
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (18)

Hitt sii, Ananda qra Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Narr hitt xee qoktow byy Sumeru Snuax, Sir Tnix ee ongg qapp Snax-jap-snax Tnix beh uaxkyr sniaw diamr lehh?"
Vuddyy mng Ananda qongxx, "Derr Snax Iam Tnix, simrjiww Siktew Qiuwqingr Tnix longxx uaxkyr sniaw diamr lehh?"
Ananda rinr qongxx, "Hing'uii qapp giabjer ee inqyw-vywingr vutkyw-sugi."
Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, "Hing'uii qapp giabjer ee inqyw-vywingr vutkyw-sugi, soxu vut ee sewqair iarr si vutkyw-sugi. Hiax ee jiongwsingx u qongdig qapp senrgiap ee lat, diamr dirr hing'uii qapp giabvyr ee toxde, soxiw erdangr zucuw."
Ananda duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Jitt xee henrsiong guaw byy daiwgii, dandanx uirdiyhh jionglaii ee jiongwsingx, air beh druu kir inx ee gihik, mrjiacc mng jitt xee iwsur."

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 18) 
Then, Ananda asked the Buddha, "If, World-Honored One, there is no Mount Sumeru in that land, what sustains the Heaven of the Four Kings and the Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods?"
The Buddha said to Ananda, "What sustains Yama, which is the Third Heaven of the world of desire, and other heavens up to the Highest Heaven of the world of form?"
Ananda answered, "The consequences of karma are inconceivable."
The Buddha said to Ananda, "Inconceivable indeed are the consequences of karma, and so are the worlds of the Buddhas. By the power of meritorious deeds, sentient beings in that land dwell on the ground of karmic reward. That is why those heavens exist without Mount Sumeru."
Ananda continued, "I do not doubt this myself but have asked you about it simply because I wished to remove such doubts for the benefit of sentient beings in the future." 

(佛說無量壽經 - 18)
爾時,阿難白佛言:「世尊!若彼國土,無須彌山,其四天王及忉利天,依何而住?」佛語阿難:「第三炎天,乃至色究竟天,皆依何住?」阿難白佛:「行業果報,不可思議。」佛語阿難:「行業果報不可思議,諸佛世界亦不可思議,其諸眾生功德善力, 住行業之地,故能爾耳。」阿難白佛:「我不疑比法,但為將來眾生,欲除其疑惑,故問斯義。」