si siongrr hyw ee jaisanw?
Juer sniaw senrsu,
Tangx did diyc anlok?
Sewsiong siongrr hyw ee jubi si sniaxmic?
Sniaw kuanw sing’uac,
Uac diyc siongrr hyw?”

“Dirr sewqanx u sinr si siongrr hyw ee jaisanw.
Siuhingg siongrr anlok.
Jinsit si siongrr hyw ee jubi.
U diwhui ee sing’uac,
Uac diyc siongrr hyw.”

“Zuhyy dro quer cuaclauu?
Zuhyy dro quer duarhaiw?
Zuhyy ciauuat koxnauw?
Zuhyy tangx did cingjing?”

“Uaxkyr sinr tangx dro quer cuaclauu.
Byy hongwdong tangx dro quer duarhaiw.
Jingjinr ciauuat koxnauw.
Uaxkyr diwhui tangx did cingjing.”

“Zuhyy did diyc huwzu?
Zuhyy did diyc jaihur?
Zuhyy did diyc miasniax?
Zuhyy qauvuee ving’iuw?
An' jitt sxer qaur laiser,
Zuhyy byy visiongx?”

“U sinr arahant,
Tniax drat qaur liappuann ee hxuad,
Byy hongwdong jaix hunved :ee,
Tangx did diyc diwhui.
Sidjai dnax dang dnar,
Jingjinr :ee tangx did diyc huwzu.
Qongxue jinsit tangx did diyc miasniax.
Ving’iuw be lirkuix in'ui u vowsix.
An' jitt sxer qaur laiser,
Longxx be visiongx.
Uac lehh u sinwgiongw,
Jinsit qapp diausun,
Qensit qapp siawli,
U jitt sir jiongw hxaud :ee,
Siw iarr byy soxx vrix.
An' jitt sxer qaur laiser,
Iarr byy visiongx ee su.
U gibun tangx mng qitax :ee,
Sabunn qapp brahmin.
Jinsit qapp diausun,
E kamx did zimxnai qapp siawli,
Qamxx m si jitt sxer siongrr iauwqinw :ee?”

“Dnaxx nacc diyhh mng qitax :ee,
Sabunn qapp brahmin?
Guaw ixx dirr qimzit,
Jai'ngiaw diyc birlaii ee lirig.
Vut sidjai uirr guaw,
Laii qaur Alavi jiax.
Guaw dnaxx sisiar hro jiaxee langg,
Jai'ngiaw e u dua qongqyw.
Guaw dnaxx beh diwir qapp lexqingr,
U jniawsiong qakdix :ee ixqip Hxuad ee liongsen.
Beh an’ jitt cuanx qaur hitt cuanx,
An' jitt sniaa qaur hitt sniaa kir iuhongx.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-10-12)  
12. Alavaka 
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Alavi, the haunt of the yakkha Alaavaka. Then the yakkha Alavaka approached the Blessed One an d said to him: “Get out, recluse!” 
“All right, friend,” the Blessed One said, and he went out.
“Come in, recluse.” 
“All right, friend,” the Blessed One said, and he went in. 

A second time …  A third time the yakkha Alavaka said to the Blessed One: “Get out, recluse!” 
“All right, friend,” the Blessed One said, and he went out. 
“Come in, recluse.” 
“All right, friend,” the Blessed One said, and he went in. 

A fourth time the yakkha Alavaka said to the Blessed One: “Get out, recluse.” 
“I won’t go out, friend. Do whatever you have to do.” 
“I’ll ask you a question, recluse. If you won’t answer me, I’ll drive you insane or I’ll split your heart or I’ll grab you by the feet and hurl you across the Ganges.”

“I do not see anyone in this world, friend, with its devas, Mara, and Brahma, in this generation with its recluses and brahmins, its devas and humans, who could drive me insane or split my heart or grab me by the feet and hurl me across the Ganges. But ask whatever you want, friend.”

“What here is a man’s best treasure? 
What practised well brings happiness? 
What is really the sweetest of tastes? 
How lives the one whom they say lives best?” 

(The Blessed One:) 
“Faith is here a man’s best treasure; 
Dhamma practised well brings happiness; 
Truth is really the sweetest of tastes; 
One living by wisdom they say lives best.”

“How does one cross over the flood? 
How does one cross the rugged sea? 
How does one overcome suffering? 
How is one purified?” 

(The Blessed One:) 
“By faith one crosses over the flood, 
By diligence, the rugged sea. 
By energy one overcomes suffering, 
By wisdom one is purified.”

“How does one gain wisdom?
How does one find wealth? 
How does one achieve acclaim? 
How bind friends to oneself? 
When passing from this world to the next, 
How does one not sorrow?” 

(The Blessed One:)
“Placing faith in the Dhamma of the arahants 
For the attainment of Nibbana, 
From desire to learn one gains wisdom 
If one is diligent and astute.
Doing what is proper, dutiful, 
One with initiative finds wealth. 
By truthfulness one wins acclaim, 
Giving, one binds friends. 
That is how one does not sorrow 
When passing from this world to the next.
The faithful seeker of the household life 
In whom dwell these four qualities— 
Truth, Dhamma, steadfastness, generosity— 
Does not sorrow when he passes on. 
Come now, ask others as well, 
The many recluses and brahmins, 
Whether there exists here anything better 
Than truth, self-control, generosity, patience.”

“Why now should I ask this question 
Of the many recluses and brahmins? 
Today I have understood 
The good in the future life.
Indeed, for my sake the Buddha came 
To reside at Alavi. 
Today I have understood 
Where a gift bears great fruit. 
I myself will travel about 
From village to village, town to town, 
Paying homage to the Enlightened One 
And to the excellence of the Dhamma."

(相應部 1-10-12)
於此世間人   何為最勝富
以善修何物   齎得以安樂
何物味最上   云何之生活
此世信最富   修善最安樂
真實最上味   智慧之生活
如何渡瀑流   如何渡大海
如何超苦惱   如何為清淨
依信渡瀑流   不逸渡大海
精進超苦惱   依智慧清淨
如何得智慧   如何以得富
如何以得譽   如何而結友
此世行彼世   如何得不悲
以信阿羅漢   聞達涅槃法
不逸分別者   當得於智慧
如實堪重荷   精進者得富
語真實得譽   布施友不離
是為由此世   無悲往彼世
求居亦信仰   真實與調順
堅實與捨離   具此四法者
死而無有悲   此世往彼世
亦無有悲事   有疑問其他
沙門婆羅門   真實與調順
堪忍與捨離   此世有勝者
今何問其他   沙門婆羅門
我已於今日   得知未來利
佛實為於我   來於阿羅毘
我今施其人   知有大果事
我今致禮敬   正覺法善性
由村以至村   遊方邑至邑